Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 17, 1916, Image 3

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    • e
NEWS ITEMS First Aid to a
M l
-J J ' I
Of General Interest
W eak Stomach
Portland — Wheat — Bluestem, 96c
per bushel; fortyfold, 86c; club, 85c;
red Fife, 86c; red Russian, 85c.
Hr iHiylnir dlrn-t fn.rn us at wholr-*le prie*«
th« plumlwr'a profit*. W rit* iTa to*
Barley— No. 1 feed, $27.606(29.60.
«Uy your n«*r(|a W* will givo you our roark*
Tract Containing 360,000,000
Bran- $23.766(24.60.
bottom "dlrvH-l to-you" pHeuo. f o. b. rail or
Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy, $24
U «t
W « «d u a lly * « v « you from 10 to U per
cent. A ll k « mm U miur«nt«M<1
j 6i24.60 per ton ; valley timothy, $21<gi
N o r th * ««! ht*«Ml<|u«rt«r« for
l«*r Wator
22; alfalfa, old crop, $166(17; new
Ho<idil(iver With the probable sale
HyaUuiui ami Kullar A John«**» Kh iinw ,
I erop, $14.
by the United States Forest Service
M illfeed— Spot prices: Bran, $2664
this summer o f a 7840-acre area o f !
212 Third S lfH l.
Porlland. O n i m
! 26.60 per ton; shorts, $296429.60; rol­
virgin Douglas ftr on the headwaters
led barley, $31.606432.60.
o f the west fork o f Hood River, the
Corn— Whole, $36 ton; cracked, $37.
lumber industry the coming year, with
Vegetables— Artichokes, $1 dozen;
Ufrce other large milla, the average |
tomatoes, $1.606(1.75 per crate; cab­
! daily cut o f each reaching approxi­
V eal, Pork,
bage, $26(2.76 per hundred; garlic,
Beef, Poultry, mately 110,000 feet, and some half
| 10c per pound; peppers, 26c; eggplant,
' dozen lesser plants In operation, bids
Butter, Eggs & | fair to be stimulated to a record mark
1206426c; horseradish, 84c;
$1.50641.76 per crate cucumbers, 75c
Farm Produce | in Hood River.
64$1 per dozen; spinach, 4646c per
According to W. T. Andrews log-
To tho €>l*| Itollah!* Evertllng Imu»«« with a [ King engineer, and Aasistant Dlatrict
pound; asparagus, $1641.26 per dozen;
rvoottl o f Ht )i>am o f 8*ju*m 1»<* u I imm * ami b«
rhubarb, 14642c per pound; peaa, 664
i Forester F. E. Ames, who were here
amural of
8c; cauliAower, $1.25
J recently from Portland, the total
Top Market Price*.
beans, 10c per pound.
' stumpage o f propoaed Mr aalea reaches
Potatoes--Old, $1.60641.75; Califor­
approximately 360,000,000 feet. Ap­
plication to have the foreat area open­ A Family Remedy for 63 Year* nia, new, 26(2Jc per pound.
Onions — California red, $2.25 per
ed anil offered for sale waa made the
puat winter by J. W. Palmer, a local
45-47 lionl St..
8 u n f l o w e r P h ilo s o p h y .
Green Fruit — Strawberries, $1,60
West Side orchardist, who has had
j many years o f experience in the lum­ Patriotism rarely consists of voting per crate; apples, $1641.75 box; goose­
ber business on the Is>wer Columbia. a straight ticket.
berries, 4c per pound; cherries, $1.25
There Is also the sort of morality 6(1.60 per box; cantaloupes, $1.6064
' Mr. Palmer la a prospective bidder on
that is due to cold feet.
3.50 per crate; apricota, $l..:.><i:i r.T
the huge tract.
Most men are busy enough not to per crate; apricota, $1.3561,1.50 per
The miaaion o f Messra. Andrews and
want to serve on a jury.
box; peaches $1.50 per box; water­
Amea here concerned a letter from the
When a man says plain talk be
K n u r lllu c k r f mm U n io n S ta tio n .
Iln d r r now
melons, 24c per pound.
local commercial club. The miaaive, means unpleasant talk.
All n «m a w w ljr ihnn U H i.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, current re­
| written several weeks ago, asking for
A friend Is a useful Institution if
ceipts, 2264224c per dozen; candled, 23
I information on the propoaed sale, ex­ you don't use hlin too much.
Kalrr MX. 73c. $1. SI 30 IVr Dry
pressed the fe a r that the denudation
Hometlines a line of hot air la digni­ 64234 c.
