Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 17, 1916, Image 1

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eu y news
For some time there has l>een
some petty thievery carried on.
The property taken has been most­
ly articles of small value. Some­
time during last week, someone
FALLS CITY WILL HOLD OLDFASH- entered the home of Mrs. C.
Chapin, during her absence and
stole a black leather purse con­
taining about $40 m cash and a
Herulding the return of pros- check for $5. There is no clew as
l»erity the citizenshave decided to to the guilty party or parties.
celehrute the National holiday in
an appropriate manner by holding
a picnic at the city park Tuesday,
July 4th. The subject was dis­ At the begining of the school
cussed at the council meeting on term last year the Simonds Manu­
Monday night and it was agreed facturing Co., of Fitchburg, Mass.,
that the council give moral sup- offered prizes to the manual train­
l>ort and encourage it in every ing departments throughout the
(MMsible manner. It is now two United States for the best articles
years since Falls City has under­ made of wood. The contestants
taken any thing of the kind and were to be of the ages of 14 and
as it has always been successful 18 years of age. Edward Warren
in such undertakings there is no of this city won fourth prize on a
reason that this one should not be writing desk.
a howling success.
nce R ather C om m on
At the meeting of the council L a d C a a a C u e o l t o a m O In
E n g la n d .
Monday night there was some dis­ 1» w as long a p opular belief am ong
cussion of the proper speed of the Ig n o ra n t In E ngland th a t If a m an
bla w ife a t public auction aucb
automobiles within the city limits aold
a aale bad all th e legality o f a re g u ­
and it was asserted that in Dallas la r divorce. T he la te st ra s e of th e
the limit was 15 miles. Ordinance kind on record occurred In 1831!.
No. 187, section 2, paragraph 16, Jo h n T bom peon, a farm er, had been
m arried fo r th re e yeara, an d be and
17 and 18 reads as follows.
his w ife ag reed to se p a ra te . T hom p­
b ro u g h t his w ife Into th e to w n of
16. The rate of speed on all son
C arlisle, an d by th e bellm an a n n o u n c­
streets, roads and highways with­ ed he wua a b o u t to sell her.
in the corporate limits of the city At m idday T hom pson placed bis
w ife on s larg e oak c h a ir w ith a rope
of Dallas, Oregon, shall be a reas­ or
h a lie r o f stra w a b o u t h er neck. li e
onable speed up to and not exceed­ then m ade thla an n o u n cem en t: ••Gen­
ing 16 miles per hour, and any tlem en, I have to offer to y o u r notice
speed in excess of 15 miles an my wife, M ary A nne Thom pson, o th ­
erw ise W illiam s, w hom I m ean to sell
hour upon any street, road or to th e h ig h est a n d fa ire s t bidder, i t
highway within the corporate ta her w ish a s well a s m lue to p a rt
limits of the city of Dallas, Ore­ forever.
"S h e h as been to me ouly a born
gon, shall be an unreasonable serp en t. 1 took h er fo r my com fort,
speed and is prohibited by this th e good o f my home. B ut sh e becam e
Ordinance, provided, however, my to rm en to r, a d om estic curse, a
n ig h t invasion an d a dally devil.
that no motor vehicle shall be "I sp eak tr u th from my h ea rt w hen
driven at a rate of speed faster 1 say : ‘May G od d eliv er us from tro u ­
than eight (8) miles an hour upon blesom e w ives a n d frolicsom e women!
Avoid th em a s you would a mad dog,
any street, road or highway with­ a roarin g lion, a loaded pistol, cholera
in the corporate limits of the city m orbus. M ount E tn a o r an y o th er
of Dallas, Oregon, when within pestilen tial th in g In n a tu re .’
"Now, I have show n you of her
one hundred (100’* yards of any d ark
fa u lts an d b illin g s
I will Intro­
vehicle drawn bv horse or horses. duce th e b rig h t and suuuy side of
17. The rate of speed for all ve­ her and explain h er qualifications
goodness. She can read novels
hicles on all streets, roads or high­ aud
and milk cows. She can laogh and
ways of the city of Dallas, Oregon, w eep w ith th e sam e ease tb u t you
within the tire limits shall be a could ta k e a g lass o f a le w hen th irsty .
Im teed, gen tlem en , sh e rem in d s m e o f
reasonable speed up to and not w
h a t th e poet say« of women In gen­
exceeding twelve »12) miles per eral:
" ttM v s n g a v e to w om en th e p e c u lia r
g ra c e
18. No vehicle shall be moved, T o la u g h , to w eep, to c h e s t t h i h u m a n
ra c e .
