i Saturday, April 22, 1918 THE TALLS CITY NEW8 FEATS OF FANATICS Dervishes of the Orient and Their Curious Practices SEEM INSENSIBLE TO PAIN. Th s«« Religious Enthusiasts Cut and Stash Themselves, and Under Correct Condition« No Blood Flow»»— Magical Curaa by tha Shsik. Much lias been written on the sub- Jett of ttie astounding things that are done by dervishes and the apparent In­ sensibility to (>aiu and injury that their fauatieisui gives them, but the vivid account given by a . writer in Black­ wood's o f some o f these facts w it­ nessed by himself cannot fall to prove o f interest "In Constantinople you may sea at any time bowling dervishes, who howl professionally in their worahip. and in Konla whirling dervishes, who simi­ larly whirl Instead o f howL And upon the road aud in villages and country towns o f tbs Turkish empire are to be met dervlahes of the mendicant orders — wild eyed, austere men carrying bowl aud battle as. who wander afoot to places where most alms may be found. But those dervishes who lacerate them­ selves as the aim of their ecstasy are n ot 1 think, to be found in any dis­ trict near the coast or easy o f access. In only one small town, a long way In the interior of Asia Minor, did I ever see one of their performances, and then it was in the way o f a favor." A fter describing the long processes o f preparation by which the necessary "atmosphere” is obtained, the writer goes on: "Cresently two men left the semi­ circle o f dervishes and stood before the sheik. On them the preparation had done Its work and they were ready to begin laceration. The sheik licked the blades o f two thin dagger-like knives with bis tongue and handed them to the devotees. Each immedi­ ately pressed the knife through his own cheeks. It went In at one side and the point came out at the other. Meanwhile the swordsmen leaped and the semicircle roared and swayed with redoubled energy. "Again the sheik licked two knives and handed them to the men. and again they pushed them through their cheeks, this time in the opposite direc­ tion. No blood flowed, aDd the opera­ tion looked as harmless, once yon had seen It done, as stabbing a Dutch cheese. The sheik drew out the knives, wet the ball o f his thumb upon his tongue, clapped it on the boles, and no boles could be seen, but merely white scars. "X ow . one who has not seen these or similar things done may think that some sleight o f hand took place, or. falling that possibility, that I imagin­ ed these sights, being under strong in­ fluence so to do. I can only offer the evidence o f my senses. I was within a distance o f two or three yards when the cheeks were pierced, looked at them from two feet with the knives still in position, and at the same dis­ tance looked at the white scars that a few seconds before bad been palpable boles. I f I was hypnotized so were all o f us. for we saw alike. "When the display with knives was over two other men came forward as candidates for the spiked balls. The upper and lower points o f the spikes were licked by the sheik and play be­ gan. The lower point was placed in the open palm of one hand, the upper point wus capped by the open palm of the oilier, and then by a sl'ght circular movement of the upper hand the ball was rotated violently As it did so short lengths o f chain attached to the circumference spread out and acted as a flywheel. With the balls spinning in this fashion the men began to leap, throwing them into the air. catching them with the point on an open palm and always keeping up the spinning. " I t was clever in its way. but no more, and I was thinking it a simple trick when one man dashed the spiked point forcibly Into bis head. The other fellow Immediately followed by thrust­ ing his Into his neck. Both balls fell over and bung suspended with the point remaining In the flesh. These wounds Immediately drew blood. Blood drawing, however, was not In the game. It showed something amiss—in sufficient faith or preparation or both— and the sheik hastened to stanch It. His thumb went first to bis infallible tongue and then to the wounds. The flow censed under the application, and other men took up the balls. Some­ times they drew blood and sometimes not. but all the wounds made were lm mediately closed by the sheik and left only white scars. And these, like the other scars, whether you believe it or not. presently faded out of sight. “ It was nearing midnight when all was over. In the bazaar the next morning I recognized one of those who had used the spiked balls on the previ­ ous evening. He now appeared as an open faced youngster o f eighteen or nineteen, with a smile that be could not supprees. H e said he worked In the Iron bazaar hard by, making rough binges and other ironwork. And while he stood there, smiling and ingenuous. It needed an effort o f mind to think o f him as a fanatical dervish o f the previ­ ous night's scene." MONEY IN SALONIKI. Why the Merest Glimpse ef It W ill Produce a Near Riot. In normal times. If Saloulkl is ever | normal, she has a imputation o f 120. 