2 Haturday,’ April 211,' 191(1 THE PALL8 CITY NEWA Jfallg (ßttg N pw b tions into which he may be forced. President Wilson spends a great deal o f his time in keepincr fully advised with reference to foreign affairs and in directing his polic­ ies; but the task has not made him grow thin, or look older. TH E r u K O » _ *a iG H T ï r iv e r . I B I B Q E CONTRACT LET LOCAL ITEMS Mr*. Inman and Anna aia visit- This Wonderful Stream la Navigable For Soma 2.500 Mil««. Inff friends hem. Describing the great Yukon rlvar, C o u n ty W ill ir o o l R o w W o o d e n B rid g e Hub Hennstt and family havt L. WOOD ft SON, Harry A. Aurr In hla book. ‘Tamp on D a y to n S tr o o t . 1 . 0 H e rre ld moved bark to Falla City. Publisher». Fire« In the Yukon.” aaya: Q e t * C o n t r a s t. The north «rat angle o f the nmtrni Mine Muliel Sheppard left fo> Enter-*! m •*'<'«-nd-ct« au mail at the poutuffuv hemisphere stretches Into the Pacific at Fa!»* I'itT IMk Cnuuty. tlre«oa. uodrr the Salem T hu rsd ay m orning Art Jf lYnyrruu of \Unh 1 1ST9. ocean toward Asia, forming the Unit­ The bids for the Dayton street ed States territory o f Alaska, well Mrs. C. M. OIU and children ex­ TcUpfceat - Ne«* Office. S 3 . termed a nation's treasure bouse. Se|i«play. IS cent« aa Inch longitude lies a land of romancs and was $721. and that of Ira C. A surprise patty was given 8. \V. Rasine«« Notices. ' cents s line ; For »sie. Rent. somewhat of mystery—the Yukon. Wingo at hia home Sunday, it be­ Mehrling $7(52. Rxchsnre. Want «n d Psy Kntertalnmenl No­ C la im C o u n tr y W a s In s u lte d b y F a il­ Within this Yukon territory there tices. S els. a Une. PaM o l Thanks SO et»; Le*« The specifications call for a ing bis birthday. Tim gneeu were u re o f S o o r o ta ry o f T r e a s u r y a n d flows a remarkatde and mighty stream, Notices, tesai rates. his relatives from Monmouth and the Yukon river, which not only fur wooden structure, but the time P a r ty R o t V is itin g P la c e . spent the day with him and his Copy for new ads. and chances should be sent nlshed the name to this domain, but. for completion appears to he ob­ family. to The News not later than Wednesday. “ with Its tributary streams, constitutes scure; in fact so far as can be Official Nswspapsr ef the City ml Falla Cits lim a i n« i on o _____ practlcsily the only artery o f com Hurt Wonderly and d ie s liar- mma, reru, Apnl 25. Several merce development amt civilisation | learned there is no time set for tong returned Wednesday night OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OF FALLS CITY newspapers in tones increasingly wltbln the territorial boundartea. the beginning or ending. How­ Klalug within flftecn miles o f the I’a from a trip to Portland. Bert aaya H. J. Grillili. Mayor. bitter, today advocated a demand ever, it is to be hoped that it will R M. Wonderly. Councilm an-at-Larte cldc ocean at Dyea Inlet, on the south that on the road lietween Catuby on Washington for an apology for era boundary o f the country, the Yu­ he pushed through without any O. W. Brentner, and Auronra there came on one of Georye C. .March. the alleged insult to Peru because kon tears and rips Its Irresistible way unnecessary delay. C. J. Bradley. north by west about 1.000 miles, where the hardiat rains for fit teen min­ Council men Secretary o f the Treasury Mc- I. G. Singleton. It crosses the arctic circle nud. turn ute« that he ever saw; the water C. L. Hopkins. Adoo and his party did not stop lng westward, flows more than 1.200 N Selig. Extra copies ol The News are stood two inches in the road and there on their tour o f South Amer­ miles through the middle of Alaska C. K. McFherren. Auditor and Police Judge until It loses Itself In ths Icy waters printed each week, and will be sent it was difficult lo see the fence ica. Walter L. Too«« Jr.. City Attorney. o f the raclflc. Pat Murphy. Marshal and Water &ipt. lo any address desired, postpaid, poet« a few yards away M. L. Thompson. Treasurer Peculiar among rivers la the extent for 6 cents per copy. Dr. F. M. Hellwarth. Health OSIcer. of Its navigability, for steamboat navi­ FOOLING T H E BATTER. gation begins at Lake Bonnet, not lh e C o u n c il meets in regular session on the first FAREWELL PARTIES Monday night of each month, at 7 »0 o'clock, in Tactics and Tricks Used by the Big quite forty miles north of Dyen pass, lhursday evening a farewell where rise the streams that feed the he office of the Falls City News. SUMMONS League Pitchers. waters of the lake. From the head of parly was given at tha home of la the Woman's Home Companion Is In the Circuit Court o f the State S a t u r d a y , A p r il 29. 