Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 01, 1916, Image 3

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    _____ .
To Suit All T a il,,.
O n i u f l'i finret b »«ch rreorf
P l f l d *tre«t«.
mountain w # t«i, h *» w i h . Im thtng, fiahllttf,
Moat «rwiila r*ilro«<J trip In Oraton.
H«*i ■*■*•*» «mull ratldthoai, compì» t* I y fo r ­
ni »li* I. adiolrlc liar lit« w *t»r. fuel. laundry.
Janitor aarvk’M fr«**. T w o brìi#
l<#t»« f 10 00
P »r weak. fin ««) two w »*k *. 130 on four waaka.
A ll you ruwwl taka la your «ullriaaa.
H A Y tX 1C A H A N N K X
Hpkandtd v l»w of
uriftu an i hay, N«.-$r Natalo»».mi
K *r*IU n t
kat«N* Vf U>> itmr day ami up.
It A Y.MIhK I N N Kina ut.l», f » n y r ia a U .
food*. uao of hatha. Hataa I 2.60 par day.
Tha Natatorlum la ftnrat on Coaat. Tank Mia 1«) foot
W arm H#a Wator.
ItaUa. Kor raaarvationa and prlntod matter atldroiaa
Bpaclal Kail road
AUTO WRECKING N e w H o u s t o n H o t e l
I'arta ov«r l* » make* and modal«. at half th « re*-
ular prlca. Iluy your u#*d auto parla fiom an
•ld-+*t«hU#h«uJ and reputabi« dealer, who ha* a
reputation to protect and conduct« tb « I l f f W t
part» »tore and rarrtaa Ilia laryoat romplrto aa
aortmant of u«ad auto part« o f any company thla
•Ida of Chlcajro. Our price« are laaa. and for thla
raaaon wa outarll all oth»<ra
All part« aru « u a r
antaad to ha In fir#trla**i oondillon.
U Y U S iV
Knur lllocka from Onion Station. \1tvi*r new
All room« newly dacoratad.
l< A I l.s HY W I I K ul< M O N T H
K a U » 50c, 7Sc. $1. S I 50 IVr Day.
Tha following conversation
overheard In a railway train not long
the train w u moving from
tha station two men worn bundled Into
a carriage. iloth w.-ro of tha (porting
typa and were evidently particularly
keen on racing
"L e t '» 'ave a look at ycr paper. Bill,"
•aid Charlie.
“ ’Kro we are, Charlie,” »aid Bill,
handing hi« friend an evening paper.
A fter a few minute» of silence Char­
lie remarked »ententloualy: "W onder­
ful thing». newspapers, aren't they,
BI11T They've got so many different
•orts of thing» In 'em -stories, cook*
fry, murder.«, suicides, racin’— some­
thin' for everybody, In fact."
"Y o u ’re right they are, Charlie.”
“ But what's this 'ere blank space,
nil!T" pointing to the blank space re­
served for stop press news.
“ Oh," replied Bill, "th at’» for people
wot esn't read."— l'blludclphia Public
If you cannot come to
I’orUand to a*>t your
ey««a fitted. I will «end
you my method of tcut-
in ir eyca hy mall.
ax druirahU» ax p«r»<m*
el aervtre hut much
U i ln r than tfoiny with­
out ylaaac« n**eled or
trying tn fit youraclf.
« T A P I E » , tha Jaw-
Outfit aent on application
•l«rr-Optician. 206 Morriaon at.. Portland, Oregon
i A
N e w and fiarnml-hand
Hurlap ami Tw in«.
Tell your dealer you
want *'W|N'KI.K-
K K C O N IM ," the Haya
for Service.
Have him write our
tirai e«t houae.
W IN K I.K M A N HAt. A R I K U P CO.,
171 Front Ht..
Tacoma. W a*h.
Portland. UrwfOO.
Olde«« and l.ory**«» g*ei»nd hami Hmf
tlriiWr* In lite Northweat.
Try Chiropractic
Dairymen and Poultrymen
W e yuarantcc #b*«ilut*ly correct return«.
