THE FALLS CITY NEWS. had been rv|xtrtcd Hint ou« Dixon, nil CROWNED IN DEATH. Englishman, wlui wan known to he a 1 'lrate. hail bouitht a vessel al Canton, A Qriwionw Csrsmony After Fadre I. and H vvaa supisised that lie hud titled Gained His Throne. her up for plraticul purposes. It looked I Hi you know what was the rnoet as If he had eaptured the missing ves solemn ami Impressive voruuailou ever L WOOD & SON, «els uud sunk them with all on hoard. accorded the consort o f a king? Mod­ Publish«». This Information did not relieve ern coronations are Impressive, It Is Wicket-sham's perplexity. I f the ves- (Continued from 1st page.) Kilter*«) a« Mvpinl-tiitt luail at the postoifitN «el he was chasing wus the one Dixon true, and It 1« all very well lo be a at Rtlla City. IVIN County. Orv*on, under tb* As*t o f t V i | r t * » o f March 5, had purchased, how hud he been able to queen and lo ride In stale from palace Th•♦♦♦♦♦♦« » » » ♦ — ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 Toward the close o f the second day thut was at all comparable with the Exchange, Want and Pay Entertainment No* its form er standpoint and adds coronation o f another princess In tbe «ices, 5c:a. alin e. Can! o f Thanks 50 ct* legs Ueutenaut Wickersham. In command j of the chase the Island o f l-'ormosa was that even if the United States is sighted, and Wickersham lav an (o fear southwestern peninsula of Europe In Notices, legal rates of llil' Culled Stales gunboat /.;u the year I "50 She tvna lues de Cas­ that his prey would eseape him by put >f the opinion that new evidence Taylor, cruising in the M ala; nrrhl Copy for new adi. and changes ahouUI be sent ting Into some indentation or Inlet tro, one o f the bluest blooded maidens cannot alter the facts, the new polago. received a wireless order from along the Formosan const to The News not later than Wednesday. o f Hie haughty and nucleut royal strain Tbe coin note still leaves the w ay open for tlie admiral to look out (or a pirate utnnder o f the fugitive vessel ran to o f Portugal. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OF FALLS CITY vessel that had been doing a lot of within a few tulles o f shore, but did In 1347. when Don I'edro bad been a further exchange o f notes. H. J. Gridin, Mayor. damage to shipping In the South China not put In, evtdeutly waiting for dark betrothed by his father and the court Viewpoint Called Theoretical. R M. Woiulerly. Councilman-at Large sea. No well delined location for the lu order that hts pursuer might uot he lo a Spanish princess, he eloped and P hillip notti reni “ One sees by it.” continues the pirate was glveu. since It was uot able to see him wheu he left the o|>eu was secretly married to hla fnlr cous H. C. Brown, naner “ that the Am erican Gov- known. Probably the order was sent water. However, reaching a conven­ In. lues. When the king o f Portugal to e v e r; United States vessel cruising ient ixdnt for hiding, he rau Into It learned o f tha marriage he had hla un­ y interested in while there was still sufficient light for welcome daughter In law murdered by In that region. leoretical - a l l too a hand o f hired assassins. The reautt The second d a ; after receipt o f the Wlckersbam to see hint. The fart of his doing so set tbe lieu was a devastating war. and when tbe Ipoint. W ashing- order the watch on the T u ;lo r report Might she uot have prtneo ultimately came to the throne ed to the officer o f the deck that a ship tenuut thinking ii to think o f a was to be seeu on the starboard quar­ paused In her flight, when she could as Pedro I. he hud the body o f hla be­ can-Austro-Hun- ter. She was changing her course have kept ou, for a purpose? The fact loved exhumed, attired In regal robes ver; frequently. She did uot look al (hat so many vessels had disappeared and placed In the throne chair. One all like u pirate, but ou account o f her suggested that the pirate had some fleshless hand clasped the scepter, and President W il- mysterious actions the watch thought newfangled device for wrecking them. to this dead queeu (he whole court to uphold his hu- It his duty to report her. Might she not come out during tbe was required to do homage. That ulgbt and practice It on the Taylor? night sho was burled with the greatest x)int at all events The commander o f the Taylor order As soon ns It was dark, taking a po­ : he emphasizes ed the ship’s course changed toward sition off where the pirate bad put lu. pomp and solemnity. the vessel In question. No sooner had specially against this been done than the other exhibit­ Wickersham dropped his anchor and D IE T FOR STOUT FOLKS. ers comes from ed a clean pair o f beets, evidently in ordered every light on the ship put out He would not even |K"-uilt a lamp ned by all Am er- flight When the gunboat came cloae Foods That Nourish, but That Do Not enough to the fugitive to discern what to be left burning, though covered lie Produoo Fat. central powers, she was like Wlckersbam was sur- resolved to remain nwake during (he Many foods are very nourishing, but prised to see a very ordinary looking night, ready for any emergency. do not produce fat. The two kinds »* e auu uui allies must recon­ vessel, as