LLS CITY NEWS Cook Still Clolmi The Pole Another Crisis Dr. Frederick A. Cook was in With 6ermany Washington a few days ago, and made his annual claim to the pole. Dr. Cook insist» that he “ saw it „ . m uz first,'-’ and he wants an investi- N o te S RO l o n g e r SUITICO» nation by Congress, to prove his t jjji aa i statements. A good many people « V IlIV il n i l l l l #%wl are i,eg jn„ i nif tx> wonder why it _____ 1.1 ........... — • Washington, March is that Dr. Cook should be denied a>.- The the » ‘ mP1« ju .tise o f “ trial by hi. U„,ted S U to. ,» perilously d o « to , cc, pted , lm0>t „ |thout quMtk)l, a break in diplomatic relations notwithstanding they were quite with Germany. as hazy as those o f Dr. Cook. It So often has the cry‘ ‘ w oIf” been! is an easy thing to keep a man in raised that the public has become the ’ ’ fakir” class when he is all Grand Finale of Piano Contest This Afternoon Read This Article—Do You Want to Win This Piano? If You Do You Must Get Out and Hustle For The Finale Is Approaching In This Contest. At 4 O’clock This Afternoon, The Bal­ lot Box Will Be Closed and Turned Over to the Judges. cvnical. even indifferent, in every *>on* ositiveIy, however; in PREPAREDNESS the results in the final count carffan unmistakable way that you are view o f the destruction o f unarm­ lie canvassed, awards will be in this contest to W IN. ed merchantmen in the German To fully appreciate and under- You cannot expect them to just made o f the Piano, and also o f the “ war zone” ai>nut the British Isles, stand the expenses incurred in know, or guess, that you are a various prizes which have been so that the President has made up the various offices, road and candidate—be active in impress­ generously offered by merchants. mind to appear before Congress, school districts a person should ing the fact upon them, and more­ This event, we know, means a recite the efforts he has made to be personally acquainted with over, not permitting them to lose secure observance o f international the parties, givin g and taking. great deal to all o f the contestants sight o f that fact until the ballot law, the assurance given hiiv by With this knowledge a great -and from now on until the date box is finally closed. Irt other the German government, and the light will breuk in upon you, and above named —why not make your words, your success depends upon violations of American rights and you will see and understand many efforts commensurate with the the energy you display and the de­ the assurances by German sub­ things not clear to the casual stakes involved. termination you put forth to win. marines, and announced his pur- reader, o f the monthly expenses W e want you to read this article | h * c to recall Ambassador Gerard published in the County Seat from start to finish and digest And above all—do not permit a and dismiss Count von Bernstoff, papers. The taxpayers should thoroughly every word o f it. It few refusals to discourage you — acquaint themselves with such carries a message that is inval­ keep on. the German Ambassador. conditions and then prepare not uable to you if your plan is to be Make it a point to get out on this submarines nor armored ships— successful and if you are to be the work RIGHT NOW and keep on Dealing With Traitors but his ballot victor in this contest. In a way, at the task until the last gun is your success can only be achieved fired in the campaign and the bal­ by your own personal efforts—but lot box closed. Creating Sentiment Tbrangh Seiftet» Metivee That Will Result In War Is Treason n No. 32. FALLS CITY OREGON, .SATURDAY. APRIL 1. 191« VOL. XI! HOTEL G A IL CHARGES WOODS ARO CATES BECOME OWRERS OF HOSTELRT. at the same time we no doubt can See all your friends! Call on suggest various ways that may everyone! prove o f great advantage to you. All who can possibly do so will First, we wish to impress upon be glad to help you, and will con­ contestants the necessity o f get­ sider it a privilege to do so. but ting right out NOW and doing the that privilege is going to be re­ work you no doubt have intended served for the contestant who to do before the contest came to a asks for it—in but very few in­ close. I f surface indications are stances can the person be expect­ to be relied upon, it would appear ed to hunt up the contestant, and that not a single one o f the contes­ thus be doing all the work for her, tants has undertaken as thorough when it is she herself who should a canvass as it is possible to make be doing the work. You can al­ in Falls City and surrounding most gauge the help you will get towns and in the country districts. by the enthusiasm and energy you They have relied too much on develop yourself—so make it a chance meetings to present their point to get into the fight at once, appeal to friends and acquain­ and keep in the thick o f it contin­ tances, and while many subscrip­ ually from now on until the close tions have come through this o f the contest. It will pay you a means, the number could have handsome dividend. There is ab­ been materially increased by mak­ solutely no ground for discourage­ ing the canvass systematic. It is ment. No one has gained any material by no means too late to do this yet. "A n y course taken with deliber­ ate intent to involve this country in war with any other power big Possession Will Bo Oison By J. Thompson on April First on Ton- or little, weak or strong, is a Toar Lessa. course that cannot square with the concept o f decent citizenship, ---- nor be approved by patriotism. All details o f the transfer o f the The men who deliberately incite business o f the Hotel Gail from sentiment or bring about condi- J. B. Thompson to K. N. Woods tions that result in war, when and Lew. A. Cates have been without such actions such results completed and the new owners might have been readily avoided will take charge o f the popular are public enemies in the harshest hostelry on Saturday morning, sense o f that term. When their April 1. Those who have taken course is inspired solely for the title to the business have pur- protection and advancement o f chased outright all furnishings, their dollar interest in a foreign equipment and fixtures in the country w’ith whom they seek to building, and have leased the have their own nation imolved in hotel property at the corner o f conflict, the offense is contempt- tCourt and Church street, includ­ ible and malignant as that which ing the store occupied by the Gol- Anyone o f the contestants could den Rule, for a period o f ten go over the town, street by street, Benedict Arnold committed. With respect to the Mexican sit­ years. The new owners are well or block by block, and the outly- uation President Wilson warns the knowr. Dallas business men, one ing towns with greater persistency country against the machinations having recently retired from part- without material interference with o f just such men. It is a pity that nership in the Dallas steam laun- other duties, if she set her mind the president and the government dry and Mr. Cates having been : to the task. shod Id be content with such warn­ publisher o f The Polk County Ob­ Do not delay! Do not procras ing. This great government server for about two years. Mr. tinate! DO IT NOW ! should have the shrewdness and Woods will devote his entire time The days and hours that you power to smoke out these men: to to the hotel business and Mr. fritter away now can never be re­ discover the author o f false and Cates will retain The Observer called—but the advantage o f these alarming reports; to ascertain and its management. days devoted to insistent and de­ what interests are involved, and J. B. Thompson, who owns the termined work are o f incalculable if nothing more can be done, ex­ hotel building came to Dallas sev­ value. pose the traitors in the pillory of eral months ago to relieve Henry Every subscription or m e r ­ Serr and since taking over the public condemnation. chant's voting coupon you get to­ As a national sentiment about business has made extensive im­ day absolutely stops any other which there can be no mistake, provements. costing s e v e r a l contestant from getting that sub­ either here or in Mexico, let it be thousands o f dollar.?. Every room scription or coupon—furthermore, made manifest that our sole object in the hotel has been thoroughly the person who gave you that sub­ in Mexico is to assist in the cap­ renovated and new fixtures put scription becomes impressed with ture and punishment o f an outlaw in in many places. The halls have YO U R candidacy, and not satis­ whom we have a right to pursue undergone a complete new attire fied with having given his or her and punish because o f his aggres- and the dining room has been re- j own subscription, becomes a boos­ sion upon our own territory and finished throughout. Mr. Thomp- ter o f your campaign among his against our own citizens. Let us son will make further improve- or her friends. not do anything to lay the founda- ments in the building later in the tion for suspicion in the mind o f spring. CANNOT CREATE DEFICITS We cannot The new management will con- the Mexican people, The Ohio Legislature has en­ afford to be involved in war be- duct the Hotel Gail along the lines cause o f the outcry o f bloodless that have made it/amousthrough- acted a law providing that mun­ dollar worshippers who would out the state and will cater to icipally owned utilities cannot willingly secure their fortunes the general hotel trade. Charles create deficits and meet them and add to their largess by the Mann, the popular clerk, will re­ from public taxation. It must sacrifice o f good American blood. tain his connection with the hotel raise the rates to meet expenses The course they advise and urge as will most o f the staff o f work­ and cannot use tax money to is treason, nothing less. Let us ers. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson keep going at a losing rate. This recognize it and denounce it as will return to Albany immediate­ law should certainly solve the question o f municipal ownership. ly.