FALLS CITY NEWS F A LL S CITY VOL. X ll tions, however, relieves Germany MOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE PRESIDENT? in the same measure and if the M EETIN G O F S T A T E C EN TR AL C O M M IT T EE The State Central Committee met in Portland luat Saturday and elected officers and transact­ ed other important business. Judge Charles L. M cNary o f Salem was chosen as state chair­ man and Edward I). Huldwin re­ elected secretary. Polk County was represented by W alter L. Tooze, Jr. o f Dal­ las, and J. C. Tallbott o f Falls City and Mr. Johnson o f Airlie were also in attendance. The meeting was harmonious; the Progressives joining in and pledging their support to Hughes and a re united Republican party. J. C. Tallboott is County Chair­ man and is planning to do some effective work. The average “ sinner” strug­ gling along on a few hundred a year has no idea o f the amount of money that is squandered by the President o f this glorious United States. The following is a few of the items that help him to worry along in a manner befitting his exalted station: President's salary Traveling exiienses Contingent expenses, Exec­ utive Mansion Refurnishing Executive Man sion, purchase, maintenunci of horses and vehicles For improvement of Execu­ tive grounds Care and maintenance of greenhouse Fuel for greenhouse and stables Lighting greenhouse and stables THE FATAL PERCENTAGE. Repairs for greenhouse Now that the Bull Moose and Private secretary for Presi­ dent, duties to look after the Elephant are again working the President's private in a double team can they outpull business $75,000 •¿5,000 25.000 85.000 5,000 9,000 7,500 j explanation as one of the great- eat o f international documents. and the action which that govern- Agent Powers is authority for ment has now taken must be a the statement tnat Falls City will distinct shock to those who hope soon be connected up with the | for advancement in civilization outer world by telegraph. The toward that time when wars telephone line will be re-wired shall be unknown. The action has a meaning which with copper wire and telgraph in­ struments installed at this place has not been announced. While and also at Black Rock. This the Declaration o f London stood, threat is to become effective very there were some things which soon. The News as yet has not the entente allies dared not even considered seriously the advisabil­ to subjugate their Teutonic en­ ity o f securing the service o f the emies. Something new in the Associated Press and in all prob­ conduct o f the war may now be abilities will continue to use the looked for. What relieves England and “ wireless” until the mill starts, France o f humanitarian obliga- anyway. W ILL G t l ItLtu K A rn LIN E. horrors o f submarine warfare are greatly increased, the friends of peace must realize that this ac­ tion has been taken for the sole purpose o f the more quickly crushing Germany and bringing the war to a close. -Telegram . JOHNNIE BULl The successful- voyage o f the submarine Deutschland from Germany to New York is a re­ markable achievement and what­ ever nation our sympathies may be with, we must tip our hats to German ingenuity and enterprise. This opens a new phase in ocean commerce and dethrones England from her exalted position as ruler o f the waves. It is claimed that a submarine o f the type o f the Deutschland can be provisioned and carry fuel for a 7,000 mile voyage. As an unarmed mer­ chantman seeking to avoid war- vessels it may prove a formida­ ble instrument in the hands o f the Germans in preventing the starving out process attempted by England O f course. England will exhaust every means to in­ duce or coerce the United States government to hold the Deutsch­ land as a war vessel, but the fact that only a couple o f small pistols and a target rifle used for firing rockets were the only implements of war found aboard precludes the probabilities o f such a ver­ dict being rendered. CROPS REPORTED GOOD. In spite o f the discouraging re­ ports given out earlier in the season the prospect for crops are guod. The wheat and oat crop bids fair for a good yield and the late rains put the hay crop beyond all expectations. I nstead o f there being a shortage there will be an abundance and if properly cared for there will be no scarcity o f feed or exhorbitant prices as there 8,000 3,000 ECHOS FROM THE CIVIL WAR G. W. Brentner has a letter that is 52 years old and was w rit­ ten during the Civil war. It was written by the lBt Lieut, o f the 3d Iowa Battery to his mother stating the death o f hi3 father, Peyton Brentner. The senior Brentner was sent out with a scouting party in Arkansas and was driven into