Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 27, 1916, Image 3

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•A Y U N IVK R 8ITY J A P A N !« !
Rose Festival Visitors
Considered Orest Delicacy by N l^
pones«, Who Eat Puget Sound
Plant Like Asparagus.
■re cordtmlly invited to visit
University of Washington. — Tha
common fern or brake that grows in
the Puget Hound country la good to
eat, according to University of Wash­
ington Japanese students.
Japanese families have been gather­
ing the stems of the plant on the cam­
pus recently. They are boiled and
eaten like "tukl," the Nipponese rhu­
barb, or the American asparagus.
To take out the acid taste of the
fern, the stems are boiled In water,
to which ashes are added. When near­
ly cooked the water and ashes are
poured off. Clean boiling water ia
then poured an and the cooking la
called “ warabr' and la considered a
great delicacy. Warabi may be eaten
at once or it may be dried and stored
away for winter use. When mlzed
with oysters It la called "sho-yu,”
which means oyster sauce. The food
can be mlzed with moat meats, shell­
fish and vegetables.
Entire Fifth Floor, Tilford Bldg., cor. Tenth and Mormon HU., during
Festival, June 7, H, 0. All will be welcome. School in session all year.
Better Barrel
of Flour Cheaper”
S lith and Kvaralt Klraala
<4 M ock, f rum Union H utton)
Undur now m an aom anl
Every convenience
Private phones in every room
Convenient to business and shop­
ping districts
liy w eek o r m onth
R a t u SO«. 75 «, S 1 . 00 . $ 1.50
Money Making “ M ID G E T M A R V E L ”
R m b with Hath.
Koow with Detached Rath
SM Lumber Exchange, Portland, Or.
Made in Dutch sack wilhrlbow
derrm and high seek aad kmg
75 c th e s u it
If your dealer caaaot supply yoa.
Wa will »rad them, cl targe* prepaid
OD receipl of price. 75c each.
AA ~ F R E E
iw «r« o tlm imhnm Look (or
ih* Two Hoom oa the LobR.
Levi Strauss A Co., Sea Fmacisco
Evm If you ora bu.v on tha (arm. don't n d « l
vout Hairy, aanarlally Jurtn« tha hot tiara Maka
All Your Veal, Pork, Poultry,
Butter, Eggs, and Provisions.
« • • 'M GSASD fStrt tt tto
r F IX
H a ze lw o o d , Portland
H e n r y K v o r d l i if s ta r t e d thla bualnean
In 1N y 2 a rut c o n d u c t e d It u p to t w o
yettra itfgo, a t th e tim e o f hta d e a th ,
w h e n th e buatn oaa p a aa ed In to th e
Im nda o f th e K C. B s r n o i C o m p a n y ,
w h o r e c e n t ly Mold It to th e p rea en t
o w n e r . K M C r o n k h lte .
T h e Maine
r e p u t a t io n
fo r
g i v in g
fa r m e r «
Mtjuare d e a l In e v e r y In a ta n ce a n d
pn y lrig th e h ig h e s t m a r k e t p r ic e « at
a ll t im e s w ill b e m a in ta in e d .
tria l a h tp m e n t w ill m a k e y o u
s te a d y a n d s a t ls fle i! s h ip p e r t o th e
old K v e r d ln g I lo u s e , w h ic h ha s b een
In e x is t e n c e 44 y e a r «
W r it e fo r
s h ip p in g l a g s ( 'h e c k b y re tu r n m all.
P o r t la n d .
lo Sop orcuLuria Made in Hue
deaim. ai*d Hue and whse lurknff
•tripm fur «11 tke year round Abo
k«hur waagbt. ioa-color matevml ia
dark blue, cad«« blue, ua or dark rad
Breakfast sad lom rkeea
Dlaasr ,
F ron t
" R - u l fVKlirxI. hmkMul pUrtm,
■ m m nrt m.mlmi 1 « cUdrm I to
8 rmn ut M* Mtot, is om
The homelike «topping place
tor thoee who appreciate the
dollar'« fuU worth.
One man can run It. Kvery town should havs
on«. WHta.