Poultry— Hens, 146415c per pound;
o f ao large an area might lie a menace fied by calling It a propaganda.
It aeems Impossible for one to do stags, 10c; broilers, 176420c; turkeys,
to the irrigation ayatem o f the valley
live, 186420c; dressed, choice, 2364
1 und was considered by the Forest Serv­
H a z e lw o o d C o., Portland
While one Is paying Interest he 25c; ducks, 146416c; geese, 10c.
ice as an indirect proteat againat the
Make us your next shipment of
Butter— Cubes, extras, 254c; cubes,
Poultry, I tressed
prime Arsts, 25c; Arsts, 24c. Jobbing
Mr. Amea explained that the timber
Meats and Hides
J would be cut after the uaual manner o f that part of an tllnesa the doctors fall prices: Prints, extras, 276(29c; but-
W e Can Please You.
terfat. No. 1, 27c; No. 2, 25c, Port­
logging in Douglas tir regions. It will to understand.
It wasn’t a lack of raw material land.
H a z e lw o o d Co., P o rtla n d j take probably from 10 to 12 years to
•ut the entire acreage. Once or twice which eliminated the shell game as a
Veal— Fancy, 1164114c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 1064104c per pound.
each year the slashings will be burned aide line of the circus.-Atchison Globe.
Hops— 1915 crop, 946411c per pound;
over, every precaution being taken to
I f you rannot roma tn
A Brief Courtship.
1916 contracts, nominal.
guard against damage to adjoining na­
I'ortlatMl to grt your
•y»-« ntUal. I will *rnd
The cook who had given ao much
Wool— Eastern Oregon, 236433c per
tional foreat acreage, as well as pat­
ou my method o f ln#t-
satisfaction, unexpectedly gave notice pound; valley, 306435c.
ented timber landa.
inf v y t *0 by mail
"W hatever fo r?" Inquired her mis­
mm drairaliW an |.«n»<»n*
Cascara bark— Old and new, 4c per
“ W e And," said Mr. Amea, “ that
al arrvire but much
tress. "D o you want more w ages, or pound.
reforestation o f fir takea place moat
la-ttrr thanaoirur w ith­
r n k U h I or
Cattle — Steers, choice grass, $864
readily after burning. W e anticipate
"Oh, no, mum. It's not that, but—
trying to fit youraolf.
from experience that we have had in but I’m going to be married.”
8.36; good, $8648.15; cows, choice,
O u t ilt m - h t on u p p ltc a tk x i.
8 T A 1*1. Kit. th# Jew-
e lr r O p tic ia n . M o M orrinun at.. I ’ui tla m i. O r e g o n I other similar locations that reseeding
"M arried? Why. I didn't know you $7.25647.55; good, $6.76(87.25; me­
w ill be ample and that within a short were being courted."
dium, $6.256(7.25; heifers, $5.606(8;
"Oh. It hasn’t been long. mum. D'ye
HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, ! lim e the acreage w ill not only be cov- recollect ine having a holiday a short bulls, $36(6; stags, $4.506(7.
! ered with young Are, but also a dense
Hogs — Prime light, $8.056(8.10;
good to prime, $86(8.05; rough heavy,
| undergrowth that w ill tend to conserve time back to go to a funeral?"
"Y e s —quite well."
Wt vast an no H»e Writ* tar price* and ituppini tat* rainfall as well as the forest trees that
$7.506(8; pigs and skips, $7.356(7.80.
“ Well, mum. It begun there. I'm
T hi h . f. N orton C o . rartuad, on. s«atm, wa | w ill be taken off.
Sheep — Yearlings,
$7.50 64 8.50;
By the time the going to marry the corpse’s husband.
! last o f the timber is removed refor- He said that day as how I was the wethers, $76(7.50; ewes, $5.506(6.50;
lambs, $86(9.
Double Tr«H Pnactw* Proof Tire* j estation o f the Arst burned slashings life of the p a rty!"
Mad« f mm y « ir old on«*« I.aatloiig will have taken place.”
I at* tira m i N ew T I R E S
W r i t « ua
Mr. Ames further showed that the
( iK M t O N V I 1.4 A . M / I M i CO.,
Arrival of First Watermelons
urea embodied in the proposed sale
fibÜ W a a hi tuttofi S t..
H u rtland. O r «.
