Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 10, 1916, Image 3

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    Veal, Pork,
Beef, Poultry,
Butter, Egg* &
Farm Produce
To tha Old Reliable Kvenlln* huuae with •
rr«ur«i o f 46 year* o f tkjuorw Dealin* a ai.«l be
iMunnl of
Top Market Price*.
45 47 hoot Si..
Mr. Dairyman
Don't M in Our Offor for Juno 7 or 8
Purine the l(oa* Festival we »hull have ex
mptional deinxmli for IlnM lw w d Mutter ami
Iro Crraui. and your h*l|» u wanted to aui'ply
tM detnaiul H i i i'll! fu tw til ymi with Orur
H r n jvr* A I Sl/i'tr I Unit ,1 > Hiltnl Pork tf you a* t
a neitfhbor who la not «Ini t-tnu ue now to »«-nil
imp a ean o f v • - • t cream to arrt a In Pot
Jua a I-I |
i ho
a i id m will « ! « » r- •
thla aouvanir. Send mi o il the good w o r n
y o u tun. HAZELWOOD CO . p o m I L A N D
N e w H ou ston
H otel
EVMterr am
s ix t h a m »
Four (I W k , fruiti llnkm KiaUon. T ’ ful-r n«w
m u iiv r iim ii
All itN'tiM tMtwIy ilK iiriU tl
k « t « » 50c. 75t. S I. $1.50 Per Dap.
Until you have read ottr f r w InatrurtUm* on th*
car# uf y»ur piano. The reeult o f »1 yaara* • * -
pertenc* abaoluU’ly f i « e for the aakln«f.
M l i.Uawuutl Arp.
P O ItT IjiN U . ORK
Of General Interest
About Oregon
University ot Oregon Celebrates
Fortieth Anniversary This Week
University o f Oregon, Eugene The
fortieth anniversary o f ths opening of
the liniversty o f Oregon was cele­
brated Monday June 6. Other events
o f the day were the commencement ad­
dress by Hr. Kay Lyman Wilbur, pres­
ident o f I^land-Htanford university,
to the University o f Oregon graduat­
ing class; and the laying o f the cor­
nerstone o f the new Education build­
The story o f the founding o f the
State University has s romantic cast.
The pioneers o f Lane county- hard­
working men with few resources;
most o f them — raised $60,000 to In­
duce the state to locate the university
st Eugene;
and their $60,000 was
devoted to the building of Heady hall.
These early settlers ms4le all kind o f
sacrifices to raise the rm.ney; One
ma.i would sell a cow and give a por­
tion o f the proceeds; another would
give the returns from two or three
sacks o f wheat from a lo a d he haul
hauled to town.
The graaluating class this year num­
bers about 100.
Some o f them will
pursue post-graduate work, some w ill
go into business, a few will continue
work for professional a>ccupation8, and
many will enter high school teaching.
Royal Arch Masons Elect
Officers at 56th Convention
Albany— 8. S. Spencer, o f Eugene,
was electtxi grand high priest o f the
granal chapter. Royal Arch Mauons of
!>ay and nlirht elaaa**« Kxpert trainimi’
Oregon, at the 6<ith annual convention
In reiiairiutr. «JrWlinr and machina work.
o f the gram! chapter here this week.
ln«hi|irur fora*', lath*. •
drill freea.
James F. Robinson, o f Portland, was
tractor*, at?. Timo unlimited. t ’-OMl'K-
T K N T fllA U F F K tJ K S A S I » M E CHAN-
re-elected grand secretary for the 26th
io* s u m .i l i » w r it e uà.
consecutive term and David P. Mason,
o f Albany, was chosen grand treasurer
for the 26th annual term. Both Mr.
Robinson and Mr. Mas4>n are past high
The work o f the convention was
3 rd a S tark S ts ., P ortland . O r i .
com plete! Wednesday ami the session
adjourned. No m eeting place was se­
SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE lected for the next annual convention,
as the grand chapter meets at the
same place as the grand lodge, which
I f you cannot r-irn* to
w ill select the convention seat at its
I'urtland to get your
meeting which immiMliately follows
eyra tilled. I will et-nd
'ou my math«*] >>f teat-
the Royal Arch chapter convention
r»a eyra bv mail
aa deairahl* aa prraon-
al arrvlea but tnurh
Other otlicers for the ensuing year
better than ff<iiuir w ith­
were elected as follow s;
out alaaaea nraded or
tryina t*i fit youraelf.
grand high priest, Silas M. Yoran, o f
Outfit a«*nt on application
8TAPLK8, the Jew-
#l*r Optician. I’M Morriaon at.. I'urtland, Ongun Eugene; grand king. Max Bollack, o f
Oregon C ity; grand scribe, James H.
