Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 15, 1916, Image 1

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No. 34.
Planer Will start j The N ation al C apital i
Does The United States
Within Ten Days
Seek War With Germany 1.500,000 Ft. of Lumber
By J. I. Jones.
Ltf C IT Y H E W » »I'H K A C .
W •»h ln ifti.ii 1). C , A p ril 10.
Alone Would Profit Could the United
sl"PPerf ,0
States Be Cajoled to Break With Germany
England accunefi Germany of l>oaUi, that in case o f disaster a
the destrtlction o f the Sussex, an few Americans would be among
English freighter having a few the victims; she could carry Amer­
American sailors aboard. • Ger­ ican passengers aboard auxiliary
many denies all responsibility of warships and armed merchant­
the disaster; yet England ex|*ects men carrying contraband o f war
the United States to ignore the that she might hold the hapless
dunial, espouse England’s troubles American between her and danger
and force Germany to stop shoot­ as do the savage warriors in hea-
ing up her IxKita. A very profi­ then lands. She has misused the
table scheme to work, provided American tlag to the same end,
Uncle Samuel is silly enough to be and is it unreasonable to suppose
caught. To take action in the face that she would torpedo her own
o f Germany’s denial would be boats and use German made tor-
equivalent to a declaration o f war. Itedoes in order to accomplish such
England would be delighted to see an end?
the United States engage in war
I)o you imagine for a minute
with Germany, as it would enable that the United States would go
her to continue to shirk her duty whining to England were a for­
while France and Russia are be­ eign power U, sink un American
ing butchered.
boat with a few' Cockneys aboard
In order to draw the United or would she attend to them her­
States into war with Germany self? I f Germany is sinking En­
England might do many things. glish boats, let her go after them
She could employ a number of herself or acknowledge she is
American sailors to man their .whipped and stop her booby ways.
A small crew o f men are busy
at work this week loading cars
with lumber to be shipped to
Sacramento. Cal. The amount is
1,500.000 feet. Fred Dueltgen
has the contract for loading.
Fred Belcher o f Portland was
Mexico Will Check
Speculation In Foodstuff
down look mg after the company S
interests and when asked it) re­
gard to the operating o f the mill
he said that all the Falls City and
Salem lumber would be shipped
out o f the dock, which would
take probably sixty days and that
the planer would be gotten ready
to run in ten days. The mill he
said if nothing happened would
he running by the time the dock
is clear.
Timber Faller
Gets Leg Broken
H. A. Bowman, timber faller
at Balderee’s camp was struck by
a falling snag Thursday moaning
about 9:30 and his left leg broken
between the knee and the ankle.
Bowman (had fell a tree and in
falling it lodged into a dead tree
breaking off its top add throw­
ing it back with the above result.
He was taken to the hospital at
Dallas on the afternoon motor
Commission Appointed to Regulate Prices on Arti­
cles of Necessity— Legal Maximum Will Be
Aggregation of
In Force
Mexico City will hereafter befix-
ed by this joint commission o f
four members, two from general
military headquarters and two
from the Chamber o f Commerce,
presided over by the provost
Offending merchants face a
heavy fine and imprisonment.
Foreign merchants disregarding
the prices fixed by the commiss­
ion, will be regarded as candi­
dates for expulsion from the
A list o f legal maximum prices
will be published weekly.
"D oes Mr, Wilson mean that
j American property-owners inspired
Since President Wilson has de­ j his then friends, the Villistas and
clared that there were persons ! ( larranzistas. shooting across our
| border on different occasions, to kill
along the Mexican border who I on our own soil nine American sold­
were trying to stir up trouble be­ iers and wound many others?
“ Does Mr. Wilson mean that it
tween the United States and
was the owners o f property in M ex­
Mexico there has been both criti­ ico. native or foreign, who inspired
cism and praise. Some demand the Villistas and Cari anzistas to re­
that if the President has proof of l a t e d affrays at Naco by shooting
over the line into American territory
such actions that he should name to kill and wound, all told, some
the parties. Colonel Roosevelt fifty-seven
bombards the President with the
in the American uniform, and the
following pertinent questions;
American Collector ui Customs?
