Rfttutday, July I, 1016 THE FALLS CITY NEWS 4 m Rubber Goods We have a full line ef guar­ anteed hot water bottles and fountain syringes of all sizes and prices. If you need a pood hot water bottle let us show you one. We have bought some new rubber goods at a low price and therefore our prices are much lower this year. They are guaranteed one and two years. THOM PSONS DRUG STORE. FERGUSON McPHERREN. SHALL WE HAVE MUSIC Mrs. A. H. Dodd is on the sick Warren D. McPherren and IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS I list Mattie C. Ferguson wen1 married Born to Mr. and Mrs. O. Elle, a at Dallas Monday June 26, 1916, Editor of The News: boy, last Saturday. Rev. W. A. Marcy officiating. At our annual school meeting Our Entire Line of Fred Holman, wife and daugh- Warren D. McPherren is the we voted down vocal music as a son of C. K. McPherren of this branch of study in our schools^ LACE C U R T A I N S A T H A LF PRIOE | ter were in the city Sunday. j city and has been employed in The vote stood 68 against it to 56 Cherries for sale, 4 and 6c a lb. Selig's department store for near­ for it. Many of the votes against This is the season of the year that every good ! W. M. Smith. T. M. Word ranch. ly two years. He is an exemplary housewife indulges in house cleaning and old it were cast by people who have young man. curtains can be replaced with new oneB at Mrs. Gus Elle returned home The bride is the daughter of no children in school, and we small cost. Monday from the Dallas hospital. Noah Ferguson also of this city finally believe that some of them | The ladies of the M. E. Church and is a very estemiable young would have voted otherwise hud ! woman. The young couple have will serve lunch at the park the the best wishes of their many they known the facts in the mat- j ter. Fourth. ! friends. _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. Many teachers are being Mr. McLean was injured the turned down because they are not first of the week by a log rolling SERVICES AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH able to teach music. on his hand. Rev. McConnell of Dallas will 2. The State Department of Ed-1 S. W. Wingo went to Dallas preach at the Christian church in neat ion has seen fit to make music this city next Sunday afternoon at Thursday to visit his wife who is 3:00 R. E. W illiams , M. L. T hompson . W. F. N ichols , K.G.W hite , o’clock. A cordial invitation ono of the branches in our exam­ President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier in the hospital. is extended to all to come out and inations of teachers for certificates Mrs. C. R. Cockran went to j worship. to teach in our common schools. Black Rock Thursday to visit her 3. I f music is one of the ! son, Ted Cockran. CITY PARK GROUND CLEARED. branches to be taught, why take! F alls C itv , P olk C ounty . O regon Fire Marshal Stevens and family The city park underwent a it out? It will only keep us back, | Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time of Portland were visiting at the thorough cleaning Thursday of the as the state is sure to make the ! trash, sticks and other rubbish Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. teaching of music obligatory. home of J. D. Moyer. that has collected since the last Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. Sixty-nine acres of land in celebration. The work of clean­ Why delay? Is it fair to ask our Michigan to trade for Falls Citv ing the ground was not a very boys and girls to be examined on easy one, the ground was damp a subject not taught in our schools? property. G. D. Treat. and the refuse matter was wet Or is it fair to ask one to teach a Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, i ies, and didn’t burn very good. The branch in a common school that and other bakery goods, rvt rv day volunteer workers did the best his own common school does not that they could and got the ground •it the Falls City Bakery very well cleared for the coming afford? Where is this knowledge Mr. and Mrs. Dana McPherren celebration. to come from? It must be obtain­ returned Thursday afternoon from ed outside the school room. If their honeymoon to Portland. this matter is settled by the voters, HORSE TRADERS IN TOWN. Lillian and Francis Hatch of “ Never bet on the other fellow’s then the State Department must Ballston are spending several days game,” is an excellent rule to fol­ be at fault by asking for an ex­ Over-work, worry and visiting their grandmother, Mrs. low, and never