THE FALLS CITY NEWS. Saturday February 12. 101*1 Free Metlndlst Church Hunday Hohool 10:00 A. M. 8 MARRIAGE B ELLS A wedding took place at the Preurhing 11 :(X) A M home of Mr«. U. C. Chamberlain Clans meuting 12:00 I*. M. of this city Sunday, February 0 Evening service 7:80. at aliout A. M. The con­ 11. A. W alter , Pa«tor. tracting 11:30 parties were Elbert Lynch and Mr». Ellis Avcrill. M. L Church Elder E. A. I,it Dow officiating. lunday Sorvices After the ceremony a sump­ Hunday School 10:00 A. M tuous repast Morning Service 11:00 A. M. Mr. Lynch was is served. prosperous Epworth League 0:80 1’. M. farmer of Yamhill a County and Evening Service 7:80 P. M. lives near Amity. T H E JO K E R Edited by Falls City High School. Mils Alum Hoppe visited school lust week. 'I ho fiiMtituto hold horu laat Saturday Fob. f>, was not only Mis» Helen Treat, visited school well attended by the teachers from last week. over the country hut by a great Mrs. Ellison entered the Hcience numlx'r of town people. The program waa opened in the dual Monday. morniii” by the High School Or­ Mra. Kerr and sister visited W eak-Day Services The bride is a sister of Mrs. K. chestra. school last Week. Orchtstra Practice Wednesday C. Chamberlain and much es­ Mias Alice McIntosh from Ilia 7.00 P. M. Marie Reese was absent from teemed by her many friends. Choir Practice, Wednesday H;UO The happy couple departed on Normal was to be the first speaker school this week. was unable to come. Dr De- Mildred Reynolds was absent r m . 1:25 train for their future but Prayer Meeting, Friday 7:80 P. the Busk gave a very interesting- talk Iro n school Thursday on account home, showered with rice and on Child Development. M. missiles and the good wishes Lota Bradley, W. J. W arum , Paetor. other R. E.W illiams , M. L. T hompson . W. F. N ichols , R.G.W hite , Gladys and Jcsaie of wind and rain. of their friends. President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier Paul rendered a piano trio which Clarice Kimbrough h»s been ab­ sent from school this week on ac­ well received by all. SURPRISE PARTY The afternoon program was also count of sickness. A pleasant surprise was given opened by Ihoiligh School Orches- Mickalson has been ab­ F alls C it v , P olk C ounty . O regon Mrs. Bell Mageo at her home in tia. Prof. J. B. Horner of the O. sent Loraine from school Kalla City Friday night, it being A. C. gave a lively and intere»ting count of sickness. this week on ac­ Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time her forty-ninth birthday, T h e talk on “History of Oregon,’’ tin« Try Chiropractic. Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. Lloyd Miller was absent from evening waa spent with n.u«ic a id followed by u song l»y the Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. 1 he heat show at the Gem tonight playing games. A delicious lunch­ High School Male Quartette which school Thursday morning because Walter L. Tooze, Jr., Lawyer, eon wax served nt 12 o’clock, after was very nicely rendered. The of a very, very bad, cold. Dalian, Oregon. tf. which Mra. E. P. Brown treated last hut by far uol the least speak­ Miss Irene Pollock who has been Grace Halbert and Mrs. J. Krit­ Mrs. I. G. Singleton who was gum'» to a bucket of delicious er waa Assistant State Superin­ attending school st Lewisville zer went to Black Rock Thursday. appzinted Registrar for Fulls City Freeh Bread, Cake»,Cookie«, 1 tea, the home-made A very plea« tendent F. K. Wells his subject «tarted to school Monday. completing her work in her and other bakery good«, every day ant evening candy. Ed Brown made a business trip is usual quick tactful way. She is waa enjoyed by all was the advancement of schools.’’ at the Fall« City Bakery. Lucille Tichenor returned to Salem Wednesday. making a house to house canvas present. The guests departing fur Thu Orchestra ended the well to Miss after being absent for Mrs. Grace Bennett of Black in order to register all the ladies Dr. J. G. Turner, formerly of homes wishing Mra. Magee spent day with some more of its some school time on account of sickness. Rock was shopping here Thursday. and allowing none (to escape her. ltli at Falla City Those present were: Mr. and Mr». every body away with a song in jokes ou tissue paper and maybe ma Jost of Dallas visited Mrs. I. G. people and the ladies are not timid lintel. Headache« relieved, croax E. P. Brown, Mr. and Mra. Frank their hearts in registering with her people will be able to see through Singleton Saturday. eye* «traightened. No charge for DeWitte, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lewi», consultation or examination. Hut- Mr. and Mr«. K. V. DeWitte, Mr. The meeting of t h e Parent them. Last Monday while Warren i«facliun guaranteed. and Mra. K. A. Jones; Minae» Bo­ Teachers' Association ai the High Byron Murray who lias been ab­ Mrs M. J. Cockerlir.e os Estaca- Frink and Tom Foster were driv­ to Dallas the team became ne 11« Magee, Ruby Magee, Ruth School building on Tuesday even­ sent from school for some time on da, Oregon, is visiting her daugh­ ing frightened at a train, two miles ter, Mrs. Grace Hansen. i . 