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About Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1916)
VOL. XII ALLS CITY NEWS K A LUS CITY OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY s, l'JI*¡ was impos' d in the exercise of SUNDAY CLOSING LA N | police regulations for the public DECLARED VALID welfare. J u d g e W o lv e r to n in F e d e ra l C o u rt S a y « DEMOCRATS PUT “ It docs not comprise all individ CURB ON WILSON uals and occupations, but such only as the legislature, in its wis dom, thought to Lie detrimental to the health and morals o f the com an P l a i n t i f f * C o n te n d . munity if kept open on Sunday. I f it were designed to promote SAYS RELiaiOUS ISSUE Sunday observance as a religions NOT INVOLVED IN CASE rite, one would expect the law to Lie general so as to affec t all per “ N o r D o ea th e F a c t T h a t th e L a w H a a sons and individuals, and not only B e e n l i t t l e E n fo r c e d R e q u ire I t * N u l the few occupations named and lific a tio n N o w ." S a y * P o r tla n d th- persons engaged therein. J u r is t in H ia D e e ia io n . ( L o g o n E n a c tm o n t D o e s N o t V io la ta tS a S ta te o r F e d e ra l C o n a titu tlo n e N o t R a lig io u a in C h a r a c te r . Judw Wolverton in federal court on Monday, sustained the Oregon Sunday closing law as in accord with both federal and state con stitutions. Hia ruling came with a denial o f the application o f the Rruswick-Ralke-Oollendar c o m pany for an injunction against District Attorney Evans and other Oregon district attorneys to pre vent them from enforcing the law. “ That the law is aometiipcs call ed a Sunday law,” says Judge Wolverton, "does not alter the question, and the interpretation must be had by a consideration of the act itself.” This was in re ference to the contention that the law is in contravention of religion's lil*erty. N o n e n fo rc e m e n t N o B a r . "N o r does the fact that the law has been little enforced require its nullification now,” says the decis ion. Points o f the decision are that the law does not violate the four teenth amendment o f the federal constitution, or the twentieth amendment to the state constitu tion. Quotation* from Judge Wolver- ton’s decision touching on moot points are as follows: "Th e practice o f amending by reference to a section o f compiled laws has been judicially approved. ‘ Repeal and enact in place there o f’ and ‘amended to read us fol lows’ amount to the same thing. The true nurposc was to amend and the effect o f the legislation was to amend. It is within the police power of the state to suspend certain activ ities on Sunday. Laws relating to Sunday are enacted in the legi timate exercise o f the police power o f the state. 'X* «W S t a t e 's P o lic e P o w e r R e c o g n ize d . "Th e fourteenth amendment to the constitution o f the United States is not intended to interfere with the power o f the state, gen erally termed its police power, to prescribe regulations to promote the health, j>eace, morals, educa tion and good order o f the people, unless so extravagant and un reasonable as to interfere with the property and personal rights o f citizens unnecessarily and arbi trarily.” On the point that the law inter feres with the free exercise o f re ligious belief, Judge Wolverton says: “ This is purely a state, not a federal question. The constitu tion o f the United States makes no provision for protecting citizens in their religious beliefs: nor does it impose any inhibition in this re spect on the states. “ Laws setting aside Sunday as a day o f rest are usually upheld by the courts, not to compel relig ious observance but from a desire to protect all persons from Fhe physical and moral debasement which comes from uninterrupted labor. E n a c te d fo r P u b lio W e lfa r e . “ We need only look at the law in question to determine that it is not designed to restrain or coerce any religious observance o f Sun day, but rather tuat the inhibition Parly Oppo»e a Oraatie Submarine Policy. Advise Americans to Keep Olf Beligereat Skips CONGRESS HAS MANY CIVIL WAR VETERANS Formar Soldiers of Union and Confederacy Now Fourteen. Blows Up Monsy. Ashland, Ore.—Workmen employed on the ditch o f the Rogue River Canal company recently set off a charge o f dynamite under a stump, nnd the air was filled with dollars nnd half dot- la r». The blast uncovered a money '•ache that had been burled there since the early sixties. S Q U IR E S BUSY. So Busy They Want to Put an End to "Runnara" In Jaffartonvilla, Ind. Jeffersonville, lull. Some o f the a ll Justice« o f Ihe f>ea c* o f Jeffersonville, who light amoug themselves for “ mar rlago couple«," are proponing a combi nation «h ereby all alx would eat a t, Itsli central marrying parlor* and would pool and divide equally all their earn Inga. The chief benefit would be the elim ination o f the "runner*." with whom the JuaUcca o f the peace ntrw «put their fee«, which only In exceptional ra«ea amount to more than AS. One reault o f the competition ha* been the cutting o f fee«. Many eloping couple« get married for Gl and *otne fo’r "*lx hit«." Secret weddings generally co«t the eloper« a little more, and a twenty- j five dollar fe « «b ow « up once In awhile Washington, D. O'. Jan., 6. President Wilson has been notified by leaders o f his party in Cong ress that they will not stand be hind him in any drastic action he may take on the submarine issue. The notification, which was" given to the LYesident privately two weeks ago, was served pub T O M B S T O N E S AS G U ID E S . licly on the floor yesterday. While Senator Stone, o f Missouri, spokes Seme Change« A r« Made •• a Reault of Ore Boom In Nevada. man o f the President on foreign Reno, Nev.