Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 01, 1916, Image 2

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    QHjf S fa lla (H u y N e m a
Crl.TKl u an-ond-rUa mall at tba poalafTca
at Salla City. Polk Coaaty. O r* o». u * t the
Art i t Con g m » of Mar.h A 1ST».__________
Ttlcphase News Offici. 83,
Subscription Rataa: On« y«*r. Sl.00: ala month».
M canta; thra« month». »Sconta;ainsi« copy. 5 eta.
AdvartUing Ratea : Dlaplay. 15 cent« an Inch ;
Bualneaa Notice«. » c«n ti a lin « ; For S «l«. Rent.
Kxc bange. Want and Pay KnteUAinment No­
tice«. S eta. a Une. Card o f Thank». SO CM ; Lega
Notice«, legal ratea
Copy for new ada. andchangeaahould be tent
to The News not later than W'edneaday.
Official Newspaper of the City at Tall» City
I ssued E very S aturday M orning
Brief Resume of General News
from All Around the Earth.
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
o r r ic iA L d i r e c t o r y or r * u i c i t y
Miss Jane Davis, o f Scranton, Pa.,
who was touring Glacier National
Park, fe ll from her horse while ford­
ing a small stream and was drowned in
the Tw o Medicine River, into which
her body was carried.
H. J. Grinin, Mayor.
K. M. W’ onderly. Councilman-»! Large
G. W. Brentner,
George C. March,
C. J. Bradley,
I. G. Singleton.
C. L. Hopkins,
N. Belie,
C. E. McPherren. Auditor and Police Ja
Walter L. Tooae Jr.. City Attorney.
Pat Murphy, Marahal and Water Supt.
M. L. Thompson, Treasurer
Dr. P. M. Hellwarth. Health Offlcer.
The Connell meet» in regular seesion on the Aral
Monday night of each month, at 7 SO o'clock, in
the o « c e of the P all« City News.
professional CarOs
Respites o f 30 days pending hearing
of pardon applications were granted by
President Wilson to S. D. and W. S.
Simpson, officers o f the American Na­
tional Bank of Caldwell, Idaho, con­
victed o f issuing a fraudulent certifi­
cate o f deposit.
A general retreat o f the Austrians
in the Trentino district over a sector
about 20 miles in extent is announced
in an official statement issued by the
Italian war office. The statement says
that the Ialians are pressing the pur­
suit vigorously.
Office one door east of P. O.
Office and q \
Residence r h o n e ¿ b o
The United States now is waiting
for General Carranza's final word in
reply to the note sent Sunday demand­
ing release o f the prisoners taken at
Carrizal and a formal diplomatic an­
nouncement o f intentions.
Falls City,
Fighting activity in the Western
theater on the fronts occupied by the
British and the north wing of the
French army was important and has
been so for the past tw o days, says the
official statement isused by German
army headquarters.
Business Caris
jfa lls d it ^ lb o t c l
Veterans o f the C ivil War began ar­
rivin g at Spokane Tuesday for the an­
nual encampment of the Grand Arm y
o f the Republic, Department o f Wash­
ington and Alaska.
It is expected
that 900 o f the 3000 veterans in Wash­
ington and Alaska will attend the con­
S a m p l e R o o ms
Bast A c c o m m o d a t i o n s
F. D ro ege , Pro pri e to r
B o h le ’s B a r b e r S h o p s
A joint meeting o f all train, engine
and yard men working in Eastern
Washington w ill be held in Spokane
July 3, at which the outcome o f the
conference for an eight-hour day, re­
cently held in N ew York, w ill be dis­
cussed. The next step to be taken
will, it is said, also be discussed.
Fal l s C i t y , Or e gon
Where y«s can gel a Shave, Hair Cm, Bath
or ‘Shine*
Agent for Dallas Steam laundry
Bundles forwarded luesday evening
The body of a man came ashore at
Agate Beach, near Newport,
Tuesday. From the fact that wreck­
age o f fruit, etc, similar to that lost
from the steamer Bear, has been wash­
ing in on the beach near where the
body was found, it is thought that the
body may be one of the wreck victims.
G. L. H A W K I N S
D a l l a s , Or e g o n
The Zeitschrift Fuer Frauenstimm-
recht, the German woman suffrage or­
gan at The Hague, has sent the fo l­
lowing greeting to the women of
France: “ W e feel, think and suffer
like you, and swear that after this ca­
tastrophic war the women o f all na­
tions shall work unitedly to prevent
forever its recurrence.”