A t a certain church In the Jersey
does not extend to the source o f the town it is the Invariable custom of the
Proves That Summer Is Near
west fork o f Hood River, which in clergyman to kiss the bride after the
I f the weather had not
fact ia fed by glaciera and would be ceremony. A young woman who was
affected in no way by cutting o f the about to be married in this church did brightened and warmed as It has the
A linn that doaa Ihr Work. NO K X PU M IO N . timber.
not relish the prospect and instructed
appearance o f the Arst watermelons
Huy tan yaara old ran opereta It. Kurma daadly
The government officials explained her prospective husband to tell the
fuma« into th* hula*
Simple. Nothin* to eat
that she did not wish him o f the season would have made known
out o f untar. Alati hllla flrniuiwTa'lutrrels, rata elc. that 25 per cent o f the funds realized
to kiss her. The bridegroom obeyed | the nearness of summer. They retail
I f nut aati.OnU your n...n.-> rrToii(!.«l. Avunta
wantr.1. W r it« ua almut It. KttlllrK I’ HilDl i'I A from the projiosed sale w ill be appor­ the Instructions given.
S A I.121 CO., Ky tirami av«.. Ik.pt 2. Portland. Or. tioned among Hood River, Clackamas
"W ell, Harry," said the young wom­ j at 4 and 5 cents a pound.
and Wasco counties, proportionate to an when he appeared, “ did you tell
The Arst blackberries or dewberries
the area o f the National forest within the minister that 1 did not wish him o f this year’s crop are also in evidence
Yankee Fodder.
their hounds.
Ten per cent o f the re­
at 15 cents a basket.
Senator Hoar tiled to toll with Klee turns will be spent in building roads
"Y es.”
of a Southerner Juit home from New
"And what did he say?"
Plums, apricots. Hood R iver straw-
England who laid to Ilia friend: “ You
“ He said that, in that case, he would
i berries, though not superabundant, are
know those little white round beans?” state.
charge only half the usual fee.”
Following the explanation o f the
"Y es," replied the friend; "the kind
. arriving in greater quantities and the
forestry officials, the commercial club
we feed to our h o rie i? ”
: wholesome i f homely gooseberry is
"Th e very same. W ell, do you know members assembled at the specially
1 somewhat increasing in size, though
air. that In lloiton the enlightened called meeting and voted unanimously
eltlxeni take thoio little white round In an enthusiastic approval o f the pro­
its price still remains at the popular
beam, boll them for three or foul posed timber sale.
I nickel the basket.
hours, mix them with tn oln a H es and 1
Apsaragus is more plentiful and the
know not what other inKredionti, hake
green cabbage, though still arriving
them, and then— what do you itippoir Promoter Secures Coos Bay
from the South, is o f appetizing fresh­
they do with the beans?"
Options for Vast Development M rs. Sheldon Spent $1900 for ness.
"T h ey— ”
New potatoes are increasing in size
"Th ey eat ’em. air," interrupted thi
Marshfield — W. J. W ilsey, who o f­
Treatm ent W ithout B ene­ | and decreasing in price.
first Southerner. Im pressively; "hies» fered Coos Bay what he said was $10,-
me, sir, they eat 'e m !"—Christian Reg 000,000 worth o f industries in ex­
f i t Finally M a d e W e ll by
W ith the arrival o f the carload o f
is t e r .
cantaloupes due on Thursday there w ill
change fo r good w ill and encourage­
Ly dia E. Pinkham ’s V e g ­
be a more ample supply in the stores.
ment, left Coos Bay on Thursday, after
Liquid Evidence.
etable Compound.
No more navel oranges w ill arrive
A publican was prosecuted for sell having been welcomed all over the
\ this season, but Valencias w ill take
lug a bottle of whisky during prohlbl Coos Bay district and treated cordially
Englewood, H I.— " W h i l e g o i n g
tton hours. A bottle of whisky « a t in offerings o f property he desired to through the Change o f L ife I suffered their place with increasing abundance.
accumulate. North Bend held a rous­
produced as evidence.
with headaches, ner­
The Jury heard the evidence and re ing meeting one night and leading citi­
vousness, Aashes o f Increasing Cost of Gasoline
tired to the Jury room. They present zens H|>oke a welcome that could not be
heat, and I suffered
ly returned.
so much I did not
Is Blamed On Standard Oil
"M y lord,” snld the foreman, "th »
know what I waa
Mr. W ilsey’s promises were so ex­
Washington, D. C. — The Federal
Jury Is quite satisfied as to the sale
tensive that some thought them over a
of the bottle, but they ure not to re or
spent $1900 on doc­ Trade commission concluded Wednes-
Its contents. May they have the bottle couple o f days before committing
tor* and not one did
to satisfy themselves?”
mo any good. One : day its investigation o f the rise o f
"Certainly." declared the Judge.
