Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, December 18, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    T H E F A L L S C IT Y NEW S.
illir JfallH (iitu 11 Nnrnt the
i T heart V of ? today.
'f r prV"',u
1 ha\ e i" no
D. L
F o tr n A **
m ull « t 111» p.»H><tl«
• 1 Ifell. CUv, I lk C.untT. lire*«». m ~).t « »
A ,t ,,f vV n*tr*» 'I S l a r S 1
T«l< phone
VwsOlfk«. 13.
SoWriptWni R«!»»- Ono»*or. 11.00: ol* m ooth*
60 c v n ti, th ro » m onth*. SS « » U ! *iw«W
5 ct*.
AdrtrUsui* Rotr*. l>i»ploy, IS
v«*nl* olin»: For Sol«. Ront
Eichenfr Want m l Toy Kntirtoiinneot So
Mcee. 5 c u .a lio « * . Cord of Ttionk* » c u t e s *
B u -in » .« N
N otice*. !f* » t rut«».
possession in that unborn day of
grace. All else is in the infinite
keeping of that Infinite Love that
holds for me the treasure of yes
terdav, the love that is higher!
than the stars, wider than the
sky. deeper than the seas.
There is left tor myself, then, |
but one day of the week today, j
Any uian can light the battles of
today. Any woman can carry j
the burdens of just one day.
Robert J. Burdette.
Copy lor n«w oJ*. o n -lc h o u * » . «honld be *ent
to The New* not inter tb «n W edne*day.
11. J . OrURn. M t y o r
R M. W ondetly. C o u n ellm a B -o t-la » * e
PhlU lpO oH fretd
H. C. Brown.
C. 1 Bradley
Congressman (. handler of New
York and Congressman Copely of
Illinois, P ro g ressiv es, announce
their adherence henceforward to
the regular Republican party.
I. Q. S in g le t, h i .
C. L. H o p k in s.
K. A. T itus.
C E. M cPherren A udllor on<1 Poll«» Jiulg
W oltrr t Too*» Jr. City A ttorney
Put M orphy. Marshal »nd W ater Supt.
M. L. T hom pson. Treasurer
Dr. P. M HellwArth. H ealth Officer.
The Business Men’s League
met Monday night to discuss the
advisability of purchasing a num- j
Tha C ouncil m eets In regular sessio n on th e flrsi her of copies of the Statesman'»
M onday n ig h t ol each m on th, a t • SO o ’clo ck . It
New Year’s edition. Mr. Dud
th e office o l th e P alls C ity S e w s.
ley and Davis of the Statesmai
S a t u r d a y . D e c e m b e r 1 8 . 1915
were present ana explained the
method. They propose to give a
section of eight pages to Polk
County of which Falls City will
get one page. It was the sense
There are two days of the week of the League .hat in this page
upon which and ab'Hit which 1 oe set forth the possibilities i f
never worry, two care-free days this section particularly in ttu
kept sacredly free from fear and cheap logged-olT lands suitable
for pasture and dair> ing. It was
One of these is Yesterday. concluded to take 500 copies and
Yesterday with all its cares and ihen get subscriptions for as
frets, with all its pains and aches, many more as the citizens see fit
all its faults, its mistakes and to give.
Mr. S
blunders, has passed beyond the
S* lig. u n d e r ti e head
reach of my recall. 1 cannot, new husine-s s ugges ted t h a ’ a
undo an act that I wrought. 11 of t he me mbe r s wh<* could p• -,-u
canr.ot unsay a word that I said bl» get a ■ a> for a h-w days in
on Yesterday. All that it holds ,he spring, t a k e t he ir pick a
of life, of regret and sorrow. is | shovel and go o v e r t ! c ? i z r m
in the hand of the Mighty Love and fill t he rut and drain it
that can bring sweet waters out ¡wherever needed. i>y so do: g
of the bitterest desert—the love the work of last y e a r could be
that can make the wrong things preserved and t he road !>«■ made
right, that can turn weeping into | in better condition next year, i
laughter, that can give beauty All present thou ght it would i t
for ashes, the garment of pi aise a good idea,
for the spirit of heaviness, joy of
the morning for the woe of night.
Save for the beautiful memor-
OaRdal- Items,
ies that linger, sweet and tender
R »■« Murphy vi*.i*d his j"a d
like the perfume of roses, in the
mother and unde lust Suod.iv.
heart of the day that is gone. I
have nothing to do with yester­ Jim R-binsoil has moved on t i e
Tooze plae? wh»*r he will he " t a r
And the other day I do not his work at the cement plant.
