Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 15, 1916, Image 3

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li-liner Crosses Atlantic Witti Cargo of
Valuable Dyestuffs.
Vessel Successfully Breaks Blockade
of British Warships— Will Take
Home Needed Supplies.
lU ltim o r«— The w orld'» Aral subma-
rlno merchant vassal, the Carman un­
derwater liner Deutschland, anchored
below llaltlm ore Sunday night, after
voyaging safely across the Atlantic,
|>aaaing the allied blockading squad­
eluding enemy cruisers
watching for her off the American
She carried a mcssago from Emperor
W illiam to (‘ resident Wilson, a quan­
tity o f mall estimated at 160 tons and
a cargo o f 750 tons o f costly chemicals
and dyestuffs, ami is to carry back
home a similar amount o f nickel and
crude rubber sorely needed by the Ger­
man army.
Sixteen days out from (iremerhaven
to Baltimore, the submarine reached
safety between the Virginia capes at
1 :45 o'clock Sunday morning, by a
heavy pall o f darkness which settled
over the entrance o f the bay, with the
setting o f a tell-tale half moon.
Once inside, the visitor threw cau­
tion aside and began shrieking his si­
ren signalling a pilot and at the same
time attracting the attention o f the
tug Thomas F. Timmons, which had
been waiting In the lower bay for
nearly two weeks to greet the Deutsch­
land and convoy her into port.
L ittle was known here about what
happened during the epoch-making
cruise acroas the ocean, which in a
small measure at least breaks the
blockade on German trade with the
rest o f the world. None o f the sub­
marine’s crew had landed and the
agents o f her owners had received only
meager reports. Such information as
was available came directly from the
pilot and from
Hans F.
Hinsch, o f the North German Lloyd
Liner Neckar, laid up here since the
beginning of the war.
J. f. Gillies, Washington State
fund looter, Escapes from tail
Olympia, Wash.— J. F Gillies, tw ice
convicted o f embezzling $20,000 from
state industrial insurance funds while
employed as claim agent for the state,
Sunday night pried off two Aimsy locks
with a bolt as a jim m y and escaped
from the Thurston county jail.
W ith
him went Henry Roberts, awaiting
transfer to the reformatory for a stat­
utory offense.
Prosecuting Attorney Yantis ordered
the arrest o f Mrs. Gillies on a warrant
charging her with aiding the escape o f
the prisoners. Mrs. G illies was not
locked up, but was taken to the home
o f a policeman and placed in the care
o f the officer’s w ife.
It is believed the prisoners boarded
a train bound for Portland.
An automobile is known to have left
town about midnight, and it is be­
lieved to have taken the two men to­
ward Canada. A t a late hour no trace
had been reported o f either.
Shortly after dark Gillies and Rob­
erts locked an old man held on a minor
charge in his cell and pried their way
Sheriff McCorkle was at Centralia
and James Fennell, County game war­
den, who occasionally slept at the jail,
was out o f town.
By sawing off the riveted end o f the
bolt by which their cell would have
been locked, had that precaution been
taken. Gillies and Roberts slipped out
the bolt and then sawed the end o f it
off on the bias to make a chisel point,
by which they pried their way out.
Gillies evidently let himself from the
window to the ground 16 feet below
with a blanket.
Yellow Press is Target.
Washington, D. C. — A bill intro­
Campbell, o f Kansas, would make it
unlawful for any person, company,
corporation, press association or news­
paper publication to publish or trans­
mit any false report or rumor bear­
ing on the international relations of
the United States and tending to in­
juriously affect peaceful relations with
the government or people o f any other
It was referred to the judiciary com­
Alaska Sends in Bullion.
Seattle, Wash.— Seven hundred and
fifty thousand dollars in gold bullion,
the largest shipment received from
Alaska this year, was brought here
Sunday by the steamer Humboldt,
which arrived from Skagway.
gold, the first o f the Spring cleanup
in interior Alaska, was shipped from
Fairbanks by the first steamer up the
Yukon and transported to Skagway
over W hite Pass from W hite Horse,
the head o f river navigation.
1‘ urtland — Wheat - Uluestem, 79c
per bushel; fortyfold, 97c; rlub, 86c;
red Fife, Htir; red Russian, 86c.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $23
0 8 4 per ton; valley timothy, $196492,
alfalfa, $146416.