"D oes Mr. Wilson mean that it
“ 1 have received many requests
was the owners o f property in M ex­
from good American citizens in Mex­ ico who secured the attack on A m er­
ico asking if there is not some way ican and other foreign men. women,
by which the American people may and children at Tampico Hnd secured
be made to understand the ulterly also the direction by President W il­
son and Secretary Daniels to the
baseless character of President Wil­ American war-vessels at Tampico to
son’s recent charge that American steam away and leave German and
property-owners in Mexico were re­ English vessels to protect the A m er­
sponsible for stirring up the trouble ican civilians to wnom Mr. Wilson
therein. All that is necessary is to had denied the protection o f the
ask President Wilson to answer these Stars and Stripes?
“ Does Mr. Wilson mean that pro-
perfectly simple questions:
“ What American or other proper­ perty-owners in Mexico w ere respon
Requested to Name the Traitors
ty-owners in Mexico secured the kill­
ing of the 27« Americans who have
been killed by Mexicans?
"Does Mr. Wilson mean that it is
American property-owners who in­
spired him to permit the shipping to
the Villistas of the thousands of rifles
and munitions of war which they
nave now used to kill our people?
9ible for his alternately placing and
lifting the embargo on the export of
arms and munitions to Mexico until
every bandit who wished arms with
which to shoot Americans had them?
“ Does Mr. Wilson mean that these
property-owners go t him to go to
war by taking Vera Cruz after fight­
ing in which several hundred A m er­
Civil Service For Postmasters
Just before President T a ft went
out o f office Republican politicians
were insisting on blanketing post­
masters into Civil Service. The
Democrats objected very strenu­
ously, but now having shifted the
shoe on the other foot, prominent
members of the Democratic party
are urging action to extend Civil
Service so that it will take care o f
their dear friends who have been
selling postage stamps since their
appointment by the Wilson A d ­
Lookout for Bargains
Of Merit For Our Customers
Recently we bought an excellent table
peach now on sale, special
. 15
1 gallon coal oil
Perry dale Sunshine flour, per sack $1.30
An excellent table Pea, per can
. 10
A good grade canned Salmon,
per can
. 12 1-2
3 cans Astor or Country Club milk
12 l-2c dress Gingham, now priced
Our idea is to sell as low as possible along cash price
lines with the expectation o f making collections on
time accounts at short intervals.
Remember our 3 per cent coupon slips.
they represent money to you.
Get them
Selig’s Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition” .
Many a Heart 1» Breaking
The Presidential primaries are
is the round trip rate to Los
Angeles. Six months return
developing many u n e x p e c t e d
lim it
with . stopovers. The
things. Here in Washington where
a delightful time to go.
most of those who have presiden­
tial ambitions are residing there
is evidence that many a heart is
U. S. Senator Lawrence Y. breaking—not “ A fte r the Ball,'
Sherman, o f Illinois, says: “ The but after the votes are counted.
are at their best. N ice warm
Democratic administration is the
sunny days making bathing
greatest aggregation o f political
ideal. Choice o f beaches. Santa
acrobats who ever performed in
Monica, Ocean Park, Venice,
Washington is firmly convinced
Redondo, Long Beach and N e w ­
the field o f American politics. If that the Standard Oil Company
port are all within a few min-
the President were to announce might, if it chose, prevent the
utes ride o f Los Angeles.
his candidacy for a second term constant rise in the price o f gaso­
on the plank that no Democratic line. One suggestion is that an
party platform was binding after embargo be placed upon gasoline,
the election and that neither any thereby shutting off the European
platform nor any Democrat held market. In view o f the Gonvern-
is open all the year. Many o f
any views on any public question ment’s position in relation to the
the best exhibits from the Pana­
to which he would adhere, it shipment o f all other kinds o f
ma-Pacific Exposition have been
would be descriptive o f his first supplies to the war countries, it
taken to San D iego making this
> f ■.
fa ir bigger and better than ever.
term. The evidence is ample, is not likely that attempts to re­
based upon his first term, that gulate the price o f gasoline will
W rite for our booklet on Sen
the second term would confine be along the embargo route.