0 M IC K A LS O N . Magee, Elite Kneebone, Ola Mar- ing was well attended. After a account of illness is thinking of «*■ from Dallas near what is known R I A L I 8 T A T E D E A L E R tin, Mable Hunter; Mesara Alford Mrs. I. G. Singleton has regis­ as the Chinaman’s returning Monday, bopyard. In • bort but pleasir.g program, there All kind« of land«; business Ferguson, Otho Bell, Dave Martin, was a discussion of questions of tered 500 voters already, and trviug to check them one of the propoaitiins listed, «old and ex­ Ralph Magee, Wyrick Bancroft, lines broke and they ran into a about 800 more to take yet. interest. Plans for the A R D S T IL L T H E Y C O M E fence throwing Frink ont against a changed, anywhere, Choice city Rulua Ferguson, Otto Kneebone, general Rending Room were reported »« The action of the school board Mrs. Florence Burton of Inde­ post dislocatiug his shoulder. Fos­ and country home« for rale cheap Andrew Hunter, Kd Morris. being carried out so that we may in Portland in forcing the resigna­ pendence visited her friend, Mrs. ter was thrown in iront of the bug­ Falla City, Oregon. gy and two wheels of the vehicle soon look for the beginning of a tion of Pn.f J. Willis Jefferies, in­ Emtna Hinshaw this week. passed over him bruising him up librjry in our city. Arrangements structor in English in Franklin C. B Peterson who was sick considerable, NON LIAB ILITY NOTICE 9 Mr». J. P. Starr ha» been quite Notice also «were made to socure Lamar High School, has brot both praise with laGripn for one week is able is hereby given to all poorly. Tooze to tell of bis trip to Europe and censure upon that body. The to be back at his work again in it may concern: BIRTHDAY PARTY John Hughe« returned from Del­ whom as a metnlier of the Peace party. alleged offences were that lie had the depot. That the undersigned nor his ia« last Saturday night On Thursday, February 10, the one-half interest in the saw mill After the meeting, those present told his class that the word “daren’’ Mr». Gus Anderson and son left children, grand children and a few Born to Mr. and Mre. Jim Teal, and logging outfit now owned visited the Domestic Science room was not profanity, and that text Wednesday for Estella, Wash., friends gathered at the home of where u delicious lunch waa served Feb. 4, a son. by Munson and Davis and locat­ by Miss Shields und several of the hooks in English were useless. A» where she «ill visit relatives for a Mrs. C. M. Wonderly in honor of Mr». Grace liulhert was in Del- ed about 24 miles from Fallq City ludiea. The*« meetings are bring­ a substitute for the latter he reads ! few weeKs. her seveuty-fifth birthday. A num­ laa on business the tint of the will not be responsible for any ing parent« and tenchers in closer about good English composition to Vernon, the 14-year old son of ber of appiopriate presents were Those present were: week. labor done in the mill or woods contact and opening a way to solve the cla««. Professor J. W. Jefferira Wm. Estelle fell onto a double given. Mrs. C. M Wonderly. L. B. The children of Fred Doultgen or connected therewith or for some of the piobleins of the young admits that these accusations are bl&ded ax last Friday of last week Wonderly and wife, R. M. Wond­ have been sick this week, but nrc any supplies furnished to operate people. Come to the next meeting. true, but affirms that he is sincere cutting his leg quite seriously. erly and wife, L. R. Kimes and said plant if operated by any in what he advocates. Public at­ improving. wife, Chas. Coonrad and wife, O.E. Svron and wife! also Miss Margret Mr. Titus’ folks have all been other person than himself. tention is drawn to the case, conse­ Besure and examine our Bar­ Kimes. Emerson. Donald, Kenneth Last Saturday evening Profess >r sick with lagripp. Mrs. I. G. Sing­ because the methods