the swamps by the confederates where they re­ mained three days and nights before they were rescued by troops sent after them. A se­ vere case o f swamp fever was contracted from which he died and was buried at DeValls Bluff, Ark. The letter is well perserv- ed and sho« s little o f the wear and tear o f time; the writing is clear and legible. The contents are as follows: Friday evening July 7th Miss Myrtle Ellis o f Bridgeport gave a farewell party for her guest Miss Almeda Cowles o f Sellwood, Ore., who has been visiting her the past week. Musical entertainment w a s given by the Misses Wilson, Cow- and Millinery We will now close out all ladies Oxfords regardless of cost. Come and get them now at just half price. Come early before your size is gone. Millinery now deeply cut for quick clearance. Selig’s Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition". Bulletin IN'o. 6 Suppose this was Your Business! Mrs. Peyton Brentner Madam It becomes my duty to inform you of the sad news of your husbands death. He left the General Hospital here on the 7th inst having received a furlough of 30 days to go to Iowa. Yesterday I received note from F. G. Ensign General Field Agent U. S. Christian Commission at Memphis simply stating that "h e died on board the Steamer Etta No. 2 on the 10th day of October on the way from De- vall's Bluff. Ark., to Memphis” I perhaps will get further particulars from the proper officers at Memphis. He was quite weak and feeble when he left here and we advised him to wait until a little stronger before starting but he thought he was able to stand the journey. I paid him Sixty-two ($62) dollars a day or two before he started which he had en­ trusted to my care when he went to the Hospital. Should I learn further particulars of his death I will inform you and will make out the necessary l papers for a settlement of his ac­ counts and send to the Adjutant General at Washington as soon as the pro|>er data is received. BAPTISM. Sale Ladies Oxfords A FAREWELL PARTY. Head Quarters 3d Iowa Battery Little Rock. Ark., Oct. 18, 1864 1 am very respectfully Yours, O. H. Lyon, 1st Lieut. Commanding 3d Iowa Battery. No. 47 PUTS ONE OVER 6 ,0 0f) w a 8 ja 8 t y e a r . the Donkey? The above are amounts approp- Although he landed in the White House, the Donkey did not riated for the personal use o f the carry many votes four years ago. President, as all official business As a donkey driver Woodrow is done by government clerks who Wilson proved to be the poorest are otherwise provided for. No with just one exception in fifty wonder Bryan was anxious to land years. Judge Alton B. Parker the job. The ordinary citizen was the exception. drawing a salarly equal to.th e In every other contest, begin- allowance for the lighting o f the ning with Lincoln’s re-election. President's greenhouse and stables the Democratic candidate for would be a bloated aristocrat. President polled a greater per- ------ — centage o f all votes cast than did INTERNATIONAL LAW. President Wilson, Abandonment by England and Even Horace Greeley, whom France o f the Declaration o f Lon- we are accustomed to regard as a pathetic example o f a man actual- don as an interpretation o fm a ri- ly killed by a political Waterloo, time international law. establish­ was a more popular candidate ing neutral tights, is the greatest than Woodrow Wilson. The cele­ step backward ever taken by any nation or nations representing brated editor in his fight against the advanced civilization of the General Grant polled forty-four Twentieth century. out o f every one hundred votes The Declaration o f London was cast, while President Wilson re­ the result o f long years o f war­ ceived only forty out o f every fare and was an agreement, after one hundred votes cast. On two actual experience, for the pur occasions Bryan gathered in fortv- pose o f protecting neutrals when­ seven out o f every one hundred ever any great war should threat­ votes, and the other time he ran en their interests and the lives o f for President he got forty-three. their citizens. It was a formid­ You will notice that Mr. Bryan able document, the work o f the as a donkey driver was more dex­ world’s ablest diplomats, and was terous than Doctor Wilson. a j VITI" supposed to t»e for the assurance to the world in general that even three times, and on each occasion war would not crush out all the was honored with a larger per­ finer instincts o f humanity. centage o f the votes cast than This declaration o f principles, President Wilson. by which it was hoped and ex- Tilden and Handcock were Democrats* who were defeated pected that warring nations would for President, but both o f them hereafter be governed, did not were far more popular candidates supersede or do away w.th the than our present President. declaration o f Pans but broaden- Tildcn received more than fifty I ed the P ^ c ip le s laid down at out o f every hundred votes cast, international conference in and General Hancock corralled 185f- and broadened the rights f tv .eight ! and duties o f neutrals and belli- ' gerents in the interests o f mor- Even General George B. Mc­ ality and justice. Clellan had forty-four in his con­ England, with her vast power test against Lincoln in 1864., , . These historic Heures make the *!"