Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 17, 1916, Image 2

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Œlir JFalla
(it t i; N
p u ib
D. L. WOOD * 80N ,
Eut.-r.-d u ar<vnil^l>M m all at t W p M to fn ca
a t T a lla C ity . 1 \ 'U i'o u a ty. O r a « «* , » » d a » tka
A c t of Coogpcaa o f M a rd i S. 1 ST*.
TtUphon« News OfTlct. *3.
Subscription Kataa: Oaa yaar. *1.00. al* mon (ha.
to canta; thrramontha. ÏScanU : amala copy. I eta
Adv ert ía !ng Katea; Duplay, l i cania an Inch |
Bualneai Noticaa, 5 canta a Una ; For Bala. Rant,
■exchange. Want and Pay Entertainment So-
Ucee. S cta.aU ne. Card ofTbauka SOcta. Lega
Notice*. legal ratea.
Copy for new »*1». * mi changes should be lent
to The New* not lite r th in Wednesday.
Official newspaper of tha City of Falla C\xt
I ssu ed E v e r y S a t u r d a y M orning
Lifeboats Are Laumhed In (dim Sea
To Await Rescuers.
Brief Resume of General News
From All Around the Earth.
Steamer Strands in Dense Fog South
Live News Items of All Nations and
Pacific Northwest Condensed
for Our Busy Readers.
of Eureka
to Answer Wireless Call.
O r r i C I A L D IR E C T O R Y O r F A L L S C I T T
King Constantine o f Greece has de­
cided to order the complete demo­
bilization o f the Greek army.
H. J. Griffin. Mayor.
H M. Wonderly. C ou n cilm m -it Large
G. W. Brentner.
''Geor^eC. March,
C. J. Bradley
Counc ilmen
I. G. Singlelou,
C. L. Hopkins,
N. Selig.
C. E McPherren. Auditor and Police J
Walter U T o o ie Jr.. City Attorney
Pat Murphy. Marshal and Water Supt.
M. L. Thompson. Treasurer
Dr. P. M. Hellwarth. Health Oftfltr,
Russian torpedo boat destroyers have
sunk 13 large Turkish ships laden with
merchandise off the Anatolian coasL
The Italians have continued their
advance in the Arsa valley, in the
Pasubio sector and along the Posina
Astico line in the Southern Tyrol.
TheCouncil meets in regular session on the first
Monday night of each month, at 7 30 o ’clock, in
the office o f the Falls City News.
professional CarOs
F. M . H E L L W A R T H
Office one door east o{ P. O.
S 2 id "4 Pilone 308
The Norwegian steamer Prosper HI
has struck a mine and sunk. The first
officer of the vessel is believed to be
the only survivor.
She sailed from
Newport News May 20 for La Pallice,
Bryant J. C. O'Connor, a metal
worker at San Francisco, falls seven
stories to the pavement from a scaffold
on an office building and suprises spec­
tators by rising and attempting to
walk away.
Liquor shipments to Portland and
Multnomah county consumers for May
totaled 10,377.
April records show
8883 consumers. In May there were
8429 purchasers o f pure alcohol for
“ external” use.
Fails City,
Formation of a National Democratic
Women’s league was announced in Chi­
cago recently by Mrs. Joanna E.
Downes, president o f an Illinois Demo­
cratic women’s organization. It will
represent, she declares, 75,000 women
throughout the United States.
D R . W . L . H o llo w a y
Will be at Falls City Hotel
MOB DAY ana FRIDAY Afternoons
Each Week.
Supreme Court Justice is Nominated on Third Ballot, Vote
Being Practically Unanimous.
