VOL. XII FALLS eiTY NEWS KALLS CITY OREGON. SATURDAY. MAY 13. 191« No. 38. ment of debts, which Euro|>ean Pope Said To Have threatened to collect by In contracting the foreign |»olicy nations blockade. creditors get their To the Editor: Influenced Wilton udvocated by ex-President Roose­ money and The Santo Domingo gets Sherman «aid, "W ar ia Hell.” velt with that which has been fol­ more money out of its 45 per cent Effort« of Peintiff at Rome Largely He waa mistaken. Wur ia worse lowed by President Wilson, many of than hell. Hell is a place, where, udmirers of the latter say: "If the revenue than it formerly Instrumental in Securing Aoeept after Judgement day, the wicked Roosevelt hud lieen President, he got out of 100 per cent. The re­ aneo of Qermany’e Submarine are to tie punialaed according to would have got iih into war long public also retains the sacred right Pledge«. what they deserve. Hut in war ago." They draw that conclusion of revolution, of which Mr. Wilson the innocent are punished, and from his utterances as a private has deprived Haiti but which he Rome, May 9.- 'That Pope Ben­ the instigators of the bloody car­ citizen. We huve a better basis has scrupulously preserved for edict’s efforts were largely instru­ nage go unpunished. War will on which to found an opinion his Mexico at great coat of American mental in inducing President Wil­ never cease a« long as men are policy when in the White House, life and property. Mr. Wilson son to accept fiermany’s new unregenerate, and the nations when he was actually res|saisible has gone far beyond Colonel Roose­ pledges regarding her submarine glorify war by putting the laurel for the peace and safety of the velt, for he has killed many Hai­ warfare was learned by the In­ wreath on the brows of those who Nation. He did not get us into tians, taken the custom houses by ternational News Service today send Bhot and shell crashing thro’ war throughout the seven and one- force, set up a stable government from a reliable Vatican source. under American protectorate and Rolled oats, per sack the bodies of men. half years he was President; he organized a constabulary under The information declared the Men are horrified at the disre­ made our territory and our inter­ Heavy shorts, per sack ix>pe expressed a desire to the gard of international law and' ests safe; he settled several dan­ American officers. president through the papal dele­ Bran, per sack treaty obligations by the beliger- gerous disputes amicably and In settling the Japanese school gate at Washington, Monsignor dispute, Gikinel Roosevelt avoided ont powers engaged in the present when he left the White House the Wheat, per pound no. — Portland Journal. war. But the necessities of war relations of the United States what Mr. Hard calls "that porcu­ Boza Admirers of Wilson have boast­ Sunshine Flour, per sack recognize no law, either human or with other nations were better pine, the published diplomatic note, ed that nothing, political or other­ divine, as too sacred to break. It than they had been in many years, armed with a thousand quills and wise, could swerve him from his Bluestem Flour, per sack is utter folly for men to think that our influence in the world was everyone of them poisoned.” He duty to humanity, yet the above Olympic Flour, per sack men frenzied by the spirit and greater and his counsel was sought arranged matters personally, but is the most merciless arraingment exigencies of war will respect law, by the nations of Europe in set­ "it began to be thought in Japan of his integrity that has yet been White Mountain, per sack justice, or humanity. War is en­ tling their quarrels. He was that the United States feared made. It was pretty generally tirely outside of God’s purpose, awarded the Nobel peace prize Japan,” so he inspired respect for i agreed by W ilson adherents that and is not amenable to any law or and 250 of the greatest men in our country by sending the battle the German not was evasive and obligation. France presented him with "a fleet on a friendly visit, with the insult to munition making peo­ Terrible as is the present war token of their recognition of the result that "the Americans were an that the only honorable way Save Cash Register Coupons they represent in ita destruction of human li£* persistent initiative he has taken delighted; the Japanese were more ple. was to break diplomatic relations, money. and ita disregard of the restraints| toward gradually substituting delighted.” i It however, that a little of law and justice, yet this war is friendly and judicial for violent In the Fanama affair the alter­ hint seems, from Rome and the scene as nothing in comparison to the i methods in case of conflict be­ native to preventing the landing i changes, as it did when a significant and terrible things that tween nations.” How did he do of Colombian troops was landing hint from even England that to declare American troops to keep transit will immediately follow the pres­ it? armed merchantmen to be war­ ent conflict. New and startling His methods are admirably de­ open. If the latter course had ships would very seriously disturb developments will come quickly. scribed by William Hard in an l>een adopted, there would have his Majesty’s plans to starve the Mon everywhere will be ready to article