wmmm _____ To The Voter» Of Polk County. W E DO NOT S U B S T IT U T E The Policy of Thiii Storu in I hereby announce myself us a | Republican candidate for the of- ! lice o f Coufity Treasurer, subject to the will of the voters at the ! primury election in Muy and re- 1 spoctfully solicit your support, MRS. WINNIE HR A DEN (Paid Adv.) Hardware and Furniture «s -■ We carry a nice line o f Stoves. Ranges, Farm Implements, Carden Tools and Builder’s Hardware. Bed room and Parlor suits, Kitchen Fur­ niture dishes, Granite Ware, Alumnum Ware, Galvanized Ware and Tinware. THE JOKER Edited by Falls City High School. Hunt. W. I. Ford of the Dallas | Eri/I. Lert«r Gardnew, alisa Ksv. school visited school on Monday. Templeton, future pencil , pusher for the Bridgeport school is The teachers training class had ... ,, . . ... .. ... . ” visiting that institution this week, : a vacation the later part of the lining up his work for next year. : ! week. To Tho Republican Voters. Don’t forget the date for “ Catch­ Mrs. Ell*-, Sayer, Paul were vis- ing Clara.” The list renounced Having been urged by rny Si,. ¡tors on Thursday afternoon. j friends to again become a candi- production to l>e given in Falle ! date for commissioner and having What we want in not only James. Buhl**, I/Jela West and City by the Senior class June 1. acceded to their demand, 1 most cuHtomorn, but PLEASK I) m\ Clara Sampson went over the i respectfully ask the supjsirt o f all \ Gordon and Elizabeth Hammons i t ' K >MEH8. mountains Ibis week in seirch of | ! republicans in the primary May were visitors at Peedee, Tuesday. schools. I 111. My past record is my on’y 1 The English History class with platform. Winfield Johnson tn>k up the! G. A. W EliiS. the aid of Miss Edith Montgomery maiiut-1 tunning work Monday« i are re-arranging the Library, get­ (Paid Adv.) DKUU S I I IKK. K. K.W h . majsk , M. L. T hompson . W. F. N ichols , R.G.W hite , morning. Wiudy is some artist. ting it in shape for next years President Vice-President Caahier Assistant Cashier Falls City has the most generour. work. For County Superintendent base hall team in the county. Going into Mexico is life attend­ I hereby announce my candi-! They went to Air lie last Saturday ing church easy to get in but hard dacy foi the office of County Su- \ with 84 scores in their pockets, to get out until alter the collection. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY F alls C ity , P olk C ounty . O kkoon perintendent of Schools o f Polk gave Airlie of them keeping Uncle Sam seems to he having Passenger Train Schedule county, subject to the will of the Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on lim e Effective Oct. 4.1914 only nine for themselves. It is some trouble in finding his bad Republican voters at the primary I«,- Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. 161 ! ~i»i I needless to say that the boys lost penny. WlMTlUUkO ain. pm. am. { election, May 19, 1911!. Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. . theii beads but just where? Was 4.00 Salem . . . 7;0»l i 9.451 MISS AIJV1EDA 0. FULLER. Claud Graham run a cowbell 5.80 , it the goodlooking Airlie girls, the 8.15 1 11.021 Dallas under the noses of a bunch of Air- ( Paid Adv.) 6.05 Falls!'it-. 8.50 11.36 — j scenery or the atmosphere? Let le Girls, at the ball game Satur­ 1 1 Bl’ k Rock it be what it may, the boys lost Mayor’s Proclamation ,M. j j IT«* For County Clerk day an«l they proceeded to walk on UstHOiRh ;Ì am. pm. 1 pm. their beads badly. Ibis defeat, To the Citizens of Falls City : I hereby announce my candi- him. Claude came out, however, 1.05 Itl’ k Rock however, Jidu't effect their appe­ Whereas, a wise custom has been 6.10 dary for the republican nomina­ with the handle to the bell and a Falla City. I 9.30 1.251 tites. Airle High had sent word 6.40 Dalla». . . 10.10 2.ort, and if nom­ fice o f County Treasurer, subject in me vested, do hereby proclaim expenses we donated the balance, has completed 250 garments of inated and elected, will devote to the will o f the voters at the C. J. Pugh went to Portland and declare that Wednesday, the $18.90 to the Airlie gymansinm. wearing apparel for members of my entire time to giving you an primary election in May and re­ Monday by the auto route, return­ the class besides sundry fancy 10th dsv of May, 1916, shall lie administration of the affairs of spectfully solicit your support. Dallas seems to behaving a hard ing Sunday. and the same hereby is named as articles such as towels, doilies,'lace