Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, March 11, 1916, Image 1

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B ttlh -K tlk y Mill* To
Fill Big Contract
Buy Liquor in
Name of Others
9.000 000 Foot of lumbor for South­
ern Pacific Freight Cars Ordored.
Arrattod Bvotloggers Admit tllogal
Buying of Boozo From California.
Eugene, Or., March 0. •—The
Booth-Kelly Lumber company
has secured a contract from the
Ralston Steel f a r company, of
Ohio, to furnish D.000.000 feet of
lumber with which to build 2000
freight cars for the Southern
Pacific company. This announce­
ment was made by A. C. Dixon,
manager of the lumber company,
who savs that the order will be
divided between a number of
Willamette valley mills. This
order is the second of this nature
received by the Booth-Kelly corn-
puny within the past few weeks.
The first order was for enough
lumber to build 1000 cars for
another car company, the Booth-
Kelly mills getting one-third of
the contract, the other two-thirds
going to other sawmill concerns.
♦ ♦ • • ♦
Boys Start to Join
Villa. But Turn Back
Bandon Lada. 13 Years Old. Suffer
Homosiokness When Bound for
Bandon, Or., March 6.—In
search of adventure Melvin Baker
and Paul Fisher, school boys of
this city, aged 13 years, left their
homes here recently and started
south along the coast on foot,
telling their friends they were
bound for Mexico to join the Vil­
la forces. They carried provis­
ions for a long tramp, but home­
sickness got the better of their
ambitions and they turned back
without getting further than
New Lake, 16 miles south of
* # « ♦ ♦ —
Churches Will Be
In Peace Congress
Catholic Dignitary Shows How Rolig-
ions Will Figure at Conference.
Rome, March 6 .- Monsignor
Benigni, under secretary of state
in the Vatican administration dur­
ing part of the pontificate of
Pope Pius X, has written an ar­
ticle for the Nuova Antologia Re­
view on the question of the par­
ticipation of the holy see in the
.peace conference which is expec­
t ted to be held at the conclusion
of the war.
Replying to one of the objec­
tions raised by the Italian press
against the intervention of papal
delegates namely that the heads
of all other churches would claim
a similar right of representation,
Monsignor Benigni says that all
heads of religions should, and a
great majority of them will, in­
evitably be represented at the
prospective conference, as. not
the archbishop of Canterbury,
but the king of England, is the
head of the established church of
that country, the emperor of
Russia is head of the Orthodox
Greek church of Russia, the king
of Prussia is head of the Evan­
gelical church of Prussia and the
sultan of Turkey and the emperor
of .Japan are heads of the domi­
nant religions of their empires.
Canada Sends Agents
to II. S. for Laborers
Toronto, March 6.—The Canad­
ian government has sent immi­
gration agents to Michigan to ob­
tain men from the lumber camps
to work on Canadian farms next
spring, it was announced by
Findlay MacDiarmid, minister of
public works. It is expected that
100,000 men will be needed in
about a month.
| Still They Come!
Interest In Piano Contest Still Growing.
Count Was Made Last Night, But Too Late
For This Week’s Issue
"Going to import any booze
this month, Bill?"
"No. Frank."
The arrival of the piano, as was paper in Polk county. It is the
"Let me use your name to get
some from California' will you? expected, has had the effect of duty of every citizen to help to
I’ve ulready bought my share.” causing the contestants to redouble this end. A newspaper can not
their efforts to secure it. The exist without money and it obtains
This was the system Frank Second Count was made last night its money through the sale of ad­
Robertson and C. E. Beaupre but as the pa|ier goes to press at vertising space and subscriptions.
used to stock their blind pig in 4:00 p. m. the results were obtain­ Some will say, “ Oh, I can’t afford
room 15, 183 Holladay avenue, ed too late for this week’s issue. it, times are too hard.” Should
Robertson confessed to Deputy It is not expected the vote will everyone offer this plea the news­
SheritTs Christofferson, Ward and run us high on the second count paper would soon kiss Falls City
Flaherty Saturday night. The as in the first on account of the goodbye and turn up its little pink
oflicers raided their room and discontinuance of the free coupons toes to the daisies. When you
found the two men, half drunk, in the paper. However, the indi­ think that you have reasons to
selling whisky by the glass to cations are there will be something grumble at the “ little paper” take
doing, and some surprises at the your fountain pen and jot down
four men and a woman.