. carry them through, but before he left
day a lady called at ' gasoline prices, ending a tw o days’
"W ell, gentlemen, have you reached | everybody seemed to be convinced.
my house and said hearing after representatives o f Stand­
a decision?" asked (lie Judge.
she had been as sick
People had boosted ever since Coos
"N o case, my lord,” said the fore Bay was a rivulet, but nothing sub­
as I was atone time, ard Oil and various independent com­
man. “ There was not enough evidence stantial excepting sawmills were es­
1 Ï V S f i. and Lydia E. Pinlc- panies had given divergent explana-
to go round.” — London Answers.
. .
ham’» V e g e t a b l e
It was asserted at the Compound . made
her well.so I took it and j tions o f the present situation in the
now I am just a3 well as I ever was. I [ industry.
A report, based on the
Ever Notice?
water front, areas o f land fo r indus­
*...... ......... . •'« »» •« j
v T u u ic u u w it v
“ They've got one thing absolutely
hearings and on the results o f weeks
tries, timbered lands on the peninsula, see how much pain anil suffering they
watersheds, were being held by per­ would escape by taking your medicine. o f investigation by the commission’s
"W h at is that?"
"T h e speaking voice of the sou sons who never had any intention of I cannot praise it enough for it saved agents, w ill be made public soon and
These, the boosters my life and kept me from the Insane ; w ill be transmitted to congress in
brette. They all talk alike."— Louis­ utilizing them.
Hospital.” — Mrs. E. S heldon . 6657 S.
ville Courier Journal.
response to a resolution asking for an
said, they would engage to secure at Ilalsted S t , Englewood, 111.
reasonable Agures, and expect them to
Physicians undoubtedly did their best,
The independent jobbers and reAners
be converted into active commercial batt led with this case steadily and could
do no more,but often the most scientiAc who appeared before the commission
Mr. Wilsey, when he left, had op­ treatment is surpassed by the medicinal were virtually unanimous in placing
tions on all the Simpson Lumber com­ properties o f the good old fashioned responsibility for the increases on the
Morn W «t#r — I.**« llomrpowFr. U m Tout.
pany holdings, on the L. D. Kinney roots and herbs contained In Lydia E. Standard Oil companies, who, they
Moot Efficient for Irritation.
Minina. Ftr« Protection ami
charged, had refused to compete and
properties, on a . large share o f the Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
Domrotic Para. Small, I.ijrht.
I f a n y c o m p lic a tio n e x is ts 1$ Axed prices. Standard Oil represent­
Flanagan estate holdings on the penin­
Powerful. No Valve«.
m.TS to w r it e tlie. Lydia E . P ln k - atives replied to the charges but did
No Cylin­
sula, and on 3000 acres o f coal land.
iuni Medicine Co., Lynn, M a a s - not enter into an explanation o f the
ders. Destructive Hlsrh
Probably 60 to 75 per cent o f the prop­ for special f r e e advice.
Pump Runs on I/ow
elements behind the scoring cost o f
erty asked for was under option when
> Speed.
Will Pump
gasoline to consumers.
Mr. W ilsey departed for N ew York.
Water and A ir Simul­
I D o Y o u r O w n P lu m b in g I!
A b o u t
O r e g o n
Stomach Bitters
Don’t Experiment—Get
N e w H ou ston H otel
s >
$ *
taneously. Will Pump
boiiinir water. Haaroc-
ord for vertical suction
L ift o f JW.fl feet.. Can be Installed by Anyone.
Impoaalble to Make a Mistake. Deliver# More
Water, with far L m i Horsepower, than Any
Pump Known. No Priming Required at Any
Reasonable Suction.
W rite for Catalog. Prices snd Testimonials
before you buy.
TH E V A L V L B 8 8 P U M P CO.,
Mil Floor Till# A Tru .l KM * .
P. N. U.
Cortland. O re
N o. 25.
V y n i 'N w riting to u te a rtlM ». «
U.n tain pour.
m m
sm b -
H. H. C orey Is Prom oted.
Salem— H. H. Corey, o f Baker, has I
been appointed as a member o f the j
Oregon Public Service commiasion by
Governor Withycombe.