trade horses with amination on that (music) branch. a horse-trader is another safe one Our School Boards have no right the constant strain of a Cobb. ! to observe. A band of horse to require a teacher to be versed Bring or send us vour watches, traders were in Falls City Tues­ business life are often j-welry, etc,, for repairing; first- day and gathered in the usual in music as a qualification before a cause of much trouble. class work guaranteed; charges number of E-Z Marks. Wm. Lee, hiring him or her. The whole affair is a contradic­ reasonable. W A. Per-*ey, Jeweler, poultry man was in town and made two trades going home with tion of terms unless music is taught Dr. Miles* Nervine Falls Citv. the same horse he started with. in our schools. As a small tax­ Miss Rose Williams who has William is something of a magic­ is highly recommended been nursing Mrs. George King, ian and is in the habit of giving payer I am inclined to be as eco for all Nervous disor­ returned to her home at Salem sleight-of-hand performances for nomical as possible, do not like to the amusement of his neighbors, see our school fall in the rear and Thursday. but the horse traders pulled one ders. It is particularly Miss Ellen Dorton of Surprise over him and William is long on not keep pace with the great invaluable to business NER VO US ATTACK S. Valley, Cal., came Thursday to experience but short $12 in the march of progress. "I su IT m - m I w ith n srv o u s a t ­ Would it not be well for us who visit her sister, Mrs. Ted Cockran horse trade. * and headnrhss. Than my women. Regulate your tack voted against music to reconsider liv er g o t ou t of order «m l It of Black Rock. iFpmpd »« though m y wholo bowels by using syatrin « u upset. 1 com ­ Mrs Sheppard of Salem visited the matter and when it comes to Mrs. S. W. Wingo who under­ here m enced usln k n r. Wiles' N e r v ­ our next election adopting our an­ Sunday. ine and alao took Dr. M iles DR. M IL E S’ vent an operation at the Dallas IJ v er rule and now I feel p e r ­ Fred Belcher of Portland was nual budget of expenses, to again fe c tly well In ev ery w ay. My hospital last week for appendicitis in Falls City Tuesday. b ow els a lso ara In fo o d ehape vote on the music question. LIVER PILLS is improving. now." _ Mr. a^d Mrs. J. C. Talbott My friends, think the question MRS. A UGUST A KKIHER . IF F IR ST BO TTLE, OR BOX, 114» P ortland A t «., Rev. Marcy and family of Day- were in Dallas Monday. over, view it from every side and FAILB TO B E N E F IT YOU, YOUR Roch«*t«r, K. T Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pye of then if you are satisfied to let it ton were in the city Monday. MONEY W ILL BE R EF U N D E D . Rev. Marcy says that he is doing Portland returned home Sunday. remain as it is we are too, but Mr. and Mrs. D. Courter and well in his new field. Orel visited in Salem Wednesday. until then or another vote is taken Mr. and Mrs. Levi Oterbein of Mrs. I. G. Singleton has seen we with many others are not satis­ quotes the President’s last note to Fruitland and H. A. Persey and confined to her beed this week fied, because we believe the A GROWING ULCER. family of Salem visited Sunday at with the lagrippe. masses of the voters do not under­ One of the growing ulcers on Carranza as an indictment of him­ the W. A. Persey home. Mrs. Nita Gilbert and King stand the matter in its true light. the body politic that ought to be self. What defense can there be cut out in the next legislature is for a man who is compelled to ad­ Tetherow attended the roundup A TAXPAYER. Mrs. Addie Montgomery went at Philomath the padding of clerkship rolls. last Friday. mit that for three years such to Salem Tuesday to see her sold­ Mrs. Nita Gilbert and daughter The last three sessions of the crimes against Americans as he ier boy, Archie, and son-in-law, Barbara left Wednesday morning legislature spent, or rather mis­ ON READING OF PLATFORMS. Alvin Cutler, off to the front. for Portland to visit friends. spent $93,197.66 for the alleged deserilies have gone unpunished We have waited patiently for services of clerks and stenograph­ by the United States? His own They will go to San Diego, Calif. Louis Roberts of Portland is opportunity to read the Republi­ ers. statement is an admission of his visiting his aunt, Mrs. I. G. Sing­ Frank DeWitt sustained a leton can platform, hut although nearly own incompetence. Mr. Hughes it is a notorious fact that many until after the Fourth. broken forefinger of his left hand of those