Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 24, 1916, Image 3

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Cheap Paint it not Good Paint.
Mura W s t«r
G ood Paint is the Cheapest Paint.
Your Dealer has a Reliable Brand.
«tirnul«lwi thn tffmvt'fttjv« »rim m ami i* a
rrful hrsadtnif Umlc. Insur«*« *>a*y «»Ivin* ami
«l«*ariitiir and prwmtLa milk f«v»r, inflarnml
baa »ml In (n e t any ilis»«*«* that may attack a
c*»w whnn in a w«ak«m«Mj condition.
Komlitionar will Ineraaa«« tha flow of milk 6
to \i par cant without an I hcmmum in fMKilnif.
Ikr. Korinak’ a ( a ll I m r and ( Halara IU m
•dy will Insur* your ralv«’« avainst calf acoura.
wiiita acoura and calf cholara. and mako lhaui
|)r. Korinak's Anti i'mm llluat (apaulaa aava hundred« of rowa yearly from dying of alfalfa A
ciovar bloat
Ask your »loalaf for koKINKITM KFMKlJtKM. lh«y ara auarantaad. or writ» to
I « » lfnrs»|M>w«r. I amis r«*4 .
M ...I Kffirtsnt f « r Ir r iy a ll» « ,
Ml»*l»i*. Kirs I'mUeilt»» snd
DunMMifil' Vam. Hmmil. I .in lit,
Powsrfui. No V tlrss.
Nu ( ’yltn*
<i»rs. (Jostrurtiv» liigh
I'ump Kuns on Loaf
ftW «i
W slsr snrj A it Hlmui-
t*n«ously. Will Pump
boilirm wutor ilu sr»c-
*»r*l tor vsrlii ») sue Hon
1,1ft of M.G fM»t. C«n I»* lr»st*lla»d by An yon».
linirCMsiblo lit M«k»* » MisUtk»
I>»liv«>rs Mor»
W »i»r. with fur I. m i Homairowtr. thun Any
I'ump Known. No Priming K«<juir«d ut Any
lirUMinubi« Suction,
W rit* for (-utuloy, Pric«s und Testimouiubi
lufora you boy.
Sth Fluor TU I, a Trust BIS« .
I'.rtteud. Ora.
Better Ways.
KORINEK REMEDY CO., k ** m station, Portland, Oregon
Progress Is no monopoly of the can­
non makers. In one Issue of the
Electrical World" we note that the
(Ohio) Railway Power and
Light company has set out to make Its
buildings safer. Fire escapes, stan­
dard doors, and other Improvements
Taka plaasurv In announcing that they a ra lo­ have been added along with a rigid
rn Uni at 1AMMI Morgan bldg.. (4th floor). W ash­
ington at Hnmdway. Portland. <>ra . wiicra they system of Inspection to prevent the
will ba tdaaaml to mart thatr friend« and patlatita. accumulation of waste anil grease, so
Tb#M o A sss will i......... I ip tad on a |
o f s^rv-
that In three years fire risks and In­
It» at rmajerau* price« to tha heat of our abi'ity.
We always stand behind our work, a« wa know surance rates have been cut nearly In
that a «atisAad patient ia and shall alwaya ba the half.
In Johnston, H. C„ K. M. Boyd,
brat aaact.
manager for the Carolina Public Serv­
Dr. Hof T. Hrdluad,
Dr. SeymoHr S. Skitf, ice company, has devised a new type
o f twenty-five foot pole with a twelve-
Dr, J. Howard Miller,
foot mast arm- sticking out on the
street side so as to keep the poles
lined up on the curb hut get the wires
away from the beautiful old elms and
Talaphona. Marshall V6.
water oaks that are the glory of John­
ston's highways. Anyone who has
reen the ruin and mutilation left by
fanatical tree trimmers will appreciate
Par cent gross profit in your own
I l i l i lagiliinala husmea.
Tha mora
Mr. Boyd's device. The Ohio Electric
V tin»** you giva U»a greater yuur
Light association reports that Its mem­
Ha nrogrvsaiva. lw a hustler;
bers have saved from three to five
U ttar »ounodf !h»n't pass this opportun­
ity. W rits N O W fur nalUcular«,
cents per ton on all coal handled at
A M I) Malea Co.. 11& W liuthanan St..
certain of their power houses by put­
I‘urtlai*t, Otagun.
ting In an eight hour day for firemen.