• "
run or operated on the streets,
"S he can m ak e b u tte r an d scold th e
roads or highways within the cor­ maid. 8bo can sin g Moore s m elodics
porate limits of the city of Dallas, and p la it h e r folds an d caps. She ra n
Oregon, by any person unable or not m ake rum . gin or w hisky, but
she Is a good Ju d g e of th e q u ality of
incapable to control the same with each from long ex p erien ce In ta s tin g
due regard to the safety of the them . I th e re fo re offer her. w ith ull
public and other vehicles, provid­ h er p erfectio n s an d Im perfections, for
th e sum of 50 sh illin g s."
ed that in all cases any person in T h e s o m a n w as Dually sold to one
a state of intoxication is deemed H en ry M ears fo r th e sum o f 30 sh il­
conclusively incapable and unable lings und a N ew foundland dog Man
and w ife paj'ted In p erfect good te m ­
to operate and control the same. per, M ears niul th e w om an going one
Any person under the age of w ay, T hom pson an d th e dog a n o th e r.—
eighteen (18) years shall be deem Boston T ra u sc rlp t.
ed to be incompetent and unable
to operate a motor vehicle within
Woodrow Wilson was nominated
the meaning of this section.
on the Democratic ticket Thurs­
day with one discenting vote. He
has dictated his platform which is
J. C. Talbott has the contract particularly bitter against foreign
for building the new pond as well born citizens who have opposed
as deepening the old one. Work his administration.
was commenced Tuesday morning Governor Withycombe issued
ploughing and packing the ground paroles Tuesday for eight convict­
for the bottom. The dirt taken ed of larceny, five of obtaining
from the old pond will be used in money under false pretenses, one
building the dike as far as it will for robbery, one tor burglary, two
go and the balance taken from the for assauH with a dangerous
hill south of new pond. The work weapon and two for assault with
must be completed within 30 days. intent to kill.
---------- ♦
It might be interesting to know
under what pretense of the pub­
A mink or weasel entered the lic good, Governor Withycombe
duck pen of A. B. Allen, who lives pardons convicts with the condi­
west of town, Tuesday night and tion that they stay away from the
killed 80 half-grown ducks. The state. Should all states adopt
ducks were of the South American i that method of disposing of their
quackless breed and were very undesirable citizens there would
be a great howl go up.
No. 43.
nomination of Chas. E.
The council met Monday night
for president on the Re
in an adjourned session with all
ticket and the refusal of
members present except those
to run on the Pro­
absent. The meeting was so
has restored con­
harmonious that it reminded ua
of this na­
of an oldfasbioned Republican
love feast. The spirit of Ford
seemed to be hovering around pect a returning wave of pros­
and even Selig favored an ordi­ perity.
Assured of Republican success
nance to control the gyrations of
You will find our store well supplied to meet
in November, capital will come
speeding automobiles.
your requirements during the long summer
In view of such placid harmony out cf the storm cellars in which
and coming prosperity it was de­ it has taken refuge while the
days to come.
cided to encourage and give sanc­ Wilson scourge has been sweep­
tion to a Fourth of July celebra ing across the continent and busi­
lion. It is probable that the ness will begin to revive in all
Easy comfortable shoes
candidates will furnish the elo­ parts of the country. The wage
quence, the citv the wet-goods. earners in the eastern munition
There will be sports, baseball, factories have realized that their
An excellent assortment wash goods
football and the babies will bawl. prosperity is abnormal and paid
There will be the long and the' for in the blood of human beings,
Bathing suits from 25c up
short, the fat and the lean and the destruction of thousands of
there is no reason why Falls City
should not wake up the echoes survivors for generations to come.
Warners light weight corsets
and let the little villages of Dal­ They also realize that should the
las and Independence come over war cease that their labor will
no longer be needed and thous­
and have a real good time.
Tennis shoes, barefoot sandals
will be out of employment
The electric light ordinance
was put on its first reading, and without hope for the future under
A full complete line of groceries
although some changes were urg­ a Democratic administration. In
ed there seems to be a light
breaking through and it really and the return to the time tested
looks as if it might be passed and time proved policies of the
before the summer wanes. It great Republican party they see
A car of flour and feed just arrived. Get
was decided to send the ordinance a hope of the rebuilding of the
to Walter L. Tooze, Jr., to get an structure so nearly wrecked
our prices and do your trading at
expert opinion as to whether it through Democratic extrava­
had any concealed weapons or gance, and incompetence. That
it will take time to repair the
jokers in its clothes.
Pat Murphy tendered his resig­ havoc wrought by the Wilson ad­
nation as city marshal to take ef­ ministration there is no doubt,
fect July 1. Whether the threat­ but with the assurance of ulti­
“ Meeting and Beating Competition” .
ened Fourth of July celebration mate reward the beacon of hope
with its great crowds had any sheds bright rays of light leading
thing to do with his resignation them on to victory.
It seems that the people of the
was not staled. The council had
such faith in world’s peace that United States have to be taught
they decided it is a piece of gross a lesson every few years; with
extravagance to keep a city mar­ continued prosperity they become
shal. when there was nothing to like he who. “ Having reached
do but to watch the little “ sputs” the top. turning scorns the lad­
Oregon’s old reliable outing resort
of dust as automobiles whisked der by which he did ascend.”
by, mind the flies off the cows
Numerous attractions make this beach
grazing on the sidewalks and the party for the best interests
city an ideal place for an outing
of the greatest number they
ring the curfew.
