Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 08, 1916, Image 2

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    Â g f rg j F a l U i
N rirn s
Washington, D. C.— Here are the
aalient features of the mite from Gen­
eral Carranza to be handed to Secre­
Entrr.,1 « i
n .l.- i» « . m ail a l « b » p o a t o f f l »
tary o f State I.snaing, which promiaea
at »'alia Oltjr Polk Count». oo-noo. «aal.» tba
to lead to an eventual diplomatic ad­
A rt of Coofroaa of blarob 1 1ST«
justment o f the Mexican situation:
Ttlrphost Kkw» Office, M.
1— Assurances that Mexican troops
Subscription Ratas: One rest. *L«>:
establish peace and order in
U cants: thraa months. 25 cants; sinkla copy. 6 cts.
Northern Mexico.
2 Assurances that adequate meas­
A jT c r tla ln f R ates: D isplay. IS ce n ta a n In ch ;
ures will be taken to prevent a repeti­
Business N otices, s c e n t s a lin e ; Tor Bala, Rant.
E xch an ge. W an t a n d Pay E n tarta lm n eu t S o-
tion of raids into American territory.
tfeaa. 5 cts. a lin e. C ard o< T h a n k s SO eta; Lega
3 - Charge that the presence o f
N otices, lega l rates.
American troops is responsible for un­
settled conditions, with a statement of Russians Seize Railway to Lem berg,
C op y Cor new ads. and ch a n ges sh ou ld b e sent
U ve News Items of AU Nations and events to date.
to The News n ot la ter th a n W ed n esd ay.
4 - Reiteration of the view that the
Cutting Off German and Aus­
O ffw U I^N w pape^^h^«ty^^aU ^^iO
Pacific Northwest Condensed
troops should be withdrawn.
trian Defending Forces.
6— Announcement that the de facto
for Our Busy Readers.
I ssued E v e r y S a t u r d a y M ornin g
government has accepted in principle
the suggestion o f pan-Atnerican medi­
ation, and request that the United
Paris—The French have carried by
Three deaths from heat were report- States declare its attitude thereon.
H. J. Grlffln. M ayor.
assault the second German lines on a
R. M. W ou d crly . C ou n cilm a n -a t-L a rg e
' ed to the police in St. Louis Tuesday.
G. W . B rentner,
The victims were elderly men. The the questions at issue by direct negoti­ front o f two kilometers from the Ol-
G eorge C. March,
ation rather than by mediation.
ery-Maricourt road to the river Som­
highest temperature was 94 degrees.
The note is couched in vigorous lan­ me.
C.i. B radley.
C o u n c il* « »
Herbert Munter. a Seattle aviator, guage, but in spite o f some of the
I. G. S in gleton .
They have also captured the village
C .L . H op k in s,
flying at South Bend. Wash., while sharp comments made, it is said by the of Hem. in the same district, accord-
N .S e l-c .
3000 feet in the air had to descend Mexican embassy to be conciliatory in | ing to the official statement issued by
C. E. M cP berren, A u d itor an d P olice
when the craqk shaft o f his engine tone. It is said that it cannot possibly j the French war office Thursday night.
W alter L. Tt»o«e Jr.. City A ttorn ey.
broke. He landed safely on the tide be interpreted as insulting or as justi­
The French have captured all the
Pat M urphy. M arshal and W ater Supt.
■ flats.
fying hostile action by the American German second positions south o f the
Kl. L. T h om p son , Treasurer
Dr. F. M. H ellw arth. H ealth Officer.
| Somme on a front of about 10 kilo­
The London war office announced forces assembling on the frontier.
The President will not seek to read meters. They also havo completed the
T h eC ou n cil m eets In regular session on the first that the necessary passenger traffic be­
M onday n ig h t of each m on th , at 7 30 o 'c lo c k , in tween Great Britain and the Continent into the note what it does not contain. occupation o f the village o f Kstreos,
the office o f the Kalla C ity N ew i.
would be regulated closely and reduced He proposes to take it at its face where 200 Germans surrendered.
as far as possible. Only those having value.
