FALLS CITY RICH IN MINERALS Try Chiropractic. Tb» t m I k i w al the Gem tonight Alma Hopp» visited here Tues- day. CImitier Ward spent Kundiiy in Dalla». Have you commenced to make Karden? Cost Office Time Card C. J. Punii ¡ h »porting a Kord run about. Mr». C. K. Smith went to Black Oflico hour»: Daily, except Sun­ Bock Thuraday. day, 8 a m. to 6.80 p m. Walter L. Toose, Jr., Lawyer, Mail arrive», from Dallaa, Oregon. tf. Salem 0.00 a.m., 0:16 p.m. ham Tethcrow and family went Dallaa, 0:00 A. M., 0:16 P. M. Portland tV Kugene train 101, to Salem Friday. Vola Helig ha» been sick with the 11:5S a. m, grippe thia week. Black Rock, 1:30 P. M. W. B. Stevena of Portland wua Mail cloaea for: Salem ,8 50 A.M., 1 P.M. and 6:30 in town thia week. P. M. Mrs. Kditli Biown visited in Dallaa, 8:50 A. M. and5:30P. M. Dallaa list Sunday. Kugene & Portland train 162, Wilbur Lewis o f Dallas was in I p. m. thia city Inst Sunday. Black Bock, 11 A. M. Mr. and Mra. W. F. Nichols Mail Order and Poetai Having» went to Salem Tuesday, window cloaea at 0 P. M. C. L. Hopkins went to Salem S unday O nly Office hours: 0:30 to 10:110 a.m: with Kd Brown Tuesday. Mail arrives from Salem, 0:00 Mra. Jessie Moyor lias been fight­ a ni. ing off the grippe thia week. Portland & Kugene train 101, Henry Weatling of Dallaa was 11:55 a. m. visiting Geo. Farrien Tuesday. Mail cloaea foi Salem, 8:50 a. ill. Sam Hiestand wua in Dadas Kugene A Portland train 102, 1 Thursday transacting business p. m. Lester Dodd came over from Kffective Oct. 20, 1016. M in roe to help his fattier on the I ma C. M ki i kmno , Postmaster farm. PAID P O LIT IC A L NO TICES FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY I hereby announce my candi­ dacy for the republican nomina­ tion tor the office o f District At­ torney. If nominated and elected. I shall entorce all laws as I find them without fear or favor, and in a just, conscientious manner. I will give to the County’s affairs the same careful, conscientious at­ tention I would give to the affairs of private clients. I respectfully solicit your support, and if nom­ inated and elected, will devote my entire time to giving you an administration of the affairs of this office such as may reward you for the trust and confidence placed in me. W ALTER L . T 0 0 IE , JR . Free Methodist Church Sunday 8chonl 10:00 A. M. Preaching 11:00 A. M. Claes meeting 12:00 P. M. Evening service 7:30. H. A. W a l t b b , Paator M. L Church Sunday Servicaa Sunday School Morning Service Junior League Kpworth League Kvening Service 10:00 11:00 8:80 6:30 7:30 For F ile—Thoroughbred Scotch Collie puppies. Phone 311. H. Bedienl. Mrs, Esther Montgomery and Kditli »pent Saturday and Sunday ; in Salem. Mis» KI la Mehrling spent Sat­ urday and Sunday visiting with hotnefolks. Donald Hodges spent Saturday and Sunday in Salem the guest of Wymie Grier. Remember Geo. Ferrien, the meat man, always treat you well. On Sower’s corner. 1 he Southern Pacific has begun to haul “ real logs” aover its Falls City road ugaiu. A. F. Courter of Salem spent Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Courier. Hu sure and examine our Bar­ gain Counter. You can save mon­ ey. M. L. Thompson. Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies, P»es, ami other bakery goods, every day at the Falls City Bakery. Inquire about a No. 1 millinery business for sale at a bargain at Mickaisou’s Realty Co’s., office. A. M. Mrs. Barnett Brown and son, A. M. and Mrs. Floyd Seymour of Salem P. M. visited here Friday and Saturday. P. M. Tom Word, ex-sheriff of Multno­ P. M. mah county was in the city the Week-Day Servieea first of the week looking ufter his Teacher Training clave. Friday ranch. 7:00 P. M. For Sale— At Mickalsou’a Realty Prayer Meeting, Friday 8:00 P. office One first class, 4-year old M. Holstein cow; will freshen soon; a W. J. W arrkn , Pastor. perfect pet. University of Oregon, Kugene. Feb. 25. — Reds of black »slid near Fulls City contain eight mineral». They are chromite, magnetite, nionasite, gurnet, olivine, quartz, gold and (iron. The information is contaiiiid in a bulletin, “ Min­ erals of Oregon,” written by G ra­ ham J, Mitchell, assistant profes­ sor of geology in the University of Oregon. The I ullntin mention» 80 mineral» that have been repott­ ed V'/ the department of geology a» occurring in Oregon-, and gives their occurrence» as have bee i re­ ported. The bulletin does not pretend to he exhaustive. A copy muy he had free by addressing the registrar, University of Oregon, Eugene. Chromite is the source of chrom­ ium salts and is also used in making hard steel and for making brick to line smelter furnaces in some instance». Muguotile, w hich occu r» in the black sand« of the Pacific coast, is found in the black sand of Fall» City. It ie an ore of iron strongly attracted hv a magnet. Gold and monazite, the source of thoria from which the welsbach gas mantle is made, are two more. Garnet crystols which are used for abrasive purposes in finishing wood and leather. Perfect crystols are valuable as museum specimens. Olivine, which when a clear va­ riety is called peridut, is used as a gem. Quartz is used fur optical instru­ ment!'. Quirts sand is good for glass-making and as sandstone is good for hones anil grinding stones. It is fused in electric furnace fur making heat-resisting “ silica ware” The last of the minerals listed for Polk county is zitcoti. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY A surprise birthday party was given at the home of C. A. Hunter, Friday night February 18, in honor of Mrs. C. A. Hunter's 42 be got” or haul the truck back home. There is always the canning factory to sell to, and such an institution simply must have the goods to make it pay. Falls City needs such au institu­ tion. It’ s a worth-while industry and its coming should be encour­ aged. “ if all the fruit and vegetables Get your butter wrappers print­ that go to waste each year on ed at the News office. American farms could be saved, no For Sale— 55 pounds carpet rags, doubt several large European arm­ sewed hit and miss, or trade for ies could be fed for a long time on good Plymouth Rock hens. Ad­ what is now wasted.” The man speaking was advoca­ dress Mr9. Ida Dunn on Canyon road. 19-26-4. ting better use of this “ waste.”