Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 22, 1916, Image 1

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| was to expect gratitude from Car-
| ranza. Rut a bigger miatake wan to
overlook Mexican hostility to the
M ENACE TO A LLIE S United Stated and the impossibility
of a weak policy crushing such feel­
ing. Mexican arrogance has increas­
O r u t Craft 1« 79 0 Faal Lon g and ed with every step of hesitation by
Armed With Maohlna Sana and j American government.—Paris Jour­
. Torpedo#»
Whether Carranza is the beginning
of war remains to be seen. Hut ever
Swiss excursionists on the since President Wilson started his
shores of Lake Constance have interferences in Mexican affairs in
had a chance to admire the latest Huerta's time events have been lead­
super-Zeppelin on its trial trips. ing to that conclusion.—London
This monster air cruiser undoubt­ Chronicle.
No. 47
"I am not a hidebound Republi­
can, as I often vote for good
Democrats that I am personally
W r i t e r in j o u r n a l T a k t e P o t - S h o t ■t; acquainted with.
But it ought to
"Lin c o ln D e m o c ra t»" and " W ilto n
make the red blood in any patriot­
R e p u b lic a n s . "
ic son of the United States run
riot when he thinks that many a
F ro io Tb« Journal
citizen of the United States has
"There has been much written died because he had not the pro­
lately along the lines of the Demo­ tection that a government should
cratic love for the immortal Lin­ give every citizen of the lowest
coln arid the policies that he taught birth. But partisan politics has
to his associates in the Republican the floor today. "Anything to
ranks and to all patriotic citizens. make votes for the Democratic
I passed through those trying days party,” is the cry, no difference
edly is the most terrible weapon
The world has another note- when Lincoln stood like a stone how many loyal Adairs are slain
in the hands of the Germans, and writer in King Constantine of wall against all that Democratic and sent home to loved ones as
the former Zeppelines look anti­ Greece. A cartoon in th* Lon­ host that did all in its power to long as the old-woman cry of
quated beside it.
don Bystander depicts Constan- crush not only Lincoln but the "Peace, peace, at any price!” is
We will now close out all ladies
The new dreadnaught of the 1 tine sitting at a typewriter from mighty army of loyal citizens of the battle cry of the Democratic
air is 7PO feet long, or nearly 240 which a cloud of typed protests the north. It is undisputed that party.”
Oxfords regardless of cost.
feet longer than the largest of to various governments emerge the bulk of the Democratic party
Come and get them now at just
the older airships, haH four im­ and float out the window. The were opixrsed to him and his prin­
half price.
mense- gondolas and is armed caption is: "Constantine—My! ciples. The last few weeks the
with guns, machine guns and tor­ but Wilson will have to be pretty columns of The Journal have been
Come early before your size is
H o m e o f Saul Ou da rkirk Burned S o m e ­
pedo tubes like a warship. All spry to beat me at this.”
filled with letters from corres- j t i m e S u n d a y W h i l e F a m i l y W e r e
four of the gondolas are heavily
Strange, is it not. that foreign pondents who either claimed to be
In e e n d a rie m S u s ­
Millinery now deeply cut for
journals which have no political Uncoln Republicans, or Lincoln
p ected.
The form of the new air cruiser allegience in the United States Democrats, lauding the works of
quick clearance.
differs considerably from former should be saying the s a m e the immortal Lincoln, Those of j The house occupied by Saul
types. It has the shate of a fish things that American newspapers us who passed through those try - 1 Ouderkirk at camp 8, caught fire
and its lines are very graceful, are saying under accusation of ing days know that Democrats Sunday in some unknown manner
in spite of its enormous size.
who supported Lincoln were few , and the house and its contents
political bias?” —Oregonian.
The largest one of the four gon­
and far between.
were burned to the ground. The
dolas is in front, and extends
"When Lincoln was nominated family came to Falls City Satur­
back from the bow about 160
as the Republican candidate for day night and when they returned
fpet. Two gondolas of 70 feet
The itinerant peddler is a de­ president the first time, every Monday morning they found the
length each hang side by side in stroyer of local business enter­ Democratic paper in the l 'nited , house in ashes. There were other
the center, and the fourth one, prises. He pays no taxes, he pays States set up the howl that the buildings adjoining, but none of
which is about 100 feet long, is no rent, hires no help, buys no country would be ruined, that | these were endangered by the
at the stern.
clothing or lumber or hardware, there would be war. war on the conflagation. It is thought that
There are no connecting bridges or jewelry of the local merchants. rights of the people, their property | it is the work of an incendiary.
