Hfttunlay, January 20, Itti!) THE TALLE CITY NEWS. V- f D. L WOOD &. SON. Publishers. • t I'alu (My . r.riw Ctmitr. Oor|««. ttikCtr Ai t Unsi M l or NUrvh J, 15Í0. Trlrphosr News Office. I). the should ever liecome expedient for party and do not pose as a Ke- a nation, or alliance of nations to publican. and tiien betray the attempt an invasion of the United I l>arty. Suites, i and who now can author­ itatively state that it will not?), if that day ever comes, in what k lK A L MIKE TAPPERS manner will we bo prepared to Moral crusades have been un- jdertaken without effect against meet the emergency ? Th« Bread Question (the Peeping Tom o f the rural ’ ’ By wo. 1 moan most espocially telephone. Sermons have been 'preached without result. The wo at the portal o f tho Inland hanit persists in the faee o f all Empire. For of all points o f at­ efforts to put a stop to the nui­ tack on American soil from tho sance. A disheartened party Pacific Ocean, the Columbia River liner writes in despair to the New- is tho most attractive for the very berg Graphic complaining that he soundest of military reasons. We lo Tft can have no secrets from his have spent millions o f dollars I ALLS C ITY O rriC lA L DIRECTOR Ï neighbors. The spy in Europe teaching Orientals to oat broad. H J.tiU lBo *M»j To tho ' who steals the w ar secret is shot. Europeans taught us. R M. W.m.hrlv, uuucUm^ti ‘ The common thief is sent to north are vast stands o f timber, 0 . W. Brentner. Georg« C. March prison. But the .purloiner o f very valuable as building material C. J. L ouucilmen ¡telephone conversations cannot but poor fodder for man or beast. 1 . G .8 ,a g M o n . C !.. Hopkins, ; be taught that it is as wrong to To the south is tho citrus belt. N . Selin. Judge steal a conversation as a coin. Armies might enjoy grapefruit, C. E. McPfcerren, Auditor und P» Walter I*. Toojto Jr City Attorno: Thus the victim ’s g rie f is told. oranges and lemons for appetiz­ Put Murphs Marshal »n d Water Supt. ! Out o f a bitterness that must ing. but it is questionable whether i»n. Tr M. L. Th. t Officer, . He Dr F. M. Ho ' have been wrought o f sorry trial they could fight on a steady diet The Council meat» tu regular session on the ».r>v j he hints at such punishment as o f citrus fruit. But straight up Monday night oleaehm outh, ai « » o 'c l o c k , tu boiling the offender in oil. But the Columbia, and reached by he office o f the Fails City News. how is the culprit to be appre- water grade, lies the great wheat S a t u r d a y . J a n u a r y 29, 1916 Ihended? How can the evidence belt o f the Northwest, where, !>e fastened upon the most per­ once established, an invading force NEWS AND COMMENT sisten t offender? Even if the could grow fat and prosecute a i suspect goes about the commun- campaign with astonishing com­ A D lrrtK tN C t j ¡ty telling the wire secrets o f his fort. Evidentally the sheriff at Seat- neighbors :iie evidence would be “ Realizing this, and it is incom­ tie is an unsofisticated neophite impurely circumstantial. He might prehensible that people should not else he would have known that pjeaj t|iat someone told him that realize it, the question confronts the law prescribing the amount . someone told someone else who us, what shall we do about it? To o f liquor each individual should I |ia(j jearnej f r0m someone who this question: there is to my mind, have in possession was not m- ;,.uj boen informed by someone but one answer. tended to opeiate against the j ejse thut Lem Jones was about to Block the Qamo rich. He probably was under j marry Sue Smith. Then, who “ It is essential that this acces­ the impression that laws were tapi>ed the wire? sible entry to unlimited forage be made for rich and poor alike, b No, the matter is not one for effectively blocked, that the very he was quickly disillusioned variation. A law against lis- thought o f invasion of the Co*um- That which is sauce for the gan over the wire would pro- 1 >ia basin should be made ridiculous dor would be extremely saucj vide no dequate remedy. Edu­ The method by which this