Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 03, 1916, Image 2

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®jfí Valia ® ö 8 ^ Mna ICARRANZA INSISTS
Publish er*.
Knt, r, d a, *,<«>».1m a m all « I tba paatofflo#
at ra lla Cttr. Pol» Count* O t a » «
Act of Con a rena of klarcb 3, 1ST».
(1. S. Troops ii Mexico Are Considered
Uiwekome Invaders.
Ntwi OfTtct. S3.
Subscription Rata*: On* mar. $1.00: *1* aiantlia,
M cants: thr*a mon tba. » cents, siaci* cop*. 5 eta.
Advartlslnjf Ratea: Duplay. 1» cent« an Inch ;
Business Notice*. T canta a lina; For Sale, Rant.
R adiante. Want an<l Par Entertainment No­
tices. Seta, a line. Card of Thank* flOcts:Lega
Notices, letal rates.
Copy for near ad*. andch*nce*»hould be sent
to The New* not latef than Wednesday.
Friendship is Doubted and Trouble
in Republic Laid to Attitude of
Official Newspaper af the City #f Fall* C1U
Washington Authorities.
I ssued E v e r y S atu r d ay M orning
Mexico, C ity— Contending that the
words and protests o f the United
States hsve been entirely in contradic­
tion of their acts, and. in spite o f pro­
tests not to interfere in the atfairs o f
Mexico, soldiers o f the United States
are in Mexico without the consent o f
the Mexican government, and in viola­
tion o f M exico’s sovereignity, the
C. S. McPherren. Auditor and Police Judte
Mexican government asks for the im­
Walter L. Too*e Jr.. City Attorney
mediate withdrawal o f these troops.
Pat Murphy, Marshal and Water Snpt.
The note recites that the American
M. L. Thompson. Treasurer
Dr. F. M. Hellwarth. Health 0 «c e r .
troopa crossed the border after the Co­
The Council meet* In refular session on the first lumbus incident without the permis­
Monday n lfh t of each month, at 7 SO o'clock. In sion o f the Mexican government.
act was not considered one o f invasion
the office of the Fall* City New*.
then, solely because the United States
said they had misinterpreted the atti­
tude o f the Mexican
When the second expedition crossed
the line, after the Glenn Springs inci­
dent, the note maintains, the plea that
this was done with the consent o f the
Mexican consul at Del Rio, Tex., is
untenable, and that act can only be
considered as one of invasion.
Office one door east of P, O.
•'The Mexican government there­
Office and q i
Falls City»
Residence r n o n e <300
fore, invites the United States to
bring to an end this unsupportable sit­
uation, ” the note concludes, "and to
support its protestations and declara­
tions o f friendship by an immediate
withdrawal of American troops."
Maintaining that the protests of
friendship by the United States and
win tie at FalW City Hotel
the expressed desire for non-interven­
MONDAY ana FR ID AY Afternoons
tion have been contradicted by the acts
Each Week.
o f the Washington government, the
note saya the time has arrived when
Washington must declare itself clearly
and unequivocally as to its future in­
tentions toward Mexico.
A fte r reciting the facts which led to
the first crossing o f the frontier by
American troops after the V illa raid
at Columbus, the note insists that in
contradiction o f the word o f Generals
Sam ple R oom s
Scott and Funston, another expedition
Bost A c com m od ation s
crossed the boundary line, thus violat­
F. Droege, Proprietor
ing all the precepts of international
law and committing an act o f inva­
“ The American governm ent," says
the note, "has admitted that the work
o f the expedition, which entered after
the Columbus raid, now is over. But
Falls C ity, O regon
in spite o f this fact American troops
still remain on Mexican soil.
To con­
Where yon cab gel a Shave, Bair Cat, Bath
tend that political disorder in this
#r ‘Shine1
Agent For Dallas Steam Lanndry
country justifies this act of the Am eri­
Bundles forwarded Tuesday evening
can m ilitary forces is in conflict with
the repeated professions of the Wash­
govemmnt relative to non­
The note points out that much of the
trouble in Mexico is due " t o the atti­
tude o f the United States in not pun­
ishing conspirators in the United
States who have plotted the downfall
o f the present constitutional govern­
D a lla s, Oregon
ment and to the acts o f Washington in
refusing to permit the shipment of
arms and ammunition to enter Mex-
H. J. Griffin. Mayor.
R M. Wonderly. Councilman-tt L * r f«
G. W. Rrentnor,
George C. March.