“ Meeting and Beating Competition’ *.
between the gondolas, but it is He employes no local attorney, would be confiscated and destroy­
said that a passageway is built pationizes no local dentist, contri­ ed, and one and all called upon
into the interior of the balloon butes to no local church or frater­ the faithful to arise and defeat BOYS UNDER 18 CANNOT
body and connected with the nal organization. Because of these the long-legged scallawag of a rail
gondolas by winding stairways. things, w’e impose a license fee splitter and save the country from {
On both sides of the bow and upon him in order to force him to ruin. But Lincoln was elected. 0rder deludes * - a d . E i t h e r W i t h o r
stern of the airship large dark help pay local government expen­ What then? Did the Democratic W i t h o u t C o n s w r t o f T h e i r P a r e n t » .
spaces are visible. These are the ses and also to give the local busi­ senators and congressmen do as
doors of the platform niches ness man the protection to which the Republican senators and con­ Washington, July 20—Announce­
which contain the guns and they are justly entitled. For ex­ gressmen have done when it look­ ment is made that Secretary of
machine guns. Another platform actly the same reason, we impose ed as if Wilson would need the War Baker has instructed com­
Fa re s
with a large gun and several ma­ | import customs duties upon foreig­ support of the whole country to manders of military departments
chine guns can be seen on top of ners who ship goods into this stand for freedom and true Amer­ not to enlist in the national guard
the airship, directly over the country. We do not believe in a icanism? When Lincoln was elect­ boys under the age of 18 either
system of government revenue ed what did the great Democratic with or without the consent of
When summer comes and a vaction
The motors of the air cruiser which makes the home business party do? Did it submit to the parents or guardians. The secre­
have a capacity of 4000 horse­ man pay all the taxes and then majority of the people and show tary advised that parents consent
outing is planned, remember New­
power, and are placed in the cen­ permits the foreigner to sell his that love for the great Lincoln, would not be required for those
port is cool. The breeze from off
ter gondolas. Under full power, cheap goods here free. We be­ that they are preaching about 0Ver a
the mighty Pacific never fails. With
the new Zeppelin is able to make lieve in high import taxes for two daily nowadays? No, the leaders,
the many diversions and attractions
70 miles an hour, and on its trial reasons—to make the foreigner one and all, commenced to criticise !
to pass the hours away, surely you
flights it easily reached a height pay for the privileges of doing Lincoln, and in a few short weeks W. B. Schuster, recruiting officer
find no better place for your
of 12,000 feet- The crew consists business here, and to protect the the great Democratic party was with headquarters at Salem was
of four officers and about 40 men. home business man. This is not mobilizing an army to fight the in the city Wednesday and part of
With its guns, machinery, crew partisan politics—it is plain busi­ immortal Lincoln and his party, Thursdav morning soliciting re­
and stock of ammunition, the ness sense. The political party and this after Lincoln in his inaug­ cruits for the U. S. army. Mr.
Th « Cost Is Lo w
monster has a weight of more which will not support such a pol­ ural address had pledged himself Schuster was unable to find any
than 100 tons, but it rises and icy is not merely lacking in politic­ and the party behind him that he young men here desiring to enlist
Round Trip Tickets are on sale daily from all
Southern Pacific stations in Western Oregon.
maneuvers with astonishing ease, al sagacity—it is lacking in busi­ had no intention to interfere with eligible for service. At Roseburg
The return limit is Oct. 31st.
and obeys the slightest touch of ness sense. We would not stand the rights of the Democratic party he got 9: The Dalles 7 and Silver-
the rudder. In less than one for a city council that repealed in the south. The bulk of the I ton 1.
minute it can be turned complete­ the peddlers’ license nor will we Democratic party left the Union Under the new law a young
Daily Trains from Albany and Corvallis
ly around Its vertical axis, and it stand for a National administra­ and took up arms against not man between the ages of 18 and
make excellent connections.
