Saturday r ------------------ ------------------- \ W E DO N O T S U B S T IT U T E S O IIT M N PACIFIC COMPANY I’mw-figcr Trsin Schedule Effective Oct. 4,1914 1*7 ■ A t 1*1 w K a t k o l : » I) H IM . The Foliey o f Thin Store in WE GIVE YOU W H A T YOU ASK FOR What we want in not only ciiHtomurs, but PLEASED CUSTOMERS. THO M PSO NS DRUG STOKE. PAIO POLITICAI NOTICES FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1 hereby announce my candi­ dacy for the republican nomina­ tion tor the office of District At­ torney. If nominated and elected, I ahull enforce all laws as I find them without fear or favor, and in a just, conscientious matuier. I will give 4o the County’« affair« the same careful, conscientious at­ tention I would irive to the affairs of private clients. I respectfully solicit your support, and if nom­ inated and elected, will devote rny entire time to giving you an administration o f the affairs of this office such as may reward you for the trust and confidence placed in me. WALTER L. TOOLE, JR. (Paid Adv.) To Tho Republican Voters of Polk County. I am a candidate for District Attorney of said County, and if nominated and elected 1 pledge myself to diligently and faithful­ ly attend to all the duties per­ taining to said office and will fearlessly enforce all the laws in an impartial manner. 1 respect­ fully ask your support at the pri­ mary election on the 19th of May, 1916. B F. SWOPE. (Paid Adv.) To The Voters of Polk. I hereby announce my candi­ dacy for the republican nomina­ tion for county clerk o f Polk coun­ ty, and solicit the support o f all republicans within the county, giving assurance that if nomina­ ted and elected I will use my ut­ most endeavor to render econom­ ical and efficient service. LEWIS V. MACKEN (Paid Adv.) To Tho Voters 01 Polk County. I hereby announce myself as a Republican candidate for the o f­ fice o f County Treasurer, subject to the will of the voters at the, primary election in May and re spectfully solicit your support. MRS. WINNIE BRADEN. (Paid Adv.) For County Atsossor. I hereby announce my candi­ dacy on the republican ticket for the office of county assessor of Polk county, and solicit the sup­ port of all republican electors in the primary. C. S. GRAVES. (Paid Adv.) To The Republican Voters. Having been urged by my friends to again become a candi­ date for commissioner and having acceded to their demand, I most respectfully ask the support of all republicans in the primary May 19. My past record is my only platform. G. A. WELLS. (Paid Adv.) To Tho Voters Polk County. I am a candidate for School Su­ perintendent of this county sub­ ject to the will of the Republican voters at the Primary Election in May. I will not impair the efficiency of our school system, but will run the office as economically as is possible under our present laws. W. I. REYNOLDS. (Paid Adv.) ft THE FALLS CITY NEWS. April I, 1016 am. Sali-in . , . 7:00 9.46 Dalian . . . 8. If. 11.02 Falle City • 8.50 II.or. 11:66 Ul’kRork. T H E JO K ER Edited by Falls City High School. Is In Evidence In Springtime pm. 4.00 5.30 0.05 The Man With The Hoe ded an invitation to deliver tho See our now stock of Hoes, Rakes There has been more general add rent to the class. Lloyd Miller went to Hah-tu Fri­ Darden Plows and Farm Implements. ».it ¡»fiction resulting from the |Mk * Ib 4 17» day on school business. K A H T F M IU H II am. pm. pm. j noik of tlie High School orchestra BPk I took 1.05 | Ihuo anything attempted by the Le»tor Gardner has been employ- 25-VOTE COUPON IN PIANO CONTEST GIVEN WITH 6.10 I Student body. While we realize, ml to leseli tin- Bridgeport school Falls City. 9.30 1.26 EVERY S I CASH PURCHASE. 6.40 Dallus . . . 10.10 2.00 I nil too well, that tho prêtent mu- tor next year. Home others of tho Sul-m . . . 