C. J. Bradley.
I. G. Siugtetou.
G. L. Hopkins,
professional Carte
DR. W. L. Holloway
business (Taris
j f a l l s C it\> 1 b o t e l
Bohle’s B arber Shops
President’s Physician and Bride.
Washington, D. C.— President Wilson
delivered a Memorial Day addresa here
Tuesday, in which he defined the spirit
o f America, warned citizens o f foreign
birth not to set themselves against the
purposes of the nation, called upon
young men to perform voluntary m ili­
tary service and defended his recent
suggestion for an alliance o f nations to
preserve |>eace. He spoke at A rlin g­
ton National Cemetery before an au­
dience made up largely of C ivil War
veterans, who applauded him vigorous­
W hile he declared he had no harah-
ness in his heart for Americana o f
foreign birth and expected them still
to love the sources o f their origin, the
President said "A m erica muat come
first in every purpose we entertain and
every man muat count upon being cast
out o f our confidence, cast out even o f
our tolerance, who does not submit to
that great ruling prin ciple."
Speaking o f America, made up out
o f all the peoples of the world, a» the
champion o f the rights o f mankind, he
" W e are not only ready to co-oper­
ate, but we are ready to fight against
any aggression, whether from within
or without. Hut we must guard our­
selves against any sort o f aggreaaion
j which would be unworthy o f Amerira.
We are ready to fight for our rights
when these rights are coincident with
the rights o f man and hum anity."
The President reiterated his sugges­
tion before the League to Enforce
Peace last week that the United States
was ready to become a partner in any
(Copyright Edmoniton)
Dr. Cary T. Grayson, physician to President Wilson, was married to Mis* alliance o f the nations "w hich would
A lice Gertrude Gordon, o f Washington, at St. George's Episcopal church. guarantee public right against selfish
O f published criticisms
N ew York. May 24. The President and Mrs. Wilson, as well as Secretary aggression.
reminding him that George Washing­
and Mrs. McAdoo attended.
ton warned the nation against "e n ­
tangling alliances," he said:
" I shall never myaeif consent to an
entangling alliance, but would gladly
consent to a disentangling alliance, an
! alliance which would disentangle the
peoples o f the world from those com­
binations In which they seek their own
Washington, D. C.— The senate pass­ | figures, including $1,200,000 for the separate and private interests and
ed Tuesday the rivers and harbors ap­ mouth of the Columbia. The only new unite the people o f the world to pre­
propriation bill,
carrying approxi­ Northwest item is $140,000 for W il- serve the peace o f the world upon a
mately $43,000,000, by a vote o f 35 to lapa harbor. Its ultimate adoption is basis o f common right and justice.”
doubtful, in view o f Senator Jones’
32 after adding many amendments.
Universal training and preparedness
On the final passage Senators Cham­ vote against the bill, the amendment were |x>saible, Mr. Wilson declared,
berlain and Lane, o f Oregon, and Sen­ having been offered by him.
only if the men o f suitable strength
The bill w ill now go to a conference and age w ill volunteer.
ator Poindexter, o f Washington, vot­
He said the
ed for the bill, while Senator Jones, of of the two houses. The fight against "acid test” was about to be applied to
Washington, and Senators Borah and it, begun by Senator Kenyon, o f Iowa business men, too, whether they would
Illinois, allow their employes to volunteer. He
Brady, of Idaho, voted against the bill. and. Senator Sherman o f
The bill as passed carries all Ore­ gained strength until a final effort to said the army reorganization bill now
gon, Washington and Columbia river displace it with a substitute appropri­ before him bristled with that interro­
items as agreed to in the house, and ating a lump sum o f $30,000,000 was gation point, which he warned ail the
they are now assured at the original I defeated by only one vote.
business men o f the country was star­
ing them in the face.