M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $2664
26.60 per ton; shorts, $296(29.60;
rolled barley, $31.606432.60.
(kirn Whole, $37 per ton ,; cracked
Vegetable»- Artichokes, 76c64tl per
dozen; tomatoes, $1.606(1.66 per crate;
cabbage. $26(2.26 per hundred; garlic,
lc per pound; pep|iers, 26c; eggplant,
le ; horseradish, 8|c; lettuce, $16(1.26
per crate; cucumbers, $16(1.26 per
box; rhubarb, 146(2c|>er pound; peas,
36(4 c ; cauliflower, $1.26 per crate;
beans, bOtHc per pound; celery, $1.10
6(1.26 per dozen; corn, 66(6c per
Potatoes—Old, $1.606(1.66 per sack;
new, 26(2|c per pound.
Onions California red and yellow,
$36(3.25 per sack.
Green Fruits Apples, new, $1.756(
2 per box; cherries, 46(7c ;>or pound;
cantaloupes, $2.76 6( 3.76 per crate;
I leaches, 76c6($l per box; watermel­
ons, 1 ( 6 ( 2 c per pound; figs, $16(1.60
per bok; raspberries, $16(1.26 per
crate; plums, $1.166(1.60 per box;
prunes, $1.266(1.60; loganberries. 60c
6($1 per crate; blackcaps, $1.506(1.76;
currants, $16(1.26; pears, $2.766(8 per
Eggs — Oregon ranch, Exchange
price, current receipts, 23(c per dozen.
Jobbing prices: Oregon ranch, can-
died, 26c; selects, 26c.
1‘oultry— Hens, 146(16c per pound;
broilers, 176(18c; turkeys, live, 2064
22c; ducks, 126(16c; geese, 9 6 (llc .
Butter- Cubes, extras, no bid; prime
firsts, 24c.
Jobbing prices: Prints,
extras, 276(29c; butterfat. No. 1, 26c;
No. 2, 24c; Portland.
Veal Fancy, 126(12(c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 1064l0(c per pound.
Hops---1916 crop, H 6 (llc per pound;
1916 contracts, nominal.
W ool— Eastern Oregon, fine, 286(26c
per pound; coarse, 306432c; valley, 80
6(33 c .
Caacara Bark— Old and new, 4c per
Cattle— Steers, choice, $7.606(8.30;
good, $6.766(7.26; cows, choice, $6.26
6 (6 .6 0 ; good, $5.606(6.26; heifers, $4
6 (6 .6 0 ; bulls, $36(5; stags, $4.606(6.
Hogs — Prim e light, $8.20 6( 8.80;
good to prime, $7.766(8.10; rough
v. $7.606(7.76; pigs and skips,
Sheep— Yearlings, $66(6.50; weth­
ers, $5.506(6.60; ewes, $4.76@5.25;
lambs, $66(8.25.
Northwest Wheat Crop Estimated
at 55,000,000 Bushels
The wheat crop o f the Pacific North­
west is estimated by grainmen at from
54,000,000 to 56,000,000 bushels. The
remarkable improvement made in the
past few weeks justifies them in rais­
ing their estimates to these figures.
A t the present time the weather could
not be better for filling out, and glow ­
ing reports are coming in from all
As to the future prices, the situa­
tion is as uncertain as it aver was,
but one thing seems sure that is that
the market w ill be on the basis o f Chi­
cago. The tendency now is to get on
a parity with the East. The late Chi­
cago bulge put that market up about 7
cents, whereas prices here have ad­
vanced only about 3 cents.
The coast
market is not yet on the Chicago par­
ity, but it is not far from it.
About Oregon
For Goodness Sake
Buyers’ Week Dates Are
August 7 to 12 Inclusive
KC B a k in g P o w d e r
The fourth annual Buyers' Week to
be held in Portland has been fixed for
August 7 to 12, for the convenience o f
Northwest merchants. Invitations are
ready to be sent to all the merchandis­
ing trade territory, where Portland
jobbers and manufacturers maintain
Plans for the event are being worked \
out by the arrangements committee o f I
that city and it is intended to mix bus­
iness and pleasure in most alluring
Following the outline o f the highly
successful Buyers' Week o f 1916, the
work o f preparing for the 1916 Buy-
ers' Week visitors w ill be in the hands
o f the trade and commerce bureau o f
the Chamber o f Commerce, o f which
Nathan Strauss is chairman.