S«*itd na your next ahiprm'nt o f t V a m .
y.u *». Poultry
W rite for Shippiny Taya
and Premium I.iat,
Hazelwood Co., Portland
a m
Granulated Eyelids,
®a H
Eyes inflamed by c«po-
•ure to Sss. Dsstand Vlad
juicily relieved by Ssrlss
fyeUeatdy. No Smarting,
ju«t Eys Comff.rt. A »
Your DraggisCs 50c pet Bottle. Morls« f >»
SalteinT .,i>e.25c. ForB«ok«llhetyefree».k
Druggiiti or Msrlsa tyc licastly to.
Eyes g
l f you bava triad other m>tko4l. mudw. cult«
• r i fi t e m i u t h<*nUng and h » v » noi »w clvad rellof.
you hava tritd tha wruny thiny. ChlroprarU»r#
bava haan aucccaaful in re movi ny tha rauaaa of
d ia «««» wharc other mathmla faiUxl.
l f yot» ara
«lek or ai Unir. bava a troubla of kmy «tamil ng. 1
will ita p I commì to c«f»sull and «Iv a you a spinai
anai) ai», which eoa la you itothlny.
«• m l M m Ml*. Writ« l«r pnett u < in ppmg tags
THE H. F. NORTO» CO. NrtUsi, Or«, S««»«, Wn
Double Tread Punctur* Proof Tie»
Made from your old onrg I-aat Um«
mm Iti and N a « TIRKM W r it » ua
o t U i . o N V i LC A M Z IN G CO..
U 0 Washington S L
l'uriìand. Ora
I» no more n w n u r«
Ih .n S n u l l p o K , Ktmr
«ip erl-n re h »i i>nn-n«!/,!-0
Why H « Lost Hla Job.
Tom m y— Out of a Job?
Jimmy— Y e,. The boss said he was
losiife money on the things 1 was mäk­
Tom m y— Wasn't there anything else
you could do In the place?
Jimmy— I guess not.
Anyhow he
said I didn't seem able to do anything
Tom m y— And what was you makln’ ?
Jimmy — Mistakes. — Utica Herald
th. .1 h ,..I in it,, u luuj .rri-
..I A ni It y ph.nl VâCClhMlOB.
Representative Augustus P. Card
tier said in a preparedness address in
New York:
"T h e unprepared man Is always at
a disadvantage. It's like a dialogue I
I tir tUTir, LASoeATotY, retiuitv. i a l
■ aaa a. a. .o r u ca.ac
once heard:
"'C a n you fight? shouted one man.
" 'N — no,' another answered.
" 'Then,' shouted the first man—
'T v o been thinking it all over and 'Uten come on, you coward! ” '
I've come to the conclusion that per
Domestic Finesse.
haps after all wc ought to have a
standing army."
"These are unusually fine cigars,
"W e ll? "
Mrs. Jiggers. Your husband Is lucky
"But I don't think It Is fair to keep to have you select for him."
all those men standing all tin» time.
"Oh. he doesn't smoke that kind reg­
The least we can do Is to furnish carh ularly. I use them to slip one in his
man a cutup stool."— Detroit F ro, pocket whenever I give him a letter to
p o s t"— Baltimore American.
m<r. »Bit
» . .accliu ln l NOW by fuut flty.it Un, r > «
ftmr fâmllir. It la mora .1U1 than turni. Inaura Br«,
Aalt your phy.lt Ian, drupirut, or a#nS for " H . y .
fou had Typhoiat" tallinp at T y p h o i d Varrtna,
m ulta from ua., .Bri tan,..r from Typhoid Carriera.
Not a Garden.
“ Are yon going to make a garden
this year?”
“ No," replied Mr. Growcher. " I ’m
going to rlig up a plate In the back
yard ami put some seed* Into It. ami
then t urn it over to the chickens for
a picnic ground."— Washington Slar.
Von taa Get Allen'» raot-Caae ru ff.
k 'r lt r A l ie n s . Olu. ted, Ln I'.oy, N. Y ., for a
free aatnplu of A lie n ’» Foot-Kaao. It eurea
aveatlu if h o t»w o '.le n , s e llin g leet. It m a k e ,
new o f lig h t alioea oa»y. A ee rfa in e a r s lot
•out», lint totting n a il» an d bnnlona. A ll d r u g
ftNt.4 — 11 it. -b e . lfou 't aeeei't any aubatltute
Right in Line.