employed are incompe­ two weeks have elapsed since its drives the sword of truth through Mrs. C. L Hopkins and Donald last Saturday morning while log­ Hodges went to Salem for the adoption, even the Oregonian has tent. many hold other jobs or at­ the words in which Mr. Wilson ging. The trace chain of the log­ week-er.d and were guests of Mr failed to print it in full. —Dallas tend to their private business envelops his weakness and pierces while on pay. ging team broke and flew around and Mrs. W T. Grier. Itemizer, June 22. the most vulnerable point in his Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tetherow,1 The Oregonian would not for the The last three legislatuses hired and struck his finger. as follows: 143 at $26,872.21; 157 at armor. and Fred Holman and family of The work on the mill pond has Dallas attended the Pioneers Re­ world disappoint its Democratic $33,935.95; 186 at $32.m50, or for Mr. Hughes has climbed boldly contemporary in any reasonable suspended on account of the rainy union at Portland last Thursday expectation, nor fail for any three sessions $93,197.66. on the revised Progressive plat­ weather, the ground being too and Friday. They also visited the reason to take any opportunity to The Senate with half the num­ form. He declares his “deep sym­ muddy and boggy for the teams soldier boys at Clackamas. enlighten its benighted mind on ber of members, and having not pathy” with its programme of any topic of cui rent interest. It as much work as the House, gen­ social justice and with its purpose to work. Several new wheel hires nearly as many and will agree that two weeks is too erally scrapers were brought over from BLACK RUCK ITEMS to lay “a stable foundation for pays more wages. long a time for any reader to wait Airlie and will be used in scrap­ for The Oregonian to print a Re­ Will this fraud on the taxpayers honorable enterprise.” He is ac- A. G. Fisher is on the sick list. publican platform, or any other never cease? A Portland firm at claicned by the Progressive leader ing out the old pond. I The young people had a fine platform. But why has our Dal­ the last session of the legislature as a foe of that invisible govern­ Will Murry, Hibbard, Miller, A. friend waited? The Oregon­ offered to do all the work for about ment which provoked the Pro­ A. Wade, and G. D. Treat went time at the dance last Saturday las ian printed in full the Republican one-fourth what the legislature gressive revolt He invites the to McMinnville last Saturday night I night. platform, in all its editions, June paid. Mrs. Ross Chllcotte was visit­ 9, 1916, the day after adoption bv to witness the ceremony of the The candidate for Speaker who aid of their leader in the cam­ ing with friends a couple of days will put this business where it be­ paign. These two redoubtable the Chicago convention. presentation of two 30-year jewels this week. longs and pay for work actually champions, representing the high­ The Oregonian also promptly by the McMinnville lodge to two Frank Vincent went to Salem gave the entire text of the elabo­ needed to be done deserves a est and noblest purpose of the re­ members who had been Odd Fel­ Wednesday to attend the funeral united Republican party, will fight rate Democratic platform on June medal. lows for thirty years. of his father-in-law. 16, 1916. It is The Oregonian’s We can hardly expect that lie- shoulder to shoulder to make the Mrs. M. L. Thompson entertain­ Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gibson has way to print the news, and all of cause very often the Speakership Nation strong against foes within ed a few of the young people a big fine girl at their home. it, when it occurs. The Democra­ is bought and paid for with prom­ and foes without. Whatever remains of the Pro­ tic platform was nearly twice the ises of clerkships to relatives of Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Mother and babe doing fine. members.