The President said he was for "u n i­
versal voluntary tra in in g," but that
"A m erica does not wish anything but
the compulsion o f the spirit of Ameri
cm." He added that the people o f the
St. Paul — The wealth o f the late
London — A t the French headquar­ nation were watching each other, and
James J. Hill, who died Monday, is ters in the Balkans it was announced that a great many men, even when
estimated all the way from $100,000,- Monday that Bulgarians had occupied they did not want to, were ready to
000 to $500,000,000. He was worth the Greek forts o f Rupel, Dragotin stand and say "h e r e ."
probably between $200,000,000 and and Spatovo, and were advancing from
A mark here indicates that
your subscription is delinquent.
Please call and fix it.
M r. H a m a Seeker-
lames I. Hill’s Wealth tsti-
Big force of Bulgars Occupy
mated in Hundred Millions
Important Forts in Neutral Greece
Correspondents wanted in e v e ry
neighborhood in th is section of tna
Extra copies of The News are
printed each week, and w ill be sent
to any address desired, postpaid,
for 6 cents per copy.
Lour Killed When Wooden Awning
falls on Parade Spectators
An estimate o f Mr. H ill’s wealth
was furnished when, at the opening of
the European war, he called his bank­
ers together and displayed a mass of
his securities. More than $100,000,-
000 was said to have been in the boxes
he laid before his bankers.
"T h ere should be no trouble, ” said
Mr. Hill, "bu t i f there is, this amount
is at your disposal."
The First National bank then bor­
Mr. H ill $10,000,000
worth of Great Northern railroad
bonds. T hese were placed with the
Treasury department in Washington,
and $6,000,000 worth o f emergency
currency, allowed under the Aldrich
act, was shipped at once to the First
It was found neces­
London— Lieutenant Ernest Shackle- National bank.
ton, the Antarctic explorer, has ar­ sary to place only $126,000 worth of
In a few weeks
rived safely at Port Stanley, Falkland this in circulation.
the entire amount was returned to
The news that Lieutenant Shackle- Washington.
Mr. Hill had the absolute control of
ton was safe reached London shortly
after midnight Wednesday.
The mes­ the First National bank and the North­
sage from the explorer himself an­ western Trust company, which gave
nounced his arrival at Port Stanley.
j a combined capital and surplus o f $6,-
The message said his ship, the En- i 600,000.
He was a large owner o f stock in
durance, had been "crushed” in a Sea
ice floe last October but that it drifted the Chase'National bank o f New York,
until mid-winter when he and his First National bank Chicago, and me
party landed on Elephant Island in the j Northwestern Natoinal bank in Minne­
apolis. He wss a large owner o f the
South Shetland group.
The explorer le ft in a small boat \ Great Northern Steamship company.
The greatest portion o f Mr. H ill's
with five men a week later to summon
help, leaving 22 men behind.
A ll o f j wealth, however, was in stocks and
them were well but in a situation | bonds o f the Great Northern, North­
which demands the quickest possible ern Pacific and Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy railroads.
Demir-Hissar toward Kavalla.
information was received here in a
dispatch from Athens to the Exchange
Telegraph company.
The Greek forts Rupel and Dragotin
are, respectively, six and nine miles
north o f the town o f Demir-Hissar,
while Spatovo fort lies four miles east
o f that town. Kavalla, on which the
Bulgarians are said to be marching, is
a seaport on the Aegean Sea, 55 miles
in an air line southeast o f Demir-His­
A fte r crossing the Aegean Sea
without loes, the Serbian army in full
strength has been landed at Saloniki,
according to a dispatch.
Serbia’s new army has been various­
ly estimated numbering between 80,-
000 and 100,000 officers and men. It
was reorganized on the island o f Cor­
fu, which is approximately 700 miles
distant by water from Saloniki.
The Serbian army totaled about
300,000 at the outbreak o f the war,
but this force was greatly depleted as
a result o f an epidemic of typhus and
bitter engagements fought in an en­
deavor to check the Austro-German
and Bulgarian invasion o f Serbia and
Montenegro. The remnant o f the orig­
inal armies saved itself by retreating
through the Albanian mountains.
On reaching the seacoast, the Ser­
bians were transported to the Island of
Corfu, off the southern coast o f A l­
bania, where they were suppiled with
new rifles and clothing and efficiently
equipped for further service on the
Balkan battlefield.
London— More French defenses at
Verdun gave way before German bat­
terings Tuesday. Advancing over the
widest front yet covered west o f the
Meuse, the huge war machine o f the
Crown Prince settled down in fresh
positions to renew the grinding pro­
Paris admits the abandonment o f
Bethincourt-Cumieres road, which the
Germans have been seeking to break
since early in April.
