Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 24, 1916, Image 1

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iency than by right in trying to
settle it. As things have gone,
it is hard to see how' we can re­
W ar with Mexico is a serious
cede from our position. The oniy
matter. There is no doubt uh to
apparent thing to Bave the situa­
the finul outcome, yet it would
Tricks of the Clever Crooks That
tion is a backdown or concession
Raspecttd Citizen of Polk County
mean the loss o f thousands o f our |
Steal Automobiles.
on the part o f Carranza, and
Potsoi of Ripe Old Ago
soldier boys, u lonK drawn out whether he can do that remains
guerrilla warfare, untold hard­
to be seen. There is no doubt DARING IN THEIR METHODS.
ships of a campaign over deserts
strong pressure will be exerted
Dallas, Or.. June 2 1 — Judge
and mountains, yet there will be
in that direction and he mav be O n « o f T h « ir P a t 8 c h » m » » 1« to D io - James L- Collins, a resident o f
no lack of recruits; and the voice
forced to yield to it, which would
g u io o T h o m M l v o t a t R epair«!-» a n d Folk county for 09 years, died at
o f the “ mollycoddle killer” is no temporarily avoid the crash.—
O p a n ly T o w th a C a r A w a y — O r d i ­ his home in Dallas last night, o f
longer heard.
n a r y S a f e g u a r d » A r a a J o k a to T h a m .
Evening Telegram.
infirmatives incident to old age.
I f war must come it is to be j
The luau who iteala an autotnobil« la He was 83 May 9 last.
ho|>ed that WilHon will forsake his
ouo of the cleverest mechanicians In
Judge Collins was born in W ar­
the country, lie knows every make of
“ W eary W aiting” policies and
county, Mo., and crossed the
The call to arms was sounded
push the war to a finish. He will
and there la acarcely any precaution plains with his father, Smith
find no lack o f sup|>ort, for how­
taken by the owner o f the car to safe-
Collins, and family, when he was
ever men differ |>olitically, they state mifctia were disturbed in guard bla property that the automobile '
13. They left Kansas City in the
thief cannot beat
are loyal to the flag and will join :
Some car ownera fondly Imagine that spring o f 1846 in a big wagon
and hurried off to the armory at w hen they chain the wheel o f tbelrcar !
hands in its defense.
train, the first to come into Ore­
Although the idea has been rid-j Dallas to await further orders. with a fairly thick ateel chain they
by the “ south road,” or
have made It Impossible for any crook
iculed, there is little doubt that Rufus and ’ Pug’ Ferguson, Albert to move the auto from Its anchorage
legate’s cutoff.’•’ Much o f
Mexico has been edged up to com­ Bancroft and Archie Montgomery The almpllclty of thia aafeguard muni
particularly through
mit overt acts; for o f a certainty were among those called from cuuae hilarity among the motorcar
had to be cut
crooks, for the ordinary ateel chain can
she alone could not hope to hold j Falls City.
be cut In a second with the appliances as they came.
There is much speculation as to that the motor thieves carry tn their
out against the United States.
The party had its first encoun­
has happened to disturb outfit.
Whether Jupan has sinister de­
with Indians in Humboldt
But moat car owners consider they
signs u|)on this country will prob­ Wilson’s Watchful Waiting, espec­
hare made the car Immovable by mere valley, northern California.
ably become known later
Her ially so soon after the St. Louis ly locking the switch box. It will inter
head was badly swelled by whip­ convention. That there has been eat them to know (bat tbe car thieves
grants cattle. This happened
ping Russia and her success in anything recently that would jus­ can beat this precaution very easily.
Tbe clever mechanician who makes a again in the Umpqua valley on
China against Germany. It is also tify a mobilization o f troops on the bualueaa o f stealing cars can cross
the way to the Willamette. The
know that a prominent Japanese border more than there has been wires so as to cause tgnltlon and move
white men gave chase, and one
was guest o f honor and visited all during the past two years is not the engine without bothering with tbe
switch box at a ll A method that Is kin
f them was killed.
important cities, manufacturing apparent Plundering and mur­ dergurten to tbe car thief la to connect
The Collins family got as far
plunts; studying "American meth­ dering American citizens has been wires from tbe dry cell battery direct j
the site o f the present city o f
ods,” it was said.