may be for the goose. cation h cing failed to establish c.cco nplished is being successfully » code c ' morals, but onô aller- demonstrated to the whole world main. Human ingenu- AS THE EDITOR SEES IT y the coast line o f Germany. ity must step in. In the city the “ Dreadnoughts a r e needless. largely solved problem nas i Opportunity of a Community. Germany's dreadnoughts are bot- in the partic- The farming interests o f this The bei I ring; tled up in the Kiri Cana1. Citizen ( beir.g summon- r home that is community cannot place too much old ¡cry is needless. Germany’s | This, o f cou se, would not emphasis upon the advisabdity -oldiors are effecting invasions, r'e the problem in the country and necessity o f making every i,ot repelling them. Big guns are ere “ wire tap ping” has be- a nere foot o f ground productive to the incidental; they would be unwieldy ; [come a habit. Persistent curios- against fast ships. On none o f | highest degree. With nearly the whole o f Eu­ i' . would take the worst offen­ these things does Germany de-[ rope unproductive there will be a ders to the line whether the bell pend, and yet the greatest fleet j tremendous demand made upon a re or not. Some o f them, the world ever saw has not even i America for food stuffs in the suspect, would be at the instru­ attempted to attack Bremen o r ! months to come, and this demand ment every five minutes seekingi Hamburg, in which harbors the must be met or those people will to intercept a message. Y et the i merchant ships o f the enemy na­ city system suggests an idea. tion are securely reposing. starve. I f the telephone can be made This does not necessarily mean Basis of Security that America will be called upon to call only the party that is, “ German efficiency in coast de­ to feed Europe gratis. Europe wanted, perhaps it can be made , fense exhibits itself in such cun­ to repel those who are not want- ■ will pay in gold for what it gets ningly laid mine fields that even ed. I f three rings call Jones an ; from us. dollar for dollar. the British Admirality has no de- i A duty and an opportunity con­ ’automatic attachment that would | sire to test them, and the day and turn a strong electric edrrent into i front us. * night oatrolling of these mine fields Duty demands that we produce Smith's receiver would break the! by light cruisers, destroyers and Smiths o f the listening habit very to the limit, that the hungry little patrol boats. q> ;ly. The current might be across the water may be fed. “ And if that method is effective1 gauged just short o f the voltage Opportunity knocks at our door, required for electrocution—al­ against the mighties naval power j in that there will be a ready though not too far short. I f our on the earth, allied with th“ fleets market at high prices for every electrical geniuses cannot perfect o f three o f the Great Powers, all ounce that we can sell. Even this plan or one o f a similar na­ jxissessing naval bases within a now the hand o f Europe is out­ ture. then we fear that the woes few hundred miles o f the German stretched across the water for of rural party liners are hopeless. coast, then how great security American bread. could we not expect from its in­ It is an opportunity tor the ception at the mouth o f the Colum­ building up o f this agricultural bia river! And it is perfectly ap­ community, for the enriching of parent that we must have a Naval our people, for an influx o f for­ BaSe at the mouth o f the river eign gold such as we have never for a fleet o f battleships, scout kno.vn before. boats, mine layers, submarines For Europe must eat, and to F. C. Harley, Chairman of Astoria and destroyers to complement the eat Europe must buy the food | mine’ fields. Comaiitlee, Gives Emphatic stuffs we have to sell. Tho Interior Should Respond Let every foot o f ground pro­ Op nion on the Subject “ The people o f Portland should duce something for the financial recognize this need, as should the weal of this community. Astoria. Ore. Jan. 27. (Special) entire Inland Empire, and should F. C. Harley, the man who is lead­ back us in our efforts to assure The Hepuolican Central Com­ ing the naval base campaign, has ourselves o f an iron-ribbed pro­ mittee met in Dallas last Satur­ carefully thought out the question tection in case of any possible day and did considerable resolu- rrom many angles and today gives contingency. It is not a matter ting. Resolutions are all right if the people o f Astoria o f the Colum­ ot ‘ pork-barrelling.’ Rather, it is backed up by AC TIO N fh< bia basin his candid views thereon. a case o f the common good o f the thing to do is to do something He says: Pacific coast and the United States and talk about it after you* get “ I am not an alarmist. I antici­ As the point o f the greatest dang­ results? There is no use in 1>. pate no immediate invasion o f this er, the throat o f the Inland Em­ longing to the Republican part.» i nntry in general nor this coast pire should be most thoroughly and then vote the Democ: ati< in particular, but since the un- and conscientiously bulwarked ticket, which some in thi count\ j | heralded, and, to the man in the against attack. And furthermore, have done in the past, if el ' .treet, unsuspected outbreak of it must be!” returns prove anything. G hostilities a year ago last August, and see to it that good Republi­ inveiling as it did secret alliance cans are nominated and then li ter secret alliance, preparation REGISTRATION CLERK DISMISSED vote for them, insist that the\ , ; i ter preparation, 1 am very far Salem, Or., Jan. 24.— Because live up to their pledges and ex- -ram to that of he made many errors and om- ecute the law, ieganJiessot P> ij Ig0,^l people who dwell in mental missions in registrations, Emmett E. Arrell o f Aumsville, was re­ lie or private opinion. It you d m„ ral socurjty. please God, lieved o f his duties today by want to vote the Democratic I wa w jij jmVe no War. Hat if it County Clerk Max Gehlhar. protcootonal Carte Another Year PHYSICIAN o f th e F. M. HELLWARTH P H Y S IC IA N A N D SURUKO N P a n a m a - C a lif o r n ia E x p o s it io n O flie e o n e d o o r cast o f 1*. O. Ottico amt ... Uiiu KcaUlciirc I h o n ® diiH nt S a n D ie g o $0 centi»; th ree months» ’25 cents. MUtfle copyt u ct*. CIIIKOl’ KAiTIC This l>oauliful exposition will continue nil the > c «r 1916— bigger »nil better thiui over. Many o f the beat exhibits from San Francisco have been transferred to San Diego. If you neglected to sec San Diego in 1915 do not fail to see this beautiful city this year. The winter i.s the logical time too. Six months round trip tickets are on sale daily from all Pacific Northwest points to Southern California DR. W. L. Holloway CHIROPRACTIC W ill b* » I Full« t ’lly If.riel MONDAY. WKi NKHPA\ ami FHJ l> A Y A Ht’Y DIMMI* F ach Wvffk. »uetneoo darte ROTICI T ra in s Every Day 1.30 A M. M «N D CALIFORNIA EXPRESS f a l l s G it ç lî o t c l Portland 12/0 r M S e m e l# R ó e m e m 4 B e e t A e e e m m o d a t le n e F . O roaga, F ro a rle te r San Francisco EXPOSITION SPECIAL Through standard and tourist sleep­ ing cars, dining hik I observation cars. Steel coaches make traveling a pleasure. 3:50 P. M. SHASTA LIMITED Train De-Lux« Knlla City. O rtfoii Ask our local «geni lor further Information or a rile 8:15 P. M. SOUTHERN PACIFIC San Francisco Express Jonn M. Scott. General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon. IIAH bE H snore Bohle’s Barber Shops f e l l a C ity , O r e g o n Wkrrr yes css gel • Ska»«, Bair Cat, Balk er 'Iklat' Altai fer Dallas Sitasi Uasdry Hu nriltfB ftirwftrrittri lunari«y rvenl ln « MONUMKNTM OUR BARCAIN LIST OF PERIODICALS MUST BE PAIO IN ADVANCE. MAGAZINES AT CUT RATES SAVE FROM 35c TO $1.90 Thou price« are for year paid in advance subscriptions. Falls t ’ity N e w s .... $1.00 1 Special Pries r I ’ictorial Review ...... 1.501 $1.75 Falls City N e w s .... Metropolitan ........ l.oo ) Special Price 1.50 \ ^ $1.75 F alls City News . . Hearst’s Magazine . 1.00 1.50 Special Price $1.75 Falls City News Technical W o rld ..... 