It is believed that the forthcoming
Buyers' Week w ill attract a much
larger attendance than any o f its three
The number o f buyers has grown
each year, and the territory they rep­
résente has spread, so that the annual
Buyers’ Week has become one o f the
fixed institutions o f the city. Portland
jobbers and manufacturers get to­
gether with their retail friends from
upstate, downstate, across the river
and east o f the Cascades for a week of
profitable conferences.
Neither the out-of-town merchant or
the representatives o f the big mer­
chandising establishments o f the city
would permit Buyers’ Week to be
thrown overboard.
County Courts Decide to Push
Work on Dixie Mountain Road
Baker— Meeting at the dividing line
o f Grant and Baker counties at Auatin,
67 miles west of here, Tuesday a fter­
noon, members o f the County courts of
the two counties decided to push the
work on the D ixie Mountain that will
give a thoroughfare connecting the
The road on the Grant
county side was found in worse shape
than that on this side o f the line, but
this the Grant County court consented
to remedy at once, with the ultimate
idea o f building a road along the John
Day river from Susanville, touching at
the D ixie Meadows mine, which w ill
make a much safer grade than that on
the road now in use.
In regard to the state highway, fo l­
lowing the John Day river and con­
necting Baker, Grant and Malheur
counties, the Grant county commis­
sioners announced that they w ill push
preliminary survey.
It was ascer­
tained that the United States Forestry
department would pay the greater ;>art
o f the survey in Baker county. No
arrangements were made as to how the
balance o f the expense could be met.
Mills To Pay Families.
P urity Firat
It w ill n e v e r disappoint y o u — try
it if y o u like g o o d things to eat.
K C doughnuts '
are good"
O K Ounces for O K t
k it l
w J
Kitchener's Work for ths Empire.
Kitchener will be remembered for
four great constructive works o f or­
ganization, carried out in Egypt, South
Africa, India and England. In each
caae his work was creative and revolu­
tionary in conception, and carried out
with the utmoat precision In every
least detail.
No man touched the
Empire at
more points, or touched It with such
decisive, fateful effect.
It may be
Kald. Indeed, that the integrity of the
Empire, In the twentieth century. Is
the work of Kitchener. Four dangers
arose, In regions separated by vast
continental spaces; in each region,
Kitchener met the danger, piercingly
diagnosed the cause, patiently and
courageouAy overcame It. Every hon­
or within the power o f hts countrymen
to give him was offered to Kitchener;
yet all honors fall short of his im­
mense attainment.— From "Kitchener
of Khartoum." by Charles Johnston,
in the American Review of Reviews
for July, 1916.
L o w p fle td ,
(reati. « I l s ! . ! « ; |
p re fe rre d W
mao, ftoam« tMyL
protact wtt «restiier
v a c c in e « f a ll .
W r it* fee b o o k let and teat I »«.ottlaJ«-
P illi, i t 0 0
S O - O M s k z . S h U k P ills . ( 4 0 0
U « U > i . i .c u .« , t ~ t r u t i w « t l n i z m « M « / '. » f t * .
T l . . . i * r u , , " r «1 C u m »
1 » . ^
to o r * I I
» - « • Ol
la lU t n * >• V A C C I M K S A M D . S S C M .
O M IT . IM S M T O N C v r i u 'a .
order direct.
Tka Cutt« tabs« stare. Mrteier. Csllfsf».« jj
8lightly Twisted.
Everything was In readlneas. The
groom, best man and the minister
were gathered In the vestry. The or­
ganist began to play and the minister
started for the door.
"W a lt one moment, doctor,” palled
the nervous groom. “ Is It the right or
left hand the ring goes on?”
"T h e left," hurriedly replied the
"And, doctor, Is— is It customary to
cuss the bride?"Utlca Herald.
Guardsmen to Be Aided.
H eredity.
Newpop (anxiously)— Is It a boy or
a girl?
Nurse— It's three of ’em. sir— three
fine boys.
Newpop— Great Scott! This comes
from marrying a girl whose father is
In the wholesale line.— Boston Tran­
To Cleanse
and Heal
Deep Cuts
H A N F O R D ’S
Balsam of Myrrh
__________ A
For Cuts, Burnt,
Bruises, Sprains,
Strains, Stiff Neck,
Chilblains, Lame Back,
Old Sores, Open Wounds,
and all External injuries.