K eep Kids Kleen
Flftli and W.ahlnatun Ma.. Fartlaad. Or.
A Whole flourin{ Mill for $ 2000 .
O regon.
Farmers, Ship
Your next lot o f V eal, H o f«, Poultry, Mohair,
W ool. Hid*«. Pol««. Etc., to S C H M A LZ. if vou
want better price«. Check mailed you day after
arrival. Market Information, tags, etc., promptly
supplied. Iteef hides. MHe lb., calf skins. ZAc It).
A«k your neighbor to try us. Wanted, '¿OU Veal
and Hogs. l'«*> Itrofl«n and H— . W rite today
for tags, mentioning this paper.
F. H. Schm als
A Co.
Paid-up capital 910.000.
Portland. Ore.
Tha batter tha CREAM, tha hatter tha (Mca
Dignlti,« of Office.
Tbia story—which ia perhaps true
and perhapa not—ia being told in
many Kalian mess rooms. On one of
his royal tours King Victor Kmmanuei
spent the night In a small country
town, where the people showed them­
selves unusually eager in caring for
his comfort. So when be had gone to
bed he was surprised to be wakened
by a servant who wanted to put clean
sheets on his bed. However, he wait­
ed good natured!y while it was done,
and wished the servant good night
He had dozed off to sleep when he
was roused for the second time by a
rap on the door and the servant re­
appeared. asking to change the sheets
Naturally the King asked why the
i change was made so often.
The ser­
| vant answered reverently: "For one's !
self one changes the sheets every ;
week, for an honored friend every
day, but for a king very hour."
W e want all you havs.
W rite for prices and '
shipping tags
S3 North fro n t St., Portland, O re.
B o u g h t, S o ld . R e n te d a n d R e p a ir e d
Humakia. cur. loth.
Portland. Ora.
He Wat Wise.
He had been calling on her twice a
week for six months, but had not pro­
posed. He was a wise young man, and
didn’t think It necessary.
"Ethel," he said, as they were tak­
ing a stroll one evening, “ I—er—am
going to ask you an Important ques­
"Oh, George," she exclaimed, "this
Is so sudden. Why, I------”
"What I want to ask ia this,” he in­
terrupted. “ What date have you and
your mother decided upon for our wed­
ding?*’— Detroit Saturday Night.
Made since 1846— Hanford's Balsam.
A young man who has theatrical as­
pirations loves to boast of his connec­
tions with the stage business.
In company with some traveling p e r
formers in the lounge of a hotel, not
long since, the young man carelessly
"Oh, yes, I took a show out once."
But the wind was knocked out of
his sails when one of the actors asked
"Who brought It back?”— Philadel­
phia Public Ledger.
If you can’t get Hanford's Balsam of
Myrrh write: O. C. Hanford Mfg. Co.,
Syracuse, N. Y. Two sizes: 60o and
«1.00. Adv.
Tread work, and the hlghcat market
for junk.
Ship your Tlrea at once or w rite ua.
OREGON VULCANIZING CO.. SS0 W.«Ufi«a St. PwtUafL Ora. makes
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
weak women strong, sick women
well, no alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid.
Portland Y. M. C. A. Auto School
Day and night classes. E xpert training
In repairing, driving and machine work.
Including forge, lathe, shaper, drill press,
tractors, etc. Time unlimited. COMPE­
1915 ■SSÄ®* w $395
1915 rZ zL , $335
1914 f c S Ä S » . $295
1914 FT ä r £ r ' $275
1913 ZSL $245
& r M $295
East 13 t» St H .w t h o m . A t «.,
P. N. U.
No. 22, ISIS
vrltfas to sdvsrtlsm
" O— tkk qswr.
*4sss» mm-
Portland — Wheat — Blues tern, 99c
per bushel; fortyfold, 92c; club, 90c;
red Fife, 90c; red Russian, 90c.
Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy, $24
0424.60 per ton; valley timothy, $216(
22; alfalfa, old crop, $176(18.
Mi life « !— Spot prices- Bran, $266$
26.60 ptr ton; shorts, $296429.60;
rolled barley, $31.606(32.60.