Christofferson, Ward and Fla­ final count. Contestants have a in one long column the various
herty had no trouble buying desire to hold a reserve of votes j amounts you have paid into the
whisky, for which they paid 15 for the final count in hopes of newsi apers strong box, and in
cents a glass. They could have catching the other fellow napping.1 another column w'rite “Subscrip­
‘‘Eternal vigilance is the price of tion $1.00.” Strike a balance, and
bought a quart bottle for $5.
"Where do you get your booze?’ liberty,” and is a valuable aset in the probabilities are the deficit
I can be located without an expert.
Christofferson asked Robertson. this contest.
"Oh, we buy it from Califor­ Considering the unusually bad | The time to help your favorite
nia," the bootlegger declared. weather the contest has obtained grows short and may happen that
"A lot of our friends let us use very satisfactory results. Many ' had you put forth an effort she
their names. They would have new subscribers have been added would have won. By so doing
the stuff sent them and then we and some of the "very” delinquent you will not only help her but at
would get it. We have eight gal­ ones restored. New interest has the same time help the town by
been aroused that will be helpful. building up the newspaper.
lons coming that way."
The drunken party became W ith the co-operation of the peo-j The standing of the contestants
quarrelsome after the officers de­ pie the News can be made the best is as follows:
clared themselves, und a call1
N ame
brought Deputy Sheriffs Phillips,
................... 47250
Grace Hulburt ........
Beckman, Rodney, Hulburt and
................ 40900
Lota Bradley...........
Glennon, who aided in arresting
Robertson and Beaupre as boot­
leggers, and Rupert Bonney,
Rainier hotel; R. L. Prince, pro­
prietor of the rooming house, and
Frank and James Ballard, 429
Davis street, as witnesses. Bes- i
Margret K im es......
sie Stovall, a maid in the rooming
house, was with the party.
"When people get liquor they
tial that the newspaper know
get it presumably for their own Rules For Correspondents from whom the news is received
use,” said District Attorney
Here are ten rules for corres­ and from what place.
Evans this morning. . "They are
We also suggest that care be
violating the law if they get it pondents. They were prepared used when writing names. In
and pay for it themselves and by an experienced newspaper fact make your writing as clear
man and are very valuable for
then accept the purchase price
in giving the news. Cut as possible as it often requires
from their principals. We are
them out and in sending in your more time to "translate” the copy
going to stir up something about
than to set the type—but above all
this, th at’s certain."—Evening items conform with these rules: SEND US THE NEWS.
1. Do not abreviate. Do not
w rite Mr. & Mrs., but Mr. and
Mrs; not Mon. or Sat but Monday Falls City Man Has
Priest Wronged Her,
or Saturday.
Valuable Invention
Woman Slayer’s Plea 2. Leave space between items
for corrections or additions.
Ralph Adams Tries Out His Spark Ar­
rester on Donkey Engine and is
3. Give both initials. Write
Declares She la Qlad She Oid Murder;
Well Pleased With Result
C.H. Brown instead of Mr. Brown
Insanity May Bo Her Defonae.
or Mr. C. Brown.
Geo. W. Cornwall, editor of
4. Write important subjects The Timberman, Fred Belcher,
St. Paul, March 6. Mrs. An-
iela Dudek, who Saturday night fully. Do not dismiss the death
shot and killed the Rev. Henry of a well known pioneer in half W. V. Fuller and E. A. Elliott.
Jajeski as he was conducting ser­ dozen words, but write something State Forester accompanied Ralph
Adams to the logging camp on
vices in St. Casimir’s Polish
Catholic church, in her cell at the of interest concerning him. If Friday of last week to test out
Central police station declared suicide or murder give all the de­ his spark arrester on the donkey
that she was glad she had killed tails you can get.
engines. The test proved to be
the priest, because he had wrong­
5. Have verbs agree with completely successful and will be
ed her. The woman, who is 38
years of age, also pleaded to be subjects. Don’t say Mr. and Mrs. a valuable acquisition to the log­
allowed to go home to her hus­ B. was, but Mr. and Mrs. B. were. ging paraphenelia. The contri­
band and seven children. The Mr. and Mrs. B. may be one script- vance is so arranged that the ex­
inquest has been set for Tuesday.