M ade S in c e 18 4 6 .
**5 ^
Letters P M elv«! from
firesham. Ora., April 28. 1»1&
D «ar Sirs:
I hop« to ship you more cream. I am very
well pleased with your treatment. My laat can o f
cream wan shipped on Apr. 22. and am shipping
a can today.
Youra truly,
O. E.
Original on file in our office for Inspection.
Make ua your next shipment; we can please you
Oregon Hernia Institute
Rupture treated mechanically. Private
fitting rooms. Highest testimonials. Re*
suits guaranteed. Call or write.
411-412 Aliaky Building, Portland. Oregon
I f you cannot com« to
Portland to get your
eye. fitted. I will .end
you my method o f test­
ing eye. by mail. Not
a. deeirable He termin­
al service but much
better than ffointr with­
out iUaaee needed or
tryins to fit youraelf.
Outfit len t on application. 8TAPLES. the Jew.
eier-Optieian. 266 Morrison «t.. Portland. On
District Forester George H. Cecil,
Portland, Ore., has received the fol­
lowing telegram from the Chief For­
ester, Henry S. Graves, Washington,
D. C., in reference to employees of
the Forest Service who belong to the
National Guard: "Forester desires to
aid employees who are members of
the National Guard to fulfill their HIDES, P E LT S , CASCARA BARK,
military obligations. For this purpose
he will approve applications for leave We »an! al ytn UK Wme far pncei and »Hipping ’agi
and will so far as possible consistent THI H. F. M0RT0W CO. Partial. Ora, Sent*. Wi
with civil service rules and future
appropriations, assure them restora­
tion to present positions after com­
Double Tread Puncture Praof Tires
pletion of service in the army. Please
Made from yoar old one«. Last long
as Brand New TIRES W rite ua.
report immediately approximate num­
ber of employees in district who are
660 Washington SL.
Portland. Ora.
members o f Guard and will probably
request leave In response to the Presi­
dent’s call."
Hava it on hand
Tw o suitors had striven for the
hand of Mary Murphy. One was Doo-
lan. a prosperous grocer, and he was
| backed up by Pa and Ma Murphy; the
I other was a handsome young clerk,
and he was backed up by Mary.
The clerk won.
On the morning o f her first birth­
day after the wedding day Mary called
to see her parents, and proudly show­
ed them a pretty little gold watch
which her husband had given her.
But Mrs. Murphy sniffed contemp­
"T h a t’s very nice,” she said disap­
provingly; “ but if ye’d only taken the
advice o l yer father and me, 'tis not a
gold watch ye’d be havin' In yer pock­
et, but a good eight day clo c k !"
Price 25c, 50c and $1.00
Oregon C ity — Families o f guards­
a || pa
E. Fletcher Hallamnre. the leadinir Dancin? E x ­
men who were employed in the local
pert end Instructor in New York City, w rit*«: "1
mills o f the Crown-Willamette Paper
neve used A L L E N 'S FO O T-EASE, the amiaeptit
powder to be shaken into the shoes, fo r ten ye—ra,
company w ill be cared fo r by the mill
and recommend it to all my pupils.” I t cure« and
as long as the Oregon soldiers are
prevrnta .ore feet. Sold by all Drug and Depart­
Possible Reason.
ment Stores. 25c. Sardple FREE. Address. Allen
away from home. Mill officials have
" I wonder why they built that Chi­ S. Olmsted. L e Roy. N . Y .
found 11 fam ilies which were le ft by
nese wall."
guardsmen employed in the local plant.
"Sort of a compromise, I presume.
The money w ill be paid to the wives of I judge there was a strong disarma
A popular London clergyman was
the men, the mill givin g 26 days’ pay ment party in those days."— Louisville
once staying a few days at a country
a month, less $15 paid by the govern­ Cour'er-Journal.
Ship 12 Cars Fruit Daily.
house with some friends. On the Mon­
ment to the soldiers. The Crown-W il­
day morning he was playing tennis
Puyallup, Wash.— W ith more than
lamette mills and the Hawley Pulp &
with a young man he could usually
8000 berry pickers in the valley and Paper company are holding jobs open
W ife— How does my new spring hat beat, but for some reason or other
look. Tom?
the clergyman was not in form, and
the berries ripening very fast. Presi­ for men now at the border.