It is very a favorite pastime and the admin­ to tbe Ignition coll, thus starting tbe I
motor without difficulty.
in December, 1846. The
probable that the Japanes govern­ istration has apparently been in­ Some cars have devices by which the i
turned bad, and it was
ment has very complete drawings different to the sportive Mexican gasoline supply can be locked, and this
leave young James
o f our coast and interior fortifica­ bandit Even raids across the la regarded by some owners as placing
a hopeless barrier In tbe way o f the Collins and a man to care for the
tions. There is such a thing as border only partly aroused the thief who would run off with the \
administration from its lethargy 'standing car. For how can a car be ; stock until spring. The rest o f
being too friendly.
giving Villa ample time to escape moved when tbe supply o f gasoline la j the Collins family went on to
off? Nothing easier. Tbe motor* Folk county and settled on a
to the mountain fastness where shut
car thief carries with him his own sup­ claim on the Little Luckiamute
the half-hearted efforts to dis­ ply o f gasoline In a flask. With this
Nobody feels about this affair
lodge him have accomplished gasoline tbe automobile thief can nego­ river. Not long after they left
in Mexico as though it were a d e -;
tiate a good run with the car by con­ the camp at Eugene the man left
necting his flask o f gasollno direct to
fensive war. No'jody is very j
I f the administration did not in­ the carburetor. Feeding the gasoUne with James became ill. and a
proud o f the Mexican war o f 18481
tend to uphold and protect her to the carburetor through a rubber little later a crippled man came
or the motives which actuated us
hose, the automobile thief can send tbe
citizens in Mexico against the i>er- car sufficiently far to euable him to put along and made his abode with
in fighting it. Outside o f the;
secutions and indignities o f the the gusollne tank and the car In regu­ them.
military end o f it, it is not a very i
It was a hard winter for the
outlaw element, there should have lar commission and speed where he
pleasant page to read. T errito r-;
will to safety and a sale.
immigrant, with two help­
been at least a safe retreat afford­ But the commonest and therefore the
ial aggrandizement, pure and
and himself to provide
ed them that they might have safest trick of tbe automobile thief re-
simple, was at the bottom o f it.
cattle to look after.
been able to save as much o f their
The South w aited more slave
edge. It simply requires nerve, which
property as possible. The blaring these thieves possess to an unusual de­ For three months all the food he
territory to offset the steadilv
o f trumpets and parade o f the gree. This trick Is tbe old one o f driv­ and the men had was killed with
growing free territory in the
military at this stage o f the game ing up in an auto that looks like a ga­ his rifle.
rage repair wagon, hitching a rope to
North, and the Mexican war was
He drove the cattle on north
seems rather incongruous with the car that Is to be stolen and towing
the natural outcome o f it. Grant
the spring and joined the
former tactics o f the great peace It away. The thieves dress for the part
was not proud o f the part we
A t that time Oregon
advocate and sender o f notes. It
selected tbe car to be stolen, picking City was the nearest trading
played in Mexico, though he was
is possible to take a great inoffen­ one that Is In a side street and not like­
in that war, and at the close of
sive pup and so tease and tanta­ ly to be under the eye o f a policeman point.
the Civil war American troops
Largely self educated, Judge
lize it that it will become vicious who may have been tipped to watch
the car, the thieves come up to the Collins taught school as a young
under Sheridan were rushed to
and unsafe and in the interest of scene In their old car. looking like tbe
the border to drive out the Aus
public safety the pup must be ordinary crew Sent for from the garage man, studying law in his spare
trian invader. Emperor Maxmil- j
killed. So it has been with Mexico. to repair a car that Is In trouble or Isn't time. He was admitted to the
working as well as Its fastidious owner
ian. Fortunately the Mexicans
bar at the first term o f circuit
As an ignorant race, inoffensive in would wish.
themselves settled the matter by
held in Polk county after
a measure, they have been rob-1 They alight from their own car and
capturing Maximilian and execu-
make a great pretense o f examining Oregon became a state in 1859,
bed, starved and oppressed until
the car that they Intend to spirit away.
ing him at Queretaro.
in the interest of public safety They, remove the hood and scrutinize by Judge R. L. Boies.
We have not managed things
Judge Collins became a res­
and public interests it will be the motor. They get out a kit o f tools
well in our relations with Mexico
o f Dallas in 1861, and con­
necessary to kill them. Had they
o f the machinery. I f any one should tinued to practice law there up
in the last three years, mavbe
been treated fairly and humanely hnppen to be watching them or looking
longer. Through our own inepti­
in years gone by, the guerilla on from a neighboring window all the to about six years ago. He was
tude we may have sinned away
w arfare that has been carried on tueu do has the appearance of natural appointed county judge o f Polk
work by honest workmen from the
the day o f grace and be forced
for a number o f years would have repair shop. Presently the men hold county in 1869 by Governor
by conditions largely o f our own
been prevented. It looks as if it a consultation, pointing to some part Woods, to fill a vacancy.
making into a war o f pacification
Among his effects is the first
had gone too far now to correct o f the motor machinery, and apparent­
that will carry with it thousands
ly come to the conclusion that the car law
library ever brought to
the mistake with peaceful methods. cannot be started with the tools at
o f human lives and billions of
He bought it from
their command. Then they hitch a
money, that may end in givin g
rope to the car and tow it away at the Judge Nesmith when the latter
Mexico the man on horseback,
end of their own car. Could anything was elected to the United States
with our full consent. How much
On the above subject a sermon be more simple?