000. and every oue o i those 120.000 is f i ersouslly interested tu any oue else who engages or may he about to en­ gage in a money transaction. In New York if a horse falls down there is at ; once an audience of a doseu persona. In Salonlkl the downfall o f a horse la no body's business, but a copper coin 1 cbauglng bauds Is everybody's. O f this i local characteristic John T. McCutch- eou and I made a careful study, aud the result o f our investtgatioua pro­ duced certain statistics. I f in Salonlkl you buy u uewspupet from a new sboy, o f the persona pnaslug : two will stop; i f at an open shop you buy a package o f cigarettes live |ast live years. Is being revised, and the ther. for the next morning Mrs. Wood next edition will contain a good deal o f Information w hich will luterest boy» lu the subject of safety, explaining how accidents can in- avoided and how to help others avoid them at home, at school lu shops. lq the street, at pub­ lic gatherings, etc. It is planned to bnve certain aafety requirement» In­ corporated tu those which scouts must meet to advance to higher grades in scouting. T o assist them n safety primer will be developed, safety Ideas will he presented attractively in Boys' Life, which is the scout magazine, and local and possibly uatlonal contests will be conducted on a “ good safety turn” basis. Officials' Wives Stand Recep­ tion Strain Better Than Men. MRS. WILSON NEVER EXCITED FRANCE IS VERY GREEN. Every Possible Shads la Shown In Its Amazing Vegetation. It might fairly be said that the gen- oral Impression France as a whole j leaves upon the beholder is—green. Perpetually moist o f climate—except In the south—endowed with heavy and ' ontlnuous rainfalls and having a tem­ ® 1915 by Genthe. perature which Is astonishingly even HUS. WOODROW WILSON ; year In and year out. the country U like an enormous hothouse. row Wllsou was up bright uud early The result is a study In greens of and at 10 o'clock was paying a friendly every conceivable and inconceivable visit to one o f her older, but close shade. Verdure and foliage rang» personal friends lu Ibis city from greens that are gray or black to When it came to the men the matter greens that are hardly’ more than yel­ low. From the hardy pastures high was different. It Is sale to :-ay that the upon the sides o f the towering Pelvoux strain o f the reception wus harder on rsnge, thousands o f feet above the sea. the president than days of the utmost to the cactus and agaves and olives worry over the various International that grow at the water's edge the ver­ questions that would cause the ordi­ dant nuances are a revelation In rural nary man to come close to the break­ ing point o f nervous energy The mem­ coloring. bers o f the cabinet, though not cum But France is not all green either That Is only the background, the filler, pelted to go through the handshaking us It were, for a warm toned picture which wus Infll'teil on the chief execu­ full o f high lights, touched with the tive. also showed the str.iin. und when gold o f grain, the ruddy tiles o f an­ the end o f the long line was reached cient roofs, the fiery spatter o f pop­ were ejicli aud all ready to take a long ples. the tawny flood o f a river or the rest, steely thread of a brook, and on the I Only one o f the ladies o f the cabinet glistening southern shore, with cliffs showed any effv< ts from her exertions. as red as any soil New Jersey boasts, Mrs. Lansing left the Hue early in the water like melted sapphires, villas cov­ evening us the result o f a shoulder ered with majolica tiles thut make the which she recently strained while play beholder rub hta eyes and wonder If he lug golf. This brought Mrs. M cAdooto Is dreaming the amazing Inebrities of the positiou o f second in the reception style and color that strive to but can­ line, and she showed herself to be com not shatter the harmony of creation.— pletely at home in the gracious maimer National Geographic Magazine. In which she greeted her father's guests. The |»etite Mrs. Burleson was one o f the most attractive of the wo­ A Miniature Holland. England has a Holland lu miniature men who received. Sparkling und viva near the mouth o f the Thames. Can- clous, she upix'urcd at the end o f the vey island, beloved of holiday mak­ evening as though ready to go through ers, was until three centuries ago al­ a similar experience at a moment's no­ most submerged, but In 1H23 a Dutch tice. There was Just oue disappointing dyker named Croppenburgh erected a high sea wall and cut drains, which feature—at least to some o f the guests. converted It Into rich and arable land. Tbey did not get anything to eat A Many o f the Dutch workmen engaged simple supper bad been prepared, but In the work settled on the reclaimed when It came to midnight none re­ land, and the Dutch aspect o f the is­ mained. The waiters had doue ihelr land is preserved until this day.