unlike a pirate as |>osalble. However, about mldulgbt, becoming n hlcb create fatty tissues are fats of There were no porta for guus or any drowsy, be went lo sleep In a ham­ cile ourselves to this fa c t— we other evidence o f a capacity for light­ mock. having glveu orders to he vailed all kinds, like butter, lard, drippings N o w that the holidays are over have nothing to hope for from ing. About dusk the stranger ran should auytblug uuusuul occur. About (foods cooked lu them), aud the large everybody will settle down to busi­ group o f foods classed as starches If Am erica and least o f all may we close Into shore. She was still too far 2 o'clock he was awakened uud told eaten In excess starch will be laid up ness and strive to make 1916 more for those on the gunboat to see what that voices had been heard near the expect a just application o f the was doing on board of her. hut since gunboat. Springing up. he went on In tbe body as superfluous or stored prosperous than the year past. Ills hearing was fat. neutrality’ principle from t h e the anchor chains could be heard rat- deck and Usteued Following Is a list o f nourishing very acute, and he wus sure that he > tling lu the hawse pipes Wickersham W e are ready to fight for the American side.” foods which will not produce excess beard a sound o f oars which had •lid uot give himself any uneasiness as The Morgen Post says: preservation o f our country, but been Imperfectly muffled, lie ordered fat: to her getting a fray from him. Eight meats, like chtckeu, white flsh. “ The note, with its almost hearty not to become a target that mun­ By the time the Taylor had come a gun to be loaded on each of the four lean beef; all vegetables except po quarters, ready to be tired. Some of near the vessel night had fallen, and ition plants may be able to man­ concluding phrases, permits the since the latter craft showed no light his subordinates wondered what be tatoes, parsnips aud other starchy ufacture more implements o f war. the hope that A ustria-H un gary the gunboat felt obliged to stand off. e x a c te d to shoot at. while the more kinds; fruits o f all kluds except ha and the United States may reach However. Wickersham. suspecting that su|H>rstltlous o f tbe crew began to fear nanus; grains or cereals except oat­ meal aud rice: beaus and cheese; milk In case o f government owner an understanding over this sifua- she might escape him under cover of that there was something supernatural (In small quantity); eggs. about. the darkness, sent a boat in command ship o f public utilities it is pre tion in all friendliness.” Beer and all malt drinks Increase of Ensign Throckmorton to recon But tbe lieutenant ordered every fatty tendency Tbe diet o f milk aud sumed that the same tactics will uoiter The party was gone an hour man to keep perfectly silent uud re­ eggs will fatten unless exercise la be observed in re g a rd to publicity When It returned Throckmortou made mained on watch himself. When (be jtaken or the body la In a very ran a very singular report. PROHIBITION (?) first ray o f light came he descried a as used by various governmenl , down condition. Cocoa la a fattening Ue had found the vessel deserted. boat pulling directly toward the T a y ­ # and state institutions o f sending Today, prohibition is in force, On her were all sorts o f plunder, show­ lor. it was a mile away, uud u cable's drink also. Exercise, plenty o f water between bulletins to new spapers with per or rather the pseudo prohibition ing that she was undoubtedly u pirate. length behind It the water seemed meals nod a diet o f lean meats and mission to publish without cosi law s have become operative. A There was no cargo unless about a disturbed, as though some obstacle many vegetables and frulta prevent thousand barrels of oil might be con was moving through It Then sudden­ , fnt. Avoid pastries, cake, fried foods. (to the institution), as a news najority o f the voters in Oregon vldered such, but It seemed rather that ly the lieutenant rushed to the gnu gravies and sauces. Do not eat be- item. this might have been for fuel. And yet that pointed toward the coming boat declared for prohibition, but did the furnace was constructed for coal, and stood with tbe lanyard In his ► tween meals. IJve lu tbe open air and , be active. I f possible, perspire freely they receive w hat they asked for? o f which there was a scant supply. hand, peering Into tbe hreuklug dark­ It is just possible tb*)t the ad Wickersham was puzzled. Never bail ness Otbe~< on the deck were able to some time each day.