as gain Counter. You can save mon­ Signed this 4th day of Feb. 1916 J. B Horner delivered his famous quently, aud Ersal Wonderly, and Master leton and Mrs. C. L. Bradley have M. C. M unson . illustrated lecture on “From Jer­ well the man are ou trial, and aB Paul Syron. ey. M. L. Thompson. to the altitude of our educators on been helping take care of the in­ 1 he citv council met in regular usalem to Jericho.” Notwithatand the subject much depends. valids. O FFIC IA L REGISTRAR stHiion last Monday night and had O N E ON W ALTER L . JUNIOR ing the rainy weather, the High Ttie moie radical of the promin­ Miss Veda Fatland. one of the 1 have been appointed Registrar a rip-roaring aociable time. A good «tor" ¡ h told on Walter School rooms in which the lectuie ent pedagogues have contended for High School teachers of Monmouth for Falls City and all wishing to L. B. Wondeily left Thursday L. Tooze, Jr. of Dal la», looze is was given,-were crowded with peo­ some time that the strict adher­ spent Saturday and Sunday at the register will please come to my night for ’lacoina. Wash., to he the legal adviser for the city coun­ ple and many were unable to ence to textbooks was undesirable, home of Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Single­ houee. Foreigners must bring their cil in this city. The first Monday receive chairs. The High School but the total abandonment of them ton. gone «evural days on busincaa. fiual papers. Books will close on Orchestra formed a very important is radical in the extreme. Profes­ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kaina arriv­ night in each month is the regu­ part Mrs. J. P. DeWitte, mother of April 4th. Mr. Horner sor Jefferies intimated in a letter ed Tuesday evening from Troutdale lar meeting night and the city gave of one the of program. Mrs. I. G. Singleton who has been the most attorney is required to be present M rs . I, G. S ingleton . to the public that his enemies mo­ spending to »pend a abort time with Mrs January a long month, having lectures of its kind ever interesting the winter here, went to delivered tives were actuated by people in­ Chapin. Saturday and returned five Mondays, the fifth being on in Falls City. The lecture was in the sale of schoolbooks. Monmouth “ MAN FROM BORNEO” Win. Estelle was in Dallas Sat­ the last day of the month. Since not only enjoyed by older people, terested Monday. He further states that a few years The performance of the “Man urday attending the Seventh Day the roads have been impossible for but by the boys and girls as well. will see the total overthrow of the Mrs. C. T. Ellison and Mrs. L. B. from Borneo” presented at. Wag­ Adventist meeting. Mr. Estelle autos, it has been his custom to At the conclusion of the lecture, present books of instruction and Wonderly »pent Tuesday evening ner's Hall Saturday last was at­ is leader of the church at Dallas get a rig from the livery stable the High School male quartette, that the methods now condemned at the home of Mrs. I. G. Single- tended by a well pleased audience. and goes down every Seventh Day and drive to Falla City. Monday disguised as coons favored us with will be ngarded as essential. To ton while their husbands went to In spite of the fact that the weather to assist in the service«. evening. January 31, the shad is two selections which were agreeably the ordinary American it would council meeting. was exceptionally bad there was a A birthday party aleigh ride was of night were settling over the received. appear that the professor’s actions The S. P. Co. has a contract large attendance. given laat Saturday to Lowiaville, little village of Dallas, Walter trips are radical to say the least, but with Teal and Cleveland for the characters were exceptional­ in honor of the 09th birthday of blithely to the livery, orders out The Biology class fiuished their underneath this stratum of extreme tie output of their mill. They ly The well The entire per­ Frank Lewis, Those who attend­ his chariot and heads bis prancing semester’s work Friday. The fin­ views he presents some undeniable have about 20,000 in reach of formance selected. was very ed were Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Powell, steed toward the beautiful city by ishing touch was a essay consisting truths. He affirms I hat technical their present set. They can put and reflects great credit eutertaining upon the Mr. and Mrs. J. 6. 