Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 08, 1916, Image 1

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made their report and asked for
instructions as to the furnituie.
Objections were filed with regard
to rawhide bottom chairs and ven­
tilated seat benches. The Mayor
was in favor o f wide-arm high
back chairs, the general opinion
was that the regular arm office
chair would be acceptable. It
was argued that environment had
much to do with efficiency that if
the councilmen were pleasantly
und comfortably situated they
would do much more work. It
was finally left to the judgement
o f the building committee.
George March and I. G. Single-
bin were elected as special police
to keep the peace, quell riots and
make themselves generally useful
on the Fourth o f July.
The electric light franchise was
mentioned and it was suggested
that something be done at the
next meeting.
4th of July Celebration.
No. 46
2d, I/)ta Bradley.
Egg race—Girls: 1st, Lota Brad
The celebration held here the ley; 2d, Opal Robertson. Boys,
Fourth was a very successful a f­ 1st, Stanley o f Lewisville; 2d,
fair and passed off very pleasant­ Chas. Ronco.
Failure of Oraal Britain to Oboervo
Three-legged race—Girls: 1st,
ly. There was a goodly number
International Law Foroaa Oormany
o f visitors from Dallas and other Rachel Spawn; 2d, Ruby Wingo.
to Return to Undersea Warfare.
nearby towns who came for a Boys: 1st, John Wag;»er; 2d. Fred
Copenhagen, via London, July
day'e outing in our city o f the Trask.
Pony race: 1st, Walter Bowman;
4 — Referring to the announce­
hills. It is estimated that there
ment o f the abandonment by
were 1500 or 2000 people present. 2d, Geneva Treat.
Great Britain o f the declaration
Horse race: 1st, Walter Bow­
No elaborate arrangements had
o f London, Captain I. Feraeua,
2d, Guy Ray.
l>een made and very little public­
naval expert o f the Berlinger
ity had been given outside o f Falk
Tageblatt, declares in the news­
A full grown parrot came to the j
City and vicinity to draw any
paper that the German govern­
great crowd fram a distance. The home of Mrs. H. W. Bancroft
ment purposes to begin again a
committee on program failed to Thursday morning. The bird was
“ new and unrestricted submarine
get a band which would have add caught and is being kept until'
war.” in order to force Great
ed much to the occasion. They claimed by the owner. It’s body
We will now close out all ladies
Britain to follow the rules o f in­
were also short on siieakers. is green, yellow tipped wings and
Oxfords regardless of cost.
ternational law.
Many o f the business houses w e n * has a red head.
t'uptain Perseus states that
dratK-d with Old Glory giving the
Come and get them now at just
Pat Murphy has been appointed
Germany has now such a large
town a patriotic appearance.
guard at the penitentiary a t 1
half price.
number o f submarines that they
The exercises were opened by Salem. Pat until recently has!
will be able to harm British trade
Come early before your size is
singing “ America” and was fol­ been city marshal here and has
......................... — ■■ ■ ♦
considerably and prevent mun­
lowed by invocation by E. A. La­ made a very efficient officer.
itions reaching France. He pro­
Dow. Twenty-four little
Millinery no.v deeply cut for
Mr. Webster and Tom Hooker
poses that Germany should ask
A business man o f Birm ing-1 under the supervision o f Miss
tins American government cer­ ham, Ala., drew up a petition Mary Hammond sang, "W hen the
tain questions as to the attitude asking the city council to appoint Hags are Full o f Stars.”
fourth. Also Ennis Frink and
it intends to adopt.
August Huckestein, postmaster
a committee to hang every minis­
Mrs. Lola Clement.
ter o f the gospel in town. He of Salem was introduced to the
Dale Gottfreid returned Wed-'
circulated the document among audience to make a Fourth of July
thirty o f the city’s leading citi­ oration. He prefaced his remarks nesday morning from Hood River
zens, including many influential with excuses for being there, that where he has been picking straw­
bankers, merchants and manu­ it was a surprise to him and that berries.
facturers. And twenty o f them he was totally "unprepared.” He
Miss Helen Duck o f Portland
Ni leteen Latin Rapublica Reported in
signed it.
then went on to relate the oppress­ who has been visiting Mrs. Thomp­
Pact to Roaiat Aggression
Now they are busy explaining ion of the colonists that led to the son returned home Friday.