Corn— Whole, $36 ton; cracked, $37.
Vegetables— Artichokes, $1 dozen;
tomatoes, $4.26 per crate; cabbage,
$2.60648 per hundred; garlic, 10c per
pound; peppers, 26c; eggplant, 2064
26c; horseradish, 8ftc; lettuce, $264
2.40 per crate; cucumbers, $16(1.26
per box; spinach, «646c per pound; as­
paragus, 90c6($1.26 per dozen; rhu­
barb, 11642c per pound; peas, 7|6(8c;
beans, 12ftc; celery, $3.60 per crate.
Potatoes — Jobbing prices; Oregon,
$1.60641.76; California, new, 36434c
per pound.
Onions—Oregon, $1.606(2 per sack;
California red, $2.26.
Green Fruit— Strawberries, Oregon,
$2.60643 per crate; apples, $16(1.76
per box; gooseberries, 46c per pound;
cherries, $11.76 per box; canteloupea,
$6 per crate; apricots, $22.26 per box.
Eggs — Jobbing prices:
ranch, candled, 2316424c per dozen;
uncandled, 23c.
Poultry— Hens, 16@16ic per pound;
stags, 12c; broilers, 266(30c; turkeys,
live, 186420c ; turkeys, dressed, choice,
286(26; ducks, 166(18c; geese, 10c.
Butter — Extras, prints, 27 6( 29c;
firsts, 26c; cubes, 246(26c; butterfst.
No. 1, 27c; No. 2, 26c, delivered Port­
land; store butter, 186(20c.
Veal— Fancy, 11c per pound.
Pork— Fancy, 11c per pound.
Hops— 1916 crop, 1 0 @ llc ; 1916 con­
tracts, 116421c.
Wool— Eastern Oregon, 206(30c per
pound; valley, 836436c.
Cascara Bark—Old and new, 4c per
Cattle — Steers, choice gTsin and
pulp, $8.906(9; choice hay, $8.60 @
8.86; choice grass, $8 @ 8.60; good,
$8.166(8.60; medium, $7.606(8; cows,
choice, $7.606(7.76; good, $6.75<gl7.26;
medium, $6.266(7.26; heifers, $5.506$
8; bulls, $3@6; stags, $4.606(7.
Hogs — Prime light, $8.906(9.10;
good to prime, $8.60 @ 8 .8 5 ; rough
heavy, $86(8.50; pigs and skips, $7^0
E F F I C I E N T - n
Must be provided when the
Appetite is Poor
The Digestion W eak
The Liver Lazy and
The Bowels Constipated
= TR Y =
H O S T E T T E R ’S
It is an excellent tonic, appe­
tizer and stomach medicine.
Get The Genuine
Long and Narrow.
"Our friend with an eye to the main
chance baa a long head.”
"Yea,” replied Miss Cayenne; "but
Isn't having too long a head likely to
make a man narrow-minded?”— Wash­
ington Star.
Buffalo, N.Y.—" My daughter, whose
picture ia herewith, was much troubled
with pains in her
back and sides every
month a n d t h e y
would sometimes be
so bad that it would
seem like acute in­
flammation o f some
o r g a n . She read
your advertisement
in the newspapers
and tried Lydia E.
Pinkham’s V e g e ­
t a b l e Compound.
She praisea it highly as she has been
relieved o f all these pains by its use.
All mothers should know o f this remedy,
and all young girls who suffer should
try i t ” —Mrs. M attlda KURTZWEG, 529
High S t, Buffalo, N. Y.
Young women who are troubled with
painful or irregular periods, backache,
headache, dragging-down sensations,
fainting spells or indigestion, should
take Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable
Compound. Thousands have been re­
stored to health by this root and herb
Mors Businesslike.
"You never encourage mud slinging
In a campaign.”
"No,” replied Senator Sorghum; "If
you’re going to throw something,
throw a rock."—Washington Star.
I f yon know o f any yonng w o­
man w ho la sick and needs h elp-
fnl advice, ask her to w rite to the
Lydia E. IHukham M edicine Co..
