Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 29, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    ■11 » I I HH I t H W I 1 I I I 1 » H W
’H I l l hH - h-tlH I
D o n ’t F o r g e t
That we can print your Letterheads. Billheads,
Statements. Envelopes. Circulars and Booklets as artis­
tically and at as reasonable prices as any other reput­
able print shop in Polk County.
Ty Cobb. Detroit Americans'
Great Outfielder.
Handles on Mattress Make
Moving Them Easy.
It’s interested in every effort made for the develop­
ment and betterment of Falls City. It covers the ter­
ritory reached by Falls City advertisers, thus making
the best advertising medium.
f j
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a -
C it y
H è
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16 YEAR S .
It Waa Thrown, With a Not«, Into the
Pacific Oeaan In 1899.
Wash. — A fter
about In the Pacific oesau for ysurs
a bottle containing a note, probably
written and thrown overbounl by one
of the officers o f the seboner Transit,
has been found on the beach by an
Indian. Bob Wayne, near Moclips.
The note was dated Aug. 10. 1809.
and was perfectly legible, though tbe
writing and the paper were considera­
bly faded. The message with tbe note
reads as follows:
Tyrus Raymond Cobb o f the Detroit
American baseball team, considered by
many fans as the world’s greatest ball
player. Is a native o f Georgia. He
joined Hughey Jennings’ outfit ten
years ago, when be was eighteen years
old. A s a base runner and batsman
T y Is pretty nearly In a class by him­
self and as a ran getter be Is un­
Schooner Transit. Aug. 10, 18» — Ten
equaled. Some experts contend that
Tyrus does not cover as much territory days out from Honolulu. H. I., bound to
San Francisco. Weather calm and baffling
as Tris Speaker In the outer garden, wind. All la well. Latitude 39 degrees 4«
but his ability In other respects cover minutes north, longitude 15« degrees J
whatever deficiencies. If any, he baa minutes weet.
When playing the game Cohb la al- , Wayne found tbe bottle on tbe bench
ways on his toes, and his aggressive­ after the record high tide o f the win­
ness and resourcefulness are always ter. which followed several days o f a
in evidence. Pitchers fear him more heavy offshore blow, which brought In
than any other man In the league, and a heavy surf.
once on first base he is likely to steal
his way home.
Aute Race Dates Named.
The automobile racing season for
1016 will be officially opened In New
York city on Saturday. May 13, when
the contest for the Metropolitan enp,
heralded by motor enthusiasts as the
great event o f the year, will be held
at the new Sbeepshead Bay speedway.
In addition to the contest for the
Metropolitan trophy, there w ill be three
other races—for the Queens County
cup. the Coney Island cup and the
William Kemble cup. Tw enty thou­
sand dollars in cash prizes will be o f­
fered. The race for the Metropolitan
cup will mark an Innovation In auto­
mobile racing. In that the distance will
be only 150 miles. The distance o f the
other contests will be as follows:
Queens County cup, fifty miles; Coney
Island enp, twenty miles, and the W il­
liam Kemble cup, ten miles. Thus the
public demand for shorter races, with
livelier action, w ill be met-
The Intercollegiate Regatta.
A fter mucb controversy tbe date of
tbe intercollegiate regatta at Rough
keepsie has been fixed for Saturday.
June 17. Tills is in accord with tbe
wishes o f the railroad compan- which
furnishes transportation fo r tb e e r wds
that attend, and means <?oncess “ ns on
the part o f the University o f Pennsyl­
vania. whose representatives objected
to so early a date on tbe ground that It
would give tbe red and blue crews less
time In which to train, owing to exam
inatlons. which run far Into June. The
tide In tke Hudson will be running up
stream In tbe afternoon o f tbe follow ­
ing Saturday. .Tune 24. and the railroad
company objected to a later date on j
the ground that It would be getting so
near the Fourth o f July as to Interfere
•with tbe usual traffic of that holiday
Oppose Home For Ball Players.
A majority of the members o f the
Detroit American league baseball club
do not approve the plan o f establishing
a home for retired baseball players
Several o f the Tiger players have de­
clared that uDder present salary con­
ditions any capable ball player who
does not become Incapacitated by In­
jury should be able to save at least a
modest fortune during bis diamond
career. Some were inclined to think
that players who were not o f a saving
disposition, but who were clever per­
formers on the ball field, would not be
helped and might be harmed by the
proposed plan.
Beals Wright to Try Again.
Beals Wrlglit, former national tennis
champion. Is going to try to “ come
back” this year. Wright recently re­
turned to North Yakima. Wash., from
Honolulu, where he played In the win
ter tournament, and despite bis bar
f a g been out o f the game for years,
was successful in getting Into the
finals In both the singles and doubles
W right will give considerable siren
tlon to training the coming summer
and expresses confidence that he can
come back. Wright has gone Into
training and will play In all big tour­
Syracuse Athletic Field.