" I .-*e,” said his wife, “ that these
basennll players havo progressive
His Luck.
Ideas on sanitation.”
She (b itte rly )— l only wish I'd
"H ow 80.”
known as much about you before I
"T h e paper states that they spent
married you.
the afternoon swatting files."— Louis­
lie Well, It was Just my confound­ ville Courier-Journal.
ed luck that you didn't.— Boston Trau-
A Bad Picker.
"She's been divorced twice.”
Information Sought.
“ Had had luck, eh?”
"Brown Is a good mixer."
“ No. good luck, hut mighty bad Judg­
"Drinks, metaphors or socially?"— ment.” — Detroit Free Press.
Detroit Free Press.
Believed In It.
Young Lady (k in d ly)— " I hope you
"Do you believe In the observance
brush your toeth regularly. Maggie?”
Maggie (in d ign a n tly)— "Brush me of the Golden Rule?"
" I do. I always like to have other
W ot would I do that for?
people keep It In mind when they're
There ain't no hair on mo teeth.”
dealing with me.” — Boston Transcript.
V eal, Pork,
Beef, Poultry,
B utter, Eggs &
F arm Produce
To th « Old Reliable Kverdlnsr h o a N with a
record o f 45 yearn o f Square Dealings and b «
•aaured of
Sounded Like It.
"M y masquerade costume w ill be
white with a yellow yoke.”
"And what do you represent— an
egg?” — Louisville Courier-Journal.
(§ Q
Top Market Prices.
45-47 From Si,
P. N. U.
No. 27, 1810
| D o Y o u r O w n P lu m b in g 1
By hnylnr direct from ua at whole#«!« price«
and aave the plumber # profit*. Write ua to­
day your naeda. Wa will *iv « you our rock-
hottom ‘'direct-to-you” price«, f. o. b. rail or
boat. W a actually aave you from 10 to M per
cent. All Food* guaranteed.
North went headquarter# for Trader Water
Syatema and Fuller A Johnaon Engine«.
O f R E I f writing to i
tiaa thla paprr-
212 T hird Street.
u r G r o c e r
He wants
to hold your trade
tries to sell you brands
knows you will like.
is always ready to recommend
&C B aking P owder —Ask him
Foot-and.Mouth In the Philippines.
Officials of the Philippines reported ,
, _ . .
„ ___j to Washington last week that the foot-
Phoebs s Voice Is Faint and 8he Car-
anj . moutj, disease has again laid Its
laaa fiorarpowrr, laws fo a l.
talnly Is Not Pretty, but She
grip on the Islands. The scourge is
M o d MBcisnt for Irrigation,
Hates All Beetles.
called rinderpest over there, and has
Mining. F ila Prctartion and
Dmnruflr Uaaa. Hmall. I.iyht.
j been the bugbear of all cattle dealers
Powerful. .No Vulve«.
After you're well acquainted with and dairies, the few that there are,
N o Cylin­
ders. Ix-stnif tive Iflyh
the phoebe and catch
some o f her
almost from thff beginning of Ameri-
It of friendliness and companionship, can occupation in l898.
Pump Kuna on I miw
you w on t care a snap of the Unger hav# d,ed of rlnderpeBt ,n the last
W ater and A ir Himuf-
that she can t sing very well, nor that year
There wcre 600 deaths In the
taneoualy. Will Pump
toiling water Has rac-
she len t good looking. You’ll wel- la8t week 0f April, when the last mail
ord fo r vartica! aoetiaa
com , her in spring Juat as lf she were report was sent to Washington. The
I.ift t»f H ( f a d
C m ha I natal lad hy Aayowa*
Ipnpn—Ibla to Make a Miatakr
Dottvon Mora
a Venus for looks and Melba for voice, j loss Is about $5,000,000.
WaU*r, with fa r I.aas Horaapower, than Any
You'll listen for her tlrst notes and
The Philippine bureau of agriculture
Pum p Known. N o I'riminy Km juim l at A n y
fUtaatmadjIa Suction.
say: "There's Phoebe back again."
asked for $250,000 to fight the scourge
, ..
,, .
, ,
. . . but the legislature only appropriated
W rit» for Catalog. Price« and Testimonials
bafura you buy.