— San Francisco “ Y e asked for bread and they ’ Chronicle. ministration will be able to stir up gave you a stone.” Even so have be beard of a pirate unarmed, un descry the moving boat, but not the manned, before. Nevertheless there a little scrap with Austria. This object disturbing the water behind lb the advocates o f prohibition been was abundant evidence that the vessel The Long Spoon. Nevertheless lu h few minutes all will afford an excuse for an ad "Tom kyns" recently heard the exprea tricked. The law prohibits the was the one be bad been ordered to could see something that canned a cold slon, “ I f you sup with the devil you ditional w a r tax and the universal m anufacture or sale o f liquor in look out for. The fact that she had chill to run down their spines. It was will need a long spoon." “ Though I ! fled w'heu he gave chase was alone suf military service now being plan­ the periscope o f a submarine. From the state, yet an individual is al­ fli lent to condemn her. As for her never heard It before," he says. "It Is It every eye was turned to their com ned. It is very probable that this lowed a certain amount monthly crew, they had doubtless goue usbore mauder, who was carefully sighting evidently fairly well known, and what 1 should like to know la, What docs It administration will force the pea and dealers outside may supply under cover o f darkness. the piece near which lie stood Call­ It did not seem that there was any ing to his next In command to come mean und where does It come from?” pie to fight, but it will not be ex­ this amount. W h y this discrimi­ It means that If you are going to sit j need to take further action till morn to him. without taking bis eye off the down actly in the w ay that is intended. nation? to a meal with hts Satanic m aj­ “ M ade in O regon,” is ing. The anchor of the pirate being on periscope, he resigned tbe lanyard to esty you will need a long spoon to the bottom, there being no crew- aboard him. wltb orders to pull It when be the slogan, you know. avoid the necessity of getting too near W hen the majority o f the people nnd the sl,ore to which they gave the order. When the periscope the old gentleman, and In Its general A prohibition law that Permits lo ra,se . . . . . . . . 1 must have gone being eight or ten came within a hundred yards of the sense, o f course. It Implies that If you are opposed to w a r w hy should a each individual enough booze each muP8 distant, the iieuteuant decided to Taylor It slowed down and began to liave dealings with n dangerous or no­ fe w men who are perfectly safe month to tank up on every Satur- let the matter rest for the night and settle In tbe water. torious person It behoove* you to use from any dangers o f the w a r, be "F ire !” day night is a joke. Then how I thf dn? * ° • bonrd the craft him great caution. It comes from one of 1 self and make a personal examination allowed to engage the country in There w-as an explosion, and the peri­ , the "Ingoldsby Legends,” and the quo are you going to gau ge the amount So he turned In. leaving the executive scope careened, showing evidence of tat Ion reads: a foolish conflict? It would not the thirsty individual imbibes?: officer In charge. being wrecked, then disappeared. In I W ho suppes with Hi* DsvIlU shold* have lower the United States in the When the first faint light appeared In a few minutes tbe surface o f the water a long spoons. There is no w a y o f attaching a the east the commander was awak­ was covered by oil. Wickersham gave —London Opinion. eyes o f the world (save the Allies) metre, and the booze-fighter who ened to be informed that the pirate had a sigh of relief, which was re echoed by to notify all Am ericans that to em­ told the truth about how much he disappeared. Jumping out o f his bunk, every man on the Taylor. What Ha Would Give. bark on a ship o f any nation en­ " I understand you have a great many Tbe men In the boat turned and were drank and w here he got it has he put on a dressing gown and slip- tiers and hurried on deck. The vessel gaged in w a r would be at their friends In this city.” long since joined that angel band certainly was not where she had been pulling away lustily when a well ultned "Yea,” replied the man. as modestly shot from another gnu scut her to the own risk; that life w as held too and is singing, “ H ow D ry I A m .” j the night before, but tbe day bad bottom, leaving her crew, some dead, ns he could. sacred hy the government o f the "Could you give me the numea Of There is nothing that succeeds , broken, and the man In the crow's nest some wounded and some unhurt, float­ reported her or a vessel very like her ing on tbe water. United States to allow a fe w fool­ aouie o f them to whom I might go wltb like success, and you might add, I on the horizon. Wickersham, after my proposition ?" ish Am ericans to jeopardize peace, "Man a boat!" cried Wickersham. there is nothing that proh ibits1 bringing a glass to bear on ber. pro­ “ I could, but I won't." replied* tbe A boat was soon pulling to the men life and property by taking any like Drohibition. There is no, nounced her the pirate and gave orders struggling In the water. They were man. to get up the anchor and make chase foolhardy chances. "W h y not? It Is generally done.” picked up and brought on to tbe Taylor. argum ent in favor o f drinking! Immediately. “ Perhaps It Is,” replied the man slow­ One of them was Dixon. This wus Ids Tbe pirate was standing eastward any more than there is for using ly, “ hut, you see, I wish to keep all my story: friends. Would you like tbe names o f tobacco. W hile tobacco does not along the tenth parallel o f latitude, ev­ He had been using the vessel he bad idently making for the open sen. Tbe a few o f my enemies?” — Detroit Free reduce a man to the beastly con­ gunboat