Petrograd, via London-- The Rus­
The recent retirement of American
good reason will be permitted to
troops toward the Rio Grande was di­ sians have cut the Delatyn-Korosmezo
rected by the President in spite o f the railway, the principal line of commu-
While Rev. C. E. Helman was in the irritation caused by the Carrizai inci­ j nicationafor the Austro-Gcrman forces
j midst o f a sermon on "O u r Country, ” dent, for the purpose of proving to the , defending Lemberg.
| in the Baker, Ore., Methodist church, Carranza government that the Wash­
The Russians also have routed the
j the artillery o f the heavens let loose ington administration had no intention enemy on the right bank o f the Dneis-
and his congregation was startled by a o f permanently occupying Mexican ter, according to an official statement
flash of lightning that passed just over territory.
issued by the war office.
Office one door east of P. O.
i their heads.
The same motive was behind the an­
Office and n i
ratta C
^ 1 ity
1 ; ,
Rest d a n ce r n o n e o b íí
O regon
London—The French continue to
A bill to establish a National park nouncement that General Pershing
, service, with a compensation system would be assigned to command the de­ make more progress than the British
| of supervision, and a bill to accept partment Of New Mexico and is re­ on the western front, owing partly to
from the state of Oregon exclusive sponsible for the talk now emanating the more difficult ground facing the
' jurisdiction over the Crater Lake Na- from official circles that this officer is British and also to the fact that
| tional park, were among measures to proceed shortly to El Paso, leaving stronger forces are opposing them be­
passed by the house o f representatives. a colonel in command o f the troops re­ cause of the belief among the Germans
that the main attack in the present
maining in Mexico.
Elbert H. Gary, chairman o f the
What the President desires to do is operations will be on the British front.
United States Steel corporation, in a I to convince General Carranza and his
But, despite their slower progress,
statement just issued, asserts that the chiefs that this government has no the British are successfully beating
Sample Room s
1 steel business o f the United States for lust for Mexican territory and that he back heavy German counter attacks,
Best A cco m m o d a tio n s
domestic use and for export is better will gladly order all soldiers to with­ which have been delivered both day
F. O r o e g e , P r o p r ie to r
I than ever in its history.
Production draw once he is satisfied the Carranza and night in the regions o f La Boiselle
is larger, profits greater and workmen forces are able to maintain peace and and Thiepval, and, generally, between
; are receiving higher wages.
the Ancre and the Somme, where they
B A R b E K ?H O P S
are making steady progress.
No soldier along the border is to be
It is estimated that the German
j without a Bible, if efforts now being
losses in the battle o f the Somme thus
made to provide each fighting man
far are approximately 60,000.
Falls City, O r s g o n
with a pocket-sire khaki-bound volume
capture of guns has been comparative­
at a cost o f 5 cents are successful.
Where you can get a Shave, Hair Cut, Bath
ly small, because the Germans, in an­
The army chaplains who have been in­
Chicago — Reports received by the ticipation o f the offensive, withdrew
or •Shine"
Agent for Dallas Steam Laundry
Tribune from all over the entire coun­ their big artillery to longer ranges be­
B undles forw a rd ed T uesday e v en in g
their assistance to it.
The Bibles are
try up to a late hour Tuesday night fore the battle began.
j provided at cost.
According to aerial observations on
Show eight deaths and 191 persons in­
General Trevino reported Wednesday jured as the toll o f the Fourth o f July the French front in the direction of
night to the Mexican war department celebration« as compared with 19 killed Peronne, there are now only three
more trench systems between the
that several wounded American sol­ and 903 injured in 1915.
For 17 years the Tribune has col­ French and the open country, and, if a
diers, who belonged to detachments en-
the casualties break can be made in the German lines
1 gaged in the fight at Carrizai, have lected
been found in different parts of the throughout the country on Independ­ here, it would be extremely serious for
state o f Chihuahua.
He said they ence day for the purpose o f directing the Germans, who are doubtless hurry­
were being returned to the American public attention to what was in the be­ ing up reinforcements to make secure
D a l l a s , Oregon
The Germans
ginning o f this period no less than a the threatened point.
side as soon as encountered.
are sending reinforcements to the bat­
National shame.