11.01 3.15 7.45 «¡cal organization ia in no danger Teacher» Training Claaa have been H o w l A. ( j V. of deducting from the f.itne of. the placed, but don't care to have the Portland Symphony, yet you iniret announcement made at this time, For County Clerk exciisa our modest pride in it. but I-e.ater doea. I hereby announce rny candi , Mr». Cbae. Hopkins, Prtsident dacy for the republican nomina-1 hdrw loat ll,at V " 1“ 1 tion for tire office of County Clerk have grown very considerate, and |0f the Parent Teacher« Af>»o’ wan a visitor at the school Wednesday. of Polk county and ask the sup­ appear to appreciate its efforts. K. E.W iluams , M. L .T hompson , W. F. N ichols , R. G.W hite , Some people often wonder ns to Myrlle Stanmii tt former ,D*mber port of the Voters at the Primary President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier what real value such a musical (1j j bf. High School was a welcome election. May 19. cluh is to the community beyond gueM at the , cboo) Friday, (Pd A dver. ) F. J. H olm an . the mere musical training of those Mr. Newman attended the mus­ engag' d in the work. But it ha* . For County Treasurer F alls C i t ; , Por-a. C ounty . O bkgon ical program on Wednesday. I hereby announce my candi­ a much better effect than this, in j Several bird house« have been Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time that it gives a ‘»pirit" - r ............. to ....., the dacy for Treasurer of Polk County Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. I school, it provide« entertainment put in the trees around the school subject to the will of Republican Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. o f a high-class at all public galli- *’ u'*diug. voters at the Primary Election, cringe. The real worth w ill never Lbet \\ ard expected to go over May 19, 1916. be realized fully and in our opinion lhe mountain* Friday on business, J. H. ( SUM) BROWN. the people of Kells City can do but more prevail* business at home (Paid Adver.) nothing better than to aid ttie or- detained him and he will go later. Lucile Tichenor visited friends chestra in every possible way. in Eolu Wednesday. She say*.that Free Methodist Church Prof. Haley declined tec nomina­ there are lots of good looking hoys Sunday School 1U;00 A. M. tion for re-election as principal of over there. Preaching !1:0O A M. _________ FREE L U N C H A T N O O N __________ the school ai the regular meeting Clam* meeting 12:00 I*. M. Goidon Sammons is a very busy I will sell to the highest bidder, at my place one-half mile north of Fails Evening service 7 ;30. of the school hoard Wednesday lioy nowadays, lie is going to school City, the following described property, towit: evening, having nreviously secured H. A. W alter , Pastor and »awing wood at the same time. I a more desirable location. Prof, 5 well bred Jersey cows giving milk Seed potatoes J. R Moyer who has been veiy 2 yearling heifers Field seed corn i ll . H. Lowe of Carlton, Oregon M. \L Church sick with lagrippe is slowly im­ 4 winter calves Axes, saws, mauls and log chains I was elected to succeed him. All Sunday Services Garden tools 1 yearling bull proving.' 1U:(X) A. M. of the corps of teachers were re- Funds)’ S ch ool 1 good work horse Cream separator and dairy supplies Miss Lois Reese and Beth Deal 30 brown leghorn chickens 100 feet 3-4 water pipe 11:00 A. M. | tained on the uiunamuui vote of Morning Service 1 3-inch wagon Stoves, stove pipe and household the Board with the exception of ''noted school 1 uesday afternoon. Junior League H:B0 P. M. 1 buggy furniture, dishes, etc. Esther Cleveland returned to Prof. Ole Fille who also declined Epworth League 8 80 P. M 1 mower and grindstone 30 yards carpet 1 plow Good sewing machine school Friday after a short illness. Evening Service 7:30 P. M the nomination for re-election. 1 harrow Wash tub and wash boiler Ths mode) making division of 2 cultivators Week-Day Services I Miss F'allaud and Shields spent 12 dozen fruit jars Pitchforks and potato forks Teacher Training class, Friday their weeks-end at the home of the Mauual Training Class have Hand grist mill moved into their new room which 1 set harness Miss Fa timid in Portland. 7:00 P. M. Horse collars was arranged for that purpose. Prayer Meeting, Friday 8:00 P. All tools in good condition. Oat hay '1 In' good weather is developing ■ Misses F'atland and Hawley of M. tiie base ball idea again. The boys ; W. J. VV akhkn , Pastor. the Monmouth High are spending SALE WILL BEGIN A T 10:00 A. M . are trying out und when they get j their weeks end with friends in TERMS: All amounts under $10, cash in hand; over $10, aix months credit into shape to do business they will j town. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH with bankable note bearing 8 per cent interest. 5 per cent discount for cash. try to do something to ttie fellows Mr. Haley told tiie people tak­ Sahhuih School 10 A. M. wtio are pestering them with chal- ing part in the High School play MATT OLSEN, Owner, « . B. McKOWN, Auctioneer, 6. D. TREAT, Clerk. Preachingor biblestudy 11 A. M. engea. “ to commit their last act.” This Young peoples meeting 3:30 P. M. I.aVerne Mi-kelson, Nettie Mur-j „ 8 th<> p]ay wi„ be , nUr. toward the store in a strange ray, Margret Sammons, who weie eating. manner and when he reached the out of school last week on a vaca­ Byron Murray istakiuga course corner by the old Madena hotel tion with tin* inumili returned ,, , . . . in Elementary teachers training. he laid down his pack, which was Monday morning reporting J short a small roll o f blankets and came tliev had a »well time. they Prin- Haley wil1 8ive a sho course in the difficult things in over to where Arthur was and Selig'* Store Robbed Again. Safe Byron Murray who was in the Try Chiropractic. arithmetic as seen from the stand inquired about work, saying that Completely Demolished. $35 in doctors sweat box for a month or Mr». La Daw is quite ill. point of a teacher, to the Teachers he had spent the night in Black Money Secured. Nothing Else so, iu fear o f being carved up for Training (.Mass and others of the Rock and hadn’t had any break­ 7 he best show at the Gem touigbt in the Store Molested. some unseen cause, suddenly dis- High School who care to take it. fast. When Arthur began to talk Josh Talbott was in Salem covers that the old remedy of base Ten pupils of the first grade SUSPICIOUS LOOKING MAN SEEN about the robbery he closed up Thursday. balls and bats, and not butcher like a clam and said nothing, were abse it last week on account Dr. Hoilwarth was in Dallas knives is still an efficient remedy when asked to go in and look at of mumps and grippe Sheriff Orr Called to the Scenes to for ails, got himselt elected captain Thursday. the wrecked safe he refused in a Mrs. N. Selig visited in Salem j Investigate. Small Clue to Work Saul Ouderkuk came down from of ttie base ball team and is rapid-! quick manner. Sheriff Orr came Monday. From. ly ou tiie road to recovery. camp 8 Thursday. up and shook hands with Arthur Mrs. Clias. Moyer gave a party Howard Breutner is again and also with the stranger and Miss Mann of Salem visited Mrs The store o f N. Selig was en­ Monday afternoon in honor of her sent from school on account of fal­ w’ ent into the store. When Orr, Reese tiiis week. son, Clarence’ s first birthday tered sometime during the night ling in a gopher hole and hurting was out o f hearing, the stranger S. R. Skeels was a business vis­ Those present with their babies Thursday night and his safe his arm. asked who he was, and on being itor at Dallas Tuesday. were: Mrs. Barnett Brown, Mrs. blown. About $35 was secured. | informed that it was the sheriff The pupils of the High School Walter Tice, Mrs. H. Morse, Mrs. Nothing else in the store was { M. L. Thompson and family vis- o f the county, grew very nervous are discussing the advisability of A. B. liubbaid and Mrs. Oscar missed. The sound was deaden­ ittd iu Salem Wednesday. and walked over to where he had putting the Folk Couuty Observer Sampson. ed by piling sacks o f bran around Walter L. Tome, Jr., Lawyer, left his pack and picked it up and Kalis City News into their | | G. W. Brentuer is visiting in the Safe. The edges o f the safe and left. Dallus, Oregon. tf. Art Museum as the latest wonders i Idaho. door were soaped and the nitro­ The last seen o f the man he Mis. C. J. Bradley was in Dallas of the world. The wonder is how j Mrs. Clay Oxford visited the glycerine poured into the trench had purchased some meat at the on business Thursday. so much good printers ink and made by the soap and thence third grade Wednesday. butcher shop on Sower’s corner Mrs. C. J. Bradley was in Dallas paper can be used w ith nothing i into the space around the door. and went down the railroad track Miss Geneva Savres and Miss said. The Observer passed inspec­ on