Lynn, Mass. Only women w ill
reçoive her letter, and It w ill bn
ba ld In strictest confidence» __„
"I’d like to see that office boy of
mine 30 years from now.”
"Why so?”
“ He ought to make a wonder as a
tired business man."— Louisville Cour­
Lesson In Floriculture.
"DaJ, what do they mean by peren­
nial’ "
“ Continuing from year to year,” an­
swered pop.
"Like my hat,” Interpoaed ma.
And then there waa a deep, porten­
tous silence.— Louisville Courier-Jour­
For sprained wrist rub on and rub In
Hanford's Balsam thoroughly. Adv.
It tells you how to save money on your stump blast­
ing. It shows in 40 illustrations the most effective ways1
o f preparing charges, loading and blasting stumps with
S T U M P I N G — A G R IC U L T U R A L .
This valuable book was written especially to suit Western
conditions—by men who have blasted hundreds of acres of
stumps like yours. It contains many letters from Pacific Coast
farmers, telling why they prefer the Giant Farm Powders.
Moke This Test: Get a 25- or 50-!b. case of either of the Giant Farm
Powder«—Giant Stumping for wet work and Eureka Stumping, which costs less,
for dry work (also u»ed by careful blasters for wet work). Get another caie of
any other powder. Blast with both and you mil find that Giant Farm Powders
go further and therefore cost leu.
Dealers everywhere carry Giant Farm Powder* in stock, or can secure them.
If yours does not we will see that you are supplied.
R n n l n U ____ We issue five helpful books on blasting—Stump
* ™
D O O I k » X I C C . Blasting, Boulder Blasting, Better Orchard
Tillage, Subsoil Blasting and Ditch Blasting. Choose the ones that you prefer
and write for them today, NOW, before you lay this aside. A post card will do.
1 T H E G IA N T P O W D E R C O „ C O N „ oi?K. San Francisco
" E veryth in g fo r B loatin g ”
BRANCH OFFICES : 3— ttU. S p o k u .. P o c t W . S «k U k a City. D m
Olympia, Wash. — For the whole
state of Washington this year’s fruit
crop is from one week to two weeks
later than normal, according to Assist­
ant State Commissioner o f Agriculture
Morrison. Soft fruits were materially
damaged by the hard frost of May 10,
11 and 12. The cold weather o f last
winter did more damage than the
frosts of spring, however.
cherry, raspberry, blackberry and lo­
ganberry crops are predicted for West-
! ern Washington.
Reports from Yakima county place
the apple crop there at 65 per cent of
a maximum crop, pears at 63 and
peaches at 40 per cent. Cherries are
cut down to 18 per cent, prunes and
plums 40 and apricots 26. Notwith­
standing general damage to Washing­
ton apple orchards, it is estimated that
increased acreage in bearing will pro­
duce more carloads of fruit this year
than were shipped lost season.
“H E A L T H ”
Washington Fruit Crop Is Late.
stimulates the generative organs and is a pow ­
erfu l breeding tonic, insures easy calving and
cleaning and prevents milk fever, inflamed
bag and in fa ct any disease that may attack a
cow when in a weakened condition. Kow
Konditioner will increase the flow o f milk 6
to 15 per cent w ithout an increase in feeding.
Dr. Koriaek'B C alf Scour aad Cholera Rem­
edy will insure your calves against ca lf scours,
white scours and calf cholera, and make them
Dr. Korinek’a Anti Cow Bloat Capsules save hundreds o f cow s yearly from dying o f alfalfa A
clover bloat. Ask your dealer for KORINEK*S REMEDIES, they are guaranteed, or write to
KORINEK REMEDY CO. k * .. sut* Portland, Oregon
K ill A ll F lie s !
T hey « prend
Pise«] an y w har*. Delay Fly Ridar a t t r it a sod kills all
«««I. convenían t, and «hasp.
Lóala ail a— oo . Hada
$ M ia i, ca« t apula*
r Daisy Fly Killer
«•after«, er
«oratiti, I N
mm. prépaie. |l.M.
M n f t l Ave., Breeklyn, n . T.