Hub— Um! It looks to me like two was faring badly.
dent W, H. Paulhamus, o f the Fruit
weeks' salary!— Boston Transcript.
Between games he remarked to his
Bond Issue Carries.
Growers' association, said that the
opponent, " I simply can't stand your
association w ill ship a dozen cars of
service tod ay!’’
Medford— By a vote o f nearly 3 tol
“ Then we're quits!” was the cheeky
berries a day fo r the coming week.
— 1009 for and 366 against— the people
reply; " I couldn't stand yours yester­
About 2000 pickers can still be used
o f Medford Monday approved the con­
day! "
in the valley, Mr. Paulhamus esti­
tract with Mr. Bullís for the construc­
mates. Ranchers in the vicin ity of
tion o f a railroad to the Blue Ledge
Natural Expectation.
Puyallup are in greater need o f pick­
mine, just over the California line, [
"W h ere’s your aeroplane, Mr. Smith?
ers than are Sumner ranchers, because
about 36 miles from Medford. The
| I looked out in the front street and
most o f the Puyallup berries are Ant­
Blue Ledge boosters celebrated their Mrs. Wynn Tell* How Lydia ; in our backyard, but I couldn't see
werp» and Marlboroe, and ripen much
victory by a parade o f automobiles
faster than the Cuthberts.
EL Pinkham’s Vegetable j none.”
with tooting horns through the streets,
"W hy, I have no aeroplane, my boy.
| What made you think I had?”
Compound Helped Her
bright with red lights, led by the Med-
Umatilla C rop Promising,
"Didn’t you tell pa you came here
for band. Leaders o f the movement
DuringChange of Life.
to see him on a flying v is it? '— Balti­
Pendleton, Or. — W ith harvest in were serenaded and speeches were
more American.
Um atilla county a week or two late, made on the street by enthusiastic c it­
Richmond, V a . — “ A f t e r t a k i n g
seven bottles o f Lydia E. Pink ham’a
predictions are that a much larger crop izens.
Rubbering fo r a Kiss.
V e g e t a b l e Com­
w ill be harvested than was expected a
The young husband halted at the
short time ago. The cold spring was a
Forces To Be Combined.
new woman.
I al­ gate and retraced his steps.
great hindrance to grow ing grain, but
"Did you come back for another
ways had a headache
Bandon— Roderick L. Macleay, man­
recent rains, followed by warm days
; kiss, dear?” inquired the bride.
during tbo Change
have brought out the crops wonder­ ager o f the Wedderbum Trading com­
"W ell, I'll take another kiss, but
o f L ife and was also what I came back for was my rub­
fully, especially in the lighter grain pany, which a few months ago pur­
troubled with other bers.”— Brooklyn Citizen.
sections. Wheat and barley are ripen­ chased the Fisherman’s Co-operative
bad feelings com­
ing rapidly. Usually cutting begins in Cannery, on the Lower Coquille river,
mon at that t i m e -
The manufacture of tanks, silos,
most o f the wheat sections shortly a f­ announces that forces o f the local plant
dizzy spells, nervous wood pipe and conduits ranks third
ter July 10, but it is reported little at Wedderbum. on Rogue R iver are to
feelings and h e a t \ among the wood using industries of
w ill be cut this year before August 1. be combined. This is made possible
H 'gh grade Douglas fir Is
flashes. Now I am ; Oregon.
by the fact that the salmon do not
the chief wood serving the needs of
commence to run here until a fter the
Hay Harvest Starts on Coast.
this industry.
than I ever was and recommend your
season is over on the Rogue.
Marshfield, Or. — Haying season,
Improvements and additions to the remedies to all my friends. ’ ’ — Mrs. L ena
which comes later on the Coast than
local plant are being made in prepara­ W yn n , 2812 E. O Street, Richmond, Va.
G r a n u la te d E y e l i d s .
elsewhere in Oregon, is in full swing
While Change o f L ife is a most crit­
tion for the fall season.
Eye* inflamed by expo­
and the crop is abundant. The ranch­
ical period o f a woman’s existence, the
sure to San, Distant! SI« 4
ers on Coos river have been busy with
annoying symptoms which accompany
iuicldy relieved by Mirloa
Corporations Are Formed.
their mowing machines for the past
lyeBeoMdy. No Smarting.
