Saturday, January 20, 191(1 THE FALLS CITY NEWS. SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS IN PRIZES To (^Distributed In A- By The Falls City News and Falls City Merchants. The Capital Prize Several of the Merchants of Falls City have contributed Which will be give by VALUABLE PRIZES The Falls City NEWS will be an elegant $ 400.00 and will give Local Vote Coupons With each $1.00 Cash Purchase Obermeyer & Sons PIANO F IR S T PRIZE «1 Rules and Regulations G overning the C ontest are as Follows! A N N O U N C E M E N T —This Piano and Popular Voting Contest will be conducted fairly and honestly on business principles, strictly with justice and fairness to all concerned. With the above principles, it will be an assured success. P R I Z E S — The Capital prue will be an Obermeyer & Sons' Piano. Also other v aluable prizes to the amount of many dollars which are announced herewith. C A N D I D A T E S — Young ladies in this and adjoining towns are elig­ ible to enter this contest, and the party receiving the largest number of votes will receive the beautiful $400 Obermeyer & Sons’ Piano, and other premiums will be distributed in accord­ ance with the contestants’ standing at the final count. TI E IN V O T E — Should any of the contestants tie in votes for any of the prizes, a similar prize will be awarded. V O TE S C L A S S E D — Votes will be issued in the following denomin­ ations: New subscribers, 600 votes...............................................$ 1.00 Renewals, 500 v o tes......................................................... 1.00 Renewals, more than one year, 600 votes ................ 1.00 Back subscriptions, 400 v o t e s ............................... L00 5 years New or Renewal Subscriptions, 5000 votes........ 5.00 10 years New or Renewal Subscriptions, 12500 votes ... 10.00 20 years New or Renewal Subscriptions, 30,000 votes 20.00 I N S T R U C T I O N S -Results to standing votes will be issued after 30 days. No votes accepted at less than regular price of paper concerned in this contest. No one connected with this paper, or belonging to the immediate families of the merchants co­ operating, will be allowed to become a candidate in this contest or work for contestants. • Votes, after being voted, cannot be transferred to another. Be sure to know for whom you are going to vote before coming to the ballot box, as the editor or anyone else will not give you any information on the subject. The key to the ballot box will be in possession of the awarding committee during the contest. For the first thirty days the paper will run a 25-vote coupon, which can be voted free for any lady contestant. Contest to run about 90 days. CONTEST WILL CLOSE APRIL 1st, ldlO. The right to post[)one date of closing is re­ served if sufficient cause should occur. Ten days prior to closing contest, the judges will carefully lock or seal ballot box and take same to the bank, where the same will la: in a place where vot ing can be done during busi­ ness hours and locked in a vault at night until close of contest, when the judges will take charge and countsame and announce the young ladies winning in their turn. '1 he last ten days all voting must be done in a sealed box at the bank. If you do not wish anyone to know for whom you are voting, place your cash for subscription together with your coupon in a sealed envelope, which will be furnished you, and put same in ballot box. This will give every one a square deal. . THIS CONTEST W I L L CLOSE APRIL 1st, 1916. Nominate Your Favorite Lady -Help Her Win the Grand Prize VaJue $ 15.00 3d Prize 2nd Prize Donated by N. Selig’s Department Store Value $5.00 4th Prize Value $5.00 5th Prize Value $5.00 J 6th Prize Donated by Donated by Donated by Falls City Mercantile Co. J. C. Talbott M . L. Thompson, ! Value $5.00 Donated by W. A . Poraty, Druggist Hardware Ik Furniture Jawaltr. General Merchandise I give a 25 vot^ coupon free with I give a 12i vote coupon free with I will give a 25 vote coupon free We will give a 25 vote coupon free I give a 124 vote coupon free with each $1.00 cash purchase. each 50c cash purchase. with each $1.00 cash purchase. with each $1.00 cash purchase. each 50c cash purchase. ASK FOR COUPON. ASK FOR COUPON. ASK FOR COUPON. ASK FOR COUPON. FOR COUPON. O jl For and Save Your Tickets Beginning Today. It May Help Some Lady Win Address All Communications and Subscriptions to Contest Manager FALLS C ITY NEW S, Falls City, Oregon A Prize. V —