Granulated Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by eipo-
sure to Sas, Oast and Viaft
r n n
quickly relieved by Marias
r V
c S
tys kernedy. No Smarting,
]u,t Eye Comfort. A t
Your Druggist*« 50c per Bottle. Narlst ty#
Salve in Tubes 2 5 c. For BeoksilkeEyefreesik
Druggists or Martas Eyt Bsotofty C s„ Chicago
q e
In Doubt.
Fooled Her.
She talked and talked and talked.
Hub (feigning complaint)— It isn’t
Hogs Sell Dime Higher This Week.
Till he said to himself with a groan: like what mother------
Wife (interrupting sharply)—Tom,
An increase o f 10,000 hogs to date “Ye gods! have I married a woman,
Or is it a gramophone?”
you know how that remark annoys
this month over 40,000 gain for the
me! What isn’t?
year looks as if not all the hog raisers
Hub—Why, in your housecleaning,
had “ absolutely” gone out of business W h a t to D o for
dear. You don't make half the muss
yet, says the Portland Live Stock Re­
Your Itching Skin and discomfort mother used to make.
porter. The post week wasn’t very
Eczema, ringworm and similar itch­ — Boston Transcript
strong os for as prices were concerned.
ing, skin eruptions are so easily made
Barely a nine-cent level was main­ worse by improper treatment, that one
Rub It On and Rub It In.
tained after Monday and from Thurs­ has to be very careful. There is one
For lame back and soreness, sprains
day $8.95 was about the top.
method, however, that you need not and strains, sore throat and stiff neck,
Hog trade opened up briskly on a hesitate to use, even on a baby’s ten­ you must rub on and rub in thorough­
curtailed receipt basis. Quite a num­ der skin— that is, the resinol treat­ ly Hanford’s Balsam of Myrrh. Re­
ber o f hogs were weighed up to pack­ m ent Resinol is the prescription of member that one good application at
ers on arrival, buyers being anxious a Baltimore doctor, put up in the form first is better than several light ones.
for their supplies. Packers' first bids of resinol ointment and resinol soap. Adv.
This proved so remarkably successful,
were at $8.906(8.95, but as high as that fltousands of other physicians
Chance For a Hug.
$96(9.10 on on excellent load was real­ have prescribed it constantly for over
"Men have such queer slang. Now
ized later as the market warmed up. 20 years.
this article speaks continually of the
Butchers’ bid was up to $9.10 on ordi­
Resinol stops itching instantly, and main squeeze.
Doesn’t that sound
nary quality.
Bulk of the packer almost always heals the eruption nonsensical?" >
quickly and at little co s t
stuff, however, brought $8.966(9.
"Oh, I don’t know,” said the other
ointment and resinol soap can be girl. "Main squeeze sounds rather
bought at any druggist's, and are not nice to me. I think I’d like to meet
Mohair Season Now Nearly Over. at all expensive.
one of them.”
Portland — The few lota of mohair
Silly Fellow.
remaining in the Willamette valley
The Wifely View.
are being taken up at reduced prices.
“ My dear, what do you think I
"You are the only girl that can make
The aggregate quantity remaining un­ me happy.”
bought you? A nice cook book.”
sold is Bmall and should quickly be dis­
“ A man buying a cook book? My
"Are you sure?”
posed of.
"Yes, I have tried all the others."— word, that canvasser must have been
a peach.”— Kansas City Journal.
There is criticism in some quarters Philadelphia Record.
of a local buyer who made the an­
nouncement that he would pay only 36
cents this week, and charges o f manip­ H O T W A T E R A N D “ A N U R IC ”
ulation are mode. The growers will
B E F O R E M E A L S -A N D H E A L T H
remember, however, that it was this
and especially [ instructed' us that In case of sickness,
same buyer who started the advance at
the opening o f the season, and was re­ those who are past middle age are ’ resort to Dr. Pierce's dependable
sponsible, more than anyone else, in prone to eat too much meat and in con household prescriptions. These med­
icines as put up for sale by druggists
getting the farmers more money for sequence deposit lime-salts In their have never been recommended os
their mohair than they ever before re­ arteries, veins and joints. They often "cure-alls.” but only as superior rem­
ceived. It is his privilege to reduce suffer from twinges of rheumatism or edies for certain common and easily-
his buying price at this time, when lumbago, sometimes from gout, swol­ recognised diseases. Had these medi­
the suppy is practicalliy exhausted, if len hands or Teet. Such people are cines been adapted to all classes and
not always able to exercise sufficient­ forms of chronic diseases there would
he sees fit.