—Lon­ l est, but the appetites o f those in the don Chronicle. first ranks o f the crowded rooms had been too hearty, and even the attempt to divide sandwiches in halves failed So Shyl "That's a nasty cut on your temple,” to bring the needed relief. Washington s o c ie t y . I t t f i n g , was an employer said to bis clerk. "H ow did it happen?" happy again. It was the first of the old "1 had words with my wife.” the time White House functions held for clerk answered. | years. It will be by no means the last "Your w ife gave you that?” exclaim­ and will be followed by a revival of ed the employer. "And abe used to be dinners, receptions and other enter­ such a shy girl!" tainments which promise grent joy to “ So she Is now." said the clerk. many, especially to the caterers and "She's always shying, and she never florists, who see a return o f good times misses.” —Washington Star. after a long term o f lean months in their lines o f business. Bet Her Thinking. “ I dress expensively. Do you think you could do as well for me in that respect as father does?” Wood Enough to Heat the Place For "Perhaps eo,” said the young man. the W inter In One Day. •'Still. I shouldn't like to go around Columbus. Ind.—H ow to get wood to looking at shabby as be does.” — Louis­ last the Garden City Christian church ville Courier-Journel. through the winter bothered some of the members o f the church, which Is At the Boarding House. situated two miles southwest o f this "Is this beef too rare for you, Mr. city. Simpkins?" Then somebody suggested a "wood “ W e il since yon ask me, Mrs. Skin­ chopping and sawing.” The members ner, I would like It a little oftener.” — o f the ebureb turned out, cut down When Women Rule. Baltimore American. "W h o Is that lady T trees, sawed the logs Into the proper “ Our peerless if**-***. Mrs Cincin­ lengths and then split the blocks Into Tart Retort. nati« W om bat Called right from the stove wood. Mrs. Mack Neptune, one Dad—No. I won't have my dangh tireless cooker to the senate.” — Kansas o f the members o f the church, served ter tied to a stupid fool for life! He— dinner at noon The Rev. W. H. Rook, City Journal. Then don't yon think you'd better let pastor o f the Tabernacle Christian me take her off your hand«?—Pennsyl­ church o f this city, used a crosscut There is only one irreparable 1 vania State Froth. saw a part o f the day. the loos o f courage.-Lym an AbbotL SAW AND CHOP FOR CHURCH. “ The Bookbinder." Ttie following game, called the book­ binder. is a very Intcrextiug one. Let t tie players stand with tlielr flats closed, knuckles up anil a book laid a, ross the back o f the hands. The leader In the center o f the circle must snatch n book from u pair o f hands and rap the knit' kies liefore the owner o f the hands can snatch them away. I f the bands are snatched awuy when the lender docs not really tuke the book, thus letting the latter fall, the one making this mistake must become the bookbinder, or If the book Is snatched and the knuckles rapped be­ fore they can lie drawn away the per­ son thus rapped must become the book- hinder. A Pussy Clock. Pan you tell time by your pussycat's eyes? Go and look. I f It ts early morning the pupils will be quite wide open. As ttie light grows stronger they will grow narrow, until by noon they arc only little slits. Then again toward sundown they will begin to widen out again. Just how It would lie If n big. black thundercloud came up. I couldn't say. But It would be good fun to tell time by Tabby on a d ea r day. Just as they do in China.— Picture Story Paper. How Coal Was Named. The name of coal was first applied | only to fuel made o f charred wood, or what we call charcoal. When the use o f tnlnc.'al coal liegan it was called sea coal, because at first only found along the seashore along with seaweed und other wreckage cast up by the waves and thus supposed to be of mi- ; rlue origin. From Its resemblance In | color and burning qualities to char- ! coal It finally received the simple name of coal Jimmy’s Reason. One day a teacher was trying to keep the children from being frightened during a thunderstorm by talking to them about the wonders o f air, elec- - trlclty, etc. “ And now," she said, “ can you tell me why lightning never strikes | twice In the same place?” "Because." said Jimmy, confident that he was right, “ after it has struck once the same place ain't there any more.” New Fire Friction Record. A new Are by friction record among boy scouts has been established by j Deputy Scout Commissioner Robert M. j Y'crgason o f Hartford, Conn. On Feb. 22 Mr. Yergason produced Are In 15 2-5 seconds. The time was taken from the first stroke o f the bow until the flame appeared. The best previous record, 1? 