—Tombstone» are being affairs, sat quietly in his seat, lined for location monuments in the other Democratic Senators, O'Gor new mining district near Sodaville, man o f New York, Owen and where a «opposed fabulously rich ledge of tungsten ore was discovered, ac Gore o f Oklahoma and Hitchcock cording to reports brought to Reno by o f Nebraska, plainly manifested men who answer the call o f the desert their objections to Americans sail and mark the boundaries o f their claim. ing on beligerent merchant ves One miner located the village ceme sels, particularly those which are tery, and as there were no rocks near armed, or even on neutral vessels he used some o f the best looking tomb stone« to mark the boundaries o f hi» carrying contraband o f war. claim. “ TLie act. therefore, is essential ly civil in character, and not reli gious; nor does it pertain to relig ious observance in any partic ular." * The opinion goes on to say that the fact that sodiftere classed the measure under the head “ Prota- mation o f Sunday” and similar heads makes no difference in the actual character o f the legislation. Judge Wolverton's opinion is" diametrically opposed to that of Circuit Judge Gantenbein. who held the law repugnant to the state constitution on the ground that it is religious legislation, this R e p u b lic a n « C h ie f D e fe n d e rs chiefly because Sunday is spoken Only two Democratic Senators o f in the act as “ the Lord’s day.” rallied to the defense o f the A d ministration—Reed o f Missouri and Robinson o f Arkansas. The real bulwark o f the Administra tion’s defense was furnished by Republicans- Lodge o f Massachu- settes. Nelson of Minnesota, Borah of Idaho, Poindexter of Washing ton. Mr. Stone significantly closed the debate by observing that it had been valuable in developing the sentiment that existed, and he Washington.—Scattered through the muinbetoblp o f the house o f represent moved an executive session. atives. so far os autobiographies In the It is apparrent from what took Coiigreaalonal Directory disclose, sre three men who served In the Uulon place yesterday and from the talk army sud three men who served In of many o f the Democratic Sena the Confederal** army. In the seunte tors that they are not in Javor of there are five former Union soldiers nnd three former Confederate soldiers. extreme measures by the Admin A few years ago u much larger per istration on the submarine ques ventage o f the houso sud senate mem tion. They certainly are opposed liers whs composed of veterans of the war of 'fit to 'tl5. The latest directory to any step that may lead even to furnishes the names o f Ills old soldiers a rupture oi relations with the ns follows: central powers. Representatives Ebenezer J. Util of Connecticut, Isaac H. Sherwood of Ohio and David A. Hollingsworth of Ohio, nil o f whom served In the Un ion army. Representatives Albert Estopinal of Louisiana, J. Fred C. Talbott Of Mary- land and Charles M. Sledman o f North Carolina o f the Confederate army Senators John tl. Bankhead o f Ala bama. Benjamin R. Tillman o f South Carolina and Thomas B. Catron o f New Mexico are the members o f the senate who fought ou the side o f the south The senators who served In the north ern army were John D. W ork» o f Cal Ifornia, Henry A. du Pont o f Dela ware, Knute Nelson o f Mlunesota. Na than Goff of West Virginia Hnd Fran cia E. Warren of Wyoming. Senator Thomas S Martin and Repre- sentatlve William A. .tones, both of Virginia, were cadets at the Virginia Military Institute during the war nud were called out for service tu some of the Virginia campaigns. Every congress naturally has n "kid member," and that honor in the Sixty- fourth congress has fallen to Repre sentative Sydney E. Mudd o f I-n Plata. Md. Mr. Mudd was born June 20, 1S85, and, therefore. Is thirty years old. He Is the youngest member of congress. Rut Mr. Mudd is not the youngest man to be elected to a congress. Representative Tat Harrison of Mis sissippi. a member o f the present house, was only twenty-nine years old when he came to Washington In IDs official capacity the tin t time, lie is now only thirty-four years old. though he Is entering upon his third term California has more political parties represented In Its delegation In con gress than any other state. In the bouse the Pacific coast state has three members who describe themselves as Republicans. There are three Democrats, one In