* '“ ealth' a" d * j that l,me un. folloain e question pertinent: d“ ">uted contro1 ° f c.ommer“ * " d the seven seas, had more to do I f the Donkey pulled only fo r t y . . . . .. ~ , ., - out ot every hundred votes four - « " ll> fram' " B the De,c' aratl0" o f years atto. how many will it pull ° ‘ hef ,nat'°"- in 1916 with Mexico on its hack ? j >** >bl« ‘ !a» > r!!ra and aV“ aama" - G ir a v d in Philadeipha Ledger. : have vied in its presentation and Ufin rVTTFiVrDADH NAIF O R EG O N. S A T U R D A Y . J U L Y 15, 191« I f the Government had asked you to invest your money in a plant to supply Government needs; and after the plant was built, and had become useful for no other purpose, the Government built a plant of its own, making your plant useless and your investment valueless— would that seem fair ? That is precisely what Congress is planning for lhe Government to do with reference to our investment of $7,000,000 in an armor plant Reporting to Congress, Hon. H. A. Herbert, then Secretary of the Navy, said December 31,1896: “The two armor contractors, the Bethlehem Iron Company and the Carnegie Steel Company, both entered upon the business at the request o f the Navy D e p a rtm e n t.'’ Is it wise— is it fair— for the Government to destroy a private industry brought into existence to serve the Government, unless for reasons of compelling force? T o show that no such reasons exist, we make this offer to the United States Government: The Bethlehem Steel Company will manufacture armor plate for the Government of the United States at actual cost of operation plus such charges for overhead expenses, interest, and depreciation as the Federal Trade Commission may fix. We will do this for such period as the Government may designate. Isn’t that fair P The question is now before the United States Senate. CHAS. M. SCHWAB. Chairman EOCENE O. GRACE. BrmMant les and Raney which was followed Bethlehem Steel Company LETS PRISONER ES C A P Eia^°wed A t what age shall be baptize: by several games. The prize win­ Friday evening o f last week J. according to the teaching o f the ners being Eugene Starr. 1st prize, S. Gibson, a logger, by threats Old and New Testaments? Delbert Deal, booby prize. De­ caused Wm. M. Whyte, a mer­ On next Sunday the 16th at 11 lightful refreshments were served chant at Black Rock, to give him a. m., in the M. E. Church. Rev. i at a late hour and the guests de­ a check for $25. Gibson owed W. J. Warren will speak on above parted, declaring they had spent Whyte a grocery account and had subject. given an order on his employers, an enjoyable evening. Scott Bros, for $25. When Gibson Miss Cowles returned to her found that the money had been The cloud burst in Sherman j home in Sellwood last Saturday. collected he went to W hyte’s store Those present: Almeda Cowles. county, June 30th that caused so and demanded its return. . much loss o f property and the loss Sybil Wilson. Olive Deal, Ruth Saturday Mr. W hyte notified o f four lives near Moro was the Raney o f Lebanon, Myrtle Ellis, ! the Sheriff who proceeded to the first cloud burst in the history of Eugene Starr, Delbert Deal, Eldon scene at once but it was not until that country. J. W. Kunsman, Frink, William Ellis of Carlton. Sunday that he was able to make one o f the victims o f the flood was Mrs. Frank McConnell and chil­ the arrest. Gibson submitted with­ a brother-in-law o f Mr3. Ira C ., dren o f Condon. Thomas McCon­ out any protest, but asked to be nell and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis. Mehrling o f this city. to visit his cabin, which was granted. Here is where the sheriff went “ snipe hunting.” He allowed Gibson to enter the cabin alone while he stood guard at the door. Gibson promptly and with­ out unnecessary delay crawled out o f the back window and for all the sheriff knows is still going. There was a balance due him from Scott Bros, and W hyte issued a garnishment and had it served. When Germany gets her fleet o f submarines and airships run» ning on schedule time it will keep England pretty busy maintaining her blockade.