©lì? 3Fallö (City Nruiß ■H » fr-M H t-H - H - H -i-H -H I I-H -1 Ellison sprung an Electric light franchise upon the council. A fte r much wrangling it was decided to read it unofficially in order that D. L W O O D A SON, the councilmen might know the Publishers. nature o f the instrument. There K n to c -d n « i K O M N l t t t II a t •4 Kill« City. Folk I'ottnty. Orrgoa. umW IIw is no question but that if Mr. E l­ A ct o f i V i i g i r a o f M irob I . 187* lison has no franchise that he should have one, but as it is a Telephone News Office. 13. Subscription K * tr « O n eyw r, 11.00; nix month«. g ift o f the town the council feel Si* cent«: throe month«. 25 cent«; sin*to copy, ft c U l that they should have the priv­ Aiivcriisinjr K«tri: Displ«y, 15 cents«n inch : ilege o f saying what thev shall Businoss Notice«, S»*ent« « Ur»«; For £«1«, Bent. give. im Xke Bxchnnirc. Wont and Fay Entertainment So tic**. 5ct«. « Une. Oard of Thank* aocU .l**« Notices, legal rates. Cory foe new avis, and changes should be sent to The Sens not later than Wednesday. Official Sut un lay , f May 6 / IPlfl THE FALLS CITY NEWS, •2 X c w »v «i* r of the City of Tails Cit* CFIICIAI. DIF ECTORT OF FALLS CITT H. J. Griffin. Mayor. K M. Wonderly. Councilman at Large C\ \V. Brentner, S^orgtQ M ar C. 1 Bradley, Councilman I, G. Singleton. C. L. Hopkins. N. Selif. C. E. McPh*.r»n, Auditor »nd Folic* Jud*. w*lt*r L. Tooie Jr.. City Attorney p.t Murphy. Marshal and Water Supt. M. L. Thomp»on. Treaturer Dr. F. M. Hcllwarth. Health Officer. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in this office for the week ending May 1. 1916. L am es . Gobel, Mrs. Lucy Johnson, Miss Eva G entlem en Constock, E. L. Seain, Earl B. These letters w ill l e sent to the dead letter office May 15, 1916 if not delivered before. In calling ThaCounoll meet* in ref ular »e**lon on tha Brat for the above, please say “ Adver­ Monday night ol each month, at 7 SO o'clock, In tised,” giving date of list. he office of the Pall* City News. I ra C M kh rlixo , P M. S a t u r d a y , M a y 6. 1916 State of Ohio, city of Toledo. l._ Lucas County. ( Frank J. Cheney (hakes oath that he !a senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business In the City of To­ ledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev­ Judge Teal came in from Port­ ery rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of H ALL'S CATARRH CURE. land Tuesday, but w ill return F R A N K J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In Monday my presence, this €lh day of December, A. D. ISSi (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. George March moved to Hoskinc Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure !■ taken Internally Thursdav, where he i* employed and acta directly upon the blood and mu­ cous surfaces of the system. Send for on the Valley Siletz road. tesUmonlals. free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, a Mrs Thompson entertained at Bold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Dad's Family Pills for constipation. dinner Thursday : Mrs. Travis, Mrs LOCAL ITEMS Butler, Mrs. Montgomery. King, Miss Hammond. * Mrs The state inspector was iu town this week and raised it with merch- handling butter Dot properly label­ ed. Butter should be wrapped in parchment paper, name and ad­ dress, and weight, printed thereon with a special ink. An automobile load of men went to Silverton Thursday in hopes cl getting work at the new mill but were unsuccessful. The new mill w ill not be ready for operations for several months, and there arc- more men than jobs at the mills j no v tanning. COUNCIL MEETING Council Meets In Protracted Session. Purchase Boy Scout Building to be Used as City Hall and Public Lib­ rary. Refund License Collected on P u b l i c Entertainment. Electric Light Franchise Being Aggravated Again. The city council met last Mon­ day night in regular session with the following present:—Mayor Griffin. Auditor McPherren.Coun­ cilmen Hopkins, Singleton, Brent- ner, and Selig. The regular business was trans­ acted and leports o f various com­ mittees heard. The water board reported that they were well up with the new extension and were now waiting on the new pipe to finish and turn on the water. The Boy Scouts accepted