- m~, Jf alls G!tty Ntms I•• C.. I, 11 S • ell, CITY MAR H L' IIOUM at llan .... IHtN,-1 11, Fire. hltentlteNa"'"" 11,.. ,,, D. L. WOOD • ION. Pu Jahen. ratom ., om • • - ., - on1cuL lllUCl'OAT a17 ., ;--iii; o• •AU.a C u ncH• am' n Jo • Boston Transcript: When Wood- row Wilson ys that he will be a candidate for another cup _o f gruel you can your he ar babies that · bet thina won't chanao h bis 15 one ere weather-eock •-e mind about. •"-&- vie- "Pa, what is a diplomatic tory?" " A diplomatic victory, my son, is a victory won by W asbington." "George Washington?" "Good gracious, no!" -Chicago Herald. . Ir. Bryan, . while de?,~ci~g for ~vmg ~1;18 . JOY nd· i:th the msists ~ : ~ f no pe~f W e:~ces ~ t h 1s orm~r c e · e eve sacred ~ r y of on~ w~ a~ proac_hed his victim Art thou m health, my brother · y.'1lso~ J~ff ~11:5 as~:, The recent disgraceful scenes in the (Democratic) legislature of Oklahoma are the logical result of President Wilson's pardon of two Democratic) politicians who were convicted forenforcingthe"grand- father clause" which the Supreme Court bas declared invalid. When a man who is sworn, as the Pres- ident i , to maintain the Constitu- tion, will pardon, for partisan reasons, men who have violated the Constitution, he passes the word to all the thugs t.o get busy. d tro ed b mornin un d cir um l n hri tm , vi it. Durin hi om n n m d Gr . Ta lor mov in ithout con ulting an • on and upon Sod ratorm 's return he as un bl to di lod h r. He made several attempts to in- due her to acat and finally consulted a I w~·er who advised him to serve her with a ritt n noti e givinR her ten days to va- cate and if she failed to do so to go to Justice of the Peac Hub- bard and secure a writ of ejection and the constable would then s t her effects into the treet. H served the notice on her last Sat- urday and on Sunday she moved into another house. It is said that in the afternoon she went back to the house she had ju t vacated and tore? the paper from the wa11s and cut the tarred roof on the shed room as far as she cou Id reac h . E ar 1 y Monday morn- · th e b u1 ·1d· mg w · mg discovered on fire. The woman has a daughter about fifteen years old ancl step are being taken to have the girl taken to the Boys and Girls Home at Portland. TIE INSPECTION The chief engineer of the Southern Pacific railroad came down Saturday and inspected the ties that are being made for the Teal Creek railroad. The report was very favorable for t h e makers. Wm. Estelle, the con- tractor was notified to deliver the ties at once . . NEW ARM AT DALL~ Merton G. Ellis, formerly of Falls Cijy, but later of The Dal- les, will open up a law, abstract and real estate office io Dallas in the near future. He will con- duct a general law business, but will specialize on matters affect- ing land titles. His father, Wm. Ellis. who is also we11 known at Fans City will have charge of the real estate and Joan business. Get your butter wrappers pr in t - " There is at least an even chance ed at the ewe office, that Oklahoma will swing into the I t is r e portellle of the be t in the etate. --•hln• PUie f«r ••• ,._,.. an4 tllq are tb• only tlllas that doee me anr sood. Tbey Ian nit eel n ~ ID DI)' II_. la 8flftll mlnu . I ll&TII alee> taken for rheumatism, bMA· ache, 111&1• ID th• ~reaat, toothach , eanclM .., p&1M In tbe bow and Utna I have fOWMI Dot!llns to equal Ulna and thq .,. all tll&t la e--. clalae4fortll- ." , . w . am>0a. .. _ 11pr1ap, Ko. At . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ . , _ . _ . . . , . _ ... ti '" -.i11c. t M1La8 M•DICAL CO., •lkllart, Inti. 15uelntte ¢art,e HOT L Yalls ,..,, - HOWl·IIILIY AIITIACT CO: II Mill ll'MI Da lla , rec 11 , J U I , 118!.JIY, Manet ,. iu th • w w ill b ri ni to p up your Lia k nd h Ip me I d o lery ucti n or toe H ad 1 1u rtera for C,rnJy and Cigau HARRINGT OUR BARGAIN UST OF PEIIODICALS N MUST BE PAID IN ADVAIICE . MAGAZINES AT CUT RATES SAYE FROM 36c TO Sl .90. These prlcts are for JHr paid 11 1d,11N 11n1rt,tlt1a. Fall 'ity ew ... .. 1.00 J Pictor ial Rev i w ..... . 1.50 Speolal Prlot St,ll Fa ll.: 1 'ity News ..... . 1etrop lita n Spnlll Prlo1 St,ll fall . ity N WS . . 1.00/ Spnlal Prlot H ar t's Magazin .. 1. I Fall-; 'ity ews Sptolll PrlM 1. Te hnical World 1.50 Sl,ll • 1. 1.50 t t . 1.0 l S,nlal Prlo1 1.00} 1.00 Spnlll Prl11 Sl,ll Fa lls ity N ws 1.50 Monder n Pr i illa . . . 11,11 Falls ity w . . . . .. Ladi s' World .... ... lother 's Magazin 1. fcCall 's fr p'trn ) 50 12.11 Fall ity N ws .. . . . Boy' faga zin .. . . .. 1. P op) 's II me J urn'! 11.11 1.00} Sptolll Pritt • Notlct to Ntws Subscribers A mark h r indicate • U~t your subecription is d Jinqu nt. Pleaae call and flx It. -·----------- ... M,. "·"'· • MIier- ' COME TO ,ALL8 CITY, OfllOON F· lh; ity N w .. . 1. )- Hom N' di work . 76 B y's h gazin, . .. . . . LOO II usew if .. .. ... .. ... .. 50 J s,..111 Pritt Falls 'ity N w . . .. 1.00} iI~ay~! i~f~--- ~~~rn) : Boy's Ma azin . .. ... 1,..1a1 PrlN 1.00 Candi" , Tolia cco and Ci1ar11, at L B. W NDERL '8 11,. 11,ll •11- • •i, OrehaN Lall- .., ...,.,. Tlill, . II.IS Don ' t mi th bargains. Send your ord r in at once. [fvou do n t find what Y u wan in this Ii t call at OU offi W h· h • r ce, av many r popu lar ma gazines that we sell at s,_.ial price . --- THE FALLS CITY IEWS We~ OD• Hundred Dollan a.- ward for aa1 e&M ot C&tattll tut cannot be cund bJ Hall'• Catarrll • Cure. F . 3. CHSNn 6 CO., Toledo. 0 , ,..., the undentped ban lln"'1'1 r . 1. Cb 'I tor the lut ii r•re. aail Mllff hlm perfect!-, honorable In alt NII . . . t rauactlon• and aauctan, a,1a to OUT? out uy obllpUona ..._ bF Illa tra. NATIONAL BAHX ill nan•• Catania Cun actln• dtreetly cou • •urfaoea of :'"~i7"0ru?!J!.e. or COIDIDCS. Tollclo, O. ta ~letanellr, tbe &ad ftlll• • l'lllem. NtlaOlllal• 11 oe • ta per ot~ lol4 ...... n:-u, ........ .... . 't