Syracuse university Is to hsve the
largest athlctl- arena in America. It*
stadium covering six and one-third
acres. It will have a normal seating |
capacity o f 20.000. which can be In­
creased to 40.000. The stadium will
cover more ground than the famous
Yale bowl.
will quickly relieve the
Nerves, or Pain, while
N ew s.
Post Office Time Card
Office hours; Daily, except Sun­
day, 8 a.in. lo 6.30 p.tu.
Mail arrives, from
Salem 9.00 a.in . 6:15 |>m.
Dallas, 9:00 A. M ., 6:16 P. M
Portland A’ Kugfu* train 101,
11:55 a. hi.
Black Rock, 1:60 P. M.
Mail closes for:
Salem.8 50 A.M . 1 P.M. and 5:80
P. M
Dallas, 8:50 A. M. aud5:30P. M.
Eugene & Portland train 16-,
I p. m
Black Rock, 11 A. M.
M il Order and Postal Savings
window closes at 0 P. M.
S un day O n ly
Booau*e o f Ita shape and weight the
mattress on th«> Inti Is s difficult thing
to change or move. The msttress has
Hu aggravating manner of slipping
through one’s grasp, no matter how It
Is seized. like the proverbial eel. and la
a hard thing to hold or handle. It has
remaliiiHl for a woman to Invent the
means o f holding a mat tress In check,
for a woman o f North Pnkota has re­
cently Invented a method o f putting
handles on the mattress by which It
can be transported from one place to
another with ense. The Illustration
shows one o f these handles In place.
Washing a Sweater.
Cut fine half o f a five cent cake of
white soap, add two and one half table-
spoonfuls o f borax and boll In tt pint of
water until dissolved. Tut the soap so­
lution Into eiiougb cold water to cover
the sweater; let It soak over night If
white, but only ono hour If colored.
Squeeze carefully through the hands
until all dirt Is removed, but do not
nib; then rinse In cold w ater to take
out all soap. Shake out as much water
as possible, but do not wring. Do not
haug up. but lay on Turkish towel on
a fiat surface; dry In sun nnd air If
white, but tn shade If colored.
Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80a.m:
Mail arrives from Salem, 9:00
Altoona Boy Is Now Jubilant After Un­
usual Operation.
Portland «fe Eugene t;u n 101.
Altoona. Pa.—Kenneth Gelst. aged
four. Is perhaps the happiest child iu
II 55 a. m
Household Helps.
T o mend china or glass melt alum tn
an old Iron spoon over the Ore and
apply to broken part*. When dry these
articles can tie washed In hot water
and tbe cement w ill bold.
T o clean white Iron bedsteads a
Mail closes for Sileni, 8:50 a. ni. damp cloth and a little cooking soda
Eugene A Portland tiain 1(2, 1 rubbed over the bedstead w ill leave It
clean and white.
p. m
For rust stains rub some freshly
Effective Oct. 20, 1915.
boiled rice on the status, then soak
I r a C. M e i i r i . i . v h , P o stri a te r them In the water the rice waa boil­
ed In.
the United States, for recently he re
reived his discharge from the bosplt«1 j
He was admitted to tbe hospital on j
Christmas, 1913, suffering from tuber­
culosis o f the spine. He could neither 1
talk nor walk, and the case wm
thought hopeless.
The surgeons took a piece o f bone j
from his right leg and Inserted It In
The Womans World, Farm
the place where they removed ihe dis j
Home Life, Household
eased vertebra. The operation was
successful, and Kenneth can run. tatv the News one year for $1.18.
and play like other boys.
Th# Care of Furs.
When leaving off furs In the spring
an«l brush them thoroughly, comb with a
An ad iu ihe News will bring
Do you like to read good stories? reiulis.
If so take advantage of our clul -
Gel your butter «Trappers prinl«
in g o ffe r in this ¡ s k ip o f th" paper erl at the Ni ws office
Must be Watchful
F o r great efforts are being made in
this vicin ity to sell baking pow ders o f
inferior class, m ade from alum acids
and lim e phosphates, both undesir­
ab le to those w h o require high-grade
cream o f tartar baking p ow d er
m ake clean and healthful food.
The official Government
tests have shown Royal
Baking Powder to be a
pure, h ealth fu l, grape
cream o f tartar baking
p o w d e r, o f highest
strength, and care should
be taken to prevent the
su b stitu tio n o f any
other brand in its place.
R o y a l B aking P o w d e r costs only a
fair p rice p er pound, and is cheaper
L e tte r
at its price than any
baking pow der in the w orld.
H-M H -H - t-t-H -H -t-H -H ' l -I 'l -l 'l -H l- •H-i-K - H - K - i-h-i-i-i-l-K--i-W--i-l-:--H-;
te a ? « fflä s E r a O ä a r -
v| *
Photo by American
F a lls
ra sM L So ä
The constant strain of
factory work very often
results in Headaches,
Backaches and other
Aches, and also weak­
ens the Nerves.
