H u tu n U y , J u n * > / 8 , 1916 - E M M GREEN TRADING STAMPS GIVEN DURING THIS SALE FINS l TH’ s ; it i g r e a t expansion SALE A Complete Department Store to Serve You SALE STA R TS THURSDAY, JUNE 1, AT 9 A. M. Ladies’ Dresses 4 A lot of one-piece dresses, last sea­ son'll style, that sold regularly for $12.50 will be offered for a fraction o f their former value. Wool and silk, they are worthy o f your attention. While they last, you can have your choice o f any one dress for $2.98 F R E E! A $3 Gordon Hat will be given Ladies’ Suits with every men s $15 suit sold during this sale. Here's a desirable lot of suits, also last season's styles, that sold as high in instances for 135. Fine broadcloth, che­ viots, serges and fancy mixtures for your approval. If you get here early Thursday morning, you can have your choice o f any suit tor only $4.98 FREE! Need for more room compelled us to lease the building east o f our present location, and formerly occupied by Simonton & Scott Grocery. Carpenters, painters and decorators have been busy remodeling these two rooms. A large archway has been opened between the two stores, making one large department store, the most c«lhiplete in this territory. We have moved our men’s ready-to- wear department into the new addition, and when our doors swing open for busi­ ness Thursday morning, a new era will have dawned for this concern whose "honesty policy" during the past seventeen years has built this store’s reputa­ tion solid from the foundation. Never have we carried trashy merchandise. A guarantee goes with every purchase here. Quality is our standard, and in the future, we will ever strive to continue to build up a store where people o f Folk county can trade at with an assurance o f satisfaction with every transaction. Theatre Tickets io Orpheum The Bee Hive store has purchased the seating capacity o f the new Orpheum theater for Saturday matinee, June 3rd, and will give away tickets, absolutely free of charge to customers o f this ¿tore. A special six reel" film, Seventy-nine pair of Ladies’ black and tan oxfords, last season’s styles, that sold for $3.50 regularly, Queen Quality, going for only per pair.............. .......................... $1.89 A WOMAN’S LAW one of Fathe’ s strongest recent releases has been secured especially for us, and will be shown in conjunction with V A L U E A F T E R V A L U E is offered during this Extra Large Turkish Towels .......... 25c sale, which lack of space prevents us from quoting here. You will have to be here early to get the choice o f the good things we offer however, but in any event. BE HERE. PATHE’ S W EEKLY TRAVELOGUE Lot fancy worsted dress goods that sold regularly up to $1.50 per yard, to go dur­ ing this sale, per yard ....................... 59c taken recently, and shown here for the first time. This is the only time these pictures will be shown. In conjunction, SPECIAL MUSIC New shipment o f Bungalow Aprons...... Ladies’ Coats Only seven o f them left. All blue serges and diagonals. Sizes from 34 to 40. Full length, and sold regularly for ♦20. Offering them now for less than the cost o f material. You can have one for only $4.98 FR E EI A $3 Gordon Hat and choice o f any men's dress shirt in the store will be given free with every men’s 120 suit sold during this sale. FR E E I Choice o f any pair men’ s dress shoes up to $6 value given away free with every men’s $25 to $28.50 suit sold dur­ ing this sale. • ........................50c., 59c., 65c., 75c Be sure and visit this quality store, espec­ ially during the opening days. ’ Surprises on every turn. No matter what you need, you’ ll probably find it here. Re­ ductions in all departments. This is a money back sale. We insist that you be satisfied. This has always been our policy. will be provided. A ticket to this mat­ inee will be given to each customer mak­ ing a purchase o f 25c. or over at the Bee Hive any time Thursday, Friday and on Saturday up to 2:30. Make your pur­ chases at this store and enjoy a pleasant afternoon at Finseth’s expense. Curtain at 2:30. The new Orpheum will only seat 584 people, so make your purchases early- No tickets sold. DALLAS, OREGON THE BEE HIVE STORE GREEN TRADING STAMPS GIVEN DURING THIS SALE It is not the noisy man that certain fancied privileges. The people o f the United State? makes the soldier in times of need For you a rose In Portland grows j are wont to boast that the "People ; no more than it is the barking dog Rule," that the president and con­ that puts up the fight. The Yes! There will be a rose for you gress are servants: yet it is piti-J American peop'e are not likely to at the ful how little the people know o f j get particularly excited because diplomatic affairs. "State Sec­ some o f the F. F. V ’s., come to rets” possibly hide many an intri­ grief, but when the reveille is JUNE 7, 8, 9, 1916 gue and conditions that if known sounded their patriotism will not Pain and Ilf Health would bring about a revolution. be questioned. luesday, Juno 6(h Crowning of Hose Festival Queen at 8 P. M. Some things have leaked out with rob you o f all your Wednesday. June 7th regard to the brilliant campaign POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITS Grand Pageant of School Children 9:45 A. M. efficiency. against Spain, that happily result­ National Dedication of Columbia River Highway 2 P. M. Larger postal savings deposits Thursday. June 8th ed in the freedom o f Cuba, but DR. MILES' Annual Floral Pageant at 2 P. M. ‘leaves it a question if there was will now be accepted at the Post Friday. June 