business Thuisday. The charge completely demolish­ toward’s Dallas. Miss Burbank of Pedee is visit­ tion and will be placed on tile. Burbank of Cherry Grove visited ed the safe scattering bran and The Falls City News will follow school Wednesday. Miss Sayre debris around the room. ing Miss Geneva Sayre. when tho Joker is discontinued, as bus been exployed to teach the Entrance was made through H. W . Beecher of Enterprise, Misses Shield and Fnflaud visit­ they consider it the redeeming Polk Statiou school for the rest of the front door by means o f a Oregon visited the Reece home ed in Portland Saturday. feature. i the school term. skeleton key. This is the second Wednesday afternoon. W. B. Stevens of Portland was The orchestra entertained the Maurice Selig says ‘ time grows attempt to blow the safe, the ill town the first of the week. Miss Lois Reece left Thursday school Wednesday afternoon with ; shortor ever* lljy ” and can 8ivo first occurred last December, but for Dallas where she is employed Mrs. John Hughes and children a few selections which was well anyone the exact date that school from some reason the charge to do general housework. returned to Black Rock Thursday. received. The orchestra now has closes without consulting his stars. failed to explode and the safe A new camp is being opened at enough selections for a two-hour ---------- Repairs for all makes of sewing ----------- - was not materially damaged at Black Rock near the Spauldiug program without repeating. machiues, also belts, oils and need­ J. O. Mickalson, the Real Estate that time. camp. Sheriff Orr was notified and he les at Persey’s Jewelery Store. Tiie iniys of the agricultural ! mRn’ ^ ^ re' The member« of the militia here came at once to investigate the class are terracing the grounds be- Mrs. C. L. Hopkins was called to Parent-Teachers meeting next went to Dallas Tuesday night for robbery. The noise #o f the ex­ tween the steps at the front of the Dallas on business Monday, Tuesday evening. Mr. Parsons of drill practice. plosion if heard at all caused no school house and will seed it to Mrs. Burbank, mother o f Mrs. alarm or even attention. There Dallas will be with us. Mrs. C. L. Mrs. C. J. Bradley and daughter, ! Blaex returned home Wednesday. appears to be slight clue to work Hopkins, Pres. Lota were in Black Rock Wednes­ 8raS!i- Don’t forget to watch for the JUney Railroad Dollar Watches, from. A suspicious l o o k i n g A surprise birthday party was day afternoon. date ot the 11 igli School play which be8t in the world, guaranteed, at stranger was seen Thursday night given iu favor of Mrs. A. Sampson Misses Fern and Fay Wells who will be staged in April. Persey's. ' and also Friday morning but has and Mrs. Oscar Sampson at the have been at homo from school for The Suniors will play "Catching j ---------- ---------------- residence of A. Sampson Tuesday since disappeared. a week returned Monday. Clara’ June 1, as the finale to their £C A D J Phil Arthur, a citizen here, saw’ evening, March 28. A very pleas­ F'resli Bread, Cakes,Cookies, i ,es, high school life. There will be an the stranger early Friday morn­ ant evening was spent by the chil­ and other hakery goods, every day admition charge and the proceeds I will pay $50 reward for infor- ing. Arthur first noticed the dren, grandchildren and relatives, at the F’alls City Bakery. will be used in paying class ex- mation that will lead to the arrest man’s actions, as he was sitting until near midnight when refresh­ R. M. NVonderly, assessor of this penses. Rev. C. C. Polling P ort-; and conviction of party or parties in front o f the Selig store, and ments were .served, after which district left Thursday afternoon land will preach tho baccalaureate who robbed my store on the night watched the stranger walking the guests left after voting a good for the Siletc country where he will sermon, and Pres. A;kerman of of March 30. down the sidewalk from Sower’ s time and wishing many returns of be absent several days assessing. the normal school has been exten- \ N. S euq . corner, The man kept looking the day. The High Sohool Orehaatra J. C. T A LB O T T Bank of Falls City PUBLIC SALE MONDAY, APRIL 3,1916 Safe Blowers In Town Again