8. Powell and the Falls. The crunching of the of at least 1000 words on the com­ English is hy no means essential out about 100 lies a day. whole cast. Miss Vola Selig as snow beneath iron hoofs is music parison of plants and animals. Mrs. J. Kritzer and daughter, but in place regards a usable- Ollie and George March as Borneo his soul and ere he is aware the know ledge of the mether tongue were exceptionally good. Harry W. McHaven, representing Geo. to brightly shining electric lights of Harold Attwood of the fifth grade as an end towards which every A SURPRISE PARTY Taylor took the part of Fred with B. Jacob Co., of Salem was in our the city bursts in view. Huddenly teacher should strive. Let’s band is absent from school on account his usual fine display of dramatic city Wednesday afternoon and as one roused from a deep sleep he A surprise party was held in while here he made a very friendly seem to remember. Pulling his of sick ness. This is the only absence it to the Prof, on this point if uot honor of Mr. Gus Larson’s birth­ talent. Mrs. Blanche March and visit with Mickalson Realty Co. steed on its haunches it dawns the fifth grade has had this week. on the others. day Friday evening Feb. 4. 1916 Lester Bowman, as Lizzie aud He spoke very encouraging of the upon him that it is January 81st A number of games were played Capt. Wright, respectively deserve Mrs. Selig was a Dallas visitor real estate outlook during the next instead of February 1st. Slowly SECURES CIVIL SERVICE POSITION and about 11 ;00 oclock refresh­ great credit for the active manner in which they portrayed their dif­ Wednesday. year or eo. ments were served. and sadly he turned about und Mrs. Emma Hinshaw, who re­ ficult parts. Otto Elkins as Peter, present were. The Pareut-Teacher meeting wended his way homeward hum­ cently took a civil service examin­ Mrs. Adams visited in Dallas Those and Chris Horn as the Wild Man Mr. and Mrs. Gus Larson and Tuesday evening was well attend­ ming a tune strangely like, “Its a ation in the domestic art and Wednesday. received much applause and laugh­ family. ed. Favorable reports came in Long Way to Tipperary.” science department of the Govern­ ter due to their splendid comedy Noah Ferguson lost a valuable Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ferguson, regardiug the reading room. It work. ment Indian Training School at horse this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oils and was voted to secure Lamar Tooze As a whole the performance was Greenville, Cal., was notified the Mr. and Mrs. L. Ellis were in family. REVIVAL M EETING really far superior to the average for a lecture if possible. Revival meetings will begin at first of the week that she had been Dallas this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fry. amateur production. Ole Aurland who has been con­ the Free Methodist ohurch Sunday, appointed. Mrs. Hinshaw left . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bradley and The dance after the show was fined to his home for sometime February 18. Rev. E. D. Black­ Thursday evening for Greenville Deborah and Margarate Dennis son Clarence. well attended and from all reports all who attended were more than paet on account of a severe attack man will have charge of the work. to assume her duties. Mrs. Hin­ are sick with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Russell. of asthma was able to be out again A cordially invitation is extend­ shaw lias lived in Falls City for Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Robertson. pleased and satisfied. C. L. Starr of Portland was a lost Wednesday, the past thirteen years and has town visitor Wednesday. ed to all to come and worship. Mrs. Barnette Brown. Clarence Powell of Oregon City many friends, who though sorry to Mrs. Cleve Powell eutertained a Mrs. T. Harris. who was here last week lookiug number of friends on Wednesday. Alex Christoff and family left her leave their midst will be glad Mrs. W. 8. Dennis returned Mr. R. Paul. after his tie contract, left lost Sat­ Those present were Mr. and Mrs. laat Saturday for Ackrou, Ohio to hear of her good fortuno in Monday from Clackamus county Miss Mattie Fergusou. urday fqr his home, haviug turned Frye, Mrs. W. W. Chappell and where he has employment in a securing the position and wish her where she had attended the funeral Mr. J. C. Ferguson. the tie contract over to Wm. success in her new venture, rubber factory. Mr«. Walter Tice. of her mother, Mrs, Skirvin, Estelle. Mr. Chas. W. Ferguson. Institute Bank of Falls City whh '■ whh ms