1.00 1.50 ( Snecial Price $1.75 Falls City News .... Mündern Priscilla 1.50 / Special Price 1.00 1 $1.65 Falls City News . Ijadies’ W orld......... Mother's Magazine McCall’s (fr e e p ’trn) 1.00 UK) 1.50 50 ^ Special Price $2.10 1.001 Falls City News .... Boy’s Magazine ...... 1.00 L Special Prica People’s Home Journ' 1 .50 j $1.50 1.001 75 Special Price 1.00 50 J $1.76 1.00 Falls City N ew s..... Today’s (free pattern) 50 L Special Price 50 Housewife UK) J Boy’s Magazine $I.5S halls City News Home- Needlework Boy’s Magazine ..... Housew ife.............. iieadi|uartora for C andy and Cigar « HARRINGTON Don’t miss these bargains. Send your order in at once. Ifvou d o not find what you want in this list, call at our office, We have many other popular magazines that we sell at special prices. THE FALLS CITY NEWS Btate o f Ohio, city o f Toledo, Lucas County. Candios, Tobaccos and Cigars, L B. W O N D E R LY’8 l„ ( 1 • F ran k J. C heney m akes oath that he Is senior p artner o f the Arm o f K. J Cheney Co., doing business In the City of To- do, County and State aforesaid, and I that said firm w ill p ay the sum o f O N E I : ! H U N D R E D D O L L A R S fo r each and ev­ ery ra se of C atarrh that cannot be cured b y the USO o f H A L L 'S C A T A R R H C U R E . F R A N K J. C H E N E Y . Sw orn to before me and aubscrlbed In m y presen ce, this 6th d ay o f Decem ber, 1 NAVAL BASE FOR MOUTH OF COLUMBIA at M r. H e m e S e e k e r — COM E L T L O « I C IT Y , O R E G O N FA and B u Bi y O r c h a r d Land C A. d . me. A. W . G L E A S O N , N o ta ry Public. H a ll's C atarrh C u re Is taken Internally and acts directly upon t h » blood and m u- 1 onus surfaces o f the system . Send for testimonials, free. F. J C H E N E Y Sc CO.. Toledo. O. Bold by all D ruggists, 75c. Taka H all's Family Pills for constipation. Notice to News Subscribers (S e a l) The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 Almanac. To Head-Off a Headache Nothing is Bettor than Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills Th ey G ive R e lief W ithout Bed After-Effects. " I can «a y that Dr. M ile «’ R e m ­ edies h ave been a godsend to me and m y fam ily. I used to have sueh terrible headache« I w ould a l ­ most be w ild fo r d a y « at a time. I began using E r. M ile«' A n ti-I*« In Plit* «n d never h «v e those h ead ­ a ch e« any more. I can apeak highly of Dr. M ile»' N erv in e also for It cured one of my children o f a terrible nervous disorder. I can a lw a y s speak a good w ord for your R e m ­ edies and h a v s recom m ended them to a good m an y of m y friends w ho h ava been well pleased with them .” M RS. G E O H RRYAN. , Janesville, low s. F or Sals by AM D ruggists. 25 Doses. 25 Cents. M IL K S M E D IC A L CO.. Elkhart, Ind. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 A l­ manac is by far the finest, largest and best ever before printed. The Hicks storm and weather fore­ casts for 1915 again have proven their truth and value, and this1 splendid Almanac for 1916 should find its way straight into every j home and office in America. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Magazine, Word and Works, and his unique A l­ manac should always go together, both for only one dollar a year. The Almanac alone is 35c, prepaid. Send to Word and Works Publish - 1 ing Company, 3401 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. A mark here indicates that your subscription is delinquent. Please call and fix it. RHEUM A TiO SUFFERERS GIVEN QUIOK RELIEF pain leaves almost s i if by magic when on begin using "6- >rops," the fsmousold remedy for Rheuma­ tism, Lumbago, Gout, Sciatica, N e u r a lg ia and kindred troubles It goes right to the •pot, stops the aches and pains and makes life worth living. Get a bottle of “5-Drops'' today. A booklet with each bottle gives full d ir e c tio n s for use. . I>on't delay. Demand “ •> D rop »" Don't ac- I cept anything else in place of i t A n y drag- g n t can supply you. I f you |ive to o ( i r from a drug store send One Dollar to Swanson Rheumatic Cure C o , Newark. Ohio, and a bottle of “ 5-Dr ops" will be sect prepaid. g) i