•» Saturday, April 1, 1610 THE FALLS CITY NEWS. LOCAL ITEMS Œlir jFallfi (City Nruta A. C. Fleming is now working at camp 8. C. J Pugh was a Dallas visitor Ì Monday. Oakdalc Iteins. DIES SUDDENLY p r o f c e o lo n a l C a r í e M i» II II Hampton, ago 76, P H Y S IC IA N The Fanuvr’a Union met ni tl.ej post iniatless at Rucea, died Tliimit ForrMtry Map .idioti! house lu s t W’i i I iivm I iy sveli* Two care of tics cut by the Teal F. M. HELLWARTH day tiioniing from causes unknown. D. L WOOD & SON, Through the courtesy of I'' A Publisher s. iV CiiVelanii mill have been ship­ PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKON Shu was nlooe nt the time of her ! Elliott, Stai« Forester, we received K u h - nh I b * •»-« « d -vt««* it a li at It»# p a a ta ffk v ped from here this week for points Office one door east of 1*. O. Little Jack Miller m » I meni troni deal) and no one iv.ts ill the h'Use at ft- u 11 « C'Uf. I’ 'Ik Omul.). Oregon. un4«r tbr a I'o rre s trv Map allow log the me,' j - c h n o l o n i n c o l l i l i o l a h r o k e n l**g. «»ITU •> H li> I fa llt City, j in Colorado. a t *»f C’ -n^rtM of Marcii 5 , I M » Kl'« I itoli«*' rim ile 303 Origini i xcept In i daughter. Miss Grace B. ; chaotablo limber in Oregon, cu Telephone Mews Office. W. H. A. Wilkins of Portland was • •ver areas, burned over and brush Hampton mid a neighbor woman. \ V It ile « W 'I i g i l i g a l a .d io o l o lio Subscription Rates: O n tjr«a r.ll.M ;»ii months. : here th-s week with a view of pur- l«v la-it w.ok O'oar TìlliUon and | The toil y was brought to this city | lauds. These maps can ho had « IlIR H l-K A lT IO $0 cents; three months. tS> cents; »ingle copy. & cts. | chasing some of the logged off land from the State Forrester’a office at ! tVd Ma noni Ito r liad » »«vere (all. 1 Friday sfternoou mid Coroner j Advertising Rates: Display. 15 cents an inch; near this city. , I lio rupe broaking throwing thoiii Ci.apniali of Dkilns was notified DR. W. L. Holloway | Salem on receipt of $->00 Business Notices, s cents a lin e . fo r Sale. Rent. -everal tYof. iW itr vimnout vi it lin> deceased was s native of Penn­ Claud Lewis, buyer for the Dal- CHIROPRACTIC Kxchanfe. Want attl Tav Entertainment No* W ill be at Falle City Hotel nee a. 5 cts. aline. Card ol Then kt SO cts Lcga ills Meat Co., was up the first of A l i l i n hroken arto an i Ted a bit»* sylvania and came to this country Notices, legal rates. MONPAY. W Kl NIMDAY anil FRIDAY SCHOOL DIRECTORS MEETING 22 vi ms ago boni Kansas, Xeii rib. ¡the week and drove out a number Afteruouue » » i l i Week. Copy for new ads. and changes should be sent i of hogs and cattle. 1 horo in a uew Italo’ girl ut thol to The News uot later than Wednesday. | Teachers W ere Elected For C om itg I homi' ol Mr. and Mr». G o. Rubiti* Official Nawspapsr of the City ef Tolls Cits . H. W. Beecher of Enterprise, BOY A FINANCIER. Yoar. New Principal Selected. ¡Oregon who has been visiting the L o „. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OF T A L L I CITY All Other Teachers Retained Lad Fourtaan Yaara Old Makaa Manay home of J. C. Frink departed for Mr, and -Mr». McDonald havt-j H. J. Griffin, Mayor. Mirri»._______ ■ Out of Shaap. ! his home Thursday afternoon. R. M. Wouderly. Councilman at Large i*ono to Salolo lo «ponti a few ilayn : Ip sw ich . S D. G e r a ld 1‘erahln, four- G. W. Brentner, The school diteci rs held then Miss Geneva Savers returned tu noe Un ir «¡«ter wrlio is aick in i Ieen y e a rs o f ago. g iv e s p ro m ise o f lie George C March. jfa llô ( Iit y > 1 fo o td regular meeting Wednesday night. lu g on e u f th e tlmiiu lors o f th e coun C. J. Bradley. from Cherry Grove Tuesday. Her ilio hospital. Councilmen Sampln Rooms