Salem— The Peninsula Lumber com­ it may be controlled, and normal health
week, and the Coquille valley farmers
ju»t Eye Comfort. A t
restored by the timely use o f Lydia EL
are also harvesting their hay. Many pany, o f Portland, which in the past Pink ham's Vegetable Compound.
Your Druggie’ « 50c per Bottle. Morlae Eja
Coos county atockraisers depend upon has been operating in Oregon as a W is­
Such warning symptoms are a sense SalvtinTube«2Sc. ForBaekallbeEycFreeatk
corn ensilage rather than hay and that consin corporation, organized as an o f suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, Druggist, or Marlas Eye Beacdy Ca.. Chicago
crop w ill be gathered later in the year. Oregon corporation with a capital o f backaches, dread o f impending evil,
The old corporation w ill timidity, sounds In the ears, palpitation
•ttrncta and kill«
a l l f i l e * . Neat, clean,
Roseburg Shipping Sheep.
withdraw from business in the state. o f the heart, sparks before the eyes,
ornam ent»!, conven­
ient, cheap. I.asts a ll
Roaeburg, Or. — More than 1000 Officers o f the new company are: irregularities, constipation, variable ap­
season. M a d e o l
metal, c a n 'ts p ill or tip
sheep were brought here Sunday by Charles A. Hart, G. C. Frisbie and F. petite, weakness and inquietude, and
over ; w ilt n o t « o il or
George Kohlhagen, preparatory to be­ C. Knapp, o f Portland.
In ju r e a n y t h i n g .
e ffe c tir*.
The North Pacific Shipbuilding com­
For these abnormal conditions do not
ing shipped to the San Francisco mar­
Sold b y d e a le rs or
6 *-n t Ny express pro-
kets. As many more were shipped to pany, capitalized at $100,000, was in­ fail to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s V ege­
paid lo r f l .
California Saturday by Pelton & Selec- corporated here, with headquarters in table Compound.
■AAOLG U M U 1 , AM DeKalfc A n .. Breeklyn. » . T.
mann, local livestock buyers.
All Dealers M a s s y s -.»
S o re
Teachers fo r all kinds o f teaching positions.
Prompt replies to all inquiries. W e furnish the
best teachers for all positions. Send address and
we w ill mail you full particular«. J. N. ELLIOTT.
514 Journal Bldg.. Portland. On
lege. Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping.
English Branches. Public Stenographers. Multi*
graphing and Mimeographing. Personal atten­
tion. Positions when Competent. N ew Aiiskg
Bldg.. Cor. 3rd and Morrison. Portland. Oregon.
Misplacing the Blame.
“ O-o-oo-oh! Bo-o-o-ho-o-o!”
As the childish wail rang through
the house the antious mother sprang
to her feet. Rushing into the hall
she met her little daughter coming in
from the garden and carrying a brok­
en doll by the leg.
“ What's the matter, darling?” she
asked tenderly.
“ O-o-oh, mo-other,” howled the child.
"W illie ’s broken my do-oll!”
“ The naughty boy! How did he do
“ I— I— I hit him on the head wlv i t ! ”
was the slow response.— Pittsburgh
By buyincr direct from u. at who W a le price,
and save the plumber's profits. W rite u. to­
day your need#. W e will sive you our rock-
bottom "direct-to-you” prices, f. o. b. rail or
boat. W e actually «a re you from 10 to 35 per
cent. A ll goods guaranteed.
Northwest headquarters for Leader Water
System , and Fuller A Johnson Engines.
212 Th ird Street.
Portland. Oregon
P A R T S F O R 1-2
Parts over 50 makes and models, at half the reg­
ular price. Buy your used auto parts from an
old-established and reputable dealer, who has a
reputation to protect and conducts the largest
parts store and carries the largest complete as­
sortment o f used auto parts o f any company this
side o f Chicago. Our prices are less, and for this
reason we outsell all others. A ll parts are guar­
anteed to be in first-class condition.
Veal, Pork,
Beef, Poultry,
Butter, Eggs &
Farm Produce
To the Old Reliable Everding houae with a
record o f 45 years o f Square Dealings and be
assured o f
Top Market Prices.
45-47 Free SL.
P. N. U.
No. 29, 1915
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