Carranza authorities have released
all prisoners confined in jails in Sonora
towns. A dozen prisoners were re­
leased from the Nogales, Sonora, jail,
among them a Mexican held on three
separate charges of murder. It is be­
lieved the men are being released upon
a promise to join the Mexican army
and because o f the difficulty in obtain­
ing food fo r them.
The United States consulate at Tor-
reon, Mexico, was demolished June 18
by a mob o f 3000 civilians, led by the
mayor o f the city and a Carranza army
band, according to American refugees
arriving at Eagle Pass, Tex., late
Tuesday. The populace was attending
a bullfight, according to the refugees,
when the de facto government troops
forced them to join in an anti-Am eri­
can demonstration.
A large force o f Russian cavalry,
after a battle with Austro-Hungarian
troops, has occupied a position near
Pezoritt, about 54 milles west of Kim-
polung, in Bukowina. The foregoing
was announced in the official statement
issued by the Russian war office. Re­
garding the operations in Bukowina,
the war office announced that Russian
forces also were advancing southward,
approaching the passes leading into
Notice to News Subscribers
A mark here indicates that
your subscription is delinquent.
Please call and fix it.
M r . H o m i Seeker—
and Buy O r c h a r d Land
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Oct. 4,1914
am. am.
Salem . . . 7:00 9.45
Dallas. . . 8.15 11.02
Falls City. 8.50 11.35
Bl’ kRock.
liiT S O U S D
Bl’ k Rock
Falls City. 9.30 1.25
Dallas. . . 10.10 2.00
Salem . . . 11.01 3.15
___ _________________ *
1 *7
The hospital tent o f Oregon’s mo­
bilization camp has not yet been occu­
new companies o f Oregon
Coast artillery will be formed at once
and offered to the government for use
wherever they may be wanted.
Francisco V illa is reported to be in
Juarez, Mex., across the river from
El Paso.
Edward S. Ellis, 76 years old, noted
as a w riter o f boys’ stories, died at
C liff Island, Me. A t 19 Mr. Ellis be­
gan to write, hia first works being
dime novels.
17 0
The fortifications appropriation bill,
carrying $34,300,000 for defense and
for both coast and field artillery ord­
nance and ammunition, was passed by
the house, 165 to 9. Its total is an
increase o f about $17,000,000 over last
year’s bill.
L _________________________ ________ ___
Portland — Wheat — Blueatem, 96c
per bushel; fortyfold, 86c; club, 83c;
red Fife, 83c; red Russian, 83c.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $23
(u2-1 per ton; valley timothy, $18©19;
alfalfa. $14© 16.
M illfeed Spot prices: Bran, $26©
26.50 -
ton; shorts, $29©29.50; rol­
led bai y , $31.60©32.60.
Corn Whole, $37 ton ; cracked, $38.
Vegetables--Artichoke*. 76c©$l per
dozen; tomatoes,
$1.60 68 1-65 per
crate; cabbage. $2(<l2.25 per hundred;
garlic, 10c per pound; peppers, 26c
eftgplant, 10c; horseradish, 8|c; let­
tuce, $1©1.26 per crate; cucumbers, Preparations at Border to Go Stead­
75c©$1.16 per dozen; spinach, 4©6c
per pound; asparagus, 75c©$l per
ily Forward— Diplomatic Nego­
dozen; rhubarb, 1} © 2c per pound;
tiations Thought Possible.
peas, 4c; cauliflower, $1.25 per crate;
beans, 8©9c per pound; celery, $1©
1.15 per dozen; corn, 66©75c.
Potatoes — Old, $1.50; California,
Washington, D. C .— An immediate
new, 2©2ge per pound.
break between the United States and
Onions— California red and yellow, the de facto government has been
$3(0.3.25 per sack.
averted by compliance with the Amer­
Green Fruit — Strawberries, 75c©
ican demand for releaae o f the 23
$1.25 per crate; apples, new, $2 per
troopers captured at Carrizal.
box; cherries, 3©5c per pound; canta­
Whether a state o f war has been
loupes, 60c©$2.26 ;>er crate; apricots,
prevented or merely poetponed no one
$l.35©1.75 per box; peaches, $l(tCl.l0
here would attempt to say.
per box; watermelons, 2c per pound;
information as to the attitude of Gen­
figs, $1©1.50 per box; raspberries,
eral Carranza was lacking. Until his
plums, $1.35; prunes, response to Secretary Landing's note,
dispatched Sunday, making two per-
Eggs — Oregon ranch,
exchange ' emptory and distinct demands, is re­
Current receipts, 21 gc per ceived, there w ill be no decision on
dozen; rots and cracks out, 22c; ex­ whether 1‘resident Wilson shall lay the
tras, 231c.