3-5 seconds, was established by Scout L. M. Knight o f Newton. Mass. New Badge For Scouts. A badge for scout s rilies has been authorized. It will consist o f the ten­ derfoot, second class or first class pin, with two pens crossed beneath i t English Children's May Bong. Bprlns Is comtns. spring Is coming; Birdies, build your nest. Weave toast her straw and feather. Doing each your best. Hprlng Is coming, spring la coming; Flower» are comlna too. Pansies lilies, daffodillies, Now are coming through. Spring le coming, spring Is coming! All around Is fair. Shimmer and quiver on the river, Joy is everywhere We wish you a happy May. And, Curiously Enouflh. That Fact Won Him a Lot of Fame. QUEER TALE OF A LONDON INN _i-------- The Commotion a Traveler Freeh From Australia Kicked Up In the Blue Bear Tavern by » Simple Request That Made Him an Object ef Wonder. SUICIDE CHANGED MIND. T ssle of Carbolla Acid Shewed Smith He Didn't Went ts Die. I mllauapolta. — Edward 0. Brnlth, aged tweuty live, o f OK! North Jeffer­ son avenue, decided to commit suicide, hut quickly ebauged hta mind after bo bad lasted a small quantity o f car­ bolic acid. The customary fateful uole. In which ho attributed his despondency to n quarrel with bis wife, was found In bis iiocket Hmlth stated bis attempt at suicide in a drug store at Illlnota and Wash­ ington etreete. A fter the clerk bad sold him the acid he turned around and held the upturned bottle to bla llpn. A moment later he gave out a shriek, threw the bottle and remaining hit of acid at the clerk and then fell against : the counter. An ambulance took him ! to the city hoepltal Physicians at the hospital said that Smith's tongue was slightly burned, but that he bad not swallowed any of : tbs acid. I cherish the thought, says the author of the uuttddoeruphy entitled "Ttie Record o f Nicholas Frrydon." that I have become something of a tradition a', the Blue lloar Inn, lu Isnidnu. where I have reason to tbiuk I am r e in «» tiered today by a now aged Hoots and others— many, many other»—as “ the geneliuuit as ordered n liawtll.” I happened on the Blue Hoar, a new arrlvul from Australia, and stayed there for two nights. On rising after my first sleepless night 1 went prowl- lug all about the house In search of the Farmer Flees When He Bees Bride by Mall Get Off Train. bathroom. Fluully I was routed back Kansas City.—When Timothy Illley. to my room by n newly awakened uiakl (lu curl plnsl, who told me rather farmer, got one look st his bride to be crossly tliut I could not have a the romance was "busted.” Riley drove "buwtb" unless I ordered It “ before- lila brand new farm wagon up In front 'anil." I was in a hurry to get out­ o f the Union station, hitched the team doors. no 1 did without ury bath and and then stood guard at tbs exit door. Ha wore a red carnation, by which promised myself i would see to It later sign the bride to be was to know him. In the day. That afternoon, footsore, tired and all the love making having been done feeling Inexplicably grimy. I Interview­ by mall. The bride, who was to have ed the lady again atul begged |>ennle­ ■ome from Nevada, was to wear s sion to have a bath. She was then In Palm Beach eu lt A few moments later a Palm Oeacb much brighter humor and in curia in place o f pins. Khe promised to arrange salt, garnished with numerous boxes the matter shortly and to aend some sud bundles, hove In sight. Riley took ono to warn me when the moment had one look, snatched Ibe carnation from hta buttonhole and fled. The bride to arrived. Where could I lie found? “ Oh. I'll go und uudress at oue».” I lie appeared to be fully twenty yearn older than he. which probably was the said. “ No, don't do that, air: I can't get a excuse for hta hasty flight buwtb all In s minute." she told me. “ i*erha|>s you'd like to wlte lu the smokin' room." I agreed at once and retired to the flyblown smoking room, where there was an ample choice o f distraction for a writing man between a motbeaten volume entitled "K in g's Concordance” and a Southeastern railway time table cover, very solidly fastened, hut with nothing inside. Presently Hoots came in, elderly and sad. but furtively bird- like both In the way he held hta bead on one side and In the Jerky quickness of hta movements. "You the geuelmun as ordud er New York.