Richmond, o f Portland; grand captain
o f host, Thomas M. Baldwin, o f Prine-
v ille ; grand orator, F. S. Dun, o f Eu­
W« «ut a fitti km. Writ« tar priest ant ifippmt tags gene; grand chaplain, L. A. W right,
T hi H. F. N orton C o . rwiue. ora, sum«, wi o f Union; grand principal, sojourner,
Frank W. Settlemier, o f Woodburn;
grand royal arch captain, W alter R.
Bilyeu. o f Albany; grand master, third
veil, F. M. Patterson, o f Portland;
Bought. Sold, Rented and Repair«*«!
grand master, second veil, George G.
Burnaide. cor. luth.
I ’urtland. Ore. Brown, o f Salem; grand master, first
veil, C. H. Marsh, o f Marshfield; grand
Doable Tread Pnnctur: Proof Tires sentinel, D. G. Tomasini, o f Portland.
Portland Y .M .C . A. Auto School
A Full Line ol Big Values at Low
! on—. I «oat luna
I a.« Ilrand New T IL L S Write un .
UO Waahinaton St..
I'urtland. Ora.
When Whipping Cream.
T o prevent splashing and waste
when heating eggs or whipping cream
with an egg beater, cut a piece of
clean white cloth or brown paper
across at right angles In the middle
so there will be (our small flaps. I ’ull
the paper down over the handle of the
egg beater and let the outer part of
, the paper cover the edge of the bowl.
For crushed finger thoroughly apply
Hanford's Balsum. Adv.
Temporary Condition.
" I saw you out in your new car yes
“ Old I look like a motorist?'*
"W ell. no. You had an air of re­
sponsibility that gavo you away, but
that will disappear In tim e."— Hlnn
Ingham Age-Herald.
Aid Promised to Baker.
Gaston — The new water system is
now in working order and Gaston has
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets arc best for liver, an abundant supply o f the purest
bowels and stomach. One little Pellet
mountain water.
It is piped from
fo r a laxative three for a cathartic.
Sain creek by the North Coast Power
company and is the same water sup-
The Substitute.
“ Does heap big Indian ever smoke piled to Hillsboro, Beaverton ami Cor­
nelius. The Dennis Construction com­
the pipe «if pence any more?"
"N o t these days," said the Carlisle pany has had charge o f the work.
graduate. "H ave a clgaret?"— Louis W ith the new system, ample fire pro­
vllle Courier Journal.
tection is now assured and with nine
fire hydrants, 800 feet o f standard
hose and a fine hosecart, the Gaston
volunteer fire department is now ready
for action. City officials made a test
o f the new supply and found plenty o f
« e | | .u .8 .P a t .o F r .
water and good pressure.
Keep Kids Kleen
T h ______
* moal _______
practird. ___________lyttme
healthful, playl
ent* ever invented for children
children I to
year* o f age. Ma.le in ."ir ptc. r w th
dro£ hack. r Faailjr
*»iy dipped
Kippte on or ..(!
washed No tight elaatic hand*
to atop circulation. Made in blue
denim, and blue and white hickory
atnpeafor all the year round. A b o
lighter weight, fa »»color material in
dark blue, cadet blue, tan or dark red
for aummer wear, all appropriately
trimmed with faat - color galatea.
Made in Dutch neck with elbow
aleevea and high neck and long
75c the suit
If your dealer cannot aupply you.
We will aend them, charge* prepaid
on receipt of price, 7 5c each,
A^ F R E E “ ^
H a d ) by
A w ir t s t GRAND PRIZE s i tha P .P .I.L
P. N. U.
24. ieie
writing to salrartlaars,
tiaa tola gsgar.
Fall On Pick Is Fatal.
Grants Pass -E. P. Grant, mining
man who has been working in the
Waldo country for several years, was
so severely injured when he fe ll on a
pick here that he died in a short time
after. He was working on the roof o f
a small shed being constructed on the
Logan property at Waldo when he fell,
striking a sharp pick, the point o f
which penetrated his chest five inches.
Dr. Loughridge raced 41 miles but the
patinet was dead before he arrived.