in the Metropolitan Maga­ lieen three armies on the isthmus ‘dutchmen;’ and a tip from the condemn the old regime as a total zine. In the Alaska boundary dis­ —American, Colombian and Pana­ Mikado that a certain clause in "Meeting and Beating Competition”. failure, and unfit to rule humanity. pute he rejected arbitration lie- manian—and there would have the immigration bill was not pleas­ Remedies of all kinds will be sug­ cause it admitted of no comprom­ been much bloodshed, ending in ing in his sight and if it w as not gested to avert future wars, and ise and because of “the fatal ten­ Panama as an American protecto­ changed he, the to usher in a reign of universal dency of arbitrators to compro­ rate. He says: “As things were, Mikado, was immediately liable to become very it became so without any blood­ and lasting peace. All kinds of mise,” to use John Hay’s phrase. angry. The President did right shed at all.” GREAT SALE OF extensive religious combinations He arranged settlement by a joint the German note, but will be effected in order to guide commission, equally divided be­ The fact is emphasized that in he accepting have been influenced by the ship of state over the turbu­ tween the United States and only once did Roosevelt send an his should JEWELRY own conception of right and ultimatum. That was. "Perdi- lent political seas. Attempts will \ Great Britain, relying on one of not through_any real or imaginary lie made to have the voice of the the British commissioners, Lord caris alive or Raisuli dead.” Mr. influence the Pope of Rome may Having bought out the John G. Barr Jewelry Store we are Hard thus tersely tells the result; church dictate legislation, and Chief Justice Alverstone, to seize have in electing the next president. conducting a great stock reducing saie before beginning extensive “ It was sent on June 22. On June have the civil officers submit to this “last chance for an honorable improvements in the store. We have made prices low enough to 27 Perdicaris, released by Raisuli, the decrees of the church, and and graceful retreat from an ab­ move the goods quicklv. It will pay you to attend this sale. cabled his thanks.” regard its pronouncements as an solutely untenable ixcsition." He MASONS BANQUET equivalent to a "Thus saith the won, for Lord Alverstone voted The Roosevelt diplomacy yields The Masonic luilge ol this city Prices Cut 25 to 5 0 Per Cent and More Lord.* with the three American commis­ no rights nor territory, commits entertained members, visiting bre­ $1 Smelling Salts Bottles..................................... «Oc They will demand righteousness sioners against his two Canadian no act of aggression, but, while thren and their families at their $1 & $2 Photograph Frames . S 0 e by law, God and Christianity leg colleagues, hut Britain won the firmly preserving our rights, it lodge rooms on Tuesday night. $1 & $1.50 Nail Files............... 50c ally recognized in the fundamen-, applause of the world and the inspires respect abroad. 'Thence The evening was spent in games, 9ut 9,lass tumblers, each........... $3.25 75 c tal law of the land, a standard of bonds of friendship between the comes good feeling, by which dancing and social chat. At 12:00 $5 £ Cut ** Glass Sugar 'vater and Creamer.......................... religion set up for all men by the two nations were drawn tighter. peace is maintained. We venture o’clock refreshments were served. § 1 Cut Glass Comport, elegantly carved........ $&50 o 1 ,Rht clock- cathedral gong ................. * $4i25 state, and Sunday laws universal­ When Germany threatened tem- the assertion that, had Roosevelt The merits of Loganberry Juice $10 Silver on nickle platter q nn ly enforced, irrespective of indi­ fiorary acquisition of pn island off diplomacy continued. Mexico would was tested and pronounced to be #12 Cut Glass cake plate...:............................. $4 50 vidual faith or conscience in the the coast of Venezuela, Roosevelt have escaped five years of agony excellent. The evening was passed HUNDREDS OF OTHER EQUALLY QOOD BARGAINS matter. All these things will fol­ took "temporary” to mean "while and would not still have been in very pleasantly and profitably. low in quick succession as propos­ time lasts,” as has been the ex- agony; the Lusitania would- not ed remedies, and the authority of Iterience of China. He wrote no have been sunk, or would have HARTMAN BROS. CO. CARD OF THANKS. the church will be exalted above notes, but in conversation with been the last ship sunk by a sub­ Wr desire Successors to BARR’ S JEWELRY STORE. thauk the friends the state. marine, and there would have and neighbors to who the German Ambassador he said State and Liberty Sts. Salem, Oregon. so kindly assis­ History repeats itself with un­ that, if Germany did not offer to been much less letter-writing be­ ted us during the illness and death failing accuracy. When the Ro­ tween Washington and Berlin.