managed to keep her In sight bought to carry plunder which was se­ cured by means o f n submarine he Press. dition as does whiskey, yet is an and make a small gain. During the kept with him. He would put a tor­ Fastidious Pigs. expensive and filthy habit. Men, day the lieutenant made Inquiries pedo Into a vessel, then while she was among the crew to learn If any one had Pigs, Instead o f being read; to oaf goats and worms are the only ani­ heard any sound during the night. One sinking board ber and aecurc what val­ Announcement Made That He Will mals and reptiles that will eat man said that he fancied he had heard uables be could And. His boarding anything, are among tbe most fastidi­ ous o f animals. Out o f G7G plants the an anchor chain being carefully slip­ party was well armed, hut seldom goat eats 440 and refuses 120; sheep, tobacco. On the liquor subject, Proteat Placing it on Michigan needed to use their weapons. After ped through a hawse pipe, li e bad as it stands today, which is the called the attention o f the officer o f the gathering the plunder be would leave out o f 62S plants, ent 387 and refuse Progressive Ballot the vessel and her crew to go down to­ 111; rows, out o f 404 plants, eat 270 worst, high license or a p r o h i ­ deck to It, but since the officer had gether, taking pains that no person and refuse 218; horses, out of 474 bition law that does not prohibit? heard nothing himself he paid no at­ lived to tell tbe tale Believing that plants, ent 252 and refuse 212, while tention to the man’s report Neverthe­ Oyster Bay, N . Y . Dec. 28— pigs, out o f 243 plants, ent only 72 and less Wickersham made up his mind the Taylor would eventually get him, refuse 171.—London Express. Colonel Roosevelt, it w as announc­ that the pirate had slipped her anchor DLxon had resolved to torpedo her. Unfortunately for him, the night wus ed today, will protest against the The indications are that 1916 and sailed away without It Too Woll Cleaned. The mystery worked on the men, dark, and ha was unable to And her placing his name on the Michigan will be a very prosperous year Papa -1 cannot conceive what la tbe some o f whom were Ignorant and su­ till daylight revealed him to his Intend­ Progressive presidential ballot. A for Falls City. There is a proba­ perstitious, and knots were constantly ed prey. matter wltb my watch. I think It must I Wickersham reported the facts to the want cleaning. Pet Child—Ob, no, papa. |] spokesman for the form er presi­ bility o f a new general m erchan­ gathering to discuss the strange craft, dear! I don't think It needa cleaning, dent said: dise store being opened soon and the opinion being occasionally express­ admiral, who directed him to hang the because baby and I had It washing In < ed that the ship was a phantom. But few pirates he had captured. The or­ “ The colonel will not willingly other acquisitions in the w a y of this did not reach tbe ears o f tbe com­ der was obeyed while the Taylor was the basin for ever so long this morn­ 1 'l allow his name to go on any pres­ business. *AVith the mill in opera­ mander, who would have taken means making for tbe plunder ship, which ing.” —London Ttt-BIts. to quash it. was overhauled. The men, auppotlng I idential ballot, Progressive or Re­ tion this should be a banner year. Ha Couldn’t Dodgs. During the day a wireless message that the Taylor would sorely be tor|»e- publican. The advent o f more business was flashed by the admiral asking If doed, took little care and did not see H e— As It la to be a secret engage­ 1 “ H is" position has been and is houses means more business for the Taylor had seen anything o f the the gunboat until ahe was well on ment, dearest. It would not be wise for I me to givo you a ring at present. She— I that he will not enter the presi- Falls City; fe w e r people will go pirate. Wickersham asked for Infor­ them. Then they tried to escape In mation as to ths vessel that he was or­ boats, but were all captured and served Ob, bat I could wear It on the wrong dential prim aries o f either party, aw ay, or send a w a y for their dered to capture. The answer was tbe same puntshmeut as the others. I band, you know!—Exchange. 1 Should he be nominated he would supplies. I jet’s encourage people that tbe admiral bad no description of Tbe admiral's order to bang the pi­ Wet Weloome. be inclined to a c ce p t But he wish­ to locate in or near Fal's City, her. It had been reported that several rates without trial enabled him to hush vessels doe at Chinese ports had not the matter up, which course be deem­ Flinging a Jar o f water over yonr es it understood that he is not either to engage in business in come In. The weather had been floe: ed advisable, and, although reported to friend la one striking form o f saluta­ scram blin g fo r the nomination town, till the soil or “ pail” the therefore there was no suspicion that Washington, tbe matter never got Into tion adopted by tbe south sea Island they bad been wrecked by storm. It the newspapers. era. an y more than is Justice Hughes.” fltyg 3^ a lia (City N miib Germans Comment On Note To Vienna : The Unarmed Pirate i Roosevelt Won’t Let His Name Be Used 1 mild-eyed “ bossie.”