—I. N. B. gressive party wifi be composed of length, breadth and thickness of Wm. Whyte is in Portland on Helen Duck of Portland. The business this week. Mrs. Scott the Republican platform. Yet of those who are no longer in sym­ evening was spent in games and is looking after the store in his course it was all there, in our col­ pathy with its leader and who are HUGHES' TRUMPET CALL. at heart Democrats or Socialists, music. Those present: Lurena absence- umns—every word of it. We hope Mr. Hughes’ telogram to the rather than Republicans. They Treat, Sybil Wilson, Veach, Eve­ Mr. and Mrs. Earhart have a our Democratic readers feel that lyn Johnson, Hattie Newman, new boarder at their home, a 9- j they got their money’s worth. For Progressive National Committee is are so few that they will have it is a most resounding document, itself just such a trumpet call as little influence on the result of the Katie Barnhart, James Bohle, pound boy. Mother and babe I prepared after the most approved he says Colonel Roosevelt .lias election; indeed, they are likely to Albert Warren, Treval Powers, doing well. model of platform mechanics. sounded. It is a summons to all be more than offset by the return Mr. McFarlan. the S. P. Co.’s! Eldon Frink, Claud Graham, Mrs. of those Republicans who voted Platform making is not a dif­ traveling fireman was in town a 100 per cent Americans to “ mi ,ke for Mr. Wilson in 1912. Duck, Hal and Mildred Thompson. day ficult art for a Democratic con­ or two this week looking vention. But platform observance common cause in the interest of The firmness with which Mr. over the engines. is the hardest thing in the world National honor, of National sec: ur- Hughes grasps Colonel Roosevelt’s FALLS UPON AX. Mrs. W. C. Bullis has resigned for the Democratic party. After ity, of National efficiency.” I ;t is outstretched hand and the noble Richard, Jr., son of Richard his position as brakeman on the November, 1916, that eloquent St. an earnest that, when Presid e nt, purpose in which they are united Vandenbosh, Sr., fell onto an ax W. V. L. Co. train and has taken I/iuis pledge of the party’s waver­ Mr. Hughes willsubstitute “ pn jm pt insures that this is a Republican Tuesday while cutting wood and a position with the Spaulding Co. ing faith and monument of the and decisive action” for Mr. W.il- year. The restored Republican Miss Loleta West and one of party’s leading literary artisans party must fight, and fight hard, cut his left knee. The wound was her chums of Falls City passed will doubtless take its place in the son’s “ weakness and incerti'uide. ” but the Democrats will be o n the inflicted near the knee-cap and is through here on their way to scrapheap, along with the forgot­ A stunning blow is d ealt at defensive, occupying positions quite serious and may result in a Spaulding’s camp where her ten and scorned platform of 1912. apologists for Mr. Wilson's Mex­ which they cannot maintain stiff joint. —Oregonian. father is working. ican policy in the paragra ph which ^ against a vigorous aggressive. C LO SIN G O U T J. C. TALBOTT Bank of Falls City Headquarters for Candy ..lid Cigar- WEATHERLY CONFECTIONERY. Candies, Tobacco« a rd Cigars, at L. B. W ONDERLY’S How’s This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F . J . C H E N E Y & CO.. T oledo. O. Y e , th e u n d e rsig n e d , h a v e k n o w n F . J, C h e n ey fo r th e la s t 15 y e a rs, a n d believe h im p e rfe c tly h o n o ra b le In a ll b u sin e ss tr a n s a c tio n s a n d fln an ctally ab le to c a rry o u t a n y o b lig a tio n s m ad e by h is firm . N A T IO N A L B A N K O F COM M ERCE. Toledo, O. H a ll's C a ta r r h C u re is ta k e n In te rn a lly . acU n g d ire c tly u p o n th e blood a n d m u ­ co u s su rfa c e s o f t h e sy stem . T e stim o n ia ls s e n t free. P ric e 75 c e n ts p e r b o ttle . Sold by all D ru g g ists. Take Hall's Fam ily Pills for constipation. Free Methodist Church Sunday School. 10 A. M. preaching 11 A. M. Class Meeting 12 P. M. Evening Service 7:30. N. W e l t e r , Pastor. M. E. Church Sunday Services Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Service 11 A. M. Junior League 3:80 P. M. Epwortb League 7 P. M. Evening Service S P. M. Week Day Services Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 Teachers Training Class, Friday 8 W. .J. W arren , Pastor. Seventh Day Adventist Church Sabbath School 10 A. M. Preaching or Bible Study 11 A M Young People« Meeting 3:30 P. M. Local News Hems r The best show at the Gem tonight Chester Ward was in Dallas Saturday. Mrs. Frank Ellis went to Black Rock Thursday. Walter L. Tooze, Jr., Lawyer, Dallas, Oregon. tf. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Murphy went to Salem Thursday. Frank DeWitte made a business trip to Monmouth Monday. Mrs. I. G. Singleton visited her mother in Monmouth Monday. Fire Warden Wallace of Black Rock waa in the city Thursday. Mrs. Flo.v«:,' c 2 was visit­ ing friends in the city Wednesday. Mrs. H. E. Starr and son Paul are visiting in Philomath this week. ©ffa^QEig tifo© Guaito stfaiPtts ûto© [DaSia