the council’ s offer o f $100 for their building and an order was made to draw a warrant for that j amount in their favor. Rev. Warren appeared before the council stating that he had been “ held up” and forced to pay three dollars on an enter­ tainment given at the Wagner Hall by the Willamette Quartette and asked that it be refunded. He argued that the city marshal overstepped his authority in col­ lecting as it was given for the benefit o f the church. The ordi­ nance in question was read and the city marshal was clearly in the right. It was suggested that as the money in question was taken up by "passing around the hat” it would be rather difficult ta reimburse the donors. Rev. Warren agreed that it might be paid into the school fund or turn­ ed over to ¡Jr. Kidiola. Accord­ ingly a warrant was ordered drawn for three dollars. As every one was hoping and praying for an adjournment, Mr. Yes! We do Job Work Compare our prices with others and see samples. THE NEWS A Derelict :: There W a s a M ystery : Connected With It. By D W IG H T N O R W O O D It Is uiauy a year sluce Hie fu lle d States merchant murine was a thing to be proud of. Sotue persona living reinember the clipper ships o f the mid die o f the lust century, with their tall musts nml akyscraplug sails. Con federate privateers rendered sUlpplug goods on them so dangerous that they all disappeared, their trade passing to Eugllsh uud afterward largely to tier man shl|>8. The trude then lost has never beeu recovered. Some say It Is because other governments subsidize tbeir ships, others that seamen may be hired cheaper In foreign countries than lu America. One thing Is certain— the American merchant mnrtue sluce the war between tbe states has beeu little or nothing. Whether the great Euro­ pean war will give any of It tuick to us remains to be seen. It was In tbe fifties that Horace Graham, sixteen years old. ran away from home and shipi>ed on one of the famous “ Blackball line’’ sail ships, the Winfield Scott Those were days when there was a romance o f the sea. when vessels were propelled hv sails, when they rode the billows liglitly and there was no chug-chug o f tua ehinery In their vitals. That Is why youngsters were continually ruuning away from home to go to sea. Horace Graham made trips to and from China on the same vessel as ordinary searnun for three years, when be was made third mute. One day. on a return voyage, a derelict was sighted. The captain stood on the aft er deck examining her. rising and fail lug with the wares, and wheu be had made up bis mind that there was no living thing to be seeu aboard o f her he ordered Graham to man u boat, pull to the ship, make au examination and, if there seemed to be no reason to the contrary, to sink her. Wheu eight stalwart sailors were In the bout, which was provided with sufficient gunpowder to blow up the vessel, sev eral augers and some food in case persons starving were found, she was lowered and pulled to the wreck. Ou approaching her Graham, who was at the tiller, bad a full view of her stern, on which her name bad been painted and from which son«' of tbe letters had been washed or worn off. Ordering his men to rest on their oars, be took out pencil and paper and made a record o f tbe letters remain­ ing. giving the proper spaces for those that bad been erased, as follows: M G RE U Il ON H arin g transferred the letters to pa per. the officer gave un order to “ give way.” and the boat moved forward, passing close under the ship's stern. It was then that Gruharn noticed, upon a closer view, that an attempt had been made to cUminuie the remaining letters, but the attempt huj lulled. Some one had evidently tried to scrape them off with a sharp Instrument, but probably had not sufficient time to complete the work. On reaching tbe ship a rope with an lrou book was thrown up. caught ou tbe gunwale, and Graham climbed it. leaving his men in the boat. A terri­ ble scene greeted blin. There bad been a fight ou the decks and in the cabin* Corpses o f men. with tbeir weapons W ork« Both Way*. Mrs. X —Bothered with time wast­ in their bands, lay here and there, and ing callers, are you? W hy don't yon all except one wore the clothes of sud­ ors o f civilized countries. The one ex­ try my plan? ception was a man in Asiatic costume. Mrs. Y.