1916 an article on pitching baseball curves navigation—and I refer to steamboat navigation—to the outlet o f the riv­ of Oregon for Polk County. De­ Mra. Miller in honor of Loin Reece by C. H. Claudy. In It he says; who departed Friday morning for 'T e w big league pitchers depend on er In Bering sea the distance Is ai>- partment No. 2, No. 4813. proxlmately 2.500 miles, over which LOOTING IT BOTH WAYS. her new home in Enterprise, O re.; many varieties o f curve to 'fool' the large aize steamers operate all sum John T. Hughes, Plaintiff, v. Alvah It is with regret that her friend« At the beginning of his term batter. No matter wha the effect o f a mer, excepting three and a half miles G. Linehack, Kida IJneback, Alex wide and sweeping curve may be upon of Falls Cily hid her farewell, Mr. Wilson proceeded to loot the one of your teammates, a curve ball at the canyou and rapids, where the Christ. Kina Christ, Walter L diplomatic service for the purpose in the big league is as easy to hit aa a steamboats could run downstream, but Tooze and Phil Arthur, Defend- by reason o f the currents It would be A farewell party was given iu of protecting places for “ deserv- straight one. provided the batter knows Impossible to get them upstream. ents. . r. . „ . It 1» coming. But when a good pitcher And this navigability over so much honor of Mabel Sheppard Tbur«- mg Democrats , among whom the wt8 to work on , be d o w t of Its course seems to be characteristic To Alex Christ and Rina Christ, day, April 27, which wa« given by most deserving were found to be let him know what la coming. not only o f the main artery o f the defendants above named. “ With three balls and two strikes al­ her friends. Botore tbs friend« those who had contributed most Yukon, but holds as to Its tributary most any major league batter Is enti­ In the name of the State of Ore­ departed for their homes, refresh­ generously to the Wilson campaign tled to believe that the neit pitch will streams, as the Tahklul. the Teslln. Pelly. Stewart. Tauuna. Koyukuk. gon: You are hereby required to ments wire served, after which fund. Toward the end of his term be a 'fast one splitting the plate.' But the Porcupine and the White rivers are If the pitcher has his nerve with him ap(iear and answer the complaint they bade Mabel farewell. Time«- Mr. Wilson is again looting the di­ uuvlgable for very considerable dls it may be a sudden inshoot. Expecting plomatic service for the purpose the natural straight hall and finding tances by the large flat bottomed filed against you in the above en­ pieseiit were as fullow«; Winnie about a tenth o f a second before the steamboats of the Mississippi type. P«ru Pipers Denand II. S. Make Apology o f providing useful and energetic politicians who will assist in carry­ ball gets to the plate that It la jumping In toward him. the batter bns no time ing forward his campaign for re- to change hla 'set' and strikes out. "The essence o f any 'fooling' dellv- election. It is ju inst T' then‘ ,u fcature “ “ «P^tFdness. To n is s t now no a made m a a e known Known that tn at ” make use of U th|g < ^ „ ,1 of t(K, Henry Morgenthau, Ambassador Tooling' delivery Is necessary. at Constantinople, will resign his "And the easiest curve to control la the curve which is pitched most natu­ post to take up some very impor­ rally. tant work connected with the fin- j "That Is why the big lengue pitcher ancial end of the President’s can- doesn't try to master the curves of « . . . ., . every other pitcher, but sticks to those vass. Mr. Morgenthau is n ow in he can do ^ g „ atert pltrber th is co u n try on le a v e o f a b sen ce Of the game won fame for hls 'fade and a fe w w e e k s aeo it w a s hint- ed that the exigencies of politics would prevent his return to Tur­ key. In the white heat of a ficti- titious indignation this rumor was denied. But the truth now ap­ pears—and Mr. Morgenthau will stay at home. The experience he has gained in Turkey will go for naught A n o t h e r “ deserving Democrat” will be sent to that troublous area to learn the ropes at the expense of the American treasury and to the cost of Amer­ ican interests. But Mr. Wilson will have achieved the distinction of being the first President who has attempted to loot the diploma tic service both going and coming a'T.a/ ' ! he b*n that ? Uhers " nd o te l S a m p le N e e m e B ea l A s s a m m o S a tlo n a F. Orease, Freerleler HAKt-KK SHOPS Bohle's Barber Shops F e lls C ity . O ra s s e Vhsrs yaa es* |»t « U r n . Islr Cal. Irik i f 'Shine' *t«*i f«r Dalla» ilea* Uaafry I Buii-ll«« forwarded 1u««day «» « » I n * MONI'M UNTI G. L. H A W K I N S M ARBLE AN D GRANITE M ONUM ENTS D a lla s, O r a ia s FUNKMAI. 