Bha s the earliest arrival among the h 2 i 5 oo and this Is held responsible to
A LI N l M S N T
a Kreat exient for the spread of the
TH E V A L V L E 8 8 P U M P CO.,
Mb Floor T ill« A Tract lUdy..
Partland. Ora.
If conditions continue as they are in F o r C alla, W i r e
out her last year's home under the
bridge, or beneath the rafter, of the the Islands It is feared that the loss C u U , Lam eness,
barn, and «tarts renovating her nest. the coming year will be fully as great. Strains> B u n c h e » ,
How the Spellbinder Turns the Trick. Often when an unscrupulous cowblrd
Not Impressed.
Thrush, O ld Sores,
"T o my mind----- "
usurp, th , n e t to lay eggs of her
N a il W o u n d s, Foot
"1 can not do Justice to—— ’’
own. the phoebe will build another
"F ar bo It from me— "
Fistula, Bleeding, Etc., Etc.
n e t atop th , old one and »tart house­
“ It’s a gold mine.”
" It la hardly necessary to say----- ”
keeping over again u It nothing had
Made Since 1846.
“ One word
more and I have
I ed In gold mines more than once.”—
done----- ”
Price 25«, 50c and $1.00
W e 'v , remarked that ,b « couldn’t Louisville Courier-Journal,
" I t falls to my lot----- "
■ aa aa
" I can not find words to— ”
"In the last analysis----- "
one of the cheeriest of springtime.
"B e that as it may----- ”
Ws've said she wasn't beauUful. yet
" I shall not detain you longer-— " her dull ollve-browu coat with a yel-
No Difficulty on That Score.
" I t becomes my painful duty----- "
lowtsh-wblte breast are far more at­
An old negro mammy who was ad­
"1 point with pride to----- "
tractive than some birds of gay plu­
— Columbia State.
Paid for But­ dicted to the pipe was being lectured
mage. The phoebe 1» beautiful be­
t e r f lie s , In ­ on the habit by a Sunday school teach­
cause she Is useful.
er. Finally the latter said:
I buy
"D o you expect to go to heaven?"
From the time of her arrival until
hundreds for
"Yes, indeedy!"
she leaves late In the fall she's busy
"But the Bible says nothing unclean
warring on the fanner’s enemies. museums, art-work, study purposes and
She'll sit on a mullein stalk and watch private collections. 6c to $7 each paid. shall enter there. Now the breath of
the smoker Is unclean. What do yon
for a beetle. Suddenly she will dart 8-pp. folder FREE,
Easy outdoor em- say to that?”
into the air and her bills go shut with ploymenL
“ W ell, I reckon I leave m t bref be­
s snap—good-by beetle. She Is a for­
llin' when I enter dar," was old mam­
my’s response.— Boston TranscripL
est conssrvatlonlsL because she eats
the elm leaf beetle. She Is the farm Box 244, D 108.
Los Angeles, C al
soon u n d e rm in e s y o u r
eris friend, because she eats the May ----------------------------------------------------
Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up and
health and impoverishes
disappear with Doctor Fierce’ s Golden
beetle# and d ick beetles, which tn-
plaaaá «a p w h a r«,
Medical Discovery. In tablets or liquid.
your blood, but this may
lure crops.
8ba Is the gardener's
a litile *. Seat, clean,
onumtsul, conven­
friend becauee she eats the squaah
be corrected by careful
ient, cheap. Last* *11
Fearless of Consequence.
sea so n . M ade o i
Grubbs— I never realized until now
■seul, can'tapi 11 or tip
diet and the assistance o f
over; will sot soil or
In fact, she ta the friend o f everyone
what a convinced optimist Binks is.
—except the beetles.— Philadelphia
Stubbs— What made you form your
Sold by dealers, o»
new estimate of him?
North American.
6 sent by ciprea» pro-
paid lor |1.
Grubbs— The fact that he la trying
EAftOLD I0MXJLI. 1M DsXaik Are.. Brooklyn. » . Y.
to raise chickens, roses and two bull
Totem Pele Must Don 8oms Clothes.
pups all on the same loL— Richmond
Clothes make the totem pole, ac­
cording to John Oscar Davis, collector
. —
H it Register.
of the port, at San Francisco.