—W hat Is your plan? It was plain that the ship had beeu Mrs. X .—Why. when the bell rings I put on my hat and gloves before I boarded aud captured by pirates. That press the button. I f It proves to be they bad left In a hurry was also e v i­ some one I don’t want to see I sim­ dent. An auger had been left in tbe ply say, “ So sorry, but I ’m Just going side o f tbe ship below the water line. Indicating that an attempt to sink the ou t” Mrs. Y.—But suppose It’s some one vessel had been Interrupted. Then, too, all the lifeboats except one bad you do want to see? Mrs. X.—Oh, then I say. “ So fortu­ been left In their places. There were blocks for eight boats, all the blocks nate: I ’ve Just come In."—Boston Tran being filled save one set. and at this script point tbe davits were swinging out. In­ dicating that a boat Imd been lowered Whsn Abstinence W ee e Novelty. There were two cabins astern, one Seventy years ago drinking was so common that, when a total abstainer evidently the captain's. In the other applied to a London company for a women's clothing was found, lu that life insurance policy, the board o f di­ belonging to the captain from a little rectors held a special meeting to deal drawer In a locker Graham took out a with the unprecedented case. They daguerreotype—photographs were not Anally decided to insist on a special at that time common—o f a girl some There premium to cover the extra hazard, but eighteen or twenty years old the man upset their expectations by was something very attractive In this living to the age o f elgbty-two.—Youth's young and Innocent face among such Companion. frightful surroundings. Graham put the plctnre In his pocket not only for A Note of Apprshonaion. the purpose of identifying the ship, “ Do you think your boy Josh will be but because he wished It for himself. satisfied to stay on the farm?” Before sinking the derelict Graham “ Mebbe It’ll be Just as well If he returned to the Winfield Reott and re Isn’t,” commented Farmer Corntossel. ported to the captain. Another boat “ The way he wants to run the place, was sent to the derelict to make fur ff he Is satis A ed nobody else can be ther examination, hut the pirates had halfway comfortable.” — Washington taken care to possess themselves o f tbe Star. log and everything else by which the vessel might be Identified. Though they had evidently left her In a hurry, What Ho 8old. “ So Grabum Is after everything he they had taken time for such removal. can g e t Did you say be was getting Nothing remained but to make a note o f tbe latitude and longitude In which well off?" “ Not exactly. I merely remarked tbe derelict was discovered, at that that be was getting off easily.” —Judge.' time a favorite region for pirates. That night before turning In Horace Graham took out Ms daguerreotype, Origin of “ Mash.” The common slang word “ mash” Is opened tbe case and feasted his eyes from a beautiful gypsy word, “ mafa- on the likeness within, it had been da,” which means "to charm by the nearly a year since he bad seen a woman o f his own race, and those of eyes.” Asia were not attractive to him. It Progress la the activity o f today and seemed to him that this girl was tbe spirit o f Innocence risen from the hor­ tha aasuranae o f tomorrow.—Emerson rors or a massacre, i ’lining it where SUMMONS P r o fe s s io n a l d a r t e ! he could turn Ida eyes upon It, he loos out tds record o f the uatno ou tliu In the Circuit Court o f the State storu o f the derelict, or. rather, the PHYSICIAN remains o f It. and began to try to fill In o f Oragun for Folk County, De­ tho letters erased. Fortunately the partment No. 2, No. 4813. pirates had either neglected this fea­ John T. Hutches, Plaintiff, v. Alvah ture or thought tho uaiue Illegible and G. lin e beck, RidaLineback, Alex hail uut taken the tluro or tho trouble to eradlcato It. Christ, RiiAi Christ, Walter L Ilnructt Graham worked till late Touze and Phil Arthur, Defend- on filling In (he missing letters, now cuts. aud attain looking up at tha nkoueea M Q K1 I R ON To Alex Christ and Rina Christ, From tbe posit Ion o f tho letters pro defendants above named. served he knew ho possessed Hie first aud last letters. "M ” aud "N .” Ships In the name of the State o f