time getting a proper slogan to for this office such as may reward A. V. R. SNIDER. FOR RENT—6-room house and a general clean-up day in Falls work etc. the “ City o f Prunes’ ’ you for the trust and confidence (Paid Adv.) acre of land to rent cheap. Call City, and 1 request that all citizens Mrs. R. Davenpcrt is visiting “ What the use Dallas placed in me. at News office. unite upon that day to make the her mother, Mrs. J. R Moyer. WALTER L. TOOIE, JR To raise tip* duece, To The Voter« Of Polk Connty event mean to this city all that it Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Treat of Joe Reynolds and wife of Social­ Come to Falls City (Paid A dv.) I hereby announce tnyseif a can­ Monmouth are visiting their son, is intended to mean. Trash and ist valley is visiting in Dallas And drink Loganberry Juice.” didate for the office of County G. D. Treat and family. rubbish collected on that day, if by “ Prunes.’ Wednesday. To The Republican Voters of Polk Surveyor o f Polk County subject placed in boxes, barrels or sacks Mrs. Ella Metzer of Dallas was Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, j ies, Byron Murray returned to school County. to the will o f the Republican on the street next to the curb, will in town Tuesday building politica and other bakery goods, every day l«e hauled away by teams employed Monday after two weeks seige of 1 am a candidate for District Voters at the Primary Election fences. at the Falls City Bakery. by the city without expense to the the mumps. Attorney o f said County, and if May 19 I respectfully solicit your Lee Fenton and wife was in town Mrs. W. J. Warren and little girls support. property owners. Anyone having nominated and elected I pledge School days will soon be over. Tuesday in the interest or politics. went to Salem Wednesday, return­ ?uch trash or rubbish to haul will C. R. CANFIELD, myself to diligently and faithful­ J. J. Sammons conducted the The present incumbent. ing Saturday morning. M, G. EIIU, an old timer, but notify the City Marshal. ly attend to all the duties per­ 8th grade examination Thursds < Puid A dv.) now of Dallas was visiting friends Done at Falls City, Oregon, this taining to said office and '• ill Mrs. I. G. Singleton and Miss and Friday. and relatives Monday. 27th day of April, 1916. fearlessly enforce all the laws in Hammond walked to Monmouth We will graduate twenty from Mark Kill is and wife motored to H. J. G riffin , Mayor. To The Republican Voter« of Polk an impartial manner. I respect­ Saturday. They report walking the High School this year if they our city Monday. County. fully ask your support at the pri­ tine. all get through. Fourteen of that mary election on the 19th o f May, The Jocker will be discontinued, I hereby announce myself a can­ The auction sale held Wednes­ LIBELS FALLS CITY number are taking teachers train we won’t have much to kick about 1916. didate for Representative in the day at the farm of Fred Mann was I "g Last week’s Joker contained B F. SWOPE. but the water system, the beat, Legislature. I am in favor of rigid well attended ami the implements i Several of the Teachers training and the electric lights. So let us an article insinuating that many (Paid Adv.) economy and sound republican and stock sold readily. families were leaving Falls City class expect to attend Summer make life miserable while we can. principles. Walter William»' re-covered the j because the school board, or the Normal. CONRAL) STAFRIN. Miss Clarice Kimbrough is learn­ To The Voters of Polk. roof of his building which was people, had failed to provide a The Library now seems to be an ing to be a telephone operator. (Paid Adv.) 1 hereby announce my candi­ formerly occupied by the Harring­ gymnasium for the school. This assurer) thing. The council we dacy for the republican nomina­ Hal Thompson ran over the ton confectionery store. is a libel on Falls City and the understand has purchased the Boy tion for county clerk o f Polk coun­ Ticheuors bull plip with his clumsy Free Methodist Church The Harrington confectionery good people, and shows an un­ Scout building and will immed­ ty, and solicit the support o f all old car, breaking said dogs leg, Sunday School 10:00 A. M. store is being moved into tin* build­ grateful disposition on the part iately put the building in Bhape to much to the sorrow of the owners. republicans within the county, I’ reai Im.g 11 :0O A. M. ing lately occupied by the m illin­ o f the high school students to­ receive the reading room and Lib­ CL»».