Business Carts
J falls Cit\^ 1 i 3 otcl
S a mp l e R o o ms
Best A c c o m m o d a t i o n s
F. D r o e g e . P r o p r ie to r
Bohle’s Barber Shops
r a ils City, Oregon
Where you can »cl a Shsvc, Hair Cat, Bath
or ‘Shine*
Agent for Dallas Steam Laundry
Bundles forwarded Tuesday evening
G . L. H A W K I N S
D a l l a s , Or e gon
The Bulgarian legation at Bucharest
has received information that the Bul-
garia-Roumanian frontier will be tem­
porarily closed against passengers or
merchandise, says a Reuter dispatch
from the Roumanian capital. It is be­
lieved that Bulgaria has taken this
Coliseum, Chicago, June 10.— Charles
step to mask important troop move­
Evans Hugehs was named today the
Holding that Indians are not made Republican candidate in the coming
citizens o f the United States by re­ election. It was 12:27 o'clock when
ceipt of allotments o f land, the Su­ Delaware was reached on the third roll
preme court sustained an indictment call o f the convention. The vote to
against Fred Nice, charged with sell­ that point had been practically unani­
ing liquor at Carter. S. D., to George mous, all opposition had collapsed, the
Cortier, a Sioux Indian with alloted name o f Roosevelt had been with­
The defense contended that drawn, and the fight was over.
state law applied to the case.
German infantry attacked French
positions west o f Fort Vaux on the
Verdun front Tuesday night.
The as­
sault failed entirely, the official report
says. The Germans continued their
heavy bombardment
in the region
north o f Souville and Tavannes forts.
West of the Meuse there was heavy
artillery action in the vicinity o f Chat-
tan court.
Seldom has there been a convention
of any party in which the final mo­
ments were as tense as those in the
Coliseum today. From the first minute
of the convention gathering it was al­
most a certain thing that Hughes
would win, but dread o f Roosevelt
power and dickering with the Bull
Moose convention made every man in
the Caliseum uneasy, until Alabama,
Arizona, Arkansas and California votes
had shown that the Hughes landslide
had set in.
Colorado, on the first call, cast nine
votes for Hughes and three for Roose­
velt, but no sooner had Delaware voted
for Hughes than Colorado switched,
withdrew Roosevelt’s name and cast
its solid vote for Hughes.
Hughes’ total vote was 949).
was actually nominated when New
Jersey was reached.
A rumor is in circulation in Petro-
grad that the Russians have occupied
Czemowitz, capital o f the Austrian
crownland o f Bukowina.
The rumor
lacks official confirmation, but color
has been given by the capture o f Do-
bronovtze, a commanding point 10
miles to the northeast.
The Russian
line extends to Okna.
From both
these points good roads lead direct to
Czemowitz, and, according to military
authorities, they are the only points in
this direction capable o f defense.
A decree o f divorce is granted to
Mrs. Claude Grahame-White, in Lon­
don, formerly Miss Dorothy Taylor, of
New York, from her husband, the avi­
On account of the general strike the
Norway government has passed a law
prohibiting the sale or importation of
strong liquors, wine and beer, and the
shipment o f liquors throughout the
country. The police also have been
ordered to prevent the serving o f wine
and beer in restaurants.
marines and Haitien
gendarmes killed the revolutionary
chiefs, Welellus and Codio, and nine of
their men in a fight near Fonds Ver-
retes Sunday. No mention of Ameri­
can casualties is made in the State de­
partment dispatch reporting the inci-
A mark here indicates that
your subscription is delinquent.
Please call and fix it.
Mr. H o m e Saakar—
C O M E TO F A L L S C I T Y . O R E G O N I
and Bu y O r c h a r d Land
Correspondents wanted in every
neighborhood in this section ol tna
Extra copies ol The News arc
printed each week, and will be sent
to any address desired, postpaid,
for & cents per copy.
Senator Borah of Idaho, writes the
Plow Uncovers Heirloom.
Mexican plank for the Republican
Dayton, Wash.— An heirloom watch,
He was asked by Senator
Lodge to do this because o f his well- lost six years ago by George Jones,
known views o f President W ilson’s came to light a few days ago when
County Commissioner Lee Lindley
Mexican policy.
turned a furrow in a field he was plow­
Fort Vaux, one of the Verdun de­ ing and brought the relic to the sur­
fenses, has been captured by the Ger­ face. Jones lost the watch while at
man troops, according to the official the Lindley farm six years ago, and had
issued from the Berlin never been able to find it, although he
heardquarters. What remained o f the had looked carefully many times. It
French garrison finally surrendered, was in a silver case, which was badly
and an attempt to relieve the fort discolored from long contact with the
Tuesday resulted in the capture by the j earth, but after Lindley had wound it
Germans o f 700 unwounded prisoners. | it ran as well as the day it was lost.