The war office
conceded losses in the Caurettes wood
south o f Cumieres and on the slopes o f
Le Mort Homme.
German* Pierce French Lines.
Judge in Solomon Role.
Chicago— Jessie Bryan Thursday for
Berlin— French infantry attacks on
the first time saw the baby she cairns the German positions on the southwest
as her own, when in the arms of Mrs. i slope o f Dead Man’s H ill and on the
Anna Dolllie Ledgerwood Matters. The ! newly captured village o f Cumieres,
little girl was brought into the court­ i northwest o f Verdun, were repulsed
room on Federal Judge Landis’ order, Sunday with heavy losses to the at­
who is to decide which of the two wo­ tackers, says the official statement at
men shall be given the right to call the German army headquarters.
child her own. On charges o f attempt­
The statement adds that German re-
ing to foist the child on the Probate connoitering detachments penetrated
court as heir to the estate o f her late the lines of the entente allies at sev-
husband, Mrs. Matters recently was ac­ I eral points during the night, capturing
quitted. The Bryan girl claims the about 100 prisoners in the Champagne
child was taken from her in Canada.
Wreck Thefts Up Again.
Marshfield, Ore.— The wreck o f the
steamship Santa Clara last November
was recalled Tuesday by the report
that a deputy U. S. marshal is finish­
ing an investigation o f the rifling o f
mails at the time o f the wreck, and
that a large number have been sum­
moned to appear before Arthur Peck,
U. S. commissioner. The secret serv­
ice had an operator here the week fol­
lowing the wreck who took photographs
o f the scenes at the salving and se­
cured other interesting photographs
taken before his arrival.
President Visits Actors.
Baltimore — President Wilson came
here Tuesday to attend a theatrical
performance of the Friars’ Club, o f
N ew York, and for three hours he and
a group o f some o f the leading stars o f
the country were applauded by a crowd
which taxed the capacity o f the thea­
ter. The President’s appearance was
the signal for enthusiasm which was
continued as the actors made jokes at
his expense. The President went be­
hind the scenes and made a short
speech to the assembled actors and
shook hands with all.
Villa Pursuit Doubted.
Columbus, N. M.— L ittle credence is
placed by m ilitary authorities here in
reports from Chihuahua that Carranza
troops have discovered V illa in hiding
near Jiminez.
Several officers here
expressed their conviction that V illa is
still alive, but asserted that General
Pershing, expeditionary commander, is
in poesession o f information as to the
probable whereabouts o f the bandit
chieftain, which does not coincide with
that o f General Trevino.
Assassin's Plot Fails.
Berlin, (B y wireless to Sayville, N.
Y . ) — An unsuccessful attempt to as­
sassinate the Austro-Hungarian minis­
ter to Persia is reported in a Constan­
tinople dispatch to the Overseas News
agency Tuesday.
The attempt, according to the dis­
patch, was made by Djemel Bey, "w h o
several years ago was involved in the
assassination o f Mahmoud Schefket
Pasha, Turkish grand vixier and min­
ister of w ar.” '
British Food Limit Likely.
London— There is now believed to be
a possibility that the people o f the
British Isles will be placed on meat ra­
tions. Captain Ernest Pretyman, par­
liamentary under secretary for the
board o f trade, said in the house of
commons that although there was no
actual shortage, the existing high
prices arose from a deficiency due to
the requirements o f the forces in the
fie'd. The government, he added, was
review ing the situation carefully.
:O M E TO F A L L S C IT Y , O R E G O N
and Buy Orchard Land
Peace T rip Hint Is Denied,
Hoboken, N. J. — Gaston Plantiff,
business manager for Henry Ford, was
one o f the passengers who sailed
Thursday for Europe on the steamship
Frederick V I I I o f the Scandinavian-
American line.
Mr. Plantiff denied
that his trip was the forerunner o f an­
other peace expedition and said he was
going abroad to look over Bites where
it iB possible assembling plants may
be erected as branches o f Mr. Ford’s
Railroad Magnate Pisses at St. Paul
After Short Illness.
Northwest to Pay Tribute to Mem­
ory of Great Empire Builder.