try. I. G. Singleton. school that she has successfully The regular business was trans­ Bool Aooommodotlons C. L. Hopkins. O n Kept, ft, l l l l l , th e hoy w e n t to Fridav, Marci» ITtli watt Rally j taught there this w inter has closed. acted and the selection of teucheis N. Selig. M. A . S locu m , a frla n il. h iii I lo h l him f . Oroaoo, Proprlotor 0 E. MePherren. Auditor and Police Judge was taken up. Prof. Lowe of the Day ut Oakdalc; we thouglil et th a t he bail n c h a n re Co buy tw e n ty - Mrs. C. D. O’ Brien is visiting at Walter L. Toose Jr.. City Attorney. Carlton school was selected a.- havitig ito all dav eceniou bui liv e old e w e s fro m Ito h e rt .lo n e » a t a Fat Murphy. Marshal and Water Aipt. her parents, J. 8. 8. Powell. Mrs. HA lii.K K SHOPS VI. L. Thompson. Treasurer principal to succeed K. M. Haley, being a vorv titny timo il «va» do- b arga in . M r SI q c iid i w o n t w ith th e OBrien came from the Albany hos­ hoy to th e hank an d s ign ed a uote Dr. F. M Hellwarth. Health Officer. cided lo ha co it in tilt* alleninoli; : who will go elsewhere. All the w ith him . th e re b y e n a b lin g th e b oy to l l i t Council meets In regular session on the first pital, where she has been for the a very ereditai lo procl amine was g e t th e funds. grade teachers were re-elected. Monday night of each month, at 7 90 o'clock, in past six weeks. Fallo City, Oregon T h e o th e r d a y th e hoy e n tered the he office o f the Falla City News. No appointments were made ii. rendermi by thè «elioni attor whicti hank, p aid o v e r i83.no. his n ote w ith Word was received Saturday Where yea caa fri a ih m , la ir Cat, Bath the music department, it being «I ih«' eli.li min n ut tli» board took In terest, an d re m a rk e d th a t b e had ar -ihlnc S a t u r d a y . A p r i l 1. 1916 ftom G. W. Brentner who was call­ cleaned up $110.80 c lea n p ro m on h U oliargli uf thè meeting. Co. Supl. ! cided to leave it to a vote of the Altai (or Dallai Messi l sundry ed to Mason City, Iowa, by the ill­ [Hundí*« forwarded IwonUy w aning sheep d u rin g th e yea r. l i e had sold poeple. O. Elle dtolined to accept IleynoUU and Asaielaut Stile Supt. j $'_•* w o rth o f w o o l au d bad aold hla ness of his mother, that she died UNENVIABLE RECORD the manual training department Wells a ere preHvnt helping to ili»-' o rig in a l p u rch ase an d th e ir tnereaae. the dav after he arrived. According to the Tax Liberator for another term, having inle.rest- ouss questiona ol intere«!, «special* less liv e sh eep th e c o y o t e » had k illed , MONUMENT# f o r $100.40. Beit Wonderly was in Dallas on in Portland requiring his attention Iy un good rustie. Polk County has had some very business Wednesday. He says extravagant County officials; the G. L. H A W K I N S PUFFED UP LIKE A BALLOON. office o f County School Superin­ that the roads, though a little MARBLE AND G RANITE SUMMONS tendent is particularly referred rough in places with occasionally Rock Island (III.) Doctors Puncturs D osi O ffice Tim e C a rd MONUMENTS In the Circuit Court o f the State Boy's 8km and 8ava His Lifs. to. The schools o f the county- A mudhole, are fine and will soon Dallas, Orasen o f Oregon for Polk County, De­ Hock lalnud. 1 1 1 .