dependent, two Progressives, one Pro gressive Republican and one Prohibi tionist. M A R R Y IN G R e s tric tio n o f A m e ric a n s U r g e d . It is further evident that many o f the Democrats feel the Govern ment should not permit Americans to travel on belligerent merchant ships and that if they do so they should be deprived o f protection. Senator Gore, o f Oklahoma, offer ed a bill today requiring Am er icans To make affidavits that they will not take passage in belliger ent ships or on vessels, even Amer ican, carrying contraband, and if they do so they will receive no protection and be subject to penal ty. Masters o f ships carrying passengers making such affidavits also will be penalized. A bill along the same lines was introduced by Senator Jones, Republican, of Washington. It is apparent to the Administra tion that these measures and the criticism visited on it today are symptomatic o f the attitude o f many o f the members o f the Se nate. C o n s u l's R ig h t on S h ip D e n ie d . Senator O’Gorman argued that United States Consul McNeeley had no business to sail on the Per sia. He should have taken a neu tral ship, said the Senator. Some of the Senators believed that the United States should impose an embargo on munitions o f war. They stuck to their position in spite o f the observation o f Senator Lodge, repeating substantially what President Wilson said to Germany, that an embargo would be in favor of Germany and against the allies, and, therefore, I would be unneutral. i A debate such as occurred today ( Concluded a page 2 ) Others soon followed suit, and now the relatives o f the departed, interred three years ago. would hare a hard time recognizing one grave from an other. OPERATED ON 131 No. 19.Î January Bargains Arc Now Prevailing at Our Store Blankets on sale. Sweaters on sale. Ladies and child’ s cloaks on sale. ,r V; ® Raincoats now on sale. A whole table of remnant bargains. A table of dishwear at 10c. | m T IM E S . Patient In St. Louis Hospital 1« Still Choory at All Timas. SL Loul*.—Harry Smyth, forty-two jeara old, o f 3656 Laclede avenue is one o f the moet cheerful patients at the City hospital despite the fact that 131 surgical operations have been perform ed on him. Tuberculosis o f the bones have made these operations necessary. Since childhood Smyth has passed moet o f bis time tn hospitals. T o occupy bts time Smyth took up sewing and crocheting, and he Is now an expert with the needle. He is al ways good natured. Various other bargains you will find by i visit to our store. 1 SEUG’S, Falls City’s Largest Store. BACK HOME AFTER 36 YEARS; THOUGHT DEAD Returns In a Feeble and Needy Condition. Pittsfield, Mass.— A fter wandering for thirty alx years all over the coun try George Churchill has returned to this city, tn this Interval o f years all of bis relatives have died except an aged sister, Mrs. George Murdock. Churchill, after leaving Pittsfield, never communicated « Itb his relatives. They believed him dead. In 1881 Mrs. Murdock read tn tbe newspa|>ers of the death o f George Churchill tn Ohio. His body bad been burled, mid the family here believed that the misslDg George Churchill o f Pittsfield was the person who had died. Recently a gray balled, bearded stranger revealed himself to the old family physician o f the Churchills as the long absent George Churchill From the physician be learned his sister was still living and was eighty one years old. but In feeble health. The physician prepared the sister for a meeting with the brother she had so long believed to be dead. Churchill, now aged sixty-nine, and hi» elder sis ter, so worn with age that she is being cared for, were brought together again. Mrs. Murdock was greatly shocked by the reappearance o f her brother. Churchill's story Is one o f wander lust. He was a woodworker when he went away, and he followed his trade for years. New processes of labor sav ing machinery forced him to abandon his trade. H e turned his hand to cook ing. and for a long time worked tn ho tels and restaurants. "A ll the years," he said. "I have been wanting to come back to see the folks. I couldn’t get started. Now I'm old and worn out and there seemed to be no other place for me to go.” Churchill's health Is broken, and he can no longer work. He will be pro Tided for by friends o f the Churchill family. Bagged Fifty-tw o Pound Wolf. Balaton, Minn.—T w o boys, Evold By lander and John Bollmnn, bagged a fif ty-two pound w o lf recently In rather a novel way. They were out hunting, one boy on a motorcycle and the other with a gun In the side car, when they spied the w olf and gave chase. After a wild ride o f several miles they made a successful long shot. 2S HOME TRADE m I fifis m m 1 I Without home trade every merchant in Falls City would be Forced out of business. That many dollars are sent out of town is not questioned. There are reasons for such a condition and whether good or bad they have the effect of hurting the growth and devel opment of the town. A con certed action on the part of the merchants should be in augurated to keep trade at home.