Jobbing prices: Oregon crisis before congress.
ranch, candled, 25c.
The news o f the release o f the pris­
Poultry— Hens, 14c per pound; stags, oners, received late Wednesday in
10c; broilers, 17i©18c; turkeys, live, press dispatches, brought undisguised
20 © 21c; dressed, choice, 23 © 25c; relief to high officials.
It was ac­
ducks, 15(0,20c ; geese, 10©12c.
cepted as correct, although no an­
Butter — Cubes, extras, 25c; prime nouncement has come through official
firsts, 241c; firsts, 24c; seconds, 22 le. sources. Moreover, it was assumed
Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 27(d: that Carranza, impressed with the
29c; butterfat. No. 1, 27c; No. 2, 25c, urgency o f the situation, had ordered
the captured cavalrymen started for
V eal— Fancy, 1 0 g © llc per pound.
the border without waiting for his an-
Pork— Fancy, 10©104c per pound.
| nouncement o f the action to reach
Hope— 1915 crop, 8 © llc per pound; Washington.
1916 contracts, nominal.
While it is generally conceded that
Wool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 23© this move lessens tension and makes
25|c per pound; coarse, 30©32c; val­ the crisis less imminent, no one con­
ley, 30@33c.
versant with the grave problem is loe-
Cascara Bark— Old and new, 4c per ing sight o f the fact that the all-im­
portant question o f Carranza's attitude
Cattle— Steers, good, $7.50©7.75; toward the American expedition across
cows, choice, $6.76©7.50; good, $6.25 the border to protect the territory and
©6.50; heifers, $5.50 © 5.75; bulls, citziens o f the United States from
$3@5.75; stags, $4.50©7.
bandit outrages remains unsettled. If
Hogs — Prime light, $8.05©8.25; the de facto government stands upon
good to prime, $8©8.05; rough heavy, the orders o f General Trevino to at­
$7.50©7.75; pigs and skips, $6.60© tack Pershing’s men when they move
otherwise than toward the border, the
Sheep — Yearlings, $6.50 © 7.60; situation actually is just what is was
wethers, $5.50©6.50; ewes, $4.75©6; before, except that there now is a pos­
lambs, $7©8.25.
sibility o f diplomatic negotiations that
Tow el Believed to Belong to Rev­
olutionary Tim es Brought to
Light at Pittsburgh.
Immediate Break With Mexico Averted
by Action of Carranza.
Higher Prices for Beans Are
Named in California Advices
Portland— There was some talk o f
an 11-cent bean market Wednesday,
but jobbers were adverse to putting
out such an extrem e quotation, not­
withstanding thé further advance in
the South. In fact, Portland jobbing
prices are below a parity with Califor­
nia. It is believed there are enough
beans here to meet the restricted re­
quirements during the remainder o f
the old-crop year, but i f the supply is
exhausted, it cannot be replenished at
existing prices. While the main fac­
tor in the strength o f the market is
the government demand, there is little
doubt that speculation has played an
important part in bulling prices in the
South. The available supply o f white
beans in California is limited, and ap­
pears to have passed into strong specu­
lative hands.
Advices received from San Fran­
cisco said small whites were practi­
cally cleaned up at shipping points at
91 cents and very few I.ady Washing­
tons were le ft at 9 cents. There was
a good demand fo r Limas, which were
advancing in sympathy with the high
prices o f white beans.
Baker Wool Not Sold.
Baker, Or.— Out o f 148,000 pounds
o f wool, practically all fine, offered
this week in Baker at the annual wool
sale, only 23,000 pounds were sold, al­
though other deals which may be
closed later were pending. High bids
on fine wool ranged from 23 cents to
25 cents, while for 4000 pounds o f
coarse wool from the Sels-Ashford
ranch, in Grant county, a high bid o f
28 cents was received.
Isador Kosh-
land, of Portland, was the bidder.
W ith the exception o f 10,000 pounds
sold by W alter Steiger, o f Baker, at
25 cents, to John Glorieux, o f Woon­
socket, R. I., all the clips offered were
from Grant county.
The only other
clip sold was that o f J. C. Moore, who
sold to Mr. Glorieux at 24 cents.
Mrs. Kenneth McRae, o f Prairie
City, had the largest clip for sale, 615,-
000 pounds. It is understood that a
private bid made tops the price being
offered openly. Mascall & Ringsmyer,
o f Dayville, were offered 23 cents for
their 40,000-pound clip by Mr. Kosh-
land, while C. H. Green, o f Portland,
offered to take over the 16,000 pounds
o f fine wool from the Sels-Ashford
ranch at 231 cents.
G row er* T o Be Helped.