-« meeting 12:00 P. M. giving assurance that if nomina­ ward the taxpayers who have rary. Lei the good work go on. The dog was shot later, don't Evening service 7:30. ery store of Mrs. Mae Lane. ted and elected I will use my ut­ suffered from high taxes that the There is no legitimate reason why know yet what they will do with H. A. W alter , Paitor. most endeavor to render eeonom Miss Virginia Weaver of Salem school migh not be handicapped. Hal.. Lucile says she doesn’ t care Falls City people should not have ical and efficient service. who has been visiting her sister. much as they have another one It is not believed that the writer the best going. M. E. Church LEWIS V. MACKEN. Mrs. Dorman lor the last week o f the Joker article can, or will now, a little puppy. School will soon be out, the (Paid Adv.) Sunday Sorvicos leturued to her home Tuesday. attempt to show that a single Mis? Alma Fuller of Independ­ churches on a summer vacation, Sunday Sehool 10:00 A. M Miss Almeda J. Fuller ot Dallas, family has left for the lack of the weather will be too hot for ence was shaking hands with Morning Service 11:00 A. M. To The Voters Polk County. friends in Falls City Saturday. candidate for County* School Sup­ such building nor can they show dances. Junior League 8:80 P. M. I am a candidate for School Su- erintendent was in town last week that any of the students have Mrs. O. Aurland was transacting Mrs. Geo. Lowe was visiting in Epwortli League 0:30 P. M. lierintendent of this county sub­ been less profficient in any of business in Dallas Monday. looking after her political fences. Dallas Tuesday. Evening Service 7:30 P. M ject to the will of the Republican their studies (not sports). There The May Day exsreises was pos- voters at the Primary Election in Week-Day Sorvicos Mr 9 . Pfandoefer writes friends in • Mrs. Wm. Henshaw is visiting are many vacant houses in town, pond fronijast Friday on accou it May. Teacher Training dace. Friday Falls City that her son Henry, has but put the mills to work as they in Independence this week, I will not impair the efficiency of sickness to Friday May 12th. been transfered from tdie General were a few years ago and every o f our school system, but will run 7:00 P. M. Hal Wade was trying pretty | operetta and winding of the the office as economically as is Prayer Meeting, Friday 8:00 P. Electric Co., Schenectiwly, N. V , house would be filled with good hard to be sick Tuesday but he I p(,|e possible under our present laws. to the Chicago office w ith a raise and honest people, who eat M. couldn’t quite make it. i rdest and but for the bits of candidate for commissioner of Polk Young peoples molding 3:30 P. M. a falling limb crushing his skull and good judgement it defeats sion of Dallas were in Falls City pasteboaud he handed out one recently while falling timber near the main object and the undesir­ county, subject to the will of the Wednesday making ‘goo-goo, eyes might suspected tnat he wa- lHik­ republicans at the Primary of May An ad in the News will bring Black Rock and has been in the able citizen is produced. at the unsuspectiug voters. Mose ing for a business location. He is hospital at Dallas since the acci­ 19, and solicit the support of the result«. A Taxpayer. has an ingrowing desire to become of the opinion that Polk county dent, was able to return home Sun­ republicans of the county, giving Get your butter wrappers print­ famous and asks to be elected to chould elect him to represent tin m day. It is thought that the blow- assurance that if elected I will ex­ ed at the News office. M. Dorman of Salem visited his the Supreme Bench of County at the state capital that he might, will not affect his intellectual fac­ ert myself to judiciously and eco­ son, W . H. Dorman last week. Commissioners, He offers in his reduce expenses and. perchance, Extra copies ol Th« News are ulties, but that he will never be nomically administer the business own defense that he has had thirty see that the stenogiaphers furnish­ Mrs. M. L. Thompson and chil printed each week, and will be sent able to do manual labor and also affairs of the county. years experience in looking after ed each representative, earn their to any address desired, postpaid, be unable to withstand very hot dreu and Mrs. Grace Hansen were MOSE MANSION roads aud bridges. Courad was money. Dallas visitors Wednesday evening for 5 cents per copy. |fo ( Paid A d v ) weather. W E G IV E YO U W H A T YO U A S K FO R J. C. T A L B O T T TH O M PSO N S I__________________ r Bank o f Falls City