The customs bureau o f the Treasury
In the last half dozen years reports tlefield from as far as Verdun and
department begins an examination to have shown these casualties on the de­ Lens, and it is thought that the con­
learn the total amount o f arms and am- cline, and this year has seen them re­ tinued heavy German attacks on the
: munition that has been exported to duce to a minimum.
The year 1915 Meuse may be intended to conceal im­
I Mexico within the last year.
The showed a setback in the steady decline portant transfer of troops behind the
j work was undertaken at the request of in casulaties, due probably to the fact German lines.
the War department.
Orders were that there was practically a two-day
, sent to all customs inspectors to tabu­ celebration, the Fourth falling on Sun- j
late the information and send it to day and the legal holiday on Monday.
Washington as soon as possible.
Deaths for the last eight years have
1916, 8 deaths; 1915, 19;
The epidemic o f infantile paralysis,
which has claimed 82 lives in and near 1914, 9; 1913, 32; 1912, 41; 1911, 57;
New York— The average o f one
1910, 141; 1909, 215.
New York City within the last eight
death an hour was maintained Thurs­
days, continues to gain.
From Satur­
Portland Man Killed.
day by the infantile paralysis epi­
day noon until noon Wednesday, 87
Portland— V. D. Burnell, coxswain j demic, 12 children dying of the disease
cases developed and 23 persons died of
in the regular navy and one o f the i between 10 o ’clock Wednesday night
the disease. A total o f 456 cases and
crew o f the training ship Boston, was j and 10 o'clock Thursday morning in
! 94 deaths have been reported since
fatally injured Tuesday morning at 6 the five boroughs o f New York City.
j January 1. It waB announced that the
o ’clock by the premature explosion of i During a period of 48 hours there
1 Rockefeller Institute is planning to in­
a six-pound charge during the firing of were 178 new cases reported, of which
augurate a field campaign against the
the Independence day salute aboard the 102 occurred in the last 24 hours in
' disease.
Boston. He died three hours later at ! or near the seat o f the epidemic in
' Brooklyn.
As a result of a family quarrel near a local hospital.
Eight shots has been discharged j In one Brooklyn hospital there were
Pearl, Wash., 14 miles southeast of
Bridgeport, Claude Tinker killed his from the six-pound gun in firing the 225 children victims o f the disease,
mother and his brother, Frank. He I salute when the accident occurred. many o f whom, it was said, had only
also attempted to kill his father, who The ninth charge had been thrust into ■light chance o f recovery.
is a well-known rancher in that vicin- j the chamber and C. F. Trullinger, | The officers o f the health depart­
I member o f the crew, was standing be- ments were beseiged by men, women
| ity, but did not succeed.
j side the gun closing the breech when and children, mostly foreigners, who,
It was announced at army headquar­ the powder exploded.
The brass shell i terrified by reports o f the spread of
ters in San Francisco that orders had was thrown back against the deflector ; the disease, demanded medical service.
Notice to Sew s Subscribers
been received from Washington for­ I o f the gun and. tearing through that, a j Since June 26, when the epidemic
bidding the giving out o f any informa­ portion o f it struck Burnell, who was , took hold, 702 cases o f infantile par­
tion regarding troop movements, Fed­ standing directly in its path pointing alysis have been reported.
Of this
A mark here indicates that
eral or National Guard, in the Western the gun.
number 138 have died.
your subscription is delinquent.
! department.
Please cail and fix it.
Hetty Green's Will Filed.
Prince o f 10 in Army.
The name o f the Pacific Reserve
Bellows Falls, V t.—The will of Mrs.