The meeting was adjourned to
Agate Beace
Devils Punch Bowl
and have been glad, even as the
meet Monday night, June 26.
Seal Rocks
Government Light House
prodigal son, to eat husks with
Rocky Causeway
Yequins Bay
the swine. The Cleveland Cala­
Surf bathing
Fine fishing
mity is remembered by many and
Dance Hall
about the only difference in it
Bowling Alleys
Clam digging
and the Wilson malady is the lat­
Masonic ai.d Other Marks Found on
ter has been relieved to some ex­
Strange Species.
tent by the European war. The
are on sale daily to'Newport from all Southern
Wilson administration will be re­
Pacific stations in Oregon. Return limit Oct. 31st.
Baker, Or., June 10.—Beetles pudiated by one of the greatest
For complete information regarding hotels at
bearing Masonic and other mark­ landslides for Hughes in the his­
rates, train service, consult our agent or
ings that have proved a puzzle to tory of presidential elections.
write for copy of illustrated folder “Newport
the Carnegie institue, have been
found by Fred Steen, of the
The refusal of Col. Roosevelt to
J o h n M. S c o t t , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Steen mine, in the Cornucopia run on the Progressive ticket is
district. The insects are of th e !
far as the Democratic party is
general type of the longhorned; concerned.
They have been plac­
wood-borer but, according to the ing their trust, not in Wilson’s
Carnegie institute to which speci­ strength, but in the weakness
mens were sent, there is an ap­ hoped for by an expected split in
cree was given in favor of said open and unobstructed roadway,
parent variation from any hither­ the Republican party. That the
differences have been settled and plaintiff and requires the pay­ a strip of land 20 feet wide off
to known species.
the party re-united is a cruel blow ment of certain sums of money, the North side of said parcel of
The backs are black, and the to Wilson. The Democratic leaders
viz.. $637.58, with interest there­ land; and excepting therefrom
markings are traced as though are willing to so form their plat­
at eight per cent per annum the 40 ft. strip of land released
in white ink. Some markings form as to inveigle the Progress­
May 16, 1916, until paid, I for railroad purposes, as des­
form a combination of letters and ives into the Democratic harem.
am commanded to sell at public cribed in an instrument executed
arahic numerals. Many have the
auction in the manner prescribed by W. H. Boals and recorded on
marking "V LI 6.” Others have NOTICE OF SALE ON EXECUTION
bv law the following described page 428 of volume 3 of the Rec­
the Masonic emblems of square
| real property, towit:
ord of Satisfaction of Mortgages
and compass plainly discernible.
By virtue of a writ of execu­ That-tract or parcel of land, of said County.
tion against the real property being a part of the Donation
Notice is hereby given that on
A Portland furniture company | hereinafter described, duly issued Land Claim of John Sheldon and MONDAY, the 19th day of June,
has agents traveling over the by the County Clerk of Polk wife, Notification No. 6832. Claim 1 1916. at the hour of one o'clock
country selling furniture, carpets, County. Oregon, on the 17th day ! No. 41. in Township 8 South. in the afternoon of said day, at
etc. One was in Falls City this of May, 1916, and to me, the Range 6 West of the Willamette the front door of the County
week. It is up to the merchants undersigned s h e r i f f o f s a i d Meridian, in the County of Polk Court House in the City of Dal­
here to compete with them. In County directed, for the enforce­ and State of Oregon, and bound­ las, in said County, I will sell the
all probabilities the merchants of ment of a decree of foreclosure ed and described as follows, real property hereinabove des­
Falls City are selling just as cheap and sale given and made by the to-wit: Beginning at a point cribed at public auction to the
if not cheaper, but they fail to j Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ which is 32.00 chains South and highest bidder for cash on day
tell the people what they have j gon for said County of Polk on 25.00 chains West from the North of sale, subject to redemption in
and the price. It is useless for | the 16th day of May, 1916, in a east corner of said Claim; thence the manner provided by law, for
the merchant to say, “Oh, th e ! certain suit in the said Court South 18 80 chains; thence West the purpose of satisfying the
people know I carry the goods, and wherein John T. Hughes was 5.00 chains; thence North 18.80 said decree, with interest and
if they want them they can come; plaintiff and Alvah G Lineback, chains; thence East 5.00 to the costs of sale.
Dated this 17th day of May,
and Jget them,” for you have got Rida Lineback, Alex C h r i s t , place of beginning, containing
to keep everlastingly after them. Rina Christ, Walter L. Tooze and 9.40 acres, mor£ or less; subject, 1916.
Therein lies the success of the Phil Arthur were defendants, however, to the right of the
( Register No. 4813), which de- dublic to travel and use, as an Sheriff of Polk County, Oregon.
mail order people.
Summer Time
Selig’s Cash Price Store,
Go To Newport
Low Round Trip Fares