—The body of I'red he in excellent shape should not be neglected, but it is Ollicc hours: Daily, except Sun- ; Lawson, eleven year» old. »welled to partment No. 2, No. 4813. difficult to connect some o f the Telephone line No. 24 to Social­ Jay, 8 a.ili. to 6.30 p.tu. twice It» normal » lie a» the rc»ult of expenses that have been incurred ist Valley is being renovated; the John T. Hughes, Plaintiff, v. Ah ah an accident, aud for a time hla life w as F U N K H A L b lK K C TO K Mail arrives, from G. Line back, Rida Lineback, A! x endangered. by the said office, with the legiti­ polec are being reset and snubbed, While coasting the boy w ai struck Baleni 9.00 ».in., 6:15 p.m. Christ, Rina Christ, Walt- • L. R. L. C H A P M A N mate necessities o f the schools. the wires retightened and in some In the neck liy u piece o f wagon wheel Dallas, 9:00 A M., 6:15 P. M. Tooze and Phil Arthur, Defend- rim protruding from the ground. The 1 places uew insulators are being Portland A* Eugene train 101, bronchial tube waa punctured, and In Funeral Dirtelo/ ents. used. A Tru ly Great Man exhaling hla breath much o f the air 11:55 a. m. To Alex Christ and Rina Christ, Wo attend So ell work promptly. A. A. Wade was in Salem Tues­ passed through this puncture and un­ defendants above named. Black Rock, 1:30 P. M The Dallas Itemizer sings the Dallaa tad Falla City, Or der the Nklitj causing the body to in­ day looking after his property and Mail clos* s for: praises o f Ex-President William In the name o f the State of Ore­ flate. transacting other business. He Young latwson was at the point of Salem, 8 50 A.M , 1 l’ .M. and 5:30 Howard T a ft as being an ideal gon: You are hereby requir 1 to says that Salem appears to l»e quite »ufrocstlon when physicians arrived. P. ftf , appear and answer the complaint type o f citizen, the biggest man Their first net wa* to puncture the lively aud that there is quite an B R O W H -S IB IE Y AB S TR A C T CO; Dalia-, S:50 A M. and 5:301*. M. skin o f the neck and allow- the nlr to in the republican party and one filed against you in the above en­ amount of building being done. Alo MUI Street. Halla». Oregon. eat-ape. T h e y »ay the boy will live Eugene it Portland train 162, titled Court and suit, within six o f the greatest big men o f th e . JOHN' H fUHLKY. Menacer The Maccabbee’s gave an enter­ weeks from the date o f the first I p. m . nation. Presumedly, there is a Our abalract plant It potted dally trot» tainment for its members and their Polk Couuly Records. Black Rock, 11 A. M reason for all things, except a publication of this summons, towit, Extra copies of The News are families at the Odd Fellows hall Mail Order and Pi otai Savings woman’s choice o f a husband, on or before the loth day of May, printed each week, and will besentj and one would naturally wonder Friday night of last week. A 1916, and if you fail so to answer window closes at G P M. to any address desired, postpaid. lunch was served and games were what caused the Itemizer, a staid the said complaint for want there­ ?t m ia v O n ly for 5 cents per copy. p l a y e d . Notwithstanding the democratic paper, to break forth j o f the plaintiff will apply to said Office hours: 9:30 to 10:80 a.m: stormy weather there was an at­ in praise service for a. barely Court and take a decree for the Mail arrives from ha lem, 9:lk)| RECIPE TOR GRAY HAIR. possible, republican presidential tendance of about 25 or 30 present. relief prayed for in the said com­ a m. T o h alf pint o f w a ter add 1 oa. Bay Hum. a sm all box o f Barbo Compound, A surprise party was given Fred plaint. viz.: candidate. The only solution Portland A Eugene t-’ ain 101,| and ' . o*. uf glycerin e Apply to the hair tw ice a week until It becomea the dealrad appears to be that. T a ft in reply j Dueltgen Monday night at his That plaintiff recover off and II 55 a. m. ahade. A n y drugglat can put this up or when questioned as to his views home on Bridge street in houor of from the defendants Alvah G. enn m ix It at homo at very little coat Mail closes for Salem, 8:50 a. m.