Mr and Mr*. Waller Bnrnlmrt
worry about is Tomorrow. To­
morrow, with all its possible ad­ and son Calvin attended the birth-
versities, its burdens, its perils. ’ day party <d M Travis last Sat-
its large promises and poor per- "rd«y.
formance, its failures and mis-
The Parent Tend nr.* meeting
takes, is as far beyond the reach w.s .veil attended Friday; the
of my mastery as its dead sister pupil* gav a short pi .gratnne
—yesterday- Its sun will rise in after which Mrs N«al let Mr
roseate splendor, or beyond a Mtuphv, the pr*v-i lent tak -ehar.
mask of weeping clouds. But it Alter more 11 ,. :i «f im -i _
will rise. Until then the same topics being di-o n - t d tin-m»a i in»
love and patience that held yes- adjourned to n. et again th - < mm
terday, and holds tomorrow, Friday afternoon in January.
Go Home
will soon be
T HE here. holidays
The time of hap­
piness and cheer. Your friends
will be expecting you to come
home. So will mother, father,
sister or brother.
L o w H o liday Fares
Are available for the holidays.
On sale between all Southern
Pacific stations in Oregon
Dec. 17, 18, 22. 23, 24, 25, 31
and Jan. 1. Return limit Jan.
4 . From Oregon to California
points on sale Dec.22,23,24.25,
30, 31, Jan. 1st. Return limit
Jan. 3d.
Ask the local agent for fares, train service
and other information, or write
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
I\nv" their -docks of flowers ntairly
||. ¡del 'll ill order to make beautiful
1« o,o<
ttu« ■ ccn« of this w«d-
din *. o f 11 pie.'idciit
I'll«* Galt r«sl
d> i" i> virtually will become a con-
it*,11 itaoir on th" night of th«
ny. Th«l« will he music fur-
1 ii, 1 by a 1 mall orchestra assigned
1... , the membership of tho Marin«
I id i>ui (he actual wedding march
Only Immediate Relatives of the Couple to Be Present at the I I likplv to be played upon a piano by
Bertha l olling, one of Mrs. Gait s
Ceremony— Honeymoon Trip to the South Is Planned— Galt
Sisleln .%
Orchids Mrs. Galt's Favorite.
Home Where Wedding Will Be Performed to Be Veritable
Mi iiilitr, which virtually will t * * 1
Conservatory— Marriages of Other Presidents Recalled.
"auk <<f flowers, la to bn «reeled at
the m *l end of the parlors of the real* j
Tho bride to-be will meet th»
president at tho foot 01 the stairw ay !
V -
- ty-e in a hull without the wedding room,
and will walk with him from there to
the «It.tr front. Mis. Gelt will ca rry
u bouquet of o n htds. which Mr. Wll*
>11 found out lung a go to be her fs
u n i t e flowers. She will be attired In
a traveling gown T he ring will be a
plain tol l circlet Inscribed with the
the lull Inis of hrtde and groom.
Mrs Edith Bolling Galt has been
known for 11 good many yeura as one
of the most perfectly gowned women
In Washington. Shu la a handsotnn
woman and a lw a y s dresses In exqul*
Iu taste
ll e r gow ns a lw a y s have
I • u 1 ho- n with rare care aud almost
perfect judgment
F or « t o m e time
V i s Galt has been busy In selecting
I i* trow: <1111. being aided In this most
i” 1 irtant work by her mother. Mrs.
1 lolli<. a woman of excellent discern­
Mrs. Galt's trousseau already
k."i arrived ill Washington. Ita selec-
( n was a mutter of months and some
uiirovcrslos arose us to what might
1 * called Its origin
T he re were
stories to Mu’ effect that French sup­
ply h o u r s resented supplying any
thing through Gciipun American mid­
dle men
Most or the stories were
baseless, and It can be raid that al-
1110.t wholly Mrs Galt's wedding out­
fit Is of American origin.
W ILSON AN/) ¿JX/D ? — s
Resume White House Functions.
I lurk
uiul orchid are the pre-
10 * .uni" hue* In the gowns o f th*
garet Wilson, the president'* oldest
bride to be. for, as has been said,
(C op>rl*hi. 1916. W«ot»rn N»w*poi>»r Union i daughter; Mrs Francis Howes Sayre
Washington.— In a small, unpre­ o f WUUamatowu, Mass., the president's e 1 It! arc Mrs. Galt's favorite flow-
There arc traveling gowns, street
tentious house. 1308 T w en tieth street, second daughter Mrs. W illiam O Me- •
• n s , and evening gowns, the latter
in this city, Mrs. E dith Bolling Galt, Adoo. the president's third daugh ter;
widow, will be married Saturday, De­ Mrs. Anne l l o w e o f Philadelphia, the of which will he seen throughout the
cem ber 18. to Woodrow Wilson, w id­ president's sister: Joseph K Wilson ol 1 i:i 111. wliitoi wlitin tho White House
o w er and president o f the United Baltimore, the president's brother; Is to b«> reopened for a series of old-
Mlsa Helen W oodrow Holies, the presi 1 t r u e entertainments
The four great
Not since the m arriage o f President dent's coualu. and several other close 1 •' ini r I'cptb is. which were omitted
I , 1 winter, will be resumed, and there
John T y l e r to Miss Julia Gardiner hav relatives of the pr«*jident’R family.
