Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 08, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    Hatmday, January H, 1D1((
known to his father, the earl, to take*
a flier at the gaming tables.
i Who Were
"T h e plot thickens." muttered Ha
veus to himself.
"lin ery Is Vau Zant a New Yorker
or Lord Herbert Hlnchclwood. or Is
he licit her?
"Is Maria Nlcholevna the daughter
o f a Russian countess or an adventur­
“ Are these two de>el\ed In each
A Case That Puzzled a
other; or lire they working lu a com
: iuou plot?
“ I j Perkins a stool pigeon fur Van
Zant or what be prelends to be. a Lou-
I don stockbroker?"
Havens loaned toward (be opinion
♦ ■ »»♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a « * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
(hut Van Zaut and Marie Nlcholevna
» e r e both adventurers laying n trap
In tmportaut social oeuters » h i r e
; for some |H>rsou or persoua unknown to
persons cougregate who are interested
I him. But be was very uncertain Both
In passing themselves off for more than | were either high bred per-ons or caps
they are worth there are establish­ 1 ble o f imitating such. There Is lllliu-
ments where jewelry, flue clothes and i ¡table chicanery constantly going on
other artkles intended for display may ; among the nobility o f Europe, who arc
be hired
There Is no better locatlou ! o f many grades.
for such a business than a gnu tiling
Most o f them are constantly achem
cauter where crowned heads, nobles, lug to gain somethin from some one
capitalists and such like are to be else. Some are honorable: some are
found In large numbers.
swindlers. The fact that Van Zant had
A t Monte Carlo there was ten years I borrowed the clothes he wore und Ma­
ago the firm o f Dorel & Co., whose rla Nlcholevna the coral ueeklucc did
stock o f Jewels was worth several mil­
i not necessarily prove that they were
lion fraurs. They would loan these
1 impostors.
gems, charging therefor an amount
One evening Havens missed both
equal to 5 j>er cent a month on the
Van Zant and Maria Nichole m i . i from
money Invested In them. Their Inten­
the gaming tables, where they usually
tion was to loan only to persons In
spent an hour or tw o tossing ^oins on
good standing, but since they took a
to tbe table, sometimes winning, some­
risk on any one they let have their
Jewels they hired detectives to keep all times losing.
Tbe detective had uotlced that they
their debtors In sight and If possible
were not especially Interested, but
forestall any loss.
A great many Americans visit Monte were simply betting to pass the time.
Carlo, and occasionally one o f them He believed they were absorbed lu a
would apply to Messrs. Dorel & Co. for bigger game, or at least a game o f an­
the wherewithal to make a display. other kind. Their disappearance did
Since an American knows more about uot worry him bo much us to his re­
America and Americans than Euro­ sponsibility for Van Zaut. since the
peans know about them the firm con­ value o f his borrowings from Dorel A
cluded to send to New York for a de­ | Co. was small.
He leaned* to the opinion that they
tective to occupy this especial field.
Harry Havens was sent by a promi­ had gone after some one for whom
nent detective agency and straight­ they were laying a trap. On inquiring
he learned that Maria Nlcholevna. or
away entered upon his duties.
Havens for the purpose o f trial was "the countess,“ had gone to Nice and
set to watch a man who purported to Van Zant had followed her there.
Havens went at once to the office o f
have descended from one o f the old
Dutch settlers o f New York. H e was Dorel A Co. for information
known as Heiliger Van Zant. He told was hts surprise to learn that Van
Mr. Dorel, head o f the loan firm, that Zant had been there and had returned
bis family, though impoverished, still all the articles he had borrowed, stat­
held a high social position in New ing that his baggage, which he had left
York society. He had followed a Rus­ lu England, had been forwarded to
sian heiress to Monte Carlo whom he him. Marla Nlcholevna had returned
was desirous o f marrying fie needed the coral necklace
Tbe detective was puzzled. The con
clothes and a moderate amount o f Jew­
elry that be might make a suitable ap­ ditions would fit almost any theory.
pearance. As for money, he had enough He formed no theory, for he had learn­
o f that to enable him to make neces­ ed by experience th^t theories are mis­
leading. He departed for Nice. After
sary expenditures.
H e was furnished with what he a search he learned that both his quar­
ask^d. and Havens was set to look ries were there at different hotels
Soon nfter his arrival be saw MariH
a fter him. though his story was be-
llpved and the property loaned him Nlcholevna driving with her mother
was not very valuable. As I have said, She w-as returning to her hotel, und
the detective was given nn unimpor­ the det.-.'tlve followed the two luto the
tant case that he might prove his worth. house. He dined there at table d'hoto
Havens was not long in getting a and saw tbe Russian ladies Ju company
view o f the Russian heiress. Maria with some |>ersons who he felt sure
Nlcholevna. She was about twenty- were Americans.