D iego and Southern C aliforn ia
him to no consecutive national Another legislative proposal fa ­
Ask loeal agent fo r fu rth er In form ation or w rite
John M. Scott, G en eral Passenger Agent
policies or principles believed in vors the seizing o f the properties
Portland, Ore.
the first term or written in a o f the Standard Oil. Another
platform on which he will run a Congressman thinks the situation
second time.
might be saved if the Interior
o u t h e r n
“ It is not alone the breach of Department would get busy and
platform pledges that is the pecu­ dig a lot o f oil wells throughout
liar characteristic o f President the country. T h e automobile
a c if ic
Wilson. His crowning character- manufacturers are anxious that
istic is the vacillation, the rever­ something drastic be done, as the
sion o f opinion on elemental price o f gasoline will interfere,
dependence in most war news is sold in Portland to wholesalers at
questions and his devious wob­ with the sale of their 1916 ma­
apt to be' deceived. War corres­ 73 cents a dozen. This 73 cents
bling in many directions on set­ chines.
pondents are all being kept at a dozen includes the duty de­
tled principles o f government.
longarm distances, and when a
manded by the federal govern­
“ To add to the humor o f the
writer guesses right he is apt to
Democratic landscape the conclu­
ment, the freight and two pro­
We get some o f the official re­ be “ deleted” by the censor.
sion o f the 1912 platform declares ports in Washington from which
fits. The Chinese hats are ship­
---------o - « »
it is one ‘o f principles believed to
it appears that the most startling
ped here in bales, packed so
be essential to our national wel­ set-backs concerning the British, 6-CENT LID SELL WHEN
that when the ropes are
fare’ . It says its pledges ‘are
French and Russians, are con­
bale explodes, throwing
made to be kept when in office tained in the reports from Berlin.
as well as relied upon during the German's internal troubles are
lids all over creation.
Chinese Natives Make Nat That Soc­
campaign’ . The sarcasm o f pol-
Some time ago Mrs. Vernon
told in reports from London. In
iety Says Is the Proper Thing.
seems to be concentrated in
reasons for mili-
Castle bought one of these 6-cent
this short paragraph. I f it were tary activity in Holland are laid
Chinese hats and instantly they
found in Mark Twain it would be
Qermang by ^ British
How is this for the high cost became the style. When a local
greeted with shouts o f laughter and vice versa
Even in our owr^ o f living: Hats which were sold dealer’s stock was exhausted, he
from a hilarious people!”
Mexican mixup the news is dis­ here for Q cents can now be sent to New York for some and
had to pay $14 a dozen. Today
torted beyond recognition since bought for $30, trimmed.
ican! and Mexicans lost their lives,
in a display window there is one
most o f the dispatches are from
this war being entered into for the
hat o f reeds and rushes which f these 6-cent hats with a little
purpose o f gettin g the flag saluted, everywhere except points at
trimmings on it and the price
and then abandoned by Mr. Wilson which authentic information is pass as a fair imitation o f Pa­
available. He who puts much t nama hat. These hats have beeD tag displayed is $30.— Telegram.
without gettin g it saluted?”
Political Acrobats
Every country except the Uni-
ted States appears to be able to
prevent speculation in food stuffs,
this country alone seems to be
under the magic spell o f specula­
tors in the necessities o f life.
The following report shown that
even bedraggled Mexico can pre­
vent this great crime against
Mexico City, April 10.—Sky­
rocketing profits in articles o f ne­
cessity has forced the appoint­
ment o f a “ Commission to regu­
late prices. ” All prices on foods,
medicines, clothing and shoes in
Former President Roosevelt and
former Senator Root have resumed
their former fraternal feeling. A
carefully pre-arranged plan re­
sulted in having the news that
they had “ hurried the hatchet,"
printed simultaneously in the
newspapers thro’out the country.
A great deal o f political signifi-
cence has been attached to the
event, but astute political observ­
ers in Washington say that the
little dinner party participated in
by the Colonel and Mr. Root, at
which Senator Lodge and Major-
General Wood were also guests,
makes a pretty little story, but
the affair is not likely to influence
the manner o f voting o f any of
the delegates to the Republican
Continuing On The
Southern California
Los Angeles