— of our beloved son and irother, within ten days, he Oregonian. man government went to pieces arbitrate send the fleet under Dewey Walter Murphy. The kind acts The Seattle police raided some AFTER THE COUNTY COURT after the days of Constantine, the to would the point in question. Germany and deeds shown us during our' warehouses and drug stores and The Farmer's Union of SmitL church took advantage of the sit­ not only yielded, but asked Roose­ TEACHERS AND NEWSPAPERS bereavement are appreciated and secured $75,000 worth of liquor. ville are seeking to enjoin th uation and placed herself in the velt to arbitrate. The Colonel will ever be remembered by the The execution of Irish rebel County Court from expending cei forefront, making the civil officers wished to make The Hague trib­ A county superintendent in a ily. subservient to her decrees. Her unal a reality by putting it to neighboring county asked every fam chiefs by England has’aroused lain large sums of money buildin reign, which was at first wel­ work. He had given it its first teacher at the county institute M rs . J kmina M urphy and family . much indignation in Ireland. ;i bridge within the corporate lim comed, proved to be the bane and case in settling the Pious Fund who took their local or county John Dillon, one of the most re­ its of Independence and the bar paper to hold up their hands; six ULTIMATUM TO SPEEDERS the wreck and ruin of civilization dispute with Mexico. He now spected Nationalists attacked the surfacing of three miles of roa< for centuries. No greater calam­ gave that tribunal its second by responded. The superintendent Oliver Chase, city marshal ol British government in a speech between one Joseph Hirschber ity could befall our republic than inducing Germany and Venezuela expressed great surprise and Dallas has issued an ultimatum to in the house of commons the .and the city of Independence said: "You don’t spend a dollar a speeding motorists that from this most caustic one heard since the They allege that said work is bein; for it to repudiate its Constitution­ let it adjust their dispute. year with those papers yet you al guaranties of individual free­ to The of Parnell. Many Liberal I done for Independence and two o decision in that case con­ expect them to print free of lime on that all those coming days dom in religious matters, and its papers are urging the Irish fac­ three individuals at the expense strict adherence to purely civil tained the seeds of future wars, charge notices of all institutes, within the “war zone" of Dallas tion to seize this opportunity to Inf the taxpayers, and that it is un functions. Unless our rulers main­ for the triubunal decided that the insert long programes, expect and do not observe the rules, but settle their long standing differ­ I necessary. It is expected that 1 tain an uncompromising loyalty to claims of the blockading powers them to advertise you, thus as­ cut around the corners like a Ger­ the fundamental principles upon against Venezuela should have ences. Premeir Asquith hasten­ beariug will be had at Dalis torpedo after a fat unarmed ed to Dublin which our government was found­ preference over those of powers sisting you to climb the ladder to man to pacify the people. todav. English merchantman, will be ar­ ed, a worse catastrophe will befall better positions and better salar­ rested. They have evidently read Elmer Lewis and wile were our nation at the conclusion of the which did not participate in the ies without a cent in return.— C. L. Hopkins has been having present war than that which the blockade. His next act as pacifi­ Vega Sentinel. Wilson’s multifarious notes to the down from Balderee’s camp Fri­ war itself will bring to the nations cator not only prevented European his walnut trees grafted by an ex­ various beligerent nations, and day. of Europe. The losses of war are intervention in the Western Hem­ pert from Yamhill county. imagined that the marshal was Wyrnie Grier of balem was the forgotten in a few days, but the isphere, but it removed occasion It is understood that the plainer ; just bluffin’. subjection of the civil power to lias orders that will keep it busy guest of Donald Hodges Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grier of the spiritual powers will inaugur­ for blockades. He did not. as did for Salem with a party of friends came about a week. What then may and sutiday. ate a train of evils which two mil­ the great pacifist, Wilson, in Hati. develcpe in the way of orders is Frank E, Meyer, Democratic over and spent the week-end at the lenniums could not efface. Omens candidate for assessor was in town Mrs. Ida Ford Halloek of Chic­ bungalow. marines and shoot up Santo yet to be told. of the coming storm and upheaval land are clearly visible in the religious, Domingo. He persuaded the gov­ The heavy Irost Wednesday Friday. A Democratic candidate ago who has been visiting at the Parent-Teacher meeting next Tues­ in Falls City is a curio. Polk Titus home left Friday afternoon ernment of that country to hand political and social worlds. over the custom houses to civil of­ night caused considerable damage county is not particularly adapted for Portland where she will visit day evening. Will be glad to see Very sincerely yours. Elder of the Seventh-day ficials of the United States for col­ to the fruit and gardens in the to the rearing of Democrats. They relatives a few days before return­ many parents present. M rs . C. L. H o pkins , Pres, require a warm dry climate. ing to her home. lection of revenue and for pay- ( Valley. Adventist church. After The War. What? THfc ROOSEVELT DIPLOMACY. NEW PRICES Flour and Feed Selig’s Cash Price Store,