| >ou P u ll directions fo r m akin g and uae come regarding our foreign relations, iiis 36th birthday. Games of pedro Lineback and Rida Lineback Three Eugene iV Portland train 102, 1 In curb box o f B a rb o Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray submarine controversy, and the and music were the principal hundred and seventy-five >J75) p. in. hair, and rem ovee dandruff. I t la excel­ Mexican trouble, said, “ We must amusements of the evening after Dollars, with interest thereon at lent fo r railing hair and w ill make harsh Effective Oct. 20, 1915. h Ur soft and glossy. It w ill not color the stand by the President.” I f Mr. which a light lunch was served. eight per cent, per annum since I ha C. M khrlinu , Postmaster scalp, la not etlcky o r grassy, and does not rub off. T a ft really believed that Wilson’s j There were 15 or 20 present. February 27, 1911, until paid, and Headquarter» for Candy ¿ml Cigar i attitude was correct and endorsed Sixty ($60) Dollars as attorney’s A few of the ladies came over to his policy, the reply was well- Miss Hammond’s last Friday w.-ek fees herein, and his costs and dis­ HARRINGTON timed; but if on the other hand, and brought their luck (wise) say-1 bursements, and that the mort­ like many others, good democrats ing they were going to stay a week, j gage given by said defendants MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. too, he believes Wilson is weak, However the house was so cold and | Lineback to W. H. Boa Is October vacillating and wholly incompe­ the reception colder they left after 27, 1906, and recorded on page 157 tent to deal with the situation, lunch, saying that they enjoyed o f Volume 27 of the Polk County, his answer would not only show the few hours they had tarried and Oregon, Mortgage Records, and a weakness and lack o f moral even donated what lunch that was now held by plaintiff, be foreclos­ SAVE FROM 35c TO $1.90 courage, but depravity o f nature left. ed in the manner provided by law, that should ostracize him from and that the real property describ­ These prices are for year paid in advance subscriptions. the haunts o f honest men. W ould Handle C ou n ty’* Coin ed in the said mortgage, viz.: “ Policy” has been the undoing That tract or parcel o f land, be­ J. H. (8 li:r ) Brown wag in Falls o f many and caused the downfall City Thursday tacking up cards ing a part of the Donation I.and Falls City N ew s..... $1.00/ Special Price $1.75 o f nations. How few Senators, ar.d waylaying the unwary. Slim Claim of John Sheldon and wife, Pictorial Review...... 1.50 \ public men or influential news­ has an ingrowing desire to fondle Notification No. 6832, Claim No. Falls City N e w s .... 1.00 / Special Price papers o f today have the moral the county’s cash during the next 41, in Township 8 South, Range 6 $1.75 Canti i<-8, Tobaccos and Cigars, at Metropolitan ......... 1.50 j courage to stand by their honest two years and will undertake to West o f the Willamette Meridian, L. B. WON D E R B Y’S conviction o f right? How many, pursuade the Republicans that lie in the County o f Polk and State of Falls City N ew s...... 1.00 ( Special Price $1.75 down deep in their hearts, be­ is the proper person By way of Oregon, and bounded and describ­ Hearst’s Magazine... 1.50 i lieve anyone has the moral or an alibi he states that he has been ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at Falls City N ew s...... LOO / Special Price $1.75 civil right to place the peace o f on a farm during the past twenty- a point which is 32 chains South Technical W orld...... 1.50 j N otice to N ew s Subscribers the nation in jeopardy by claim­ one year and has bandied so much and 25 chains West from the Falls City N ew s...... 1.50 | Special Price $1.65 ing the right to sail on armed hay that be accumulate ! the hay Northeast corner o f said Claim: Mòndern Priscilla . 