Mr. Corey,
who was nominated in the recent Re­
publican primaries for public service |
commissioner for the Eastern Oregon
district, was appointed to All out the
unexpired term o f Clyde B. Aitchison,
resigned. Mr. Aitchison is now at
Washington, D. C., acting as solicitor
fo r the State Railroad commission in
cases before the Interstate Commerce
Gcc Wo
Sacm afnl Home
HI« «ueeeasful herb­
al remedies cure all
kinds o f ailments of
men and women with­
out operation.
from the wonderful
Chinee« herb«, roota,
bud* and vesretable», which are unknown to
th- medical acionca of thi* country.
W rit« for blank and circular*.
Send ■tamp.
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine C«.
1S21V F irst St.. Portland. Ora.
Mention Paper.
Ruat and Bugs Play Havoc.
Washington, D. C .— W . R. Steven­
son, o f Kansas City, K an ., ia a patron
at the Raleigh hotel. In touching on
the wheat situation in his state he said
that ruat and bugs are pit ying havoc
1 with what promised to be a bumper
j crop a few weeks ago.
“ In many sections farm ers are
breaking up the land they had sowed
to wheat and are putting it in other
Mr. Stevenson,
j “ The present conditions indicate a
! marked shortage
in the greatest
j wheat-producing sj-ea o f the w orld .”
is simply delicious when made with
K C B a k in g P c . v d e r
T h e highest grade o f baking pow der pos­
sible to buy and your money refunded
if it fails to satisfy.
A sk your dealer.
Jaquca M fg. Co., Chicago
A Well Painted Barn
W ill Save the Cost of a N ew One.
See Your Paint Dealer Now
Knows What
To Use
Give The Hog a Chance.
No apple grower ever goes out Into
the orchard and knocks apples off the
tree with a club when be Is marketing
his crop. He knows the public won’t
buy bruised fruit.
But there are still some bog ship­
T o G iv a
pers who try to market their crops
with a club and the result hits them
R e lie f
in just the same place that It would
the apple raiser— the pocketbook.
It is the club users, the kickers, and
the men In too big a hurry that send
bruised and crippled hogs to the mar­
ket, and those bruised and crippled
hogs are the cause of lower prices for
the men who put their time and their
money into them.
Hogs are slower in summer than in
________ A L I IS I M E N T _________
winter because of the heat. Patience
is needed in their handling If the best
prices are to be secured for them, be­ For Cuts, Burnt,
cause the buyers insist that the ani­ Bruises, Sprains,
mals must be in first-class condition
Strains, Stiff Neck,
when received.
There are a number of "don'ts” that Chilblains, Lame ¡Back,
can be observed with profit at the Old Sores, Open Wounds,
present time. Just a tew of them fol­
and all External Injuries.
low :
Don't drive hogs too rapidly.
Don't be in too big a hurry to load.
Price 25c, 50c and S l .CO
Start in time.
Don't lose patience.
Don't forget that a bruised or crip­
pled hog hits the shipper's pocketbook.
Don't beat or shove the hogs because
they do not happen to move quite fast
Q _ _ _ Granulafed Eyelids,
enough to please you.
Eye« inflamed by expo­
Don’t throw water on the back of
sure to Saa. Oast and Wind
an overheated hog. Sprinkle the floor
juicily relieved by Marias
of the car or pen instead.
iyekemedy. No Smarting,
Cruelty to hogs is clearly shown in
ju«t Eye Comfort. A*
the meat of the animals after they are
prepared for market. Bruised backs Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Mnrtac Eys
and hams do not sell so readily as the SalvcinTubes25c. ForBaokaltbeEyefreezsk
clear meat, and future shipments from Druggists or Marine tyc Remedy Co. , Chicago
the source of the injured animals will
suffer In consequence.
Notices have been sent out and are
by Cutter’ « Blaekla* P ill«.
prlcrd, freeh. reliable: preferred b f
posted in the various stock yards and
Western stockmen because they ir e -
tec t
about the loading pens and chutes of
W r it « fo r booklet and testimonial«.
the railroads, urging humanity in the
10-dMC «k «c . B ltck lc« P ills f l - M
53-dose pk«e. Blackleg P ill« 4.00
treatment of live stock.
tT*e any Injector, but Cutter*« best
"G ive the pig a chance to become a
The superiority o f Cutter products Is due to over 3%
years o f «peciallzlnc In vaeeine* and serums « « l y .
gentleman.”— Exchange.
H A N F O R D 'S
B alsam of Myrrh
Made Since 1846. **J£ ft*
All Dealers S
, “
Eyes g
I ntist en Cutter'«. Tf unobtainable, order direct.