Washington, D. C., June 10— Charles
Evans Hughes stepped down today
from the Supreme bench and, again a
; private citizen, accept«! the Republi-
I can nomination for President.
In a
telergam ringing with denunciation of
the administration’s foreign policy and
declaring for a dominating, thorough­
going Americanism, he gave his decis­
ion to Chairman Harding, o f the Re­
publican Natoinal
convention, and
broke the long silence which had kept
the leaders o f his party in the dark as
to his attitude toward the great issues
of the day.
“ I have not desired the nomina­
tion,” said the telegram.
“ I have
wished to remain on the bench. But
in this critical period o f our National
history, I recognize that it ia your
right to summon and it is my para­
mount duty to respond.”
Within an hour after Chairman
Harding had notified him o f his nomi­
nation Mr. Hughes had accepted the
call. His resignation, a scant two-
line letter without a superfluous word,
was on its way to the White House,
from the Hughes home before the
nominee had dispatched the message of
acceptance, and called the waiting
group o f newBpajier men into his study
to tell them o f his decision. President
Wilson accepted the resignation in a
reply almost as brief.
Mr. Hughes’ letter was framed ho that
the President might be saved the em­
barrassment o f expressing regret or
making more than a formal reply.
“ I hereby resign the office of asso­
ciate justice o f the Supreme Court of
the United States,” he wrote.
which the President replied:
“ I am
in receipt o f your letter o f reaignation
and feel constrained to yield to your
desire. I therefore accept your resig­
nation as jusitce o f the Supreme Court
of the United States, to take effect at
San Francisco
The steamer Hear,
o f the San Francisco &
Steamship company, southbound from
Portland, Or., for San Francisco with
lUO passengers and a crew of H2 men,
went ashore Wednesday night on
Sugar 1 .oaf. Cape Mendocino, and pas­
sengers and crew were compelled to
take refuge in the ship's lifelioats.
The order to abandon ship was given
at midnight and all on board got away
safely. The steamer went ashore dur­
ing a thick fug. but the sea was re­
ported smooth and assistance was
making ail haste to the shipwrecked
The battleship Oregon, bound from
Portland for San Kranrlaeo, picked up
the Bear’s wireless call for assistance
at 10:25 p. rn. and headed at once full
speed to the vessel's aid.
The life­
saving station at Eureka, 15 miles
north of the scene o f the wreck, start­
ed out a |mwer lifeboat at 10:30 and
at midnight the tug Relief left for the
scene of the wreck.
A radio meosage received aliout 1 a.
m. reported that Captain Nopander,
master o f the Hear, had ordered the
ship abandoned abuut midnight and
that all lafeboala had got safely away
| from the ship and were waiting in
i smooth water the arrival of the rescue
| taials, which, in addition to the battle­
ship Oregon, the Eureka lifeboat and
j the tug Relief, included the steamer
¡Grace Dollar.
News o f the disaster was received
by the radio operator at the United
States naval training station here.
The life-savers left Eureka at 11:15 p.
The sea was reported calm, but
there was a heavy fog. A number of
small boats were reported leaving the
Hear and it was believed the passen­
gers were being transferred to the
From early and incomplete advices
indications were that Captain Nopan-
der did not contemplate making any
attempt to land his passenger» ashore
Eiecause of the uncertainty o f the
weather and the blanket o f fog which
| shut out the sight of land.
Incendiary Charged With Burning
German Daily Newspaper Plant
Portland Fire gutted the two upper
stories o f the building occupied by the
German Publiahing company and the
Chicago Furniture company, at First
and Salmon streets at 6 o ’clock Wed­
nesday night, entailing a loss o f ap­
proximately $40,000.