Mexico City, July 4. An open that they didn't know what they signing o f the Declaration o f Inde­
Miss Helen Treat who is attend­
letter has been published here, were doing. Needless to say. pendence and the struggle that
ing the normal at Monmouth spent
signed by S. Cosme Zafra. in they don’ t want to hang the followed to throw off the yoke of
"Meeting and Beating Competition".
the Fourth in this city.
which an agreement is cited preachers. They simply signed Great Britain: the second term
Miss Mabel Sheppard o f Salem
which is entered into by 19 Latin- that paper without reading it o f George Washington as Pres­
friends here the first ot
American countries to resist a g ­ through. And it’s a striking ident o f the United States, and.
gression by the United States. proof o f the assertion the circu­ the abuse that was heaped upnn
This agreement is said to have lator 'o f the petition set out to him and how he bravely withstood
been signed by the representa­ prove—that the American busi­ all. He then pointed out the treat
tives of the 19 countries at Sara­ ness man will sign almost any­ difficulties o f Abraham Lincoln
gossa, Spain, on November 19, thing.
and wound up likening Woodrow
1908. According to Z a fr a ’s let­
The document, o f course, was W ilson to these heroes. This part
ter the signers swore by the carefully baited
It started out of his speech was not applauded
image o f the “ Virgin o f the P il­ with the usual array o f “ where­ by the audience as it was too plain
lar” to act unitedly in case any ases," asking the city council to that he had taken undue advan­
single country or group o f Latin- adopt an ordinance excusing the tage o f the occasion to impose a
American republics was threat­ ministers from paying a sanitary campaign speech upon the people.
Faced by demands from the conductors, engineers, firemen and brakemen
ened by the United States.
tax. The last paragraph contain­
A t the conclusion o f the speech
impose on the country an additional burden in transportation costs of
The occasion o f the alleged ed a little joker in the form o f an a glee song was sung by the little
a year, the railroads propose that this wage problem be settled by
agreement was the celebration of explanation that in order to gain girls and then came the basket
impartial Federal tribunal.
the centenary o f Spain’ s release immunity from the tax the min­ dinner. Some of the town people
employes, whose efficient service is acknowledged, the railroads
from the domination o f Napoleon. isters would have to be hanged. went to their homes for dinner,
that could not be considered fairly and decided justly by such
Commenting on this story, But what business man would hut there was plenty of edibles
Zafra says the republics o f Cen­ neglect to read the last para­ for those who remained.
tral and South America must graph o f a legal document affect­
A t 1:15 a game of ball was play­
unite as a single people against ing his own business?
ed by the Perrydale and Airlie
The formal proposal of the railroads to the employes for the settlement of
the United States following the
This genial failing, this willing­ teams. The game was very good
the controversy is as follows:
“ discipline and abnegation of ness to sign any sort o f appeal and the players did their best to
glorious Germany,” to resist suc­ without inspection, merely to render a good game. The out­
“ Our conferences hare demonstrated that we cannot h irm on iie our differences of opinion and that eventually the
matters in controversy must be pissed upon by other and disinterested sgenc.es
Therefore, we propose that your
cessfully the colossus o f the please the person presenting it, standing score at the'conclusion
proposals and the proposition of the railways be dispoied of by one or the other of the follow in g methods:
1. Preferably by submission to the Interstate Commerce Commission, the only tribunal which, by reason of its
has robbed petitions o f their old was 3-0 in favor o f Perrydale.
accumulated information bearing on railway conditions and its control of the revenue of the railways, i* in s posi­
value. No wonder legislative
Ray’s rough riders next pro­
tion to consider and protect the rights and equities of all the interests affected, and to provide additional revenue
necessary to meet the added cost of operation in case your proposals are found by the Commission to be iust and
Itodies have come to pay little at­ ceeded to give some riding and
reasonable; or. in the event the Interstate Commerce Commission cannot, under existing laws, act in the premise*,
NO TENTS FOR CAMP tention to them, no matter how roping stunts. The riding of the
that we jointly requeat Congress to take such action at may be necessary to enable the Commission to consider and
promptly dispose of the questions in volved; or
many names they bear. The horses and bulls in some instances
t . By arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Federal la w " (T h e Newlands A ct).
same amiable tendency has inter­ were very good. Most o f the rid­
Acting Adjutant Oaneral Faces Diffi­
fered with the proper working of ing and roping was done by Guy
cult Problem; Equipment in Use.
popular primaries. It has been Ray, who was the only good rider
Because the guardsmen at the found that almost any citizen will there. Several attempts were
Leaders of the train service brotherhoods, at the joint conference held in New
sign almost any candidate’ s nom­
1-15, refused the offer of the railroads to submit the issue to arbitration
border have drawn upon the war
inating petition, making it poss­ made by the would-be broncho
or Federal review, and the employes are now voting on the question whether
department so heavily for tent­ ible for an absurdly incompetent busters to ride the bulls but they
authority shall be given these leaders to declare a nation-wide strike.
age, the eight companies o f the or undesirable candidate to be nearly always landed on the
coast artillery that are to be en­ nominated if he works hard ground after the first jump or
The Interstate Commerce Commission is proposed by the railroads as the
camped at Fort Stevens, July lb- enough.
body to which this issue ought to be referred for these reasons:
i two.