A Variation.
“ Well, landlord, how’s business now­
Polly— Did he propose to you In the
Horrified at what he saw when a adays?"
It tones and strengthens
“ Oh, purty good, purty good. Had a orthodox manner?
Burmese specimen consigned to tho
the entire digestive sys­
Dolly— Hardly. He asked me how
Rev. J. H. East of Portland was un­ whole passel o f people register yis-
tem and is a real aid to covered at the customhouse early In te'day. They were five gentlemen, I would like to wear hla neckties.—
February, Collector Davis has now three ladles and four musicians.''
For Thrush
and Foot
H A N F O R D ’S
Balsam of Myrrh
All Dealers « -A a sa tp
One Reault of the War.
A delightful old lady o f a little town
In Nobraxku was dlseoveriHl one morn­
ing In the act of killing a chicken.
"W hy. Mr», llrown, I thought that
you were afraid to kill a chicken," said
D R . H. L. C H A N D L E R
a neighbor In surprise.
"Y es, dearie, 1 did uster b ,; bat
502.14 Broadwjy llldg., Portland. Ore.
since the war broke out I've done It
right smart.
Thia Trade Mark Means
"W ell, you see. It's this way: I uster
Tha finest Violins. Mandolins. think that bloodshed was an
Han Jo# and Itanjo
Mstulollna, that can lw made. thing, but since I've b«>en readtn' about
Mini" In Orayon o f O rsyon all them men killin'« In Kurope 1 juat
wood. Which la tl»r finest in tha get a rooster hy the feet, lay his head
world. Had violin# malt* into
•<■*! onaa. W rite fo r illu strat- on the block and say to myself: 'Now,
a<l circu lar* and d«t«ki>s to
Sarah, 'tatn’t near so bad as killin' a
T H E C O U L T E R C O ..
man. Where's your nerve?’ And then
227 lv lUsakai'iaa Si.
tmiUad. (Xt
I Just shut my eyes and whack."—
Youth s Companion.
Y o
Portland, O regon
Stomach Bitters
Nature in cases o f indiges­
tion, cramps or malaria. recovered sufficiently from the shock
to announce that when the proper ha­
biliments have been placed on the
relic it may be allowed to proceed on
its way to the Indignant consignee.
Painting, the collector said, had
Fleeting Fame.
been considered, but clothing would
"Fam e doesn't last long, does It?”
be better. His plan now Is to arrange
tor a proper costuming of the mooted
"W hat's on your mind now?”
" I gave $500 to a worthy charity and totem pole at the expense of Doctor
my name and the amount I donated East and that then the curio, decor­
were printed In all the papers.”
“ Yes.”
among the most select circles, might
"And the next day my name wa
dropped and the sum appeared only In be allowed admission to the land of
the list o f previously acknowledged.” the free and the home of the brave.
— Detroit Free Press.
Wind Imprisons Woman.
Imprisoned In a closet by the wind
slamming a door fast, Mrs. Mollle Cor-
dery. who lives near Brldgevllle, Del..
had a narrow escape from death, and
when dlsoovered was nearly overcome
by the shock.
Mrs. Cordery was cleaning the attic
and while she was looking In an old
M edicine W hich M ade S u r­ closet a gust of wind slammed the
geon’s W o rk U nnecessary. door and locked It from the outside.
There was no one but herself In the
Astoria, N. Y . — “ For two year, I house, and It was nearly an hour be-
was feeling ill and took all kinds of fore Mrs. Cordery's screams happened
tonics. I was f e t ­
ing worse every day. to be heard by a gang o f mon who
With all
I had chills, my h,ad were repairing tha road.
would ache, i was tha doors locked downstairs, Harry
always tired. I could Rickards climbed to the second floor
not walk straight and got through by a window. When
because o f the pais Mrs. Cordery was found she was In
in my back and I hod a pitiable state. She Is still serious­
pain, in my stom­
ly 111 from the shock.
ach. I went to a
doctor and h . Mid I
Slight Misunderstanding.
must go under sn
operation, but I did
"W as his crime premeditated T" " l
not go. I read is don't think so. He thought It all out
the p a p e r a b o u t beforehand, you know."— Life.
Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com­
pound and told my husband about I t I
W ar Cuts Phqna List.
■aid ‘ I know nothing will help me but I
will try this.’ I found m yself Improv­
There are at least 10,000 fewer tele­
ing from the very first bottle, and in tws phones In London as a result of ths
weeks time I was able to sit down and war. business Arms In hundreds of In-
sat a hearty breakfast with my hus­
stances discontinuing the servies In
band, which I had not done for two years.
I am now in the best o f health and the Interest of retrenchment The
did not have thn operation.” — Mrs. governm ent which operates ths sys­
J ohn A. K o en ig , 602 Flushing Avenue, tem, announces that although tele­
Astoria, N. Y .
phones have been discontinued by the
Every one dreads the surgeon’s knife wholesale there bas been an Increase
and the operating tabla.
Sometimes tn the use of electrophones— the In­
nothing else will d o ; but many times
doctors say they are necessary when strument which connects the subscrib­
they are n ot Letter a fter letter comes er with the theater and enables peo­
to the Pinkham Laboratory, telling how ple who prefer to remain tndoora these
operations were advised and were not gloomy nights of black streets to have
rform ed' or,if performed,did no good, amusement brought to their flresldes.
t Lydia E. Pinkham'» Vegetable Com-
poundwas used and good health follow ed
Teuton Trimmings.
I f you want ndvlce write t*
Ad In Mexican Herald— Nice room
Lydia K. Pinklinm Medicine Can to let beautifully decorated with Ger-
(confidential), Lynn, “
people.— Boston TranscripL
sto p s itc h in g
a n d b u rn in g
I f you are suffering with eciema, ringworm,
rash or other tormenting skin-eruption, try Res-
inol Ointment and ResinolSoap. You will De sur­
prised how quickly the itching and burning »top
and the skin becomes clear and healthy again.
Resinol Ointment and Rastnol Soap
have been prescribed by physicians for
over twenty years. Sold by ill drug*
ists, for free trial size of each write to
Resinol Them. Co . B altim ore. Md.
Resinel Shavsnt Stick makes d oty
thavif g easy / » r Under-faced mem.
Gives Power of Choice.
"You must remember, my boy. that
wealth does not bring happiness.”
" I don’t expect it to. I merely want
It so that I may be able to choose the
kind of misery that is most agreeable
to me.” — Boston Transcript.
A Queer Critter.
Impassioned Orator— The American
eagle, whether soaring over the dusty
deserts of Mexico or skimming the
broad Atlantic, w ill never drajv In its
horns or retire Into Its shell.— Boston
Are You Past 30 Years?
Take Hot Water and “ Anurie.”
People are realizing more and more
every day that the kidneys, Just as do
the bowels, need to be flushed occa
sionally. The kidneys are an elimina­
tive organ and are constantly working,
separating the poisons from the blood.
Under this continual and perpetual
action they are apt to congest, and
then trouble starts. Uric acid backs
up into the system, causing rheuma­
tism. neuralgia, dropsy and many oth­
er serious disturbances. Doctor Pierce
of Buffalo, New York, advocates that
every one should drink plenty of pure
water between meals.
Every day
should exercise in the outdoor air suf­
ficiently to sweat profusely, and from
time to time stimulate the kidney ac­
tion by means of "Anurlc.” This prep­
aration has been thoroughly tried out
at his Sanitarium, in the same way as
his "Favorite Prescription" for weak
women and "Golden Medical Dlscov-
ery.” the standard herbal system tonto
(both of which now come In tablet
form for convenience of carrying and
taking). “ Anurie” Is now being Intro­
duced here, and many local people are
dally testifying to Its perfectness.
When you have backache, dlxxy
spells or rheumatism, heed nature's
warning. It means that you are a vic­
tim to uric acid poisoning. Then ask
your druggist for “ Anurie" and you
will very soon become one of hun­
dreds who dally give their thankful
indorsement to thts powerful enemy
to uric acid.
If you have that tired, worn-out feel­
ing, backache, rheumatism, neuralgia,
or lf your sleep is disturbed by^too fre­
quent urination, get Dr. ITerce’s An­
urie Tablets at drug store, full treat­
ment $1.00, or send 10c. for trial pack­
age to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel,
falò, N. Y.