Mr. Grant was 64 years o f age and had
no relatives as far as known.
B * w jn ol ImitatKSW. Look lor
ih. Tw*Hones on the LaKd,
Lsvi Strauss a Co, San Francisco
I jnni llo rse ^ w fr, I — a Coat,
Moot I.fltrlent for Irrigatin'.
Minin* Kir* Protection and
l<* I'* * » Hm.’ill, Lipin,
Powerful. No Valve*.
No Cylin­
der*. Instructive High
Pump Run* on l«ow
Will Pump
Water and A ir Btmul-
tamoously. Will Pump
boilirof water liaarec-
ord for vi rtScsl imtl m
L ift of 33 feet. Can I»*» install« <1 by Anyono.
o Make a MiMtak'v Delivers More
Water, with far La»* Horsepower, than Any
Pump Known. No Priming Required at Any
!t< **onabl* Hurt ton.
W rite for Catalog. Price* and leatimcnial*
betor* you buy.
Portland — Wheat — Blue stern U6tc
per bushel; forty-fold, 86c; club, 86c;
red F ife, 86c; red Russian, 86c.
Eastern Oregon timothy, $24
6(24.60 per ton; valley timothy, $21(4t
22; alfalfa, old crop, $166(17; new
crop, $14.
Millfeed— Spot pricee; Bran, $26(4
26.60 per ton; shorts, $29 6$ 29.60;
rolled barley, $61.606(32.60.
Com— Whole, $36 per ton; cracked,
Vegetables — Artichokes,
$1 per
T H E V A L V L K S H P U M P C O ..
dozen; tomatoes, $26(6 per crate; cab­
•4k Hour Till« * Trail BM g - I'ortlaito. Kri
bage, $26(2.76 per c w t.; garlic, 10c
per pound; peppers, 26e; eggplant, 20
<ir(25e; horseradish, 8 (c ; lettuce, $2 (a,
A Kansas Editorial
2.40 per crate; cucumbers, 76cft($l
It warmed our hi-arta the other day per dozen; spinach, 46(6c per pound;
asparagus, $16(1.25 per dozen; rhu­
to sec u top buggy, new and glisten­
barb, 1 (6(2e per poural; peas, 96(10c;
ing, claim a place among the motor
cauliflower, $1.26 per crate; beans,
cars and farm wagons In the rank 10c per pound.
court house
Potatoes — Jobbing prices; Oregon,
square. When we found out who own $1.50; California, new, 26(2|c per
ed that buggy we couldu't help but pound.
Onions— Oregon, $ 1.606(2 per sack;
chuckle. Hodge's hoy has the right
Idea; gasoline can burn up the roads, California?red, $2.26.
Gr4sen Fruit — Strawberries, 90c 6(
but a trusty old nag with a buggy will
$1.60 per crate; apples, $16(1.75 per
find the shorti-st way to Harah’s heart.
box; gooseberries, 4c per pound; cher­
Bide your time, Jim ! The good old
ries, $1.266(1.60 per box; cantaloupes,
country buggy Is still the king of siege
guns In CentiTvIlle’s affairs of affec­ $46(4.50 per crate; apricots, $1.50 per
Tw o or tbri-e nights a week box; peaches, $1.76 per box; water­
young Shaw takes Sarah for a spin in melons, 2fcc per pound.
Eggs — Oregon ranch current re­
his flivver. W ell, let him— and as of­
ten as he wants!
Mere speed can’t ceipts, 22(6(23c [jer dozen; qandled,
win a girl like Ssrah. Give Shaw his 24c.
choice moonlight nights and be you
Poultry — Hens, 16c per pound;
content with the dark ones. His eyes stags, 10 dti 11c; broilers, 22i (a, 23c;
are always on the road. His hands
turkeys, live,
18 (<ft 20c;
aro busy with the steering wheel. His
voice Is drown4>d In chugs and whirs dressed, choice, 236(26c; ducks, 1466
and sputters. Here lies your Incom­ 16c; geese, 10c.
Butter — Cubes, extras, 26{c per
parable advantage, Jim; you can lay
down the reins! A long road and a pound; cubes, prime firsts, 25c; firsts,
shadowy one. Something to say and 244c. Jobbing prices: Prints, extras,
an eternity to say It.— Colliers.
276(29c; butterfat. No. 1, 27c; No. 2,
26c; Portland.
Onion Seed Poor.
