. S /■ : 4 ï ALLS CITY VOL. XII PALLS CITY No. 40. OREGON. SATURDAY. MAY 27, 191« — UP SALT r iv e r . HOW TO 1)0 AWAY WITH ANARCHISTS. Then* lived in California in the M E PRESIDENT'S OPPORTUNITY. M ILL TO START JU LY I. There has been so many rumors Saturday was a busy day in in regard to the mill at this place I f our laws were administered fifties a fiery, eccentric, recklessly Dallas. As the sun topped the resuming operations that the mere eastern hills u long procession brave, and quick to quarrel, but impartially amongst friends and mention o f the much wished for foes as wells as between the rich was seen to emerge from the kindheartod old chap named Col- and the poor, if our lawmakers ¡event is regarded aa a joke. It is count v court house and meander I on®l Ciift. He hud a great stock would do away with all freak leg- “ wolf, wolf.’ However, it is re­ toward the LaCreole where the ranch and his blood horses were flation and award to no one | ported that the logging good ship Constitution lay at her many o f them famous racers. . . . ... equipment . moorings ready for a trip up Salt They were his lo\e and at every special privileges, if our courts and logging camps will be ready state fair he and they were among! would administer the law accord- for operation by the first o f the River. Prominent among the group the most sought for attractions. 1 ing to its spirit rather than its month and that the mill will Regardjess o f the fact that shoes are advancing was Attorney B. F. Swope; in one He was growing old but if he real- letter, we would cease to have actually begin to make sawdust in price we will fo r the next 10 days allow you a hand he carried u copy o f “ Para­ ¡zed that fact he never admitted any anarchists. -Oregon L a w by the first o f July. We would it. School Journal. not wager much real money on discount o f 10 per cent on shoes and Oxfords with dise Lost” and the other he fum­ A t one state fair, early one; - *-be truth o f this report but it the exception o f white rubber sole shoes. bled a well worn copy o f the late looks fairly reasonable from the morning two young men enguged : Election Laws. A t his right was A CHRISTIAN NATION Our shoes are solid leather and neat workman­ constructive work going on that W. 1. Reynolds, who had just in a fist fiight. A rush was mude | Recently in an Oklahoma the company expect to get their ship and it is to your interest to look to your foot­ joined the crowd after mailing to separate them, when over the | county seat town a 19-year old money back by doing something of wear needs at this time as special discount prices do letters o f “ Schools Visited.” C. clumor the stentorian voice of Col- boy stealing a ride on a freight the kind. not last long, our only object being to reduce present R. V'amfield was currying his sur- onel G ift was heard crying: “ Let train was thrown beneath t h e ---------------------- veying instruments and was ’em fight; it will do them good.” large stocks. IMPORTANT TO SHIPPERS. Ijater, day, studying a chart o f Salt River liiter, the same u « j, Colonel w>wn>i „ wheels . and his , arm . mangled.! , . .... ...... showing the shoals and rapids, was having his horn s paraded ■ ‘ H‘ The following ordinance was the officials Rill Himes walked near with his and was calling attention to their hl posted in the S. P., depot here by w as no money chain Mrs Metzirer and W. J. special excellence, when a chap,.. , , . , . , the Wells Fargo Co., in regard to cnain. mr . nat g who did not know the colonel or I ,n treasury and refused to do Clark were discussing the ques- who did not Know the colonel or •. WOB the shipping o f meat. aa Ordinance No. 31461, providing tion o f the final perseverance o f his ways, made what the colonel anything. hmalb first aid given by the railroad surgeon and for the inspection of meat, which the Saints, and Winnie was waiv­ deemed a sneering remark at orders were received to take him liecame effective on recent date, ing her friends goodbye and tell­ which the colonel made a rush for High grade canned Sour Kraut, special 10 to the company’s hospital where requires that shipment o f veal, ing them that she would be back him and struck him. The aston­ he died shortly after arriving, An excellent canned Peach, special 15 sheep, goats and dressed hogs in time for the county fair. Dr. ished man seized the colonel by from the shock, it was stated. the arms and crushed him to the Dunsmore was consoling himself shall have attached certain inter­ Bottle o f good Catsup, special 15 bv reading Psalms 75:10. Mackin ground without hurting him, and j l’ lU " 1oni 1,kely fro™ nal organs as follows: y : : U..I ....... hold him Any town or community that will Sunshine Flour $1.30 went quietly but refused to be held him there Calves—shall have the liver, stand on a matter like that and O f course there was a rush to comforted. Geo. Wells inquired navel and kidneys attached to the see a human being weltering in . . . ... , , ubout the roads and when told rescue the colonel when a neigh-.. . carcasses by their natural attach­ • . that the trip was to be made by bor who knew him and loved him. h,s « w " blood and die o f neglect ments. should be treated to a dose of boat relapsed into a gloomy but who had been i resent at the . Sheep and Goats-shall have at what Sodom and Gomorrah got. silence from which he could not morning episode, shouted "L e t the least the liver and kidneys attach­ be aroused. Slim Brown arrived young men fight! Let ’em fight! It ed to the carcasses by their na- just as the moorings were cast will do them good, SHOULD SWEEP HIS OWN DOORSTEP turai attachments. otf and barely got al>oard. Sandy The colonel cried out; “ Do not An attorney who is so jealous Hogs—may be shipped without Taylor shouted and told them mind that d - d fool; take him off!” o f the progress o