Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 15, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    Rubber G o o d s
We have a full line of guar­
anteed hot w ater bottles and
fountain syringes of all sizes
and prices. If you need a
good hot w ater bottle let us
show you one.
We have bought some new
rubber goods at a low price
and therefore our prices are
much lower this year. They
are guaranteed one and two
Did You Ever Enjoy
Having Toothache?
Your doctor knows that one-
haif of the sickness is caused by
bad teeth. If you want to save
money, save pain, save sickness,
have those teeth fixed right now.
A. G. ATWOOD, Dentist
Across from Selig's store.
Gem to n ig h t M IN ISTER GIVES GIRLS
Eviden tally the men around
Falls City capable of bearing arms
art» not very much enthused over D ivine T ail* T h em to T h in k C a refu lly
Wilson’s call to arms as only one
a n d P ra y e rfu lly A b o u t T h a ir
has signed up for duty.
W ad d in g Day.
In order to better accommodate
Mrs. Jones of Salem is visiting their present business and in an­ Cleveland. — "T w elve (InUlen Kulee
ticipation of a larger volume in F or Young L adlea" w as th e su b ject of
Mrs. N. A. Lunde this week.
the future the S. 1 . railroad coni- th« sermon delivered by llev Thom as
Mrs. Pern Myers of Oretown pany are planning some material Hugbea, p asto r of the Hooky Hlver
changes in the yards.
M ethodist church. T he tw elve rulea
visited relatives here this week.
Chas. Bradley has been confined
preach at the Christian Church "A lw ays rem em ber to be a lady.
to his bed this week with tonsilitis. Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. “D on’t tie loud and bolateroua.
“ Be m odest an d vlrtuoua.
Miss Margaret Kimes attended He will preach at the same hour “Chooae carefu lly your com pany of
the Chautauqua at Dallas Friday. every other Sunday until further both sexes.
notice. Everybody invited.
"Open y o u r eyes and ears, but keep
D. Ogelvee and family of Cash-
y o u r h e a rt closed to the gush mid non
Dr. A. G. Atwood has moved his
mere, Wash., have moved to this dental office into the office build-. nense from the so ra ile d lovers.
“Be c arefu l about your d ress H ava
ing across the street from Selig's It becom ing a n d tastefu l.
Be m ore c a re fu l ___________
about w h at ta In
Chas. Hartung was in Salem store. He has more comfortable
quarters there and will be able to your head tb a au u w ba
h at is in y o u r heart,
on business several days this serve his customers more satisfac­
D ou't be se lf conceited.
“D on't keep com pauy w ith a alnful
young man.
Kenneth Oxford went to Linn
The city council met Thursday
"T hink carefully nnd prayerfully
county Monday to visit his grand­ night to consider a petition to ab o u t your w edding day.
vacate a part of Central Boule­ "B e co n sid erate ab o u t tb e tim e and
vard in the Golden West addition, money o f y o u r gentlem eu friends.
John Beezley of Salem was in in order that the Teal Creek rail­ "B e tru e to th e beet Ideals o f w om an­
the city Sunday looking after his road company could lower the
fruit farm.
petition was granted.
Mrs. C. L. Coonrod attended the
The Berean class held their
Chautauqua at Dallas Monday monthly class meeting at the
"hristian church Monday evening.
The usual routine of business was
F. L. Talbott was considerably transacted after which papers Sent to an Asylum Upon Saloon­
bruised at Hoskins Sunday while and the Berean News were read.
keeper’s Complaint and Doc­
Refreshments were served after
unloading ties.
tor’s Testimony.
adjournment and all had a good
The County Commissioners are time.
having the roads in this section
Barnett Brown was injured D etroit, M ic h .-F ra n k W inters, th a
oiled this week.
Tuesday while at work in Ptigh’s m an w ho sm oked a hundred cig arettes
Frank Loughary of near Lewis­ loganberry juice plant by falling a day. w as com m itted to th e Pontiac
asylum by Ju d g e H u lh ert recen tly In
ville was here Wednesday hunting off the crusher platform onto a the p ro b ate c o u rt
weighing scale hook. The hook
harvest hands.
stuck in the right groin and the T he Incessant use of th e cigarette»
w as declared by I»r. S. L. L ayton, w ho
Sixty-nine acres of land in bone of the third finger in his exam ined W inters, to hav e affected his
Michigan to trade for Falls Citv- right hand was broken. The in­ ■ulnd. F re q u e n tin g a saloon a t th e cor­
jury was very painful as well as n e r of C ham berlain and L uw udalo ave-
property. G. D. Treat.
nues, W in ters sm oked u n til his supply
A. G. Fisher of Corvallis was in
the city Sunday.