Berlin — According to a traditional
Fleet, with headquarters at the Puget
Sound navy yard, has been changed to custom o f the Hohenzollern house, Hetty Green, long known as the
“ Reserve Force, U. S. Pacific Fleet.” Prince William, eldest son of Crown wealthiest woman in America, leaves
Six vessels of the reserve force are in Prince Frederick William and heir pre­ the bulk o f her estate to her son and
Mr. H o it ii S a a k a r-
Mexican and California waters under sumptive, was enrolled in the army daughter. The remainder is distribut­
C IT Y , O R E G O N
command of Rear Admiral Fullam, Tuesday, his 10th birthday. He wan ed in smaller bequests to old friends.
a n d Buy O r c h a r d Land
who shifted his flag from the cruiser j appointed a lieutenant o f the First No estimate of the total value of the
Pittsburg to the cruiser Colorado. His | Guard Infantry. The prince, like his estate is contained in the will and the
title henceforth will be commander of 1 great-great-grandfather. Emperor Wil­ closing clause provides that the son
the Reserve Force, Pacific Fleet, in­ liam I, who became a lieutenant in and daughter shall not be required to
\ stead o f commander-in-chief o f the Pa­ 1807, begins his military career in the file an inventory or appraisement or
cific Reserve Fleet.
midst o f a great war. Prince William give bonds, and “ shall not be required
Passenger Train Schedule
Thomas Kelley, millionaire
con­ also has an honorary command with to account in or to be subject to the
Effective Oct. 4 , 1914
tractor, accused o f defrauding the pro- the Second Guard Landwehr regiment. jurisdiction o f the Probate court. ”
D. L. WOOD ft SON,
Brief Resume of General News
From All Around the Earth.
Erfflih Forres Siili faring Three More
Strong Fremii Systems.
p ro fe s s io n a l d a r o s
B u s in e s s ü a rfrs
jf a lls C it^ lf o o te l
Independence Day Accidents
Decrease in Past Eight Years
B o h le ’s B a rb e r Shops
G. L. H A W K I N S
Infdnt Paralysis Epidemic Claims
New York Baby Every Hour
Salem . . .
D a lla s. . .
Fai Is C ity .
B l’ k R o ck .
B l’ k Hock
Falls City.
D a lla s . . .
Salem . . .
am . am.
7:00 9.45
8.15 11.02
8.50 11.35
am. pm.
9.30 1.25
10.10 2.00
11.01 3.15
A. c. P o w xr *.
vince o f Manitoba in the erection of
Turks Take Kermanshah.
Twenty-five Infants Die.
Parliament buildings at Winnipeg,
Amsterdam, via London— Kerman­
New York — Twenty-five children
was found guilty by a jury in Assize
died from the epidemic o f infantile shah, in Western Persia, has been
1 court.
paralysis here during the 24 hours end­ evacuated by the Russians and occu-
Bandits attacked the bridge over the ed at 6 o ’clock Tuesday night, accord­ ! pied by the Turks, accordnig to a Con­
dispatch received here
Medina river at MacDona, Tex., about ing to an announcement by the health stantinople
20 miles southwest o f San Antonio, department. Twenty-four deaths oc­ i Thursday by way of Vienna.
Friday night, according to a report. curred in Brooklyn and one in Manhat­ message states that after a fierce bat­
| The bridge guard o f United States tan. Fifty-nine new cases and 31 sus­ tle west o f Kermanshah on June 30,
| soldiers routed their assailants, who pected cases o f the disease were re­ the Russians retreated and, being un­
j fled in the darkness.
Two Americans ported from four boroughs. O f these, able to maintain themselves in that
48 cases and 15 suspected cases are city, abandoned it to the Turks, who
in Brooklyn.
occupied it on July 1.
was taken prisoner.
New York — Mrs. Hetty Green,
known as the world’s wealthiest wo­
man, whose fortune ie estimated as
high aa $100,000,000, died here Mon­
day, aged 80 years.
She had suffered
three strokes of paralysis ’ in the last
two months and for several weeks had
been practically helpless.
Her death occurred at H :06 o ’clock
at the home of her son, Colonel Ed­
ward 11. K. Green, adjoining the plain
brick four-story house on the corner of
Central Park West, where Mrs. Green
had lived lately in seclusion, except
for her son and several Japanese serv­
ants and trained nurses.
Wall street's estimates o f Mrs.