How can you beat such a game as
closer would we then be to a will be preached by Rev. W. J. this? Carrying away part o f the ma­
Judge Collins was married in
betterment o f conditions in M ex­ Warren in the M. E. Church, Sun­ chinery does not prevent the thieves 1861 to Miss Mary Whiteaker,
ico? Not very much, perhaps, day at 8 P. M. The sermon will from towing the car away. One sure who died in 1865. leaving one
way to prevent robbery Is to have the
but the outcome in that respect deal chiefly with the scriptural enr watched. The policeman on that i child. Tw o years later he was
is one that time alone can dis­ mode o f Baptism. Also if water j patrol will keep an eye on It If you married to Miss Mary E. Kimes.
are only going to make a visit to some To this union there were born 10
baptism is essential.
office building and coming back In a
We are confronted with an i
short time. But If you keep your car children o f whom the following,
awkward impasse in Mexico. We
In tbe street the entire day no one can with the mother, are living: Mrs.
watch I t
You are simply taking a E. Watts, Hillsboro; Mrs. J. L
went in there to get a bandit
On Tuesday evening eighteen of chance with the car thieves.
named Villa. For one reason or
Miss Hammond's pupils gave a re­ There are other ways o f making the Billups, Portland; Miss Nellie Col­
another we didn’t get him, main­
cital at the home o f Mrs. D. Grant. pnth of the motorcar crook as steep lins, Jerome, A r iz .; Mrs. J. U.
and difficult as possible.
One motor­
ly, perhaps, because the Carran-1
Miss Mildred Grant helped with ist believes he has solved the thief j Nanney, Benson. A riz.; Frank
zistas were a hindrance, rath er,
the program. A fte r the musicale problem by having a slot cut In the ; W. Collins, Thane, Alaska; Miss
than a help to us. But the fact
Ednelle Collins, Dallas, and Dean
Mrs. Grant served ice cream and clutch pedal shaft. Through this he J
passes a bar which he locks. So far ; Collins, Portland.
remains we didn't get him, and
cake to the guests. There were his car has not been stolen. Another
now we are invited to vacate and
Funeral services will be held in
way Is to remove the rotor.
forty present
get back to our side o f the inter­
makes It very difficult for any th ief to Dallas tomorrow at 1 o ’clock.
steal the ear, for be would have to | The body will be taken to Port­
national line. The dilemma is
serious, and we are very likely,
Road District No. ,21 expended carry a number o f rotors to be sure : land fo r cremation, and the ashes
o f having one that would fit that par­
in the face o f a national election, $1,597.82 last month. More good ticular motor. — Philadelphia North will be returned to Dallas for in­
to be governed more by exped- roads.
terment in the family burial plot.
Judge J. L. Collins
Pioneer of PolK Dead
No. 4*4.
Summer Time
You will find our store well supplied to meet
your requirements during the long summer
days to come.
Easy comfortable shoes
An excellent assortment wash goods
Bathing suits from 25c up
Warners light weight corsets
Tennis shoes, barefoot sandals
A full complete line of groceries
A car of flour and feed just arrived.
our prices and do your trading at
Selig’s Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition".
4th of JU L Y
the best time
fo r y o u r
Vacation Trip
Suggestions for your trip
Golf or tennis at Neah-Kah-Nie
Bathing at Tillamook County Beaches
Gathering agates at Newport
Dedication of Springs at Ashland
Fishing is fine at many points
Rogue River Roundup Ashland July 4, 5, 6,
Cherry fair at Salem
Celebration at Newport July 4th
L o w R o u n d T r ip F a r e s
between all Southern Pacific stations in Oregon where the one
way fare is $6 or less on July 1, 2, 3 and 4. Return limit July 6th
Ask your local agent (or further information or write to
John M. Scott. General Passenger Agent
Portland. Oregon
J U L Y F O U R T H 1916
Prominent Speakers, Good Music, Ball Games
and other Amusements.