Ida Crawford of Dallas v¡sited
her parents here this week.
Dale Gottfreid returned to work
at Spaulding’s camp Sunday.
T h e b e a t sh o w a t t h e
C. J. Pugh started his loganber­
ry juice plant Saturday and is
working a good sized crew.
A black stalion horse for sale or
will trade for a mare. Harry
Welton, R. 2, Dallas, Ore. 12-22.
G. W. Brentner received an of­
fer by telegram Thursday of $400
acre for some Iowa land, but
Headquarters for Candy and Cigar
the offer.
The new city hall will s »on be
ready for the chairs and tables
the Pat ent-Teachers association
were to furnish.
Bring or send us your watches,
jew elry, etc,, for r e p a irin g ; first
class work g u a r a n te e d ; charges
H o w ’s T h is?
W e o ffer O ne H u n d red D ollars R e­
w ard fo r a n y c a se of C a ta rrh th a t'
c a n n o t be c u re d b y H a ll's C a ta rrh
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last IS years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by his firm.
Toledo, O.
H all's C atarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu­
cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials
sent free. Price 7S cents per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists.
Take H all's Family Pills for constipation.
Free Methodist Church
Sunday School. 10 A. M.
Preaching 11 A. M.
Class Meeting 12 P. M.
Evening Service 7:30.
N. W e l t e r , Pastor.
M. E. Church
Sunday Services
Sunday School 10 A. M.
Morning Service 11 A. M.
Junior League 3:80 P. M.
Epworth League 7 P. M.
Evening Service 8 P. M.
Week Day Services
Prayer Meeting. Friday 7:30
Teachers Training Class, Friday 8
W . J. W a r r e n , Pastor.
It is getting the time of year you will need
to irrigate your lawns and gardens. To do
this you will need a good hose We have
them and will sell them at reasonable prices
K. F . W i l l ia m s ,
L. T h o m p s o n ,
W . F . N ic h o l s ,
K, G .W hitic ,
Assistant Cashier
Bank of Falls City
F alls C it y , P o l * C o u n t y . O rkoo *
Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
F resh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, i »«*-
If you have a house or farm to
and o t h e r bakery goods, every day rent see me. If you want your
it the F a l l s City Bakery.
property cared for and rents col­
Candies, Tobaccos andtCigars, at
Pstuidsy, July 15 , 1016
L —
re a s o n a b le . \V
A . P e is e y , J e w e le r ,
Falls City.
We notice by the Dallas papers
that they have been having some
kind of an entertainment at the
County seat. They called it a
Lavesta McCulloch has gone to
Rose burg to spend the summer
with her aunt. Mrs. McCulloch
came after her Saturday, return­
ing Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Titus, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Bradley, and Mrs.
I. G. Singleton motored to Turner
last Sunday morning and attended
the camp meeting There.
Charles Black of Buena Vista
was killed last Saturday when the
team he was driving ran away
throwing him off a water tank.
The heavy wagon passed over his
head, crushing it.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wooden
from the “ Island” on the Willam­
ette River were visiting friends in
the city this week. They were
former residents of Falls City and
enjoyed their visit very much.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Titus, Mrs.
I. G. Singleton and Mrs. G. D.
Treat motored to Airlie Thursday
morning and picked ten gallon of
wild blackberries before noon, re­
turning after dinner.
Joe Aufdemauer and son Albert,
former residents of this city, but
now of Hebo, Tillamook county
were in town Tuesday. Joe says
that during the snow storm last
Seventh Day Adventist Church
winter he lost thirteen head of
Sabbath School 10 A. M.
Preaching or liibie Study 11 A. M. cattle—two cows valued at $100
Young Peoples Meeting 3:30 P. M. each, and eleven heifers. He says
that there are 60 to 70 cars daily,
Walter L. Tooze, Jr., Lawyer, besides other vehicles that pass
Dallas, Oregon.
his place to the coast.
gave out an d his money too. A fter
th a t be begged sm okes from th e c u s­
tom ers of th e saloon, according to Jo ­
seph B erm an, tb e p ro p rieto r o f the
B erm an petitioned tb e c o u rt to have
W inters tak en to a u asylum . A tier-
m an by b irth , W inters w as getting
along well In th is co u n try u n til the
c ig arette h ab it got th e upper hand,
(liv en Jobs by B erm an, W in ters even
lost bis pow er of application to sim ple
“No m ore w ork fo r ino," he w ould
say as he w ould sit dow n on th e job.