— ----
29, will be without cover, accord­
ployes as wages; and the money to pay increased wages
A fte r the roping and riding
N o other body with such an intimate know) -dqe
can come from no other source than the rates paid
of railroad conditions hat such in unquestioned posi­
ing to a telegram received yes­
bout the riders engaged in a potato
by the public.
tion in the public confidence.
terday by Adjutant General W.
Mrs. Pearle Fisher departed race. Armed with sharp pointed
T h e rates the railroads may c h tr g v the public for
T h e Interstate Commerce Commietion, with its con­
transportation are now largely fixed by this G overn­
W. Wilson. The telegram did this life at Portland, Oregon July sticks they would harpoon a potato
trol over rates, is in a position to make a complete
ment board.
investigation and render such decision as would pro­
not give any promise o f satisfac­ 4th, 1916 and was laid to rest in and gallop to a box that was placed
tect the interests of the railroad employes, the owners
Out of every dollar received bv the railroads Irom
tion and stated that i f the men the Odd Fellows cemetery at Falls I on the ground and drop it in. A
of the railroads, and the public.
the public nearly one-half is paid directly to the em­
went into camp at this time they City Thursday afternoon, July 6. rider on guard would endeavor to
A Question F or the Public to Decide
would have to secure their own Services were conducted at the prevent the potato from being
tents. Adjutant General^Wilson grave by Rev. E. A. LaDow.
The railroads feel that they have no right to grant a wage preferment of
dropped in. The race was won
will endeavor to get tentage from
$100,000,000 a year to these employes, now highly paid and constituting only
Mrs. Pearle Fisher, (nee Tal­ by Gordon Treat.
one-fifth of all the employes, without a clear mandate from a public tribunal that
the stations in this department.
bott) was a sister to our tow ns­
A tug o f war between the ponies
shall determine the merits of the case after a review of all the facts.
man, J. C. Talbott, and was born of Guy Ray and three other riders
The single issue before the country is whether this controversy is U be settled by an
in Brooklyn, Iowa June 15, 1890. was engaged in. Ray and his
Government inquiry or by industrial warfare.
The city council met in regular She was married to Otis Fisher, partner winning.
The crowd then repaired to the
session Monday night and trans­ Nov. 1, 1911. To this union two
N ational C onference C om m ittee of th e Railw ays
acted the usual amount o f busi­ children were born, Helen and Main street and watched the races
ELISHA LEE. C h a irm a n
N. U M A H E R .
H . E M B RSO N ,
r R A L B R IG H T . Gen l Manage
David, ages three and two years that were run.
Norfolk A Wnatnrn Railway.
Great Northern Rnilwny.
Atlantic Const Linn Railroad
¥ ••«/ •»
The prizes offered in the races
L. * BALDWIN. fen'f Meaaynr.
An ordinance regulating auto­ respectively. She is survived by
Denver A Rio Grande Railroad.
Philadelphia A Rending Rnilwny.
Central of Georfin Rnilwny.
A M S C H O Y B R . Haudaat Pi». fraa..
mobile traffic was passed. Also a husband, father, mother and were $1 for first and 50c for the
W . GRICE. Gtn 7 Sugt. Tramp..
C. L BAR D O . G— l Jfnwafer.
Feanrylvama Liana Wtst.
Chesnpnnkn A Ohio Rnilwny
New York, Nnw Haven A Hertford Rmlro
an ordinance dedicating the Boy three brothers. She spent most second.
W L SE D D O N . itco
R H CO A PM A N , V a + P m iém t.
Seaboard A ir Lina Railway.
St Louin A Snn Pranctnco Railroad
Southern Rnilwny.
of her life in Falls City and was
Boys race: 1st, Harold Wagner:
Scout building as a city hall.
A. J. STO N E . Hre fraud—t.
W RO U NS. G— 'IMaaagar.
S F CO T T KR. G m ‘l
Erie Railroad
Atchison. Topeka A Santa Pn Rnilwny.
Wabash Rnilwny.
The committee selected to re­ followed to her last resting place 2d, Curzy o f Dallas.
9 W A ID . Pfre Ptes 9 Goa l Wye.
P. B C R O W L E Y . Am d. r ^ A u ldtH ,
Sunset Central Liana.
Wheeling A Lake E m Railrnnd-
Girls race: 1st, Opal Robertson;
model the Boy Scout building by a host o f sorrowing friends.
New York Central Rnilwny.
Sale Ladies Oxfords
and Millinery
Selig’s Cash Price Store,
Federal Inquiry or
Railroad Strike?
Railroads Urge Public Inquiry and Arbitration
Leaders Refuse Offer and Take Strike Vote