— You can’t keep • good bawth?” he asked anxiously. I admit­ > song down. When It hae been trans­ ted i t and be gave a long sigh of re lated into all the living languages It lief. takes up the dead. "Oo! All right.” he said, almost I f whoever wrote “ Tipperary" will gladly. " I ’ll leteher know when It's visit the New York evening ecbool in ready." De W itt Clinton high school. Tenth And he hopped out I yawned, open­ avenue and Fifty-ninth street, be will ed the concordance nnd shut It again bear there almost any night this lyric hastily, by reason o f the extraordinary lilt—and wonder what has bnp|iened pungent mustiness Its pages emitted. to the darling o f his brain: Then I went pro«|ieotlng Into the pas­ Longa vie ad Ttpperarlura. Longs vie ibo; sage between the stairs and the private Lon s e v ie ad 1 Tippersrlum . bar. Here I passed a sort o f ticket o f­ Ad pusllem quern cognosce fice window, at which a middle aged lady sat. eating winkles from a plate V ile Ptcldltlum. V ale Leicester Forum with the aid of a hairpin. Her face Lon ga v ia eat sd Tlpperarlum lighted up with sudden Interest as she Ibl eat ccw meum. saw me. Also, If he listens longer, be will “ Oo!" she cried with spirit "E r you hear “ I Didn't Raise My Boy to He a the genelmun a« ordud er bawth'/** Soldier" and thsi other songs o f the mo­ Again I pleaded guilty, and with a ment done Into the purest Latin o f broad, reassuring smile, as o f one who Manhattan. ' should say. “ Bless you. we've had vis­ The exptanaxion. if he aska oue. Is itors Just as mad as you before this." that Professor Horace C. Walt, teacher she nodded her ringleted head and o f Latin in both De W itt Clinton high sold: "R igh t you are. sir. I'll send nnd the evening school baa discovered Hoots to leteher know when It's ready.” the way to Interest hts pupils la to Apart from consideration of her oc­ tiring Latin up to date. O f course. cupation, which demanded privacy. I Caesar's legions may have snug the could not stand gazing at this lady, same song as tbey realized how far It and ao I passed on to my only refuge was from I-ondon town to Ireland, but from the concordance room—the pri­ even so. thinks P tofeaior W all, to put vate bar. There was a really splendid into Horace's tongue young lady in attendance here, who "Tipperary" brings the past more In line with tbs smiled upon me so sweetly that I felt present constrained to order a lemon squash. For several sessions lately the boys While I pondered, with one hand on the counter, the still smiling bsrmald and the processor have collaborated on the translations o f popular sunga and opened conversation brightly. "E r you the genelmun what's ordud then have sung them to detedt imper­ fections in the rhythm. They will con­ er bawth?" she asked engagingly. I began to feel that there must he tinue to adapt Broadway's beet singing some kind of London Joke about this songs to tbo Applan W ay os long as formula. Terhaps It Is a phrase in the the snugs and the Latin verbs hold ou t As for “ Tipperary.” even tbo German current comic opera, I thought. As I hung Indeterminately waiting I heard lads In the class Join In on ths "A d a voice In the passage outside nnd rec­ puellam quam cognosco.” ognized It as belonging to that elderly bird. Boots. "N o; 1 ain't a-wastln' uv me time," It snld. “ I'm a lookin' for some one. I Among Many Items Testator Adm on­ serpose you ain't seed Ibe genelmun as ishes Children to Be Upright. ordud er bawth anywhere abart. 'sve Winchester. Ind.—The will o f James yer?" Fearful lest further delay should Tobin, a Union City resident who died lead to the bricking up o f the bath­ recently, baa been died here for pro­ room or to a crier's being sent round bate In the circuit court. A cnong the the town for the "genelmun" and ao many items the testator adjnonisbea forth, I hastened out almost Into the his children to walk uprightly and ssys: "In making this last will ajnd testa­ arms o f the retainer and forcibly checked him aa he began on an Inter­ ment and in making this disposition o f rogative note to cheep out. “ You the my property I beg to leave tills advice nnd admonition to my cblldnni and to genelmun aa ordud er” — Coming from s country where, even each o f them: , “ F ir s t— L ots , honor and ob ey your In the poorest workman's bouse, the > bathroom at all events Is always In mother. "Recopd.—Be faithful to yusir rel igion. commission. I was especially struck by "Third.— Love one another. This Incident, more especially when an •'Fourth.—Be honest, upright and hour later I heard the chambermaid truthful.” cry out over the banisters: "M lbel! The genelmnn as ordud er bawth sez V II ’a v * a chop wlv 'Is ten I” Eighty/CMeksns,ln Pie. Pomona.* C at-In order to feed 300 members"'of Q>e Loyal Man s IMble A Survival. Grubbs — Humanity has Improved class o f the First Christian church st wonderfully in the last 2,000 years. • banquet Rev. C. B. Hudson had a For exempts, w e have no such person local restaurant bake eighty hen* In a nowadays as the professional gladi­ chicken pie four feet wide, one hen deep and eleven feet long;. ator. "Oh, I don't know. There's the pro- fessionsl chauffeur.“ -Richm ondTim es • Paid $2,000 In Bounties. Dispatch. ONE LOOK WAS ENOUGH. “ TIPPERARY" SUNG IN " LATIN IN NEW YORK Mint Pupils and Profassor Collaborata on Songs. GIVES ADVICE IN W IL L Deliberate with caution, but act with decision nnd yield with gracious ness or oppose with firmness.-Colton. Salem. Ora.—For 20JXX) gopher im f mol» scalp», which were brought Into the office of County Clerk Gehlbar residents of Marlon county received •2,000. m j