ly In the outdoor air or drink enough have been no necessity for organizing
pure water in order to sweat freely a competent staff of expert physicians
Fund From Estray Cattle.
and excrete impurities thru the skin. and surgeons, to act in the treatment
From a fund o f $90,000 received in Dr. Pierce has conducted experiments of difficult, obscure and complicated
payment of strayed cattle that roamed ind thoroughly tested a uric acid sol­ cases of chronic diseases, as Dr. Pierce
the ranges of Montana, all but $7000 vent at his Invalids' Hotel and Surgi­ maintains in his Invalids’ Hotel and
cal Institute which he is convinced is Surgical Institute. Of his home rem­
has been 'paid to rightful owners. many times more potent than lithla— edies the most widely known are his
When these cattle were shipped the :hls he named "Anurtc." It can be had “ Favorite Prescription” for womanly
troubles and run-down conditions pe­
board o f stock commissioners sta­ at almost all drug stores by simply
asking for Dr. Pierce’s Anuric for kid­ culiar to the womanly sex; his "Golden
tioned at every market point an in­ neys or backache. It will overcome Medical Discovery,” the greatest of
spector who took the brand o f every such conditions as rheumatism, drop­ all herbal system tonics and vltallzera,
animal unloaded from Montana and sical swellings, cold extremities, scald­ for stomach, liver and blood disorder«,
also received from the commission ing and f u m i n g urine and sleepless­ os well as his “ Pleasant Pellets,” the
house a copy of its report, showing the ness du R to constant need of getting tiny, tonlo laxatives, overcoming con­
stipation and cleansing the system of
net return for each animal sold.— out of bed at night
Our grandmothers have told our poisons and accumulations In tha
Portland Live Stock Reporter.
mothers and our mothers have in turn bowels.
MAY »»010 PUN
Double Tread, Puncture Proof Tires
------------------------- -------------------------- N
Work of Supererogation.
"What do you think of training girl«
In military camps?”
"They don’t need It
Why, they
take to fighting as instinctively as a
duck takes to water. I know plenty of
women who have never had a minute's
military training in their lives and yet
look at them in the meetings of wo­
men's patriotic societies.”—Baltimore 6 ( 6 .
Sheep — Yearlings. $8.266(9; weth­
ers, $86(9.05; ewes, $76(8.26; lambs,
Leading Up.
Maude— What makes you think hi*
Intentions are serious?
Mabel—When he first began to call
Journeyman John Plane was having he used to talk about the books I like
a quiet smoke when the foreman hap­ to read.
pened to pass.
Maude— And now.
For obstinate sores use Hanford's
Foreman— I say, Plane, why ain’t
Mabel—Now he talka about the
Balsam. Adv.
you getting on with your Job?
things he Jikea to cat.—Life.
J. P.—I don't like this Job, gaffer.
The Only Kind.
I'm a conscientious objector.
Foreman—What the deuce do you
"I've come serosa a man who knows
mean by a conscientious objector?
how to manage his wife."
J. P.—I have a conscientious objec­
“ Lead me to him at on ce!"
“ Can't; this isn't visiting day at his tion to hanging doors.—London Ideas.
asylum."— Baltimore American.
A Flying Squadron.
“ I wonder why they ordered us to
Newport,” said the commodore.
"What do you mean?" Inquired tha Need Only Trust to Lydia E.
Maito from your old one*. Last Ion«
flag lieutenant.
as Bran Now Tima. WK AI BO BUY
Pinkham’s Vegetable Com­
OLD TIERS» W * pay aa high aa lOo "It’s out o f season and nobody Is giv-
pound, says Mrs. Kurtz weg.
par lb. for such as wo can use In Double ing a dance."— Kansas City Journal.