dashes along against the strong­ tion that repeals the protective onlv Lincoln but the government 21 does not need his parents con-
"Newport” or ask local
est wind, even wheh inclined to- tariff duties.
of the United States as then es­ sent to enlist. The consent of
agent for complete information.
an angle of 45 degrees.
parents has to be given when the
Jo h n M Scott. G eneral Passenger Agent. P o rtlan d . Oregon
The giant air cruiser is destin­
"And where were the Democra­ applicant is between the age of 15
ed for the navy, and will be used
tic statesmen in the north? While and 18.
for attacks on enemy warships.
it is true that thousands left the The enlisted men are sent to FT.
With two sister ships now near­ One can easily imagine the re­ Democratic party in the northern McDowell in California. They are
ing completion, it will probably ception a man would get were he states and fought nobly, they were given railroad fare, berth, allowed
to go into a store and ask the
play an important part in the
proprietor to give him a dollar's no longer Democrats, was shown 35c a meal in Salem at the Bligh
of a few bruises he was not in­
next naval battle.
worth of goods as he expected to by the vote that George B. McClel­ hotel and paid $3 in money. At
Tuesday, Frank, the six year-
spend a couple of dollars with lan received when he was running Ft. McDowell they are sworn into
The boy either did n.»t see the
him in two or three weeks. He for president on a Democratic the service and if rejected, their old son of E. P. Brown had a very machine or thought he could beat
would be regarded as a fool or a platform stating that the four transportation is paid back to the narrow escape from a serious in- it. Titus was backing out very
"Democratic'newspapers which nervy dead-beat and kicked out long years of bloody war that Lin­ place where they applied for en- jury. He was riding his tricycle
slowly or else the accident would
ush aside American criticisms the door. Yet it is not uncom­ coln and his hirelings ( as the army listment.
have been serious.
President Wilson’s Mexican mon for a newspaper publisher was called by the Democratic The infantry gives a recruit an I along , the street between his
d other foreign policies with to receive just such a request. press) was a total failure, and de­ opportunity to transfer to any a er 8 ifarage to Third street
e general characterization "pol­ The question is should the pub­ manded peace at any price.
other branch of the service. The and was passing Titus’ livery barn
es" may or may not be able to lisher regard it as an insult or
"Some of your correspondents new law that went into effect July and tf8™8® j us* as Austin Titus The Chautauqua closed in Dal­
plain the following in another simply attribute it to the ignor­ say that a certain morning paper 1st gives a young man after a w“ backing an automobile out of las Tuesday and nearly all the
ought to be surpressed because it year's service, if he is faithful, a the barn across the sidewalk. One numbers were of merit. The a t­
ance of the mendicant-
Washington's past diplomacy is
publishes cartoons showing the at­ chance for West Point There is of the whe€,s 8truck h,m knocking tendance from Independence was
t exempt from reproach, and the
titude of President Wilson in the a great demand for farmers and him off his tricycle and was just very small this year as no public­
suits have not been detrimental to
squeezing his leg when the ma­ ity was given the event here and
Mexican affair. Who ever heard cooks.
sshington alone. Ask our traders
chine was stopped. The wheel our people as a whole only vague­
Dr. W. L Holloway, of Dallas, of a Republican Copperhead? I
d bondholders how much they lost
had rolled upon the tricycle frame ly knew that a iChautauqua was
had the pleasure of seeing a north­
rough Washington’s obstinacy in will again make rqgular trips to
and was holding the boy down going on in Dallas. $10 well
staining the General who is now Falls City on Monday. Wednesday ern Copperhead hung to a lamp
who yelled lustily. The machine spent in advertising in Independ­
ling to war against those to whom and Friday of each week. Those jK»t until he was glad to say he
was rolled forward and he was ence would have secured $100 to
owes his position.—Stephen Pinc- desiring his professional services would go to England or keep his
taken to his home nearby and ex­ •200 in patronage. - Monitor.
will find him at the Falls City mouth shut—which he did ever
n, in Petit Journal, Paris.
MORAL—It pays to advertise.
amination indicated that outside
President Wilson’s first mistake Hotel on those days.
Sale Ladies Oxfords
and Millinery
Selig’s Cash Price Store,