Frank Dudek, husband of the urally. But they are two gram­ haust enters the stack in two
places, one from each cyclinder.
priest’s slayer, told of recent matically.
first one enters the stack be­
"queer actions” of his wife. It
6. Don’t use nicknames. Use
was indicated that insanity prob­ James Brown instead of Jim, Ed­ low a cone shaped screen. The
ably would be the basis of the
pouring of hot steam upon the
ward instead of Ed.
woman’s defense.
7. Give the time in an item. live sparks is calculated to extin­
Mr. Brown was hunting deer, the guish them, but should any
escape the second exhaust which
New York, March 8.—John W. house burned down, are incom­ is above this first cone will cer­
McGrath, secretary to Theodore plete. Tell when things happened. tainly get the remainder. It not
Roosevelt, announced today that
8. Divide words correctly.
he had sent the following tele Don’t divide such words as enough, only acts as a spark arrester, but
increases the draft making it
gram to lxiuis G, Stevenson, Sec­ e-nough.
retary of State of Illinois, at
much easier to steam.
9. Don’t send articles reflect­
"I have today received the fol­ ing on the character of individuals
lowing cable for transmission to or firms. The newspaper is not
The Oklahoma Legislature that
you: ’I hereby disavow candi­ looking for libel suits; neither does
dacy of any and all delegates to
convened recently enacted some
Illinois primary who file petitions it care to air personal grievances. very stringent usury law s that
10. Write your name and town
expressing preference for me for
at top of page. Last but most are causing the bankers of the
presidential nomination.
"THEODORE ROOSEVELT." i important rule. It is most essen- state many a sleepless night.
No. 29.
It is more than ever to your interest to econom­
ize. You can best do this at our store where prices
are being lowered where possible. We are selling;
A 1 creamery butter, 35 lb. roll
$ .65
Sugar peas at, per can
, 10
Sunshine flour, per sack
Bluestem flour, per sack
Olympic flour, per sack
G. D. cane sugar, per sack
Coal oil, per gallon
12 l-2c Dress Ginghams at, yard
Three per cent cash register coupons given for
cash or paid in full 30 day accounts.
We are making prices as low as possible in order
to do this we will have to adhere to 30-day rule as
closed as we can. If your account is overdue better
see us, otherwise it may be closed.
Selig’s Cash Price Store,
“ Meeting and Beating Competition”.
T H E R E and
from Portland
Six months round trip tickets on sale from prin­
cipal Northwest cities to Los Angeles, Pasadena,
Orange Empire. Long Beach and Santa Barbara.
Stopovers allowed at all points enroute.
Panama California exposition open all the year
at San Diego. Exhibits from all principal coun­
tries of the world.
See Southern California by electric cars of the Paci­
fic Electric Railway. “Orange Empire,” “ Balloon
Route” , “Old Missions” , “Triangle” , and “ Mt.
Lowe” trolley trips.
Ask your local a g en t or write
Jo h n M. 9cott, General Passenger Agent, Portlan d. Oregon
The legislature wa* called in ex­
tra session, ostensibly, to enact
election laws that would cripple
the Republican party and insure
Democratic success at the com­
ing election. The Republican
party is accused of controlling all
the money and it is to be presum­
ed that this remarkable usury
law is a thrust in the dark at the
Republican party.
The law in question provides,
in addition to its being unlawful
to charge more than the legal
rate, that the officers of the bank
shall furnish to the State Bank
Commissioner a sworn statement
quarterly showing interest charg­
ed, and in case of any violations
of the said laws, double the
amount of interest charged shall
be forfeited.
It is claimed that fhe enforce­
ment of such a law will put a
great many banks out of com­
mission, tacitly acknowledging
that they have been running in
direct violation pf the existing
laws. The farmers and small
borrowers have always been the
victims of usury. Wanting to
borrow $10 or $20 they are re­
quired to mortgage property
worth ten times that amount and
pay $1 for the use of it for 30
days. If at the expiration of that
time and the banker is disposed
they may pay another dollar and
get the day of reckoning put off
another 30 days. The howls and
groans the bankers are making
now is sweet music in the ears of
the farmers who are willing to
let them howl.