The N ew s
«1 *
Saturday. April US. ISIS
very coarse comb and hang on the line
tn the sun for half an hour. Buy the
largest size stone crock, line with news­
paper, put a small piece o f camphor
on the bottom, lay In the furs care­
fully and smoothly ami put on tbe
cover. Paste a strong strip o f cloth
around tbe edge o f the cover to seal It.
and the furs may be kept Intact for
any length o f time
Scalloped Sweet Potato#*.
Boll the sweet potatoes In salted wa­
ter until tender. Cut Into half Inch |
cubes and put Into a baking dish, dot- ;
ting here nnd there with butter, pep­
per and salt Make a «Team dressing
by rubbing sufficient flour In a little
milk and pouring over the cubes.
Sprinkle cracker crumb* over the top
and hake for ten minutes in hot oven.
This may be made of the ruw potatoes,
but the oven must be slower and more
time given.
Fruit Tapioca.
Cook one cupful o f tapioca in one
quart o f water until It Is soft. Stir fre­
quently. It should be tbe consistency
of soft custard. Sweeten with one
cupful of sugar. Place In a dessert
dish one spoonful o f preserved peaches
or any other kind of fru it Put the
tapioca preparation around the fruit
and serve with plain or whipped cream.
Chocolate Icing.
One cupful o f powdere«l sugar, one-
fourth cupful grated chocolate; add
sweet milk, n «easpoonful at a time, to
mould Into a smooth Icing JtAt stiff
enough to spread without running:
spread over cake and set away to
harden. This Icing enn be cut without,
breaking. O f course one can have white
Icing by omitting the chocolate.
String and break or cut green or wax
beans Into Inch lengths. Cook until
tender In boiling salted water, season
with butter or cook with a small piece
o f fat salt pork. Ton minutes before
serving time add gre«>n corn cut from
tbe cob In the proportion o f a cupful
of corn to each two cupfuls o f beans.
Cooking Cauliflowsr.
To keep cauliflower white and free
from scum when cooking, before plac­
ing the cauliflower In the saucepan tie
It up In a piece o f clean muslin. When
ready It can he easily lifted from th#
pot Into the colander to drain. Untie
thp muslin, and you will flmi the vege­
table beautifully whole.
Chicken Hint.
When stewing a young cl^cken pnt
over the fire In a pot of cold water.
Then a sprig o f celery should be drop­
ped Into the water, rem ove when th#
chicken is lender. This gives th#
chicken a delicious Davor.
Dr. Miles*
Heart Treatm ent
is very helpful when
the Heart is overtaxed.
"I used to euffer a grsat deal
with lumbago In m r shoulders
and back. A friend Inducsdime
to try Dv. M »«#’ AM I-F* n
Pills and I *m only too glad to
b* able to ottost to th* relief
that t got from these • { « * * *
They torm a valuable
medicine end do all that It te
claimed they will do."__
i j r m e J. cttttrr .
Marietta. Ohio.
SAVE FROM 35o TO S I .90
Those pries» are for year paid in ed ve no» siibsoriptiORS.
Falls City N e w s .... 6 j-j* j
Pictorial Review......
Special Pries
Palls City News.....
Metropolitan .........
lsOU i
Spedai Pria#
Falls City News.....
Hearst’s Magazine ..
Spadai Prlea
Falls City News ....
Technical World.....
Spadai Prloa
Falls City News.....
Mondern Priscilla
1.50 i Special Prlea
1. 0 1
ijauies worm.........
Mother’s Magazine
McCall’s ( free p’trn)
1.00 „ Spadai Prlea
50 J
LOO - Spedai Prloa
1 50 J
75 - Spadai Prloa
Falls City N e w s ....
Falls City News....
Home Needlework
Boy’s Magazine ....
Housewife..... ......
Falls City News .
Today’s (free pat
) 50 > Spadai Prloa
Boy’s Magazine..... 1.00
Don’t miss these bargains. Send your order in at once’
I f vou do not find what you want in this list, call at our office.
We have many other popular magazines that we sell at special
■*,aB= And Our Paper All One Year
Send u* your order right away, or g; re it to our representative, or e»dl sad see
us when in town. II you have never sul .scribed to our paper before, do it now and
get these lour magazines. If you are A.t-egulir subscriber to our paper, woairge you
to send in your renewal at once, sad get these four magazines. I f you srs a sub­
scriber to any of these magazines, tund your reneanl order.to ns and »W wlU extend
your subscription for one year.
Think Of It, S v a s S i r .'s J B S r J S ;
W# hsve (ample copies of theee mrgaxine* on display at our «Ace. Call sad
so* them. They are printed on book paper with illustrated coven, and sta full o<
claan, interesting etorie# and instructive articles on History. Science, A rt, Afaefc,
Fashion, Fancy Needlework, General terming, Live 8tock and Pwjltry.
*1.18 Your Order Before You Forger II *1.18
Th! Magazines Will Stop Promptly, Whin Tim« h; Up