B erm an told Investigators.
T he nicotine undoubtedly had a do
tertoraU ng effect on his in eu tality . Dr.
L ayton declared.
lected without trouble to yourself
see me. The most prompt and
careful attention given to all lines
of Real Estate matters entrusted
to our care and satisfaction assur­
ed. Yours for Falls City, Mickal-
son, the Real Estate man.
Friday morning while trucking
lumber on the mill dock the truck
caught on some obstruction and
was thrown off the dock landing
on the ground eight or ten feet
below. The horse hitched to the
truck was pulled backward on top T h e re A ra N ot So M any N ow aa T on
Y e ars Ago.
of the load and it was necessary
Abilene, K an.—F e w e r people a re e n ­
to build a bridge to get him out gaged In a g ricu ltu ral p u rsu its In K a n ­
from between the stacks of lum­ sas now th a n ten year» ago, according
ber. Luckily the horse escaped to J . C. M obler, se c re ta ry of tbe s ta te
board of agriculture.
with only a few skinned places.
“In 1895 o f th o se engaged in alt oc­
The pile-driving crew are mak­ cupations 55 w cent w ere In ag ricu l­
tu re ," he declared, “and In 1905 50 per
ing rapid progress driving piles c en t and In 1915 40 per cent. I t Is a
for the side-tracks at the mill. A very discouraging sign In a s ta te like
track will be built east of the K ansas, w here a g ricu ltu re Is the over-
burner for a log dump and a spur 0f m ore people are engaging in it.’
put in between the new track and Som c of th e serious problem s th a t
u st be solved In K an sas a re those of
the old one for loading wood. The m
th e hom e seeker, th e ow nership of
old one will be used to load timbers lands, em ploym ent of cap ital, b e tte r
direct from the mill and will avoid farm ing an d the Im provem ent of co n ­
ditions of ru ra l life, Mr. M ohler a s ­
delay. U nder the old system they serted.
were obliged to push out a lumber
car or wood car before they could WOULDN’T SPOIL H IS FINGERS
get in to dump their logs. The
O u t of a Jo b , Rofusa«
>,rade south of the plant will be A rtistic H a n to d s, 8hovol
lowered about four feet making it; M _______
ontclair, N. ■ J .—I
. ________
f a m an _
has piano
much easier to v,et in with the Angers” a n d Is offered a jo b on a coal
1 wagon should he accept the jo b to
su p p o rt his w ife and six children, or
u m i A T tkif
VIULAIENu I f i t L n lt J .
should a p h ilan th ro p ic society place
h lm ,n s o m e ^,o a l,lo ,, w h e r ® b,B
refinem ent w ould n o t b e affected by
The city council are prone to ma““al labor?
T his Is one o f the q u estio n s pro-
pass laws for the
peace and pounded In th e annual rep o rt of Mrs.
safety” of the community and N ettie E. P a tte rso n , su p e rin te n d e n t of
forget it before they adjourn so | ,he
Alfrulat aoclet7' Mrs. P a tte rso n
m entions th e case In re fe rrin g to th e
far as enforcement is concerned. difficulties th a t co n fro n t th e society.
Slack enforcement of existing laws She said th a t a m an w hen offered a
place on th e coal w agon refused, sa y ­
have rendered the said laws a ing be h ad been told be h ad "p ian o
standing joke. If such laws as are fingers" an d did n o t w ish to spoil
violated every day are not for the them .
best interests of the city, why not
repeal them. An ordinance to | UNABLE TO FIND A WIFE.
govern the speed of automobiles F a rm e r H a s B een S e a rc h in g S ix ts s n
Y ears, b u t So F a r H aa F ailed .
was passed at the last regular
B ridgeport, C onn.—Jo sep h C ronan, a
meeting, yet it would take some­ fa rm e r of D erby, announced th a t he
thing stronger than the naked eye f-ad searched forty-tw o sta te a and tw o
to discern any abatement in speed. countries of E urope and th a t, w hile In
a receptive mood, he had n o t found a
If laws are not to be enforced,-or girl
su itab le to be bis spouse.
only when some one wants to “ get " I am strictly tem p erate, a healthy
even” better cut them out. The an d stro n g farm er, an d I have been
six teen „re a rs fo r tb e rig h t
people generally do not know the searching
kind o f a w ife,” he declared. " I have
laws. The council caused the y e t to find tb e w om an, an d l w ish the
charter and ordinances to be pub­ n ew sp ap ers w ould help m e.”
lished in book form and now have
P ig A te S ix ty O th e rs ' T a ils.
some 250 copies safely stored.