A. E. Kern,
publisher of the Deutsche Zeitung,
with offices in the building, said he
suspected incendiarism.
The German Publishing company
was the heaviest loser, almost the en­
tire stock and machinery for publish­
ing the daily German pa|ier being de­
stroyed. The loss to this firm is esti­
mated at $20.000, 90 |ier cent insured.
Mr. Kern liases his theories o f in­
cendiarism on the fact that not more
than a week ago a small Are was dis­
covered on the top floor at practically
the same time in the evening as the
one started Wednesady.
“ It is very easy for anyone to gain
access to the top floor,” said Mr.
Kern, “ as no one is on that floor after
3 :30 in the afternoon.
“ We had a small fire that one of the
employes o f the paper put out not
more than a week ago,” he continued.
“ It was in a pile o f papers that
were loose on the floor. I do not
think it possible that spontaneous com­
bustion could have been the cause o f
either. The fire a week ago was dis­
covered by accident.
A fter *that
small blaze I had the place cleaned up
to prevent a repetition.
I think the
fire was the work of an incendiary.”
Living for Diplomats Grows,
$60,000 Fire In Seattle.
Newspaper Owner Dies.
Washington, I). C.— Secretary Lan­
sing has asked congress for $75,000
for sfiecial allowances to diplomatic
officers in foreign capitals, re|iorting
that the cost o f living had increased
per cent over normal times.
“ Most of the diplomatic officers at
these capitals” said Secretary Lansing,
“ are able to live at present only by
drawing substantially on their private
means and in many instances where
secretaries o f embassies or legations
have no private means their continu­
ance at these |iosts will be impossible.”
Seattle— One man lost his life in a
fire which destroyed the wharf at the
Standard Oil company»’ storage plant
at Richmond Reach, 15 miles north o f
Seattle, Tuesday, causing a loss esti­
mated at $50,000. The fire was caused
by the explosion of an oil drum on the
wharf, and quickly enveloped the struc­
ture, on which was stored 1000 drums
o f oil. Three men who were working
on the wharf were forced to jump into
the water when the flames swept over
the pier. James Farmer, one of the
workmen, was drowned.
Washington, D. C. — John R. Mc­
Lean, owner of the Washington Post
and the Cincinnati Enquirer, died at
hia home here Friday after a long ill­
ness. Mr. Mrl,can, who was in his
68th year, had been suffering from a
complication of diseases for several
months. He was a native o f Cincin­
nati. As a young man he acquired his
father’s interest in the Enquirer, and
in 1887 became sole owner o f the pa­
per. Then years ago he bought the
Washington Post. For years he was
active in Ohio and National politica.
Geneva — It is reported from Inns­
bruck that since June 7 the Austrians
have been compelled to abandon be­
tween 36 and 46 square miles o f Ital­
ian territory which they gained during
the first rush o f the offensive.
Austrians have evacuated Chiese in
the fear tiiat their retreat would be
cut off. The Austrian general who was
governor o f the Italian province of
Verona ia said to have been captured
with hia troops at Dubno by Russians.
Oyster Bay, N. Y., June 11— Theo-
Chicago, June 10—Theodore Roose-
velt’a nomination was made unani­ dore Roosevelt reiterated tonight that
A bill pending in the house to give mously by the Progressive party con­ he is "our o f politics.”
exclusive fishing rights to persons fil­ vention here today.
“ I want to tell you newspaper men,”
ing surveys on trap sites was attacked
he said, “ that it’s no use for you to
by Delegate Wickersham, o f Alaska,
Oyster Bay, June 10— “ To the Pro­
as putting the Pacific salmon industry gressive convention:— I am very grate­ come up here to see me. I will have
into the hands o f a trust. A combina­ ful for the honor you confer upon me nothing to say. I will answer no ques­
tion already has surveyed all salmon by nominating me as President. I can­ tions, so please don’ t ask me to. I
trap sites, Wickersham declared.
am out o f politics.”
not accept it at this tim e.”
Notice to News Subscribers
Other Ships Rush
Austrians Yield Ground.