Ore- were therw uud are now unuied for women, and Graham funded this wus ! gun: You are hereby required to a case In point. By try lug different apjH’ar und answer the complaint letters successively In the first part of the name he Unully obtained M u-r filed against you in the above en- g a ret He folt quite confident that i titled Court und suit, within Bix the uume o f tho ship was the Margaret weeks from the date o f the first ——, Though he puzzled lung over the : publication of this summons, towit, last name, be fulled to iuako It out. Tho next uiurulng as be was mount on or lie fore the 15th day o f May, lug the coinpuidonway to rhe deck be i 1916, and if you fail so to answer heard the lookout shout: the said complaint for want there­ "Lifeboat on starboard quarter!” Iteuchiug the deck, he saw- the cap o f the plaintiff will apply to said lain raising his glass. Graham ran down fur his own gluss and soou de­ Court and take u decree for the scried a ship s boat rising uud fulling relief prayed for in the said com­ with the waves, hut could sec nothing plaint. viz.: lu It. Meanwhile tho ship Imd beeu That plaintiff recover off and put off her course to polut to tho boat. Wheu tbe Soott come near enough a from the defendants Alvah G. woman's figure wus seen lying iu the lin e back and Rida Iineback Three bottom o f tbo boat, and a man. evi­ hundred and seventy-five t$375' dently deatl. was leauiug over u seat A bout from tbe Scott was manned Dollars, with interest thereon at uud took the other In tow. When eight |>er cent per annum since alongside tho ship the wumau, who was either dead or unconscious, was February 27. 1911, until paid, and hoisted ou to the vessel. Sixty ($60) Dollars as attorney’s Almost as soou as Graham saw the fees herein, and his costs and dis­ face o f tbe woumu ho recogulzed In It. though much changed by suffering bursements, and that the mort­ and hunger, tho original o f tho ua gage given by »aid defendants guerreotype. A spooufu! of broth was Lineback to W. H. Bouls October given her, and she revived. A fter tak­ ing more she opened her eyes aud look­ 27, 1906, and recorded on page 157 ed wildly about her. But. seeing that o f Volume 27 o f the Polk County, she was ou the dock o f a vessel, the Oregon, Mortgage Records, and wild look subsided. Hud she asked what had happened. A fter being told she now held by plaintiff, be foreclos­ FtlNRKAt. DIRECTOR wus questioned, but everything except ed in the manner provided by law, the horror of drifting on tbe ocean's and that the real property describ­ bosom had |>assed away from her. R. L CHAPMAN Here was a disappointment to Gra­ ed in the said mortgage, viz.: That tract or parcel o f land, be­ ham. for ns soou as he recognized her Funeral Directot ns the original o f the daguerreotype ing a part o f the Donation I .and he believed he wouid receive un ex­ w . *U m 4 I * a ll w * r k p r o w p t iy . planation o f the mystery o f tbe Mar­ Claim o f John Sheldon and wife, D .Ü .. mmi Fall* City. Or garet -----. The likeness was sbuwti Notification No. 6832, Claim No. her. but It fulled to excite any mem­ 41, in Township 8 South, Range 6 ory whatever. Other means were tried. HEAL ESTATE Including mention o f the Margaret West o f the Willamette Meridian, ----- . but without avail. At last all in the County of Polk and State of attempts to draw from her tuformu- Oregon, and bounded and d‘“brib­ tion ns to what had happened were given up. UufortunatelJ at that pe ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at riod It ivas not a universal custom to a point which is 32 chains South paint the names o f ships on their life­ and 25 chains West from the boats. so that even this Information was not forthcoming. Tho only thing Northeast corner o f said Claim; known about the girl was that she thence South 18.80 chains: thence spoke the English language with a West 5.00 chains; thence North Yankee accent. 