This ought to Interest the old-timers
who think twelve hours’ toll an In­
alienable right for engine room work­
Those three Items cover vital
*ubjcct* and are only part of the grist
in one Issue of a live technical Jour­
W e d in Handle A ll Y our Cream ,
nal. That's how our United States
Poultry a rd E|| Shipm ent!.
G ive
goes along.—Colliers.
N e w H o u sto n H o tel
Kimr llturV. fruni Union H l.tlon
U n.I.r naw
ni*ii**<-m»nt. All r.<oin. nnwly docmratod.
Itele* SOc. 75c. » 1 . I l ìO Ite« Ite,
If you cannot coma to
Portland to tfat your
•y»»a At tad. I will a»nd
you my method of
In« «yea by mail.
as daalrabia a* |»anM>n-
al aarvtca hut
hatter than tfiuny with*
out tflaaaaa nralsd Of
trying to At yuuraalf.
Outfit s**nt on aptdicatlnn.
RT A 1*1*101, lha Jaw*
alar-0|HIrian. '¿feb Morriaon at.. J^rlland. Oragon
Portland Y . M. 0. A , Auto School
!»ay and night c!a»ae«
I*'*pert training
In rapairing, driving and machina work,
including forgo, lath#, shaper, drill prcas,
fractura, ate
'lim e oniimitod.
CoM I'K *
TK.NT C H A U P K ht'R .S ANI* M K U iA N -
«• wut » rw ►**• Wfitt lor prKtl ml ilippa* hi«
T h i H . F . N o r t o n C o . nrtuu, or». Jura», «m
U t a l ial.
W e Can Please Y ou.
H a z e l w o o d C o ., P o r t l a n d
Double Tread Puncture Proof Tire»
Matla from your old ones. I-as l long
as lira ad Saw TIIIKM Wrtta us
O KM dfN \ t U A.NI7.lNC CO..
MO Washington St..
Portland. Ora
•*, R ou a k l. S o ld . K .n l o d o n d K .p x lr o d
** » I —
« \l,kl.lt 11!' IHI' VMllthS
Bur Ibldo. cor. loth
I'urlloitd. *>ro.
Mother's Way Beat.
Little Willie felt indisposed, and the
family doctor ordered him to take u
•Tome on. dear," aald mother coax
Ingly when the powder arrived, "take
this; It will make you quite well at
"Don’t want t o !" wailed Willie,
hacking away from the teaspoon.
"Don’t want any medicine!"
"Oh, Wllile," his mother said re
prnachfully, as she drew the small
boy near to her. "you’ve never heard
me complain about a little powder,
have you?"
"No, und neither would I," was
young William's startling reply, “ If I
could Just put It on my face as you
do. but I have to swallow It!"— Phil
adelphla Public Ledger.
The Lett Act.
Into the Jeweler's shop canto a aim
plo-looklnK old chap, with a quaint,
old fashioned kitchen clock under one
"I want you to look at It." he aald,
as he laid tho timepiece on the coun­
ter. "and tell me what's wrong."
The Jeweler removed the dial of the
clock, screwed hts magnifying glass
Always keep Hanford's Balsam on
Into ills oyo and poked about In the
hand for accldcuts. It's good Insur­
cloek'a Intorlor.
"Nothing wrong with It now," he an­ ance. Adv.
nounced presently.
“ It's sufferings
Dairy Paragraphs.
are over."
"Well, what do I owe you?" asked
Have a name for each cow, and
the customer, thinking he bad repair i speak It when approaching her at
ed the clock.
| milking time. An occasional friendly
"Nothing," replied the shopman. pat on a cow at such time will cause
"You're mistaken. Thla Isn't profes­ her to give her milk down freely. Let
sional treatment It's a ecroner’s In­ tha milking hours be a pleasant event
quest."—Philadelphia Public ledger. | for the cow and her milker.
Oats and Canada peas cut green
A Cancellation.
make a fine substitute for silage In
A telegraph clerk In an outlying die midsummer. Cut when the oat heads
trlct of the Sudan found thn desola­ I are Just beginning to form.
An experienced dairy farmer gives
tion getting the belter of his norves
and telegraphed to headquarters: j this remedy for the cure of scours in
Take common soup beans.