Veal— Fancy, 10}6(1 lc P*r pound.
The average germination percentage
Pork— Fancy, 11c per pound.
of onions In Oregon Is low this year,
Hops— 1916 crop, 10®12c; 1916 con­
only &1.90C< germinating, as compared
with 76.13% for last year. The ger­ tracts, ll@ 1 2 c.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 22 @ 23c;
mination of over 34% of the onion
valley, 33(a.36c.
samples was below 25%.
Onions make up over ten per cent
Cascara bark — Old and new, 4c per
of all germination tests made In the pound.
Oregon Branch Seed Testing Labora­
Cattle — Steers, choice grass, $86$
tory this year.
8.60; gcxxl, $8.156(8.50; cows, choice,
$7.756(8; good, $6.766(7.26; medium,
$6.266(7.26; heifers, $5.506(8; bulls,
$36(6; stags, $4.506(7.
Hogs — Prim e light, $8.30 @ 8.40;
good to prime, $8.20 @ 8.30; rough
heavy, $7.506(8; pigs and skips, $7.35
Sheep — Yearlings,
$7.50 6( 8.50;
wethers, $7@7.50; ewes, $5.506(6.50;
i lambs, $86(9.
o f being able to eat without Local Fruit and Produce
any annoying distress must
Plentiful On Tacoma Market
have its beginning in a Tacoma — Plenty o f home-grown
strawberries forced the price down
strong, active stomach.
Ff you suffer from poor again this week, the berries now being
quoted at $2.25, the lowest price this
appetite, heartburn, cramps, season. The Kennewick berries are at
biliousness, constipation or the end o f their season and are inferior
in quality. Oregon berries are coming
malaria, JUST T R Y
Stomach Bitters
Salem — That the claim o f Baker
county for state aid in road construc­
tion and improvement would be con­
sidered by the State H ighway commis­ 63 Years a Family Medicine
sion when the apportionment o f next
year’s fund is made, was the assurance
Practical Prohibition.
given by the members o f the board to
" I understand you are now one of
the Baker county court this week.
Members o f the Baker county court, the officials of Crimson Gulch."
“ Yep." replied Bronco Bob. " I come
composed o f County Judge Messick
j and Commissioners R itter and Welch in on the prohibition ticket.”
“ And how is prohibition working
appeared before the l>oard with the re­ out?”
quest. Improvement o f the highway
"Fine. W e've got It fixed now so
running for a distance o f approxi­ that nobody but the particular friends
mately 70 miles from North Powder in of us authorities can buy or sell a
Union county to Huntington in Baker drop."— Wichita Eagle.
county is proposed. The road is said
to be graded and the county has ex­
pended considerable money on it.
Water Supply Is Ample.
Examination Dates Set.
Salem — Examinations
fo r state
teaching certificates w ill be held in
every county in Oregon June 28, 29, 30
and July 1, J. A . Churchill, State
superintendent o f public instruction,
announces. Notices to this effect were
sent out to all county school superint­
northwest market reports ;
general crop CONDITIONS j.
More Water
! in their place, but only small lots are
i being received.
Cantaloupes are popular, with the
! trade, and the price is rapidly declin­
ing to the regular summer level. A p­
ples are near the end o f their season
and w ill soon be off the market. Cher-
nes, apricots and plums are features
on the fru it market, coming from Cali-
1 fornia in good condition.
Green peas are scarce and have ad­
vanced to 10 cents a pound. The scar­
city iB said to be on account o f unfa­
vorable grow ing weather.
both green and wax, new beets, car­
rots, turnips, head lettuce and new po­
tatoes are arriving daily by express.
Hothouse tomatoes and cucumbers are
meeting with a better demand with
warm weather.
No change in the price o f meat is
expected until about the middle of
next month when grass-fed cattle and
sheep w ill begin coming into the mar­
ket. The price o f meat goes down
with the abundance o f grass, dealers
say. Fish is scarce, especially halibut.
Eggs, butter and cheese are holding
Here is a letter from a woman who
had to work, but was too weak and suf
fered too much to continuo. How she
regained health:—
Frankfort, Ky — " I suffered so much
with female weakness that I could not
do my own work,
had to hire it done.
I h e a r d « o much
about Lydia E. Pink-
ham n V e g e t a b le
Compound th a t. I
tried i t I took three
bottles and I found
it. to ha a l l y o u
claim. Now I feel as
well as over I did and
am able to do all my
own work again. I
recommend 't to any woman sullering
from female weakness. Yon may pub­
lish my letter if you wish.” - Mrs. J ames
C o n i . f . y .516 S t Clair S t , Frank fort, Ky.