9th Office. This is made possible py really so much glory after all. ANTI-PAIN PILLS Military, Fraternal and Civil pageant 10 A. M. That the matter could have been an important amendment to the Chinese Baby Show and parade 3.30 P. M. Costume parade. Mardi Gras features in evening. quickly relieve Pain, but amicably settled, is asserted, but Postal Savings Act just approved M a ny other attractions not mentioned above. by President Wilson. that war served some o f the big at the same time, when A postal savings depositor may LOW ROUND TRIP FARES interests better than a peaceful over-work or nervousness SEVERE HCADACHK. now have an account amounting will be on sale from all Southern Pacific stations, solution, and that in order to ex­ “ I one* had Urribto Roseburg and North, June 4th to 9th inclusive, to $1.000 upon which interest will is the cause, ploit Cuba it was necessary that headache« anl feared La return limit June 12th. From stations south of Orlppe. I could not at­ the United States should hold the be paid. Formerly $500 was the Roseburg in Oregon and Klamath Falls Branch. Dr. Miles* tend to my work. I took June 4th to 8th inclusive. Return limit June 17th. reins and that could be done only maximum amount they could some of Dr. UUea' Antl- For further information ask local agent or write Paln Pills and th« pain Restorative Nervine through intervention o f arms, just have to their credit. This en­ waa quickly cone. Then J ohn M. S cott , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon largement o f postal savings fac­ as is being tried to be brought I etarted usln* Dr. Kllea* should be used to relieve Nervine and the trouble about with regard to Mexico. ilities will be very gratifying to vanlehed completely and S O U T H E R N P A C I F IC L I N E S Standard Oil properties would be thousands o f depositors who have the cause. I felt well and active already reached the $500 limit once more.” more valuable with Uncle Sam’s IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE. FAILS 11KNRY EARNHAM. armies camped near than Villa in and are anxious to entrust more TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR htONEY Spring Valley, Minn. To the Voters of Polk Coonty. WILL BE REFUNDED. the brush or even Carranza. The o f their savings to United States. because o f the restrictions which Another feature o f the amend­ have now been eliminated. president, himself believes that I desire to thank my friends and schemes are being worked in the ment that will avoid further em- Postmaster General Burleson especially those of Falls City and United States to bring about inter­ barassment to the public and to and Third Assistant Postmaster vicinity for their support at the ace to the flag; a threatened in­ vention. He should go after such postal officials is the doing away THE M OLLYCODDLE General Dockery have been tire­ primary making it possible for me vasion o f a foreign power, men parties with the same relentless with the limit on the amount This ephithet has been applied would not be lacking to keep off vigor he is pursuing the submarine that could be accepted from a less in their efforts to secure a to receive the nomination for County Superintendent o f Public indiscriminately to all peace-loving the foe and we do not believe fhat question. You can arouse very depositor monthly. modification o f the limitations Instruction, and should I be elect­ citizens who oppose a bellicose those who so freely apply the eph­ Under the old law only $100 j and the new liberalizing legisla­ little "patriotism” by the destruc­ ed in November I shall certainly campaign for preparedness as is ithet of mollycoddle would be in tion of Standard Oil properties, could be deposited in actual tion is particular gratifying to work for the best interests o f the being advocated by those seeking the lead. The seeming indiffer­ but the killing of American men calendar months. The amend­ them. entire county. for personal agrandisement or fin- ence to the sinking o f English and women along the border and ment abolished this restriction. Yours very truly. While the Postal Savings Sy­ ancial gains. boats even though Americans have the raids across, such as the Miss Alemeda J. Fuller. Because of the Bacealauerate That the average American citi­ been aboard is riot due to any Columbus raid brings out the de­ stem has already proven a signal success as is shown by the fact sermon here last Sunday, we de­ zen is less patriotic than they were lack of patriotism, but because sired patriotism and there was no Prof. H. H. Lowe, of Carlton, in 76 is not apparent. There they believe that no loyal Amer­ lacking for men to cross the bor­ that more than half-million de­ cided to have our memorial and positors have over eighty million peace day service on Sunday next Oregon was in the city this week. never has been a crisis and a call ican citizen would foolishly do any­ der in pursuit of the bandits. "to arms" that the American citi­ thing to embroil the United States The term mollycoddle is being dollars standing to their credit, June the 4th at 11 A. ML, in the The professor has been employed zen did not respond promptly. into a war with any other nation used in bad taste and it will act still it has fallen short o f meeting M. E. Church. All invited. Seats by the school board as principal of the school for next year. Today, if there was any real men­ ¡n order that they might enjoy as a boomerang on he who uses it. the full demands o f the subiic will be reserved for old soldiers. IhQatilasljaéS Portland Rose Festival O \