Life Was Momentous.
St. Paul, Minn.—James J. Hill, one
o f the last o f the American empire
builders, died at his home here at 9:43
a. tn. Monday, Msy 29» follow ing an
operation for the removal o f a car­
buncle. On account o f hie age, 78
years, he was unable to resist success­
fully the shock o f the upvrstlon.
"T h e end ceme q u ick ly," said the
official bulletin.
"M r . Hill became
unconscious a few hours before. There
were no desth agon ies."
Mr. H ill’s death followed two opera­
tions upon his thigh to relieve inflam­
mation caused by s carbuncle. The
fact that an operation had been per­
formed Friday was kept secret until
Antarctic Explorer Shackleton
Arrives Safe at Port Stanley
Notice to News Subscribers
Dallas, T ex.— Four persons were
killed when a wooden awning collapaed
late Tuesday in front o f a store in the
heart o f the business district while an
immense crowd was witnessing a par
ade in favor o f preparedness.
A score were injurdH, several of
them probably fatally.
The crowd watching the parade had
surged forward at the approach of a
band. Persons standing on the awn­
ing, which was suspended by chains
over the sidewalk, crowded near the
edge and under the increased weight
the structure crashed to the ground
A t least a ton o f bricks and mortar
was torn loose from the wall behind.
More Defenses Give Way.
James J. HU1, "Em pire Builder.”
Monday. There was a second opera­
tion Saturday.
Dr. Herman Biggs,
New York state health commissioner,
hail been in attendance since Friday.
Mr. H ill's final collapse came with
startling suddenness. It was late last
week before a word o f his serious con­
dition was allowed to leak ouL Then
!t wss stated he was suffering from a
The Mayo brothers, surgical
specialists, were brought from Roches­
ter, Minn., for a consultation, and it
then developed that Mr. H ill waa
afflicted with an intestinal carbuncle.
Special trains began bringing friends
and relatives to the bedside. The beat
surgeons were summoned. I.ouif W.
Hill, president o f the Great Northern,
opened his residence next door for the
accommodation o f doctors and nurses.
Early Sunday afternoon Mr. Hilt ex ­
perienced a sinking spell. Rev. Father
Thomas J. Gibbons, pastor o f the St.
Paul cathedral and vicar general o f St.
Paul archdiocese, hastened to the bed­
side. Four hours later Mr. H ill was
said to have rallied.
A t 6 p. m. his
pulse was re|>orted improved. But at
9:30, 12 hours before his death was to
come. Doctors Biggs and Gilfillan an-
nouced that " t h e outlook was ex ­
trem ely serious."
St. Paul is preparing to honor Mr.
H ill’s memory. Every division point
o f the northwest is ready to pay trib­
ute in memorial ceremonies.
Facts In Life o f James Jeroma Hill.
1838— Born near Guelph, Ont.
L e ft father's farm for busi­
ness life in Minnesota.
1856-1865 — In steamboat office in
St. Paul.
Married Mary Theresa Mehe-
gan, of St. Paul.
1869- 75 — Head o f Hill, Griggs, A
Co., fuel and transportation.
1870- Established Red R iver Trans­
portation company, first to open com­
munication between St. Paul and W in­
Organized syndicate that se­
cured control o f the St. Paul A Pacific
railway from Dutch owners o f securi­
Reorganized road as St. Paul.
Minneapolis & Manitoba and became
its general manager.
1882-1890- President of this road,
which became part o f the Great North­
ern system.
1889-07— President o f the entire
Great Northern, which ¡he extended to
Puget Sound from Lake Superior, with
northern and southern branches and a
steamship line to the Orient.
1907-12— President o f Great North­
ern's board o f directors.
Elba Capital Bombarded.
Berin, by wireless to Sayville— Bom­
bardment o f Porto Ferrajo, capital of
the Island o f Elba, in the Mediterran­
ean, by an Austrian submarine, is re­
ported in a statement issued by the
Austro-Hungarian admiralty May 26«
The announcement says: " A n Autro-
Hungarian submarine on the morning
o f May 23 very successfully shelled
important blast furnacea at Porto
Ferrajo, on the Island o f Elba.
fire of the land battery was without
effect. The submarine later sank the
Italian steamer Washington."