Scraping un acquaintance with one
five years- old and a fine looking wo­
man She stopped at one o f the prin­ of them, u young man from Philadel­
cipal hotels with her mother, an aris­ phia. he put on the pumping process,
tocratic looking old lady, with two but only learned that his Informant be­
Iron gray curls on either temple. She lieved Maria Nicbolevna was wbat she
was known as "the Countess.” The pretended to be.
One morning Havens was passing
tw o ladles drove out a good deal and
sometimes played at the gaming ta­ the little church used for worship
principally by foreigners sojourning In
Havens had doubts as to Mr. Van Nice, when a carriage drove up. and
Zaut's being a genuine member of the who should alight but Van Zant. He
went into tbe church, und the detec­
old Dutch aristocracy of New York.
tive followed him. At the other end
He secured an introduction to Van
o f the building were Maria Nicbolevna.
Zant and askfd him a few questions
her mother and a few friends.
about life In New York, and the re­
sooner had Van Zant Joined the oth­
plies were hardly satisfactory.
ers than be and Maria Nicbolevna
the gentleman qxcused his Ignorance
stood before a clergyman who was
on the ground that be had been edu­ waiting for them and were married.
cated abroad and bad not been at
Havens had gone over to Nice from
home since he was sixteen years old ! « heer curiosity, for when Von Zant had
His accent was decidedly* English, and disappeared from Monte Carlo, having
this he accotmted for from the fact returned what he had borrowed, the
that be had studied at Eton college.
detective's official duties were ended.
Dorel A Co. knew uothlng about the He remained In Nice a few days, scan­
relationships between persons who tling the marriage notices in such
were constantly coming to and going newspapers as he could get in order to
from Monte Carlo, relying entirely ou see under what names tbe parties bad
those they employed to watch their married.
clients. Ha t ens was one day about to
It was not long before he saw an an­
enter the otllce o f his employers when nouncement o f a marriage between
he met Marla Nlcholevna coming out. Lord Herbert Hlnehelwood. younger
Tbo detective was a close mouthed son o f the Earl of Abbingward. to
man und made no mention of the fact
Maria Nieholevnu. daughter o f Couut-
but he jotted it down in his mental ess Warewfski o f Warsaw
memorandum book
Havens was not satisfied, but there
The next evening tbe lad.' appeared was nothing for him to d i but go back
In the gaming pavilion In company to Monte Carlo and ask to lie assigned
to another case. Nevertheless, having
with Van Zant. «ea rin g ii coral neck
lace, tbe carving of which was so lieen told that Hincliclwood was heir
delicate that Havens knew ii must be to the title, he believed something wag
o f considerable value.
One day. a month later, he read In n
Inquiry at the office o f Dorel & Co
brought out tbe fuel that It had l>een Paris newspaper that the w ife o f Lord
loaned by them: that it bud been mmle Hcrliert Hlnehelwood had applied to
have her marriage with him unnul
In Rome and was worth $1.000 Ha
ret*?-was also told that tbe lady was led. The couple had met In Monte Car­
laying her nets to catch a British earl, lo. where Lord Herbert had passed
himself off as an American, but had
who was in Monte Carlo incognito
Dorel & Co. went ou lending articles given out as a secret Ills real Identity.
of display, and Havens continued to The Indy had married him supposing
perform his duties, which were to j him to be the oldest son of bis father
keep track o f the supposed New York­ and heir to the title, and he had mar
er. But he was equally interested lu rled her supposing her to be Immense
ly wealthy.
tbe Russian heiress.
Lord Herbert already had several
Why she should borrow jewelry If
she were rich be could not tell unless wives living, or such was supposed
her own gems were In Russia, locked to be the case. At any rate, he bad
a bad reputation and had been dis­
In tbe fam ily vaulta.
I f she were really trying to catch an owned by his father. The lady was
English earl, borrowing the stones the daughter of a Polish count whose
might be In order Havens did not set fortune hod disappeared, and he hnd
It down as convincing evidence against become a music teacher is Parts.
Such was the experience derived by
Van Zant was Intimate with an Eng­ Mr. Havens, detective. In his first case
lishman named Perkina, whom Havens In the service o f Messrs Dorel A Co
lie remained with
thought it might be advantageous to at Monte Carlo
pump. H e sought Perkins and soon them several years, and his notebook
found an opportunity to lend him 100 will furnish plans for a number o f
stories, the characters o f which were
francs ($20).
This pnt P :r!;!iis lia-cr obligations, either nobles or connected with noble
But be says that none of
and he told Havens ns a great secret families.
that Van Zant wamno American at all. them puzzled him go much as this case
but Lord Herbert Htncbelwood. eldest o f an earl's son and a count's daugh­
At aziy rate. In no other case
son and belr o f the Earl o f Abblng- j ter.
ward. Lord Herbert was Inclined to be were two »harpers bitten, each by the
wild and had come to Monte Carlo un j other.