1.001 A mark here indicates that merchantmen o f the warring fever. The danger of contracting thence South 18.80 chains; thence Falla City New a___ 1.00' your subscription is delinquent. nations? Other countries have the gold fever does not appear to West 5.00 chains; thence North Ladies’ World ....... 1.00 $2.10 Special Price Please call and fix it. warned their citizens and still deter him from making the race. 18.80 chains; thence East 5 chains Mother’s Magazine 1.50 retain the respect o f other na­ to the place o f beginning, contain­ McCall’s (free p’trn) 50. tions, and why should the United ing 9.40 acres, more or less; DOLL PARTY Falls City N ew s...... 1.00 1 States be made a wet-nurse for About eighty people gathered at —be sold for the satisfaction of $1.50 Boy’s Magazine .... 1.00 '/■ Special Prioe England and her dupes? People’s Home Journ’l 50 J the Wagner hall on Saturday last the amounts decreed to be due the Me. Horn* Saak» The truly great man, the ideal C O M ETO FALLS CITY, OREGON to take part in the doll party. plaintiff herein, and that plaintiff Falls City N ew s...... 1.004 citizen is he who stands for right and Buy Orohard Land There were fifty doils on exhibition may have such other relief as is Home Needlework 75 ! Special Price $1.75 in the face o f all opposition. of all kinds. Miss Hammond car­ prayed for in the said comnlaint. Boy’s M agazin e...... 1.00 f This summons, by order of the Housewife............... 50 J ried the “ sweetest” one, though it Beware of Ointments for BULLETIN ON ORCHARD SPRAYING had only one leg and no arms. Hon. H. H. Belt, Judge of said Falls City N ew s...... 1.00 Catarr h That Contain Mercury Court, dated the 30th day of Mrs. Dave Courier’s and Mrs. War­ The new circular bulletin on Today’s (free pattern) 50 , Special Prioe $1.55 a» mercury wlllI aurelv deitroy the *en»e March, 1916, is published once a Housewife............... 50 ren’s oldest daughters were there of »malt » m l completely derange the orchard spraying will soon be whole ayitem'i when entering It tnrougl ~ Boy's Magazine...... 1.00 week for six consective weeks, in as invited guests. the mucoua surface». Such article» »hmild ready for delivery. Copies will be never be u»ed except on prescription» the Falls City News, a weekly A short program was rendered from reputable phyalclan». a» the damage sent opt to all who apply for them. Don’t miss these bargains. Send your order in at once. they will do In ten fold to the good you newspaper o f general circulation by the children, after which they can poaalbly derive from them. Hell'» Make your application to Ifvou do not find what you want in this list, call at our office. Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. marched, played games and eat published in said County. H P. B a :. =, Plant T-taologist, Cheney tt C o., Toledo. O . contain* no W e have many other popular magazines that we sell at speda' mercury, and 1» taken Internally, acting The date o f the first publication cookies. Corvallis, Oregon. directly upon the blood and mucou» aur- prices. facea o f the ay »tern. In buying H a ll» Though the day was very rainy o f this summons is April 1, 1916. Catarrh Cura Cur* ba be sure you get tne genu­ ine It Is "ie la taken Internally and a n . made ---- In OSCAR H AYTE R , To --------- The Womans World, Farm and and cold the party was the largest _'oledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Tee- Umonlal* free. Attorney for plaintiff. Home, Home Life, Household aud one ever giveif for children in BuotncM Cario Bohle’s Barber Shops OUR 6ARCAIN LIST OF PERIODICALS MAGAZINES AT CUT RATES L THE FALLS CITY NEWS the News one year lor 91.18, Falls City. M13. Bold by Druggfata. Prioe Tic per bottle. Take BeU's Faa.Uy VUU lor constipation.