18.80 chains; thence East 5 chains The rescued girl received every at­ to the place o f beginning, contain­ tention and very soon was able to go on deck. She tried everything that ing 9.40 acres, more or less; was suggested to bring about a return - b e sold for the satisfaction of o f memory, but without avail. There the amounts decreed to be due the was no other woman aboard, so that sue had no companion of her own aex. plaintiff herein, and that plaintiff Graham was so devoted to her that may have such other relief as is gradually all others gave way to him. prayed for in the said comulaint. The Scott was homeward bound, and as soon as she came Into port be was This summons, by order o f the deputed by the captain to examine the shipping records with a view to gain- Hon. H. II. Belt, Judge o f said ing any informaUon attainable about Court, dated the 30th day of tbe derelict March, 1916, is published once a Armed solely with the record he bud week for six consective weeks, in taken from the wreck's stern, he ran over the names of American ships till the Falls City News, a weekly he came to the Margarets, o f which newspaper o f general circulation there were several. The Margaret published in said County. Thurston fitted bis record. This was The date o f the first publication a great gain. He soon learned that the ship had been named for a favor­ o f this summons is April 1, 1916. Headquarters for C a n d y and C igar j ite niece o f the master aud thut she OSCAR H AYTE R , HARRINGTON was aboard tbe vessel In Chinese wa­ Attorney for plaintiff. ters at tbe time she was discovered by tbe Scott She bad not been beard M13. from since leaving Hongkong and was overdue. Tbe rescued girl was thus known to tie Margaret Thurston, a spinster nine teen years o f age and an orphan Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ Graham bad fallen In love with her, and since her only protector, her uncle, day, 8 a.in. to 6.30 p.m. with whom she had sailed, was sup­ Mail arrives, from posed to buve been murdered, Graham Salem 9.00 a.in , 6:16 p.m. interested himself In securing for her some property to which she was heir. Dallas, 9:00 A. M., 6:15 P. M. These attentions on the part o f tbe Portland &. Eugene train 101, young sailor won her heart, uud he 11:55 a. in. had no difficulty In persuading her to marry him. Black Rock, 1:30 P. M. Several years after this marriage Mail closes for: Mrs. Graham's memory returned to Salem, 8 60 A.M., 1 P.M. and 6:30 Gandins, Tobaccos and Cigars, at her. Little by little she recalled the tragedy o f which she was a part The L. B. W O N D E R L Y ’S P. M. Mnrgaret Thurston was chased by a Dulia», 8:50 A. M. and5:30Pv M. Malay pirate, which gained on Its vic­ Eugene & Portland train 162, tim rapidly. Striking a fog. the Thurs­ ton’s captain, believing tbut his vessei 1 p. Ol. would lie captured, put his niece Wi one Black Rock, 11 A. M. of tbe ship's boats with two meu aud Mail Order and Postal Savings set her adrift. This was ns far as Mar­ garet Graham's memory served her. window doses at 6 P. M. A mark here indicates that The rest was merely a surmise. S unday O nly your subscription is delinquent. It was supposed that when the fog Please call and it. Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80 a.m: lifted the Thurston fell a prey to the pi rates who boarded her and massacred Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00 her crew. Frobably a cruiser was dis­ covered. and the pirates left the ship a. m, Portland & Eugene train 101, they had captured and made their es­ cape. 11:55 a. m. ' M r. H e m * Saaks One o f tb* men sent with the cap­ I C O M E TO F A L L S C IT Y , O R E G O N Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a. ni. tain's niece In the lifeboat was ac­ and B u y O rc h a rd Land counted for. dead. As to the other, Eugene it Portland train 102, 1 there was nothing to Indicate hts fate, p. m. though It was supposed that In deli­ Effective Oct. 20, 1915. rium he had Jumped overboard. Correspondents wanted in every I r a C. M burlino , Postmaster Graham did not return to the sea, neighborhood in this section ol tng for soon after this last trip the war country. between tbe states broke out. which put an end to American shipping. He Tbe Womans W’orld, Farm and Do you like to read good stories? inherited a little property o f his own, If so take advantage of our club­ Home, Home Life, Household and which, with that o f his wife, enabled him to make a good living ashore. bing offer in this issue of tbe paper. tbe News one year for $1.18. t | Post Office Tim e Card Notice to News Subscribers 1 I