South Soa Islanders Ranching Out f i t r
U p to Oats Things.
The nslirea o f Samoa lira exhibiting
n marked Inclination to Initiate Euro­
pean manners. Tbo beautiful elapoa.
h allow «! by age long usage, are dtsap-
pearlug more and tuore. their place bo.
ing token by Imported cotton cloth
Women und girls like to put on greater
quantities o f European wearing a|t-
in the vicinity o f Apia native Fuutoau
house and kttcbeu utcuells have been
replaced by European articles o f less
New foods are being Intro-
due oil. instead o f taro, bauauas and
cams, the natives now eat rice, bis
cuits and bread und even drink coffee
In the m cnlng The new foods, how­
ever. have but a limited number o f
consumers al present
The native huts were formerly cov­
ered with thatches of sugar cane. In­
sects have destroyed the sugar caue
plantations, ami tbe natives now cover
their dwellings with corrugated Irou,
which gives them much less protection
both against the sun durlug the day
| and agulnst tbe cold al nigh!
Samoan house Is dUnppeurlug. too. and
Its place Is being taken by squaro
buildings o f American pine
The total native population of the
Samoan group Is about »2.000. There
are 1.500 whites and half castes.—New
York Times.
Then He Gave It a Practical Trial, and
It Worked.
Several years ago the presldeiy o f
one o f the prominent railway corpora
tlons In America was making a stir­
ring address to un audience o f young
men and dwelt with particular euipha
sis ou the necessity o f making a good
“ When you are looking for work,“ he
said, "be careful that you Hre preseut-
I f you have only $1’ I in the
world spend $20 for a suit o f clothes.
$3.50 for a pair o f shoes, 50 cents for a
hair cut nud shave. Then walk up to
the Job wherever It Is nud ask for It
like a man."
This advice was greeted with great
applause, and tbe railway president
sat down amid a storm o f cheers. The
vajy next morning u dapper looking
young fellow walked into the outer o f­
fice o f the orator and. bunding a note
to the clerk, said. " I ’ leuse give thla to
the president.” The note read ns fob
“ I have paid $20 for this suit of
clothes. $15.50 for a pair o f shoes and
50 cents for a hair cut and a shave I
have walked from Harlem, and 1 would
like u Job as conductor on your road ”
He got the Job.
The Presidential Salute.
One explanation for tbe reason for
adopting twenty-one guns us tbe presi­
dential salute Is (bat there might lie
maintained u uniformity In national
salutes, Great Britain having In the
distant past udopted twenty one ns the
number for the royal salute O f the
many surmises as to why the iinuil-er
twenty-one was settled upon we men­
tion two—first, that twenty-one was
the uumber o f years fixed by English
law as the age o f majority; second,
that seven was the original salute
and three times seven would signify
one seven for each o f the divisions.
Knglaqd and Wales. Scotland and Ire-
laud. It Is asserted that the I nited
States adopted this salute to signify
to the mother eounry that her child
had reached tils majority and was pre­
pared in law to inherit the lund and to
this pud fired the "gun o f 177(5." the
figures o f which year. 1 -4-7 + 7-Mi. equal
21 —Philadelphia Press
Goose and Michaelmas.
The English custom o f eating goose
on Michaelmas. Sept 20. Is said to
date from tbe time o f tin- gic-at (Jiieen
Elizabeth hud gone to call on Sir
Neville L'gnfreyvllle. A messenger from
the royal palace arrived and asked to
see her. The queen allowed him to
come Into tbe dining room, where ahe
was enjoying a slice o f tender goose-
The queen bad just bitten luto a deli­
cious morsel when the messenger an
nouuced that the Spanish urmadn bad
bcc-u defeated. It happened lo be Sept.
29, Michaelmas, so future generations
o f English celebrate by eating goose,
although the custom Is much older and
extends to other countries.—London
How Sh« Felt.
He (to w ife at the plunol—That new
piece you are trying is pretty difficult,
isn’ t It? She—Yes; I feel Ilka an avia­
tor He— How go? She— I'm trying to
conquer tbe air
The secret o f mechanical, commer­
cial. financial or any other preem i­
nence is disclosed in one wqrd—thor­
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T h r SAFE boys’ magazine
T h « Grumpy Bachelor.
A wealthy gentleman who owns a
couutry seat on one occasion nearly
lost his wife, who fell Into a river
which flows through bis estate. He
announced tbe narrow escape to hi«
friends, exrectlag their congratula­
One o f them, an old bachelor, wrote
as follows: “ I always told you that,
river was too shallow!” — London T e l­
H « That Lov«th a Book.
He that lovelb a book will never be
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