"Can't stay here; am In danger of life; ; calves:
surrounded by Ilona, elephanta and parch them like coffee (being careful
! they do not burn), grind them and
Tho hard hearted clerk at headquar­ give to calf. Ho says he has had good
ters wired hack: "There are uo wolves i results with this treatment.
In the S u d a n "
It advertises Itself— Hanford's Hal
The next day the desolate one re­
plied: "Referring to my wire of the sani. Adv.
16th, cancel wolves."— Philadelphia
To Make Him Happy.
Public Ledger.
Old Peterby Is rich and stingy. In
Worts Luckl
the event cf his death, his nephew Is
Men who are too lazy to work and I to Inherit his property. A friend of
too proud to beg are usually too In­ the family said to the old gentleman
“ I hear that your nephew Is golnp
different to die.—Judge.
to marry. On that occasion you ought
to do something to make him happy.'
"I will,” aald Mr. Peterby. “ I'll pre
tend that I am dangerously 111."
New sn.l itecoivl-hand
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce Invalids’ Ho­
tel. Buffalo, for large trial package of
‘ 'Anuric” for kidneys, cures backache.
Iturtap and Twin*.
Tall your dealer you
want ’ W INK I.K -
BECONDS." tha Pair,
fo r Sorvica.
Have him wrtta our
nearest house.
171 Front S t .
Tacoma. Waah.
Portland. Oroson.
Oldaat and Larireat Second hand Hag
Dealer, In tha Northwest.
Veal, Pork,
Beef, Poultry,
Butter, E g g s &
Farm Produce
Had a Proposal.
"Had a proposal from any of the fair
sex this leap year?" inquired Fitz
"I have. I had a proposal from the
yonng lady at my lodgings."
"Phlloplls. but you aro in luck! How
did she muster courage to mako It,
and what did she say?"
"W ell, you see, she keeps the books
for her mother, so she came to me and
"Yes, yes, lucky dog! Go on.”
"She proposed that I pay up my ar
rears or vacate.” —Chicago News.
K ill A ll F l i e s ! "SL
r*esd *nrwh*r».D«l«y f'v Kilter mttr» la l
N sst, c I mh . c
m ntronnU l, eoov sn isn t,
■■Mil ' ■ I» I « a si
a M
u mm a
T o th « Old ItolUM« Ev«rding h«u«« with •
r«cord o f 46 ysara of Stiuar« Dealing» and 1)«
u a u rsd of
Top Market Prices.
45-47 Front Si,
P. N. U.
W H I N writing to i
TT « — U t , » !> » •
No. 26, 1016
I kills All
d cheap.
r jt r s
T J Z S iï.'' 'värar
An Effective Mask.
"Such a lot of thing* happened this
afternoon, dear," said Mrs. Young
bride to her husband. "I complained
to Norah about the stove not being
blackened and she put on her things
and left. Then 1 decided to black the
stove myself, and right In tho midst of
It who should call but Mrs. De Style."
Wli-il In the world did you do?”
“Just put some more bincktng on
my face, went to the door and told her
t wasn't In. And off she went, saying
she would call again."— Boston Trans
How Mrs. Kelly Suffered and
How She was Cured.
Burlington, Wis.—“ I was very irreg­
ular, and had pains in my side and back,
but niter t a k i n g
Lydia E. Pink ham's
V e g e t a b l e Com­
pound Tablets and
using two bottles of
tho Sanative Wash
I am fully convinced
that I am entirely
cured o f these trou­
bles, and feel better
ail over. * I know
your remedies have
dono mo worlds of
jfood and I hope every suffering woman
will give them a trial.” —Mrs. A nna
K elly , 710 Chestnut Street, Burling­
ton, Wis.
Tho many convincing tesUmonials con­
stantly published in the newspapers
ought to bo proof enough to women who
suffer from those distressing ills pecu­
liar to their sex that Lydia K.Finkham’i
Vegetable Compound is the medicine
they need.
This good old root and herb remedy
has proved unequalled for these dread­
ful ills ; it contains what is needed to
restore woman's health and strength.
Bluestam, 96c
per bushel; forty fold, 86c; club, 88c;
r«d Fife, HSc; red Russian, 83c.