Green's fortune range from $20,000,-
000 to $100,000,000. Officials of the
Chemical National bank, In which Mrs.
Green once made her downtown head­
quarters, declined to hasard a guess
concerning the size of her estate.
Hetty Green was the world’s most
remarkable mistress of finance. The
richest woman in America, she lived
almost as frugally as u shop-girl. Her
home was wherever she chose for n
time to hang her little black crepe and
bonnet, often in the hall bedroom of
some cheap boarding house or in some
remote and modest flat around New
Mrs. Green's eccentric extremes of
economy led to the popular misconcep­
tion o f her as a “ self-made woman.”
As a matter of fact she was burn rich.
In 1865 she inherietd some $10,000,-
000, which accumulated upon Itself
until in 50 years it had multiplied
nearly ten times. She also inherited
family traditions which had been a
pride for three centuries, and vriiich
she was anxious to perpetuate in her
Blome for Recent Irish Uprising
Placed by Royal Commission
I/ondon — The Royal
which investiagted the Irish rebellion
in its report submitted Tuesday says
the responsibility for the outbreak
does not rest with Baron Wimborne,
the lord lieutenant, since resigned,
who is declared to have been in no way
answerable for the policy of the gov­
The chief secretary for Ireland, Au­
gustine Birrell, who resigned shortly
after the suppression of the outbreak,
was primarily responsible, say the re­
The Royal commission was presided
over by Baron Hardings.
the causes of the outbreak in Ireland,
the report says:
“ The fact should be borne in mind
that there is always a section of opin­
ion in that country bitterly opposed to
British connection and that in times
of excitement this section can impose
its sentiments on largely increased
numbers of the poeple.”
The report points out that it is out­
side the scope of the commission's in­
structions to inquire how far the policy
of the Irish executive was adpoted by
the cabinet, or to attach responsibility
to any but the civil and military exec­
utive in Ireland.
The report then
gives these conclusions:
“ That the main cause of the rebel­
lion appears to be that lawlessness
was allowed to grow up unchecked and
that Ireland for several years had been
administered on the principle that it
was safer and more exi>edient to leave
the law in abeyance if a collision with
any faction of the Irish people could
therefore be avoided.”
The importation of large quantities
of arms into Ireland and the toleration
o f drilling by large bodies of men, the
report says, created conditions which
rendered possible the recent troubles
in Dublin and elsewhere.
“ It appears to u s," said the commis­
sioners, “ that reluctance was shown
by the Irish government to repress by
prosecution written and spoken utter­
ances and to suppress drilling and
maneuvering o f armed forces known to
be under control of men who o|>enly
were declaring their hostility to your
majesty’s government.
“ There developed widespread belief
that no repressive measures would be
undertaken by the government against
“ This led to a rapid increase of
preparation for insurrection and was
the immediate cruse of the recent out­
break. We are of the opinion that on
the outbreak of the war all drilling
and maneuvering by unrecognized bod­
ies o f men, whether armed or un­
armed, should have been strictly pro­
British Capture Fritourt From Germons
After Desperate Bottle.
Teutons Retreat Before French Drive
Near Hardecourt — Lose Many
Trenches Also to British.
I,ondon Fricourt, three miles oast
of Albert, the scene of des|>erate fight­
ing between the British ami Germans
since the entente silled offensive was
liegun Saturday morning, has been cap­
ture«! by the British, according to an
official statement issued Sunday night.
The statement says:
“ Substantial progress has been made
in the vicinity o f Fricourt, which was
captured by us at 2 p. m.
" U p to noon some 800 more prison­
ers had been taken in the operations
between the Ancre and the Somme,
bringing the total up to 3500, includ­
ing those capture«! on other parts of
the front Saturday night.”
The official statement by the French
war office at Faria says that south of
the Somme the French have force«l
their way into the second line o f the
German entrenchments
at several
places and have captured the village of
Fries and the Mereaucourt wood. The
number of unwoumied prisoners taken
in the two days' battle now is said to
be more than 6000.
Sunday night's statement by the
French war office said that in the
fighting south of Arras Saturday the
French took a total o f 6000 prisoners.