F indlay, O.— Anson Jam es, a D ela­
Why not distribute these lxx)ks w a re county farm er, w ent Into his hog
out among the people that they y a rd an d found six ty of his slxty-one
m inus tails. H a w atched tb e drove
may become familiar with the pigs
for aw h ile and saw th e sixty-first pig
try in g to e a t bis ow n tall.
G\tal?W3(aS <3^aG33tfi)®(Äl<=
(bíÍOSKÍlíQQ® (n K äQ d fäsB aQ 30
m is ir y
‘1 su ffere d g re a tly fro m
n erv o u sn ea a
so d
ach e* .
T b a laaat a x c lta -
m s n t g a v e m e d re a d fu l
p ain .
I b eg an u sin g Dr.
Milas* N erv in e a n d a few
d a y s la t e r s t a r t e d to ta k e
D r. M iles' H e a r t T r e a t ­
m en t
I so o n g o t ao m uch
b e t t e r t h a t I w aa e n c o u r­
a g e d a n d c o n tin u e d ta k in g
tb a tw o re m e d ie s u n til I
w a s ao w ell t h a t w ork w a s
n o b o tb s r t o m e s t a ll."
M RS. LOtTIB Mt-fl.
Id ah o F alls. Idaho.
Striving to
satisfy the
demands of
everyone is
apt to affect the nerves,
and continual standing
may weaken the Heart.
Dr. Niles’ Nervine
is invaluable for Nervous
troubles, and for the Heart
D r. M ile s *
Heart Treatment
is highly recommended.
IF F I R S T B O T T L E F A I L S T O B E N E ­
Business^ and ^Patriotism
Nonpartisan Appeal to the Nation
The While l i m i t
W a i h a g lt n . A p ril 1 1 , 191*
Tt the Bunneii Mem t f Amenta
B E S P E A K your cordial co-operalion in the patri­
otic »ervice undertaken by the engineer« and chem­
ists ol ibis country under the direction of the Indus-
tnal Preparedness Committee ol the Naval Consulting
Board of the United States.
T h e confidential industrial inventory you are asked to
supply is intended for the exclusive benefit of the W ar and
Navy Departments and will be used in organizing the indus­
trial resources for the public service in national defense.
A t my request the Amencan Sooety of G vtl Engineers,
the American Institute of Mining Engineers, the Amencan
Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Institute of
Electncal Engineers and the Amencan Chemical Sooety are
gratuitously assisting the Nava) Consulting Board m the work of
collecting this data, and I r onfidently ask your earnest support
in the interest of the people and government of the Unite
States. Faithfully yours.
m r o o peratim i w ith
A me nr ao Society ol
of Cml
C m l r.Mineers
f ngineera The
T h e American
Amencan Society
Sorarty of
ol M
arhaateal E
A m erican Institute of Minine Encmoan The Ametsran In filila of Eiactncal I
Ln«ineenoff Societies Buildto«
tU m
f* Ammtm C W *‘ T S V - >9* W
A dvertisem ent designed by Che A S S O C IA T E D A D V ER TISIN Q CLUBS O F T H E
W ORLD a a d published by t h i s , new spaper tree.
An open air meeting will be neld
in the park here on Sunday the
16th at 4 P. M., except the a fte r­
noon should be wet. Special sing­
ing. All welcome.
Ira Lee Teal and Miss Bertha
Parish were married at the horrY
of Clem Cleveland Thursday even­
ing July 13th at 8:30. Squire F.
K. Hubbard officiated.
Mrs. C. L Coonrod, Mrs. A. B.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lewis,
Clement, Mrs. L B. Wonderly and Tuesday, a daughter. Her name
son Ersal, and Harold Atwood is Guyla Frankie. Father and
visited in Black Rock Sunday.
grandfather doing fine.