No woman suffering from any form o f
female Doubles should lose hope until
«he has given Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg­
etable Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients o f which are derived f r o «
native roots and herbs, has for forty
years proved to be a most valuable tonic
and invigorator o f the female organism.
A l l w om en are Invite d to w rite
to the L y d ia K. IH n k lm m M edi­
cine C o ., L y n n , Mass., fo r special
advice,— I t w ill be c o n fid e n tia l
The explosives that get stumps out cleanest and cheapest
are those that have a heaving ana lifting effect, shattering the
stumps just enough to break them up. Then you can handle
them easily.
“ The farmer,” says an Experiment Station, “ should use
an explosive that stands all ordinary shocks of handling and
does not easily freeze. He does not need the expensive nitro­
glycerine explosives.” Thousands use
and zave money because they go further
than others. They are made especially
to suit Western farm conditions.
Giant Farm Powders— the product
of the oldest manufacturer of high ex­
plosives in the United States— are the
only genuine “giant powders” for agri­
cultural use.
They are made in two
brands— Giant Stumping Powder, ideal
for blasting in wet ground; and Eureka
Stumping Powder, the money-saving, low-
freezing explosive for blasting stumps in
dry soil.
A «k your dealer for Giant Pow der« and blast-
ins suppliea. I f he does nor have them we shall
; that you are supplied.
*’ E v e r y t h i n g f o r B l o t t i n g ’*
H om e O f f i c e : S A N F R A N C ISC O
Braack Oftcea Seattle, Spokane. Portland, Salt Lake
C ity , Denver
W e issue five valuable books.
T h e y tell how to remove stumps
and boulders, blast d it c h e s ,
break up the subsoil, and have
earlier-bearing, thriftier or­
chards by blasting holes for
trees. IV riU fu r ike took that
you prefer.
A W ell Painted Barn
Will Save the Cost o f a New One.
See Your Paint Dealer Now
S ore
G r a n u la t e d E y e lid s ,
Eye« inflamed by expo­
“ Say.” said the landlord to the ten­
sure to Son, Dust and * I b 4
ant, who was two months shy with
quickly relieved by Mario*
his rent, ‘‘when am I going to see the
i Eye Bemedy. No Smarting;
color o f your money?”
just Eye Comfort. A t
"Can't say,” replied the party o f the
T h e'co lo r iust^noVTs Your Dniggiit’ « 50c per Bottle. Mariae Eya
second part,
re e n ” — Ind anapol s Sslv.InTube.25c. ForRaok.llbeEyefre.ask
an invisible g
matanapons Druc£iui or H u b , Eye Bawdy Ca.. CUc«*o
The Leaser Evil.
Old Grump— W hy doesn’t Ethel mar­
ry that young idiot? I'm getting blame
tired of his coming here so much.
His W ife— I believe I'd prefer to
have him come here— if she marries
him he'll stay here.— Boston Tran­
He Knew.
Kill All Flies!
Placed anywhere.Delay rty Killer attrv .ta and kill* all
flie*. Neat, clean, rmntnaw fl, convenient, and cheap.
Lastsailmiop. Mede
n»*t*J. e*a ' t «pulir
„ - ®v«r; will not •«!! or
injure anythin*, flint—
teed effective. Ash fee
Daisy Fly Killer
Sold by dealer«, or « seat
by exprese, precelsi. fl.OO.
HAftOLD SO M E R S , IS O D e K e l* A ve., B reok lye , N . T ,
“ The man is best governed who Is
least governed.”
"T h a t’s a man’s theory.” spoke up a
we shall ever estab­
henpecked husband.
"T h e women
have never subscribed to that as yet.” lish communication with M ars?"
“ See no reason for trying to do so,”
— Louisville Courier-Journal.
replied Mr. Growcher. “ Enough op-
porunity for diplomatic interchange
His Idea of It.
down here.”— Washington Star.
Teacher— W ho can tell me the
meaning of a “ round-robin"?
Hanford's Balsam has cured many
Bright boy— Please, miss, it's what cases of running sores of many years’
that burglar was doin' last night when j standing . Adv.
they nabbed him.— Boston Transcript.
For Domestic Animals.
It Stirred His Bile, Though.