Hay- Eastern Oregon timothy, $23
(H .24 per ton; valley timothy, 9186419;
aifalfa, $146(16.
Miilfeod—Spot prices; Bran, $266(
26.60 per ton; shorts, $29
rolled barley, $31.606(32.60.
Corn— Whole, $37 ton; cracked, $38.
V egetables r— Aritchokes, 76cfr/,|l
per dozen; tomatoes, $1.60641.76 per
crate; cabbage, $2642.76 per hundred;
garlic, 10c per pound; peppers, 26c;
eggplant, 16c; horseradish, 8Jc; let­
tuce, $1641.60 per crate; cucumbers,
76c64$1.26 per dozen; spinach, 46(6c
per pound; asparagus, 76c64$l per
Ordinary powders and dynamites
dozen; rhubarb, 1$ 64 2c per pound;
peas, 3)646c; cauliflower, $1.26 per
waste much o f their energy by shatter­
crate; beans, 864124c per pound.
ing and pulverizing. T o get thqbest
Potatoes — Old, $1.60; California,
new, 2642 )c per pound.
results in land-clearing operations the explosives
Onions — California red and yellow,
disrupt, crack, split and heave the stumps
$3.26 per sack.
Green Fruit— Strawberries, $1.8664
and at the same time lift and remove the roots for
1.90 per crate; apple«, new, $2 per
handling. The explosives that do this are
box; cherries, 66410c per pound; can­
taloupes, 90c64$2.76 per crate; apri­
cots, $1.36641.60 per box; peaches,
$1.16; watermelon, 24642 )c per pound;
figs. $1641.50 per box.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
P I N O ---- A O R I C U L T U P A J L
ceipts, 216422 c per dozen; rots and
cracks out, 236424c; extras, 24 Jc.
— made by a Western Company especially to meet Pacific
Poultry — Hens, 14c per
Coast conditions. More than 2,OCX),000 pounds used every
stags, 10c; broilers, 166418 c turkeys,
year for stump blasting in Washington and Oregon alone.
live, 206421 c ; dressed, choice, 2364
26c; ducks, 166420c; geese, 96610c.
There are two Giant Farm Powders — Giant Stumping
Butter-—Cubes, extras, 25Jc; prime
Powders for wet soil and Eureka Stumping Powder for blast­
firsts, 25c; firsts, 24)c; seconds, 22c.
ing in dry soil. They do their work at the lowest possible cost.
Jobbing prices; Prints, extras, 2764
29c; butterfat. No. 1, 27c; No. 2, 26c,
Test one case. Compare it with any explosive that you
have ever used. After you have blasted a dozen stumps you
Veal— Fancy, 11@ 11 )c per pound.
will understand why those who have once used them always
Pork— Fancy, 11c per pound.
continue to use Giant Farm Powders.
Hops — 1915 crops, 9$ (g) H e per
pound; 1916 contracts, nominal.
tell« how to «ave money in land-clearing. It
Wool — Eastern Oregon, fine, 2364
Our free book on «hows how to make land-clearing eaiier by
26jc per pound; coarse, 306432c; val­
Giant Farm Powder«. We have other
S tu m p Blasting using
ley. 326(34c.
books on Boulder Blasting, Tree Planting,
Cascara Bark— Old and new, 4c per
Subsoil Blasting, and Ditch Blasting. Write today for the book in whicb
you are interested. Your name on a post-card will bring it.
Cattle— Steers, choice grass, $7.7664
THE GIANT POWDER CO., Con., JBB. San Francisco
8.25; good, $7.60647.75; cows, choice,
$6.76647.60; good, $6.25646.60; heif­
* * E veryth in g f o r B lasting
ers, $5.50 64 5.75; bulls, $3 64 5.75;
B R A N C H O F F IC E S : S a attU . S p o k « a « . Portland. Salt Laka C k y . D»srr«r
stagB, $4.60647.
H og s— Prime light, $8.05 64 8.25;
good to prime, $ 8648 . 06 ; rough heavy,
$7.60647.76; piff» end skips, $6.606$
Live on $8 a Month.