Hood R iver — The Apple Growers’
association has just sent out letters
asking ail affiliated growers to desig­
nate the different kinds o f commercial
fruits grown by each. Where the as­
sociation does not handle the product
o f a grower, it w ill guide the grower
to the trade that w ill handle it. Royal
Ann, Governor Wood and Centennial
cherries are maturing this week. The
fru it has been sold to the cannery at
The Dalles for a net price of 6J cent*
per pound.
The prospects for black
cherries are better than ever before.
Congress Drops Provision to Aid
Dependent Families of Guardsmen
Washington, D. C.— An agreement
under which the army draft resoultion
w ill be put through, without any pro­
vision for re lie f o f dependent families
of National guardsmen drafted into
the Federal service, was reached late
Wednesday by the house and senate
leaders. A conference report elim i­
nating entirely the re lie f proposal on
which the conferees had split was ap­
proved by the house without opposition
just before adjournment and is expect­
ed to be accepted by the senate.
In submitting the conference report
to the house. Chairman Hay, o f the
m ilitary committee said the house con­
ferees had consented to sacrifice their
$1,000,000 re lie f proposal only after
Secretary Barker had telephoned to the
capitol that immediate passage o f the
resolution in some form was impera­
Mr. Hay announced he would intro­
duce the appropriation section as a
separate bill and Speaker Clarke said
he would entertain a motion Monday
for passage o f the measure under a
suspension o f rules.
As finally agreed to, the resolution
authorizes the President to use as Fed­
eral soldiers all members o f the Na­
tional guard w illin g to take the re­
quired oath for Fedreal service and
permits consolidation o f scattered and
incomplete guard units.
Marines Battle Dominicans.
Washington, D. C .— One American
soldier was killed and another wounded
in an engagement reported Thursday
by Rear Admiral Caperton between
the United States marines and Santo
Domingo rebels, in which the latter
were routed.
The rebel losses were
not given.
The name o f the marine
killed was given as Private John Acri-
ment, o f the 27th company. His name
does not appear in N avy department
A lbert Vieldaum, o f Aber­
deen, Wash., a private o f the 27th,
was wounded.
Uncle Joe Would Invade.
Washington, D. C. — Republican
criticism o f President W ilson's M exi­
can policy marked debate in the house
Wednesday on an urgent deficiency ap­
propriation bill, carryin g approximate­
ly $28,000,000 as'xed for by the War
department to cover pay, equipment
and transportatio n o f National Guards.
Ex-Speaker Cannon attacked what he
called a “ wishy-washy” course and ad­
vocated going in to Mexico with large
forces to set up a m ilitary government.
R E A T Interest has been awak-
ensd among members of pa­
triotic aoclefloa o f Pittsburgh
In fh* unique towel which re­
cently cam « Into the possession of
Mrs. Cocoll* C. Jones Murdoch o f the
Hotel Bchenley. a pen and Ink Impres­
sion o f which Is reproduced hero. Tho
age of ths towel, which ts made of
flnest linen and woven most delicate­
ly, Is problematical and probably can
never be definitely established. It*
workmanship Is wonderful, the elab­
orate destgu being skillfully and artis­
tically executed.
Mrs. Murdoch believes her historic
towel come* down from s period but
a few years after tho W ar o f the Rev­
olution. either tho last decade o f the
eighteenth century or the first o f tho
nineteenth. From tho Inscriptions on
the face o f tho towel, she has formod
the opinion that It was oue of s num­
ber of similar pieces made ubruad In
commemoration o f tho establishment
of the Independence o f the United
States and tho election o f George
Washington to tho presidency, and
did not exist while the Americans
were held prisoner in Chihuahua.
preparations o f the United
States W ar department w ill go stead­
ily forward. There w ill be no inter­
ruption o f the rush o f National guards­
men to the border, and General Fun-
ston w ill continue disposition of the
forces under his command as though
he expects an immediate attack from
the Mexicans.
«aa'iesa (MM**
Colloctor— Say, doctor, don't you
think you could settle this little bill
Doctor— W ell, suppose you call
around about the fifth or sixth of
July. I expect I'll bo quite flush about
Massachusetts Sailor, Captain
Stephen Driver, So Christened
the S ta rry Banner.