T ’ i E C U TTE R L A B O R A T O R Y . Berkeley. CalltoraJa.
Cures While You Walk. "
A lle n ’s Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot.
aweating, callus, and swollen, aching tael. Sola
by a ll Druggist*. Price J5r. Don’t accent any
«ubstitute. Trial package F R E E . A d d rew
A lien 3, Olmsted. L e R o v , N. Y.
Successful Business.
“ H e’s one of our most successful
"T h at so? What's his secret?”
“ W ell, In the first place, he insists
upon his clerks selling his customers
what they want, not what the clerks
themselves wear.”—Detroit Free Press.
' ’* * kill«
attracts “ taud
a llfU c a . Neat, cieaa.
ornamental, conven­
ient. cheap. Lasts all
season . M a d e o l
metal, can’ t spill or tip
over; will not soil or
I n ju r e a n y t h i n g .
Guaranteed effective.
Sold by dealers, oe
6 sent by express pre­
paid for |I.
HAROLD ftOKSHS. 150 D ek alb A # «.. Brooklyn. * . Y .
Tw o men met in the street.
" I say, old chap,” said one present­
Wise Tagore.
Of Mr. Tagore, the celebrated Indian ly, "what's that piece of thread tied
prize poet, the Independent says: 1 round your finger for?”
“ My wife put it there to remind me
"T agore himself lives all alone in a
W e applaud Mr. Tagore's to post a letter she gave me this morn­
habit of lodging. If all poets lived all ing,” was the reply.
“ Did you post it?”
alone in their homes there would be
"Y es.”
more happy poet homes.— Life.
"Then why don’t you remove the
“ Anuric” cures Backache, Lumbago,
“ Oh, I ’m keeping it there to remind
Rheumatism. Send 10c
Dr. V. M. me to tell her when 1 go home that I
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y ., for large trial forgot to put a stamp on the le tte r!”—
London Answers.
Gets Value.
" I really believe,” said th# married
man, "that the average bachelor
spends more on himself than a mar­
ried man spends on his whole family.”
“ W ell, It's worth it,” replied the
bachelor.— London Saturday Journal.
Poor Exchange.
Dubblelgh— At a reception this af­
ternoon I exchanged ideas with the
famous Prof. Saduka.
Miss Keen— That explains why I
found the professor so tiresome.— Boe-
tou Transcript.
Tim e Somebody Spoke.
Naturally Inferred.
Suitor— What makes you think, sir,
He (after receiving a leap-year pro­
not be able to support your
posal)— This is so sudden!
She— Nonsense!
You must have i daughter?
known for four years that it was com-
Her Father— The difficulty I’ve had
ing.— Boston Transcript.
| in doing it myself.— Boston Transcript.
"And is your wife a good house-
"Would you call Uncle Peter a
stingy man?"
"Oh, wonderful, mother!
She can
"W ell, no; I ’d merely say that he
heat coffee perfectly with an electric had all his generous impulses under
curling iron."— Kansas City Journal.
perfect control.” — Boston Transcript.
Tor Sufferers From Backache, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble.
Before an Insurance Company will
take a risk on your life the examining
physician will test the urine and re­
port whether you are a good risk.
When your kidneys get sluggish and
clog, you suffer from backache, slck-
headache, dizzy spells, or the twinges
and pains of lumbago, rheumatism and
gout. The urine is often cloudy, full
of sediment; channels often get sore
and sleep is disturbed two or three;
times a n igh t This is the time you
should consult some physician of wide
experience— auch as Dr. Pierce of the
Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Buffalo, N. Y. Send 10c. for lerge
trial package of “ Anuric.” W rite your
symptoms and send a sample o f urine
for test. Experience has taught Dr.
Pierce that "Anuric" is a most power­
ful agent in dissolving urio acid, and
is endowed with other properties, for
it preserves the kidneys in a healthy
condition by thoroughly cleansing
them. Being so many times more ac­
tive than ltthia, "Anuric” clears the
blood and filters out those deposits of
lime-salts which cause so much pain,
and prevents dropsical conditions tueh
as swollen hands or feet and the bag­
like appearance under the eyes. “ An­
uric” is a regular insurance and life-
saver fo r all big meat eaters and those
who deposit lime-salts in their Joints.
Ask the druggist for “ Anuric” put up
by Dr. Pierce, in 60-cent packages, or
send $1.00 to Dr. Pierce for full treat­
ment by mail.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets for the
liver and bowels have been favorably
known for nearly 50 years.