— Dallas Observer. such.” —Portland Telegram. ,ead over another thus far. In fact, the greatest obstacle a contestant has to overcome is her own fear that she is beaten. This is purely imagination and the con­ testant has it within her power to see that she is not beaten. No one will be beaten until the ballot box is actually closed. Banish all o f those doubtful thoughts forthwith—A N D GET TO W ORK. That,, and nothing else will win this contest. Bear in mind that the contest comes to a close at 4 o’clock this afternoon, and that the degree o f success you may attain rests entirely with yourself. W e have provided the opportunity—but the initiative, the method o f campaign and the energy must be supplied by you. W e can advise, and have been doing so, impartially, for all o f the contestants who have come to this office— But the vital spark which spells Success must originate with and be profitably used by YOU. This allows competition by pri­ vate concerns whereas a munici­ pal owned industry kept up by taxation is unfair to competition and also to the taxpayers. Such a law would do away with much political graftin g and place mun­ icipal ownership upon its own merits. The United States gov­ ernment might also take notice tc such methods, and, perhaps some o f the extravagance could be abolished. New Spring Goods New Dress Goods N ew Millinery New Middies N ew Aprons New Ginghams A ll moderately priced. You will not regret making your purchases early this spring. Fin u factu rers are constantly advising trade o f advances, as an in­ stance, best grade value bib overalls are now $14 per dozen wholesale. Our price is yet $1 per pair. Y qu can readily see as soon as we have to rebuy what the price would have to be. Leather is also advancing. W e will adhere to old prices as long as possible, but higher prices late are unevitable. 3 Per Cent Discount For Cash. Selig’s Cash Price Store, “ Meeting and Beating Competition". I having defeated the united oppo- 1 sition o f members o f all parties who had combined to get their By J. E. Jones. own appropriations through by | the old system o f trading support, is unique in political history. In f a l L s c i t y n e w s b u r e a u , Washington. D. C., March, 19. Washington Mr. Burton is re­ garded as one o f the ablest men in public life during recent years. Burton Stock Is High He is “ presidential size,” and A few days ago Theodore E. since he is satisfactory to the Burton, o f Ohio, visited the floor different elements in the repub­ o f the Senate. There was a lican party, it is perfectly natural noticeable stir o f interest, and I that his candidacy should be fa­ some one in the press gallery vorably received among the lead­ ing members o f that party and called attention to the fact that particularly those who are most five men who had been more or familiar with his career in the less prominently mentioned for House and Senate. the republican nomination were in the chamber. However, as Blow to Trading Stamps the weeks and days bring the The United States Supreme Chicago convention closer’ the number o f men who continue to Court handed down a number o f be regarded as actual ‘ ‘political decisions sustaining the restric­ timber. ” are decreasing. A few tions placed upon trading stamp who were “ favorite sons” in and coupon schemes by state leg­ their own states awhile ago, have already been relegated to the islatures. Under two o f these The Niiitnal Capital discard. One o f the pivotal states this year is Ohio—the “ home o f presidents.” It is united in its support o f Burton, and indica­ tions are that it is going to be the republican field against his candidacy. There has been a great deal o f talk to the effect that Mr. Wilson, in choosing his new Secretary o f War from Ohio, anticipated a contest with Mr. Burton in the campaign, and used the occasion to strengthen him- selt in the state from which his opponent was likley to come. Mr Burton has one o f the best re­ cords o f any man who has been in Congress during recent years. Hç was a foe to “ pork barrel” legislation and graft o f every kind. In his last great fight up­ on the 1914 bill, his arguments were so strong that President Wilson was drawn into the open, and supported Burton, to the great discomfiture o f partisans o f his own political faith. This re­ markable instance o f a republi­ can senator receiving the endorse­ ment o f the White House after decisions trading stamps are driv­ en out o f Florida and the state Washington. It is interesting to note the lack o f good opinion by the Supreme Court as evidenced by the statement in one o f the decisions, which first treats o f advertising as “ well defined,” with “ nothing ulterior, it is the practice o f old and familiar trans­ actions and has sufficed.” But the schmes o f trading stamp pro­ motors are declared to “ have no such directness and effect. They rely upon something else than the article so sold. They tempt by a promise o f a value greater than that article and apparently not represented in its price, and it hence may be thought that thus by an appeal to cupidity, lure to improvidence. This may not be called in an exact sense a ‘lottery,’ may not be called ‘gam ing;’ it may, however, be considered as having the seduc­ tion and evil o f such.”