f young law stu- the internal organs, but the body “ Meeting and Beating Competition” . to look out for bear tracks and as A t the convention which four dents that he insists that only lymphatic glands must not be re­ the boat and crew dimmed in the years ago nominated Mr. Wilson men o f his particular caste should moved. distance the town band struck up I for president the platform adop- pass upon the qualifications o f ^5aid Ordinance further provides the tune, ’ ’The Girl I L e ft Be- ted, and which Mr. Wilson accep­ applicants for admission to the that each and every carcass shall NOTICE OF SALE ON EXECUTION by W. H. Boals and recorded on ted and ran on, contained a plank bar, an attorney who exacts from have attached thereto a card set- hind M e.” page 428 o f volume 3 o f the Rec­ intended to prevent a president the rising young lawyer qualifica-. Hng forth the name and address By virtue o f a writ o f execu­ ord o f Satisfaction o f Mortgages from immediately running for a tions that he at no time ever of the shipper, and the place tion against the real property o f said County. THE FIRST TEST. second term. But it has been possessed, an attorney who, in where the animal was slaughter­ hereinafter described, duly issued Notice is hereby given that on The first test to show the align­ made clear on many occasions by by the County Clerk of" Polk M O N D A Y , the 19th day o f June. addressing a body o f pupils at a ed. ment o f the voters o f the country his w'ords and acts that the presi- : County, Oregon, on the 17th day 1916, at the hour o f one o ’clock high school on Lincoln, is corn-1 on the national issues o f the year eif an(j ¡n the name o f the great Richard Paul left Tuesday for No. 41, in Township 8 South. by paper dealers and manufac­ Europe had not brightened the republic call upon those belliger- The result o f the primary elec­ Roseburg where he will look after I Range 6 West o f the Willamette turers o f a probable paper fam­ business sky in America— and ents to call a truce, cite to them tion does not indicate that Wilson some timber land. Meridian, in the County o f Polk ine, and even our Uncle Samuel the Republican candidate was the impotence of further fighting will have the walk-over in Oregon Oscar Snelson of Salem was in and State o f Oregon, and bound­ has urged the necessity o f eco­ elected. and in the name o f their millions at the November election that the city Tuesday trying to rent ed and described as follows, nomy in the use o f papers. The As the State election in Oregon o f widows and orphans and their some of his enthusiastic suppor­ to-wit: Beginning at a point price o f paper has soared and on in the spring o f 1888, foretold starving poor, in the name o f hu­ ters imagined. The people are his property here. w hich is 32.00 chains South and many grades the price has more the fate of the first Cleveland ad­ Nettie Graham who has been manity demand a halt and call not so sure that a continual “ hack 25.00 chains West from the North than doubled. Investigation o f ministration and as the Rhode ■ ■ ^ . Island spring election o f 1896 upon the neutral nations to join mg-up policy is the nght one attending school at Gaston, return­ east corner o f said Claim; thence price&^paid .by dealers in waste si elled the doom o f the second him in one great cry for peace, even if you desire to keep out o f ed home Wednesday. South 18 80 chains; thence W est papers reveal the fact that they Cleveland regime, so this Con- whether effective or not, it would war, Mrs. Mason o f Montana who 5.00 chains; thence North 18.80 are paying for old books and the gressionnl election in West \rir- bring ^ more lasting glory ---------------------- has been visiting here for some chains; thence East 5.00 to the better grade o f magazines a price S n î r l l ,9r ï S l V T 0thîi<' ¿ I l s to ,han a dozf ' nominations ever I f you were living in Germany time has returned home. place o f beginning, containing that hardly pays drayage to ftie November. i could.—Goodwin s Weekly. and desired to take daily paper Mrs. Henry Horn left Wednes­ 9.40 acres, more or less; subject, depot, and on old newspapers they Especially significant is t h e ---------------------- you could do so only by returning day for Washington where she however, to the right o f the will not quote a price on less than fact that the Progressive candi- England does not api>ear to be it after reading it that it might be will join her husband who is em­ public to travel and use, as an car-load lots. The frugal house­ date who opposed the Republican . re-ground and made into paper ployed there. open and unobstructed roadway, w ife who has anticioated a bttle nominee in the district in 1914 ; quite so rambunctious as she was again. a strip o f land 20 feet wide off pin money from the sale of accum­ A memorial and peace day ser­ was found this year cordially sup- ;l year ag0. Nothing but the utter the North side o f said parcel of ulated witste papers will, doubt­ vice will be held in the M. E. porting the Republican ticket. destruction o f the German empire land; and excepting therefrom less continue to adorn her shelves Church on next Sunday, May 28th Uon in’ N o v L m Ïe r" A reunited would satisfy. Now she thinks it Whether or nota late Easter the 40 ft. strip o f land released and kindle fires with old papers as at 11 A. M. Special sermon will Republican party is about to win probable that if Germany will be has anything to do with a late for railroad purposes, as des­ she has been doing before the be preached by Rev. W. J. W ar­ one o f the greatest victories in real good that she will permit i t , spring, we certainly have had a c rib e d in an instrument executed paper famine. ren. its history. ! exist. ' late Easter and a late spring. SHOE SALE JI > SPECIALS IN GROCERIES. S e lf’s Cash Price Store, i