1>1 HECTOR R. L C H A P M A N F it ritra i D irad o» Wa «Haag Sa all wart »»amplia- Dalle« mmd Falla City. Or B R O W N -S IB L IY ABSTRACT CO; •lo MUI (llfMl lift lift«. Of B f Ott JOHN M HIHLKV. M«n*cer ¡plaint, viz.: Our BbilfAil plant Is poAttnl dally from Pulk County Records. That plaintiff recover off and from the defendants Alvah G Linehack and Rida Linehack Three Monday morning. Ho! Ho! Ho! hundred and seventy-five ($375 ) We all heard the whistle blow, i Dollars, with interest thereon at Every man and every child, per Cent per annum since On the air so clear and mild, _ , ,, Heard that whistle loud and shrill, rebruarv J i, 1911, until paid, ant Of the old Falla City mill. Sixty i $60) Dollars as attorney’s fees herein, and his costs and dis Long we’ ve liatened, long we've [waited. bursements, and that the mort­ For that whistle so belated; gage given by said defendants Now at last with joyous thrill, Lineback to W. H. Boals October We hear the whistle o f the mill, 27. 1906, and recorded on page 157 And the sound we like to hear, of Volume 27 of the Polk County, For we know that work is near. Oregon, Mortgage Records, and May she run for many a day, Headquarters f o r Candy and Cigar J now held by plaintiff, be foreclos­ Without a stop or p delay. HARRINGTON ed in the manner provided by law, And give the good men here a show, and that the real property describ­ To pay the debts that they all owe, May the ‘ ‘donkeys’ ’ climb the steep. ed in the said mortgage, viz.: ’That tract or parcel of land, be And send the logs down in a heap. ing a part o f the Donation Land And the mill and planer too, Claim o f John Sheldon and wife, May they run the whole day through. Notification No. 6832, Claim No. And give the men a chance to work, 41, in Township 8 South, Range f For few of them will duty shirk, Then the people will all see. West of the Willamette Meridian, Falls City as she ought to be. in the County of Polk and State of Business booming, people coming, Oregon, and bounded and describ­ Men awhistling, women humming, ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at Children playing, crying, laughin-r, a point which is 32 chains South As they keep on with their chaffing, and 25 chains West from the Blow the whistle! let it blast! Northeast corner of said Claim; The mill has started up at last. thence South 18.80 chains; thence Candi»«, Tobaccos and Cigars, at —Anonymous, West 6.00 chains; thence North L. B. WON DERBY'S 18.80 chains: thence East 5 chains to the place of beginning, contain­ ing 9.40 acres, more or less; School has closed for a fern days —be sold for the satisfaction of giving Mrs. Neal a chance to fight Notice to News Subscribers the amounts decreed to be due the a very had enemy, poiaon oak. plaintiff herein, and that plaintiff Miss Katie Barnhart and Mra. A mark here indicates that may have such other relief as is George King were visiting home- your subscription is delinquent. prayed for in the said comolaint. folks Saturday and Sunday. Please call And fix it. This summons, by order of the Wm, Tillitsmi has moved his I Hon. H. H. Belt, Judge of said Jamily to (he Joe Card place where Court, dated the 30th day of he will he near his work at the ! March, 1916, is published once a cemsnt plant. week for six consective weeks, in M r. H « m e S aakar Work at the cement plant is in ’ [ C O M E T O F A L L S C I T Y , O S t O O N ] the Falls City News, a weekly full sway and it is expected they an d B u y O r s h t r « Lang newspaper of general circulation will have rock ready to ship by published in said County. the last of the week. The date of the first publication Beware o f Oin tm ents for Easter exercises were held at the of this summons is April 1,1916. school house Sunday morning and I Catarrh T h a t C on ta in M ercury OSCAR HAYTER, mercury will «ursly drmtroy lha ««naa at noou a bountiful lunch wa* at of »m»ll and com(rleO>ly d«r«ne*> tha Attorney for plaintiff. whola system when enterln« It through spread to which all done justice. tha muroua surface«. Such articles should M13. »aver ba used ex- ep« on prescription» lady from Dallas preached in from repnublo phy« Irian« as the damafa they will do Is ten fold to raa good you the afteinoon. can possibly derive from them. Rally Do you like to read good stories? Catarrh Cure, msraifsetured by F. 1. We regret loosing our old neigh- Cheney A Co.. Tolydo. O.. contains If so take advantage of our club- For Ho Didn’t Stay With It. bor. Mr. Olcott. but since they are 2 £ S 7 'u£ i ¡¡M S -g » “ I came from a very good family.” king offer in this issue of the paper liope ___ ____ ________ _ _ going we hope good fortune will g ^ y g V u r « b?VS?a you wnu- said the tiresome one. Correspondents wanted in every he theirs, welcoming to our midst “ Some families certainly do seem to oh io^bV rJ^ch««*"* c S '^ s t strike luck!” said the wearied one — neighborhood in this section ol tns the new people who have moved I ■•'■«■MIs frae. Bold by Dninlats. Prioe Tie par bottlat Browning's Magazine. on the place just vacated. country. Taka Badi'« Family FlBa *»r essati patios. J