LD G LO R Y " was so chris­
tened by Capt. Stephen
Drlvor. a te ry pronounced
v y
c nlon man. who was boro
In Salem. Muss.. March 17, 1803. lie
was presented by the citizens o f Sa­
lem with a large American flag when
about to sail from his borne port as
commander o f the brig Charles Dog
gett In 1831. As It was hoisted to the
masthead and spread Itself to the
breeze, in a burst of patriotic ardor he
christened It "Old Glory." and that
was the name ho afterward used for It
A fter having been his dally compan­
ion and sharer of adventures and per­
ils on the deep for a half century,
(’ apt. Driver took it with him to Ton-
nessee, where he made his homo In
Nashville, after retiring from a seafar­
ing life, and where he died March 3,
1 VMi.
During the war he was provost mar­
shal of Nashville, and did much active
work in tho hospitals. He was out­
spoken In bis feelings during these
days of civil disagreement, and bis
southern partisan neighbors felt a spe­
cial zeal to get possession o f his much-
vaunted "Old Olory," but they repeat­
edly searched his homo and garden In
The old captain assured them that
they would see It again only when It
floated over a reunited Union. In or­
der to preserve It until such time the
captain, clever, as are most men o f
“ fY "
•• o r
T hu
- £ iJ N lT fc D 5 ttM
t> e a -A K E J >
, - V
H < ?( Q H i.*
i ii M A P
5 1 D t U'.V *
O f 1HI
FfcDERM, Ijt+ Æ n
P U J k lU f iA U Í 4 i S U ' . - -
. I
Impression o f Newly Found Patrlotlo
Towel of Probable Great Age.
designed to be sold to the patriotic
settlers of the American wilds, pos­
sibly by roving peddlers. It Is her
opinion that this particular towel may
have formed s part o f a set, possibly
consisting of tablecloth, napkins, and
other towels, and that It alone, by
strange chanco, has survived the gen­
erations. It came to her through an
elderly woman o f German extraction,
who received It from her parents
had been In her family as long as sho
can remember, and no particular valuo
was attached to It. for it was In con­
stant dally use.
The designing of tho towel Is most
elaborate, and despite Its great ago.
tho various olements o f the scheme
stand out plainly and distinctly. Tho
lettering alono Is somewhat faint In
some lights, but with care In handling
ran bo cloarly deciphered as the light
falls at the proper angles. The ele­
ments In the design aro American
eagles, shields o f tho nation and other
dovlces o f patriotic, nature cunningly
woven together. Tho length of the
le ws l Is 33 Inches, and Its breadth 19
Capt. Stephen Driver.
The Inscription follows:
"T h e Independence o f the United
the sea. with a needle, quilted It with
States of America Declared July 4,
his own hands Into a comforter and
1776— Washington Elected President
made It his bed covorlng.
o f the Federal Union March, 1789—
True to his word, when peace had
E Plurlbus Unum."
been restored, the captain took "Old
Glory” to the Capitol building, where
It was unfurled.
It was on a fateful morning In Feb­
ruary, 1862, that Nashville was star­
tled by the cry, "Fort Donelson haB
fallen; the federal troops aro advanc­
ing.’’ The Sixth Ohio was the first
regiment to land, and tho bluecoats,
to the sound of drum and trumpet,
marched to the capitol and tore down
tho Confederate flag. Captain Driver
begged the captain to let him raise
his “ Old Glory."
Tho ploa was
granted, and, escorted by Lieutenant
Thatcher and a detachment o f sol­
diers, Captain Drlvor went to his home
and ripped the sacred trophy from Its
hiding place. He was allowed to raise
the flag with his own hands. Bare­
headed, he climbed to the dome, took
down the regimental flag, and replaced
It with "Old Glory" amid the tumul­
tuous cheers from the cnthuslastto
Union sympathizers.
As with dimmed eyes he saw It
"Say, pop, ain’t Fourth o f July the
flaunting Its colors proudly, he ex­
claimed: "N ow that 'Old Glory’ has day we gained our independence?’’
“ No, my son; that’s the day your
come Into her own again, I am willing
mother and I were married."
to die.”
This historic flag Is now In tho cus­
Gist o f th* Declaration.
tody o f the Essex Institute, In Salem,
Mass., where It was deposited by a
"These United colonies are, and of
niece o f Captain Driver, to whom he right ought to be, free and Independ­
had Intrusted It In 1882, four years ent statna; that they aro absolved
before his death. So that after Ita from all allegiance to the British
many vicissitudes, both on land and crown, and that all political connec­
sea. It Is resting peacefully and hon­ tion between them and the state to
ored today In the very port from Great Britain Is and ought to be to­
which it sailed for the flrat time 85 tally dissolved."
years ago.
This, shorn o f the preamble and the
concluding clauses, Is the Declaration
On June 14, 1777, congress decreed of Independence which this country
that the flag consist o f 13 red and celebrates sanely and aafoly or In­
white stripes, and 13 stars on a blue sanely and unsafely, as ths case may
be. every Fourth of July.