University of Washington, SeatUe.—
Sheop— Yearlings, $6.50 @ 7 .2 5 ;
wethers, $5.50646.75; ewes, $4.7564 Those who fret and stew over the high
cost of living received an awful Jolt
5.50; lambs, $7648.85.
this semester, when two students and
M K e e p Kids Kleen
two alumni of the university admitted
TK» mo * practical. heskWul playtime
Feed Grain Prices Remain Firm.
that their total Individual living ex­
garments ever invented far children I to
penses for the semester, Including tel­
0 years of age. Made in one piece with
Portland— The oats and barley mar­ ephone and electric lights, averaged
drop back. Eanlv dipped on or a t.
Laxily washed. No ticht elastic bonds
kets became stronger at all points on $8 per month. The men live In a cozl-
1 to atop circulation. Made in blue
denim, and blue and white hickory
the Coast as it is believed the govern­
•thpes for ail the yeer round. Abo
ington, close to the campus. They do
lighter weight, last-color material a
ment will require a considerable sup­ their own housekeeping and cooking
dark blue, cadet blue, ten or dark red
for summer wear, all appropriately
ply of these feed cereals on the border and have cut their expenses to the
uuned with fa*-«olor nalntan.
Made in Dutch neck with elbow
and in Mexico. No army orders have minimum, although enjoying most of
the comforts of home.
deeves and high neck and ioog
been issued for supplies other than
Each man takes his turn week by
those already contracted for, so far week at doing the work, and friction
7 5 c the suit
is unknown.
V your dealer
as known, but traders took for buying
e will tend
the _____
aced them.
ck *njw pr¿ál
1 receipt of price. 75c
for this account before long. For the W O N D E R F U L HOW R E S IN O L
f r e e
present it is likely the quartermaster’s
Bewve oHmiteliora Look far
department will be amply supplied with
The soothing, healing medication In
i f od e b y
dir T wo Horn, ao the Lsbd.
L e v i Strauss & Co., San Francisco
feed stuffs previously ordered sent to resinol ointment and resinol soap
A»>,d»d GRAND PRIZE at (to P.P.I.E.
soothes and cools the Irritated skin,
the regular army posts, which will be and usually stops itching at once. The
resinol treatment speedily heals ecze­
delivered to border points.
Had Made Start
Although the oats market has gained ma, ringworm, and similar eruptions,
and clears away disfiguring pimples
in strength, there has been no specula­ even when other treatments have been
Pete, the hired man. was known for
his prodigious appetite. One morning
tive trading in the country.
Oats almost useless.
Resinol is not an experiment. It is
holders are still willing to sell at $26. a doctor's prescription which proved he had eaten a normal breakfast of
At the Merchants’ exchange $25.50 to so wonderfully successful for skin oatmeal, buckwheat cakes, toast, fried
26.75 was bid, prices 25 to 75 cents troubles that it has been used by other potatoes, ham, eggs, doughnuts, coffea
over the offers o f Wednesday.
No doctors all over the country for twenty and the usual trimmings, and gone to
barley is being offered for sale here, years. Every druggist sells resinol the neighbor’s to help with extra wortL
Pete arrived before the family had
but at San Francisco futures were ointment and resinol soap.—Adv.
risen from the morning meal.
higher. California barley can be laid
All Deliveries in Rear.
"W ell, Pete," hospitably inquired the
down in Portland at practically $28.
Barry Sullivan, the tragedian, was farmer, "had breakfast yet?”
There was no trading in wheat.
“ Aw." drawled Pete in a wheedling
ITices at the exchange averaged a cent playing Richard III on one occasion. tone, “ kinda.” —Everybody’s Magazine.
higher, in response to the Chicago ad­
"A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a
vance. The rain has improved the horse!” someone from the gallery call­
Always Have It on Hand.
Northwestern crop fully 5 per cent. In ed out, "Wouldn't a donkey do as well,
Don't wait until you get scalded or
some parts of Oregon the gain is esti­ Mr. Sullivan?”
burned because that will mean much
mated at 15 per cent.
“ Yes.” replied the tragedian, turning suffering while you are sending to the
quickly to the interrupter, "Please dealer's for Hanford's Balsam of
Myrrh. Always- have it on hand and
come around to the stage door."
Atlantic Freight Rates Decline.
be prepared for accidents. The Bal­
Cuts clear to the bone have been sam should give you quick relief. Adv.
Several commodity markets have
healed by Hanford's Balsam. Adv.
been more or less influenced by the in­
Wise Cur.