In the course o f the night French
troops raptured the village o f Uurlu,
about seven miles southwest of Albert.
A heavy German counter-attack on the
village o f Hardecourt, north of Curlu,
was repulsed, the statement a«lds.
After repeated assaults the Germans
were obliged to retreat in disorder,
Ijondon July 2.—The British troops
in their greet drive in France have
captured a German
labyrinth of
trenches on a front of seven miles to a
depth of 1000 yarils ami the villages of
Moutauman and Mammetz.
North of the Ancre valley, according
to the official statement, the British
have not been able to hold aectiona of
the ground gained in their first at­
tacks. Two thousand German pris­
oners have been taken.
Hughes Plans trip (o Pacific
Coast Cities first of August
Bridgchampton, N. Y. — Unl««sa he
changes has plans, CharU-s E. Hughes,
in all probability will inaugurate his
campaign for the ¡’residency in the
second week in August, starting on a
tour which will take him to the Faciflc
Coast. The present purely tentative
arrangements provide for addresses in
about 10 leailing cities, probably St.
Faul, Portland, Or.; Seattle, Wash.;
San Francisco, Ix>s Angeles, Salt I.ake
City, Kansas City, St. lxiuis and Chi­
cago among others.
Mr. Hughes intends this
around the circle as merely prelimi­
nary to one or two whirlwind tours.
He hopes to avoid rear-platform speak­
ing on the first long trip.
Mother and Baby Washed Away
By 15-foot Wall of Water
Pendleton, Ore.— Mrs. M. C. Mc­
Cabe, a rancher’ s wife, and her infant
boy were drowned Saturday night
about 5 o ’clock when n cloudburst
broke over upper Butter Creek canyon,
43 miles southwest of Pendleton, and
a wall of water swept down upon their
home. Mrs. McCabe’s body was found
five miles further down McDonald can­
yon Sunday morning by a searching
party. The haby’a body was found la­
ter. Mr. McCabe, her three children
and some men were in the McCabe
house and knew nothing of the flood
until It struck the house, tearing it
asunder and carrying away Mrs. Mc­
Cabe and the child.
The other chil­
dren were rescued by the men.
Seven Killed in Explosion,
Emporium, Fa. — Six men were in-
stanty killled, one died aboard a train
to a hospital and five others were seri-
ouay burned about the body here Sun­
day afternoon when several thousand
pounds of powder exploded in the dry
house at the Aetna Explosives com­
pany’s plant. The dry house was de­
molished and the ruins ignited, threat­
ening adjoining property.
men were working in the building
when the explosion took place. Three
standing near a door were blown from
the building, with but minor injuries.
I, W. W. Leaders Threaten.
St. Paul — Declaring their personal
liberties as citizens have been violate«!
by the order of Governor Hurnquist for
the sheriff of St. Louis county to dis­
arm all striking miners, nine I. W. W.
leaders at Virginia, in a telegram re­
ceived Sunday night, ask if they are in
The message is a demand
that the chief executive of the state
remove all mine guards from within
the city limits o f mining towns on the
“ Otherwise, ” the statement
reads, “ our miners will be instructed
to defend themselves.”
Russians Continue to Win.
Petrogad— Russian troops continue
to drive back the Austro-Hungarian
army in the region south o f the Dneis-
ter river, in Galicia, says the Russian
official statement issued Sunday .Many
places south of Kolomea have been oc­
cupied by forces of Emperor Nichol­
as. It is announced that on June 28
and 29 General Letchitaky took prison­
er 305 officers and 14,674 men, making
a total of 217,000 Austro-Hungarians
captured since June 4.
Italians In New Attack.
Rome, via London— Continuing their
offensive in the Trentino, the Italians
have begun an attack on the Austrian
fortified positions between Kugna Tot-
ya and Foppiano, says the Italian offi­
cial statement issued Sunday.
Austrians were driven from sections of
trenches north of Pedescala, the dis­
patch adds, and some more trenches
were carried between Selz and Monfal-
cone. In the latter battle 196 Aus­
trians were taken prisoners.