He's laid up
Horses, cattle and sheep are liable
to sores, sprains, galls, calks, kicks,
Bilious attack?”
bruises and cuts, and Hanford's Bal­
Automobilious. «He was knocked
sam of Myrrh is the standard remedy
for such cases. When you consider d » ™ an<l * ¡ « 7 bad‘ y bruised.” - B o s -
how valuable your stock is, having the ton Transcript.
Balsam always on hand for them is a
The Better the Day.
cheap form of insurance. Adv.
He— W ork is scarce, but I got a Job
Up to Them.
last Sunday that brought me $3.
"W h y did Mendelssohn compose his j She— W hat! You broke the Sab­
‘Songs Without Words' ” ?
English Hop Embargo Pending.
“ Possibly to give the audience a n 1 He— W ell, one of us had to be broke.
Mail advices from England under unhampered chance to talk."— Louis­ — Philadelphia Record.
ville Courier-Journal.
date o f May 18 report the weather
Hanford's Balsam should relieve
even the worst burns. Adv.
Somewhat Euphonious.
very favorable for the grow in g crop,
and the hopyards as looking promising,
“ You must have cut a dash In Italy."
Sleep Impossible.
“ W hy do you say that?”
also that the labor difficulty seems to
" I hear you rented a palace.”
"Porter, this berth has been slept
have been overcome as regards work
“ W ell, the real estate agent called in !"
"N o. sah; I assuah you, sah. Mere-
in the hopyards. According to news­ it a palace. Real estate agents, the
It's the one over the
paper reports, the house o f commons world over, are much alike.”— Louis ly occupied.
ville Courier-Journal.
wheels, sah."— Puck.
on May 29 passed the second reading
o f the bill which would reduce the out­
put o f beer 30 per cent on the 1913-14
output, or by 16 per cent o f the 1914-
15 output.
This measure empowers
“ Anuric” W ill Not Fail to Stop Your Backache.
the government to prohibit the impor­
People are realizing more and more i ery,” the standard herbal system ton­
tation o f hops unless the home-grown
ic (both o f which now come in tablet
supply is insufficient to meet the re­ every day that the kidneys, just as do : form for convenience o f carrying and
the bowels, need to be flushed occa­
quirements, when licenses for importa- sionally. The kidneys are an elimina­ taking). "A n u ric" is now being intro­
l tions are to be granted.
tive organ and are constantly working, duced here, and many local people are
separating the poisons from the blood. daily testifying to Us perfectness.
When you have backache, dizzy
Under this continual and perpetual
Rogne Salmon Catch Big.
Marshfield, Or. — Although the fish­ action they are apt to congest, and spells or rheumatism, heed nature's
It means that you are a
then trouble starts. Uric acid backs warning.
ing season on Rogue R iver is two up into the system, causing rheuma­ victim to uric acid poisoning. Then
months from its height, more fish have tism. neuralgia, dropsy and many other ask your druggist for “ Anuric" and
been caught, canned and shipped from serious disturbances. Doctor Pierce ! you w ill very soon become one o f hun­
there this season than fo r any other of Buffalo, New York, advocates that dreds who dally give their thankful
indorsement to this powerful enemy to
time covering the same period in re­ every one should drink plenty of pure
water between meals.
Every day uric acid.
cent years.
The Macleay estate has should exercise in the outdoor air suf­
I f you have that tired, worn-out feel­
1 shipped from its W edderbum cannery ficiently to sweat profusely, and from ing. backache, rheumatism, neuralgia,
4000 cases o f the fine Rogue R iver chi- time to time stimulate the kidney ac­ or If your sleep is disturbed by too
nook and has 2000 m ore cases packed. tion by means of "Anuric.” This prep­ frequent urination, get Dr. Plerce’a
The unusually large output is accounted aration has been thoroughly tried out Anuric Tablets at drug store, full
for by the intense riv a lry among the at bis Sanitarium, In the same way as treatment $1.00, or send 10c. for trial
fighermen who are taking dangerous his “ Favorite Prescription” for weak package to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel,
women and “ Golden Medical Discov- j Buffalo. N. Y.
J chances in handling ttheir d rift nets.
nap fds
won W
iiotTie Have to Keep on Until
They Almost Drop. How
Mr*. Conley Got Help.
S ave M oney on Y o u r
S tu m p B lasting—
‘T v * just left Walker.
U R IC A C I D -G O I N G - G O I N G -G O N E