His Status.
creased supply of freight room and a
Traveler— Here, landlord, what's tha
consequent reduction in freight rates,
"What are you, my man, a plain matter with your dog? I've driven him
away a dozen times, but he comes
says a news bulletin issued by Rens- tramp?”
“ You may say so, mum. Or, if you back and sits close to my chair, watch-
korf, Lyon & Co., o f New York.
wish to follow the plan so prevalent I ing every mouthful I take. Do turn
Coffee has declined and cotton has these days of giving everything a spe­ him out and let me have my dinner in
had an advance in this country as a re­ cial name— ”
Landlord— Ah, sir. my Carlo Is such
“ Yes?”
sult o f the improvement in the freight
"You might call me an efficiency ex­ a knowing brute! I expect you’ve the
plate he usually eats off of.
situation, but so far sugar has not re­ pert.” —Louisville Courier-Journal.
A£ r
sponded by any decline. The fact that
the stand taken by this country has
checked the activity of the Ge rman
submarines has improved the freight
situation and reduced insurance rates.
There has been a large fleet that was
tied up by ice in North Russian waters
released and the allies have turned
back into commercial life many boats
that have been used as transports.
looks as if during the summer freight
congestion at the ports will be, in a
great measure, relieved and this is
bound to benefit generally American
Wheat Sellers Withdraw.
Portland— Although wheat prices ad­
vanced 2 cents at Chicago because of
'D a i s y F ly K i l l . r
er I aval
the prospect o f war with Mexico, local
MA MOLO SOMIIKS, ISO P»Rsl« *»•., IrMfel ly», N.T.
grain men were unable to see why the
market should have been affected at
a ll Nevertheless, the traders at the
Granulated Eyelids,
Merchants’ Exchange considered it
Eye, inflamed by txro-
wise to be on the safe side and, there­
- Ossi * and I Sin!
,ure to Sis,
iekly relieved by Narine
I f there Is nny peculiarity ia fore, withdrew from the market as sel­
F v A f i ai,i-ff e i ir No Smarting, yoar case requiring special ad­ lers. There were the usual number of
t y v S ï ju,t
T ? Ere ’( Comfort. At vice, w rite the Lydia K. l ’ in k - bids, but except for August delivery,
ff» 50c per Bottle. Marls« tya hara M edicine Co. (confidential), they were the same as Saturday's and
Your Druggiat1
as wheat cannot be bought anywhere
Druggiti, or Maria« Eye Beatdy C«., Chicago L ynn, Alasi., for free advice.
near the prices named, no risk was run.
» avari svili*■
not aoll «r
“ A N U R I C ”
The Latest Discovery In Medicine.
Why Suffer From Backache, Lumbago, Rheumatism?
It is now asserted with confidence ' because old people usually suffer rrotn
that these painful effects due to uric hardening and thickening of the walls
of the arteries, due to the excess of
acid In the system are entirely eradl-; uric acid in the blood and tissues.
rated. A remedy, called “ ANURIC,”
Dr. Pierce, chief physician at the
has been discovered by Dr. Pierce in j Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute,
his hospital practice, which he be­ Buffalo, N. Y., has been testing this
lieves is thirty-seven times more po­ wonderful medicine for the relief of
tent than lithia, and is the cause of a overworked and weakened kidneys.
drainage outward of the uric acid with The relief obtained by sufferers haa
which it comes in contact within the been so satisfactory that he determin­
body. It will ward off backache, head­ ed to place “ ANURIC” with the princi­
ache. and the darting pains and aches pal druggists in town where people
of articular or muscular rheumatism could get this ready-to-use medicine.
“ ANURIC" is not harmful or poison­
—o f those diseases which are caused i
by too much uric acid, such as gout, ous, but aids niture* in throwing off
asthma, sciatica, or sore, stiff, aching those poisons within the body which
cause so much suffering, pain and
When the kidneys are weak or dis­ misery.
If you want quick relief buy i t new
eased, these natural filters do not
cleanse the blood sufficiently, and the — or send Dr. Pierce 10c. for trial pkg-
poisons are carried to all parts of the or $1.00 for full treatment This will
body. There follow depression, aches prove to you that "Anuric" ellminatea
and pains, heaviness, drowsiness, Ir­ uric acid from the system as h a t'
ritability. "ANURIC" prolongs Ufa melts sugar.