Mrs. Galt, who, before her first mar­ w ill bo afternoon teas and many mu­
there been a wedding of a president
riage was Miss Edith Bolling of Vir­ sical*.
mark ed by such extrem e quiet and se
President Wilson Is tho sixth presi­
elusiveness as is to be the case at ginia. has s everal brothers and ulstepi,
all c f whom will attend the wedding
dent of the United States to marry a
this wedding which will Join the Wll
son and the G alt families. President Mrs Gull's mother, Mrs. William II. widow. Washington. Jefferson. Madl-
Boiling, is, living and m akes her homo
■ Fillmore and Benjamin llarrlaon
T y l e r went to New Y o r k to be mar
rled to Miss Gardiner and there at the v. ith her daughter, Mrs. Galt's sisters j married widows. In one or two cases
who will bo in a endunco are Miss , tin- widow being the secoud wife of
Church of the Ascension in the prei-
Washington and the presidi nt. John T y ler and Theo­
ence o f only a handful of persons he Bertha B o llirg o
Mrs. 11. II. Maur; of Anniston, Ala. dore Roosevelt each married the sec-
took unto him self his second wife. At
the coming wedding o f another presi­ Her brother.!, nil of whom will at- mid time but their wives had not be-
dent of the United S tates there will be tend, arc lohn Hai tolpli Bolling. IthJi- \ fore been wedded.
It Is not necessary to speak of
present no persons except those o f the ard \V. Be iug, Julian D. Bolling, all
,rgi> Washington a marriage. The
Immediate families o f the tw o con­ of Waubin on: It. E. Bolling o f 1'anu
mu and Dr. W. A. Bolling o f Louis
" irhl knows o f his courtship, engage-
tracting parties.
nu nt nnd wedding. Ills love was “ the
Only one cabinet officer. Mr. Mc- vIUc. Ky.
T o Avoid Big Crowd.
” id,
Curtis." T ho m as Jefferson, at
Adoo, w ill witness the ceremony, and
Up to th. very hist moment It is lb - home o f a friend, John Waytes.
he not by right o f his official position,
but because he is the son-in-law o f the probable thut the e x a c; hour of the 1 t Martha Skelton W ayles' widowed
■ !'(• r She was a beautiful worn-
president, h avin g married Mr. Wilson's wedding cerem ony will be kept a se ,
.1 .m l much sought after, but Jsf
youngest daughter.
When Grover cret. T h e de ni e is to pre vent t h e ;
Cleveland w as married in the White gathering of a huge crowd about the | : ferson finally won her heart.
Beautiful Dolly Madison.
House to Miss Folsom, the wedding Gait residence. A . soon us the cere-1
It I : possible that Dolly Madison,
party w as a small one, but included mutiy is o ver and the members of the
In it were members o f the president's family have congratulated thu bride ' th" wife of President James Madison.
In a way, better known to Ameri­
cabinet and several other high officers and groom, tie* new ly married 0 9 m
cans than any other wife o f a presi-
o f government. President Wilson and Rill h ave for the Eouth on a honey
’ exi cpt, of course, Martha W ash­
Mrs. Galt have decreed that their moon trip which probably will last un
union shall be wholly a family affair. till the lirst w. ok iu January. The j ington.
president and hi ! bride must be bach
1« h i T y le r was murrled twice, the
Relatives Only to Be Present.
I tlni" while he was president
Mrs. Galt will be attended by her In Washington bofo* i January 7 in or
1 v i • • • w as i**i it la Christian.
sister, Miss Bertha Bolling of this der to act as host and hostess at a -
i i Iu tong1 I to one o f the old faml-
Even with the gu ests limited to great, reception to be given in the
the members o f the families of the W hite Hou •! to the Pan American re p Ii« . of Virginia. Mrs. T y ler bore the
prcxldcnt nine children. Just before
president and his bride-to-be the* c a ­ resen tat i v i * in the capital, and. more
pacity of the parlors in the modest over, b e f u s e congress by that time her husband w as elected vice presi-
d nt of the United Htutes Mrs. Tyler
Galt home will be taxed, for both the will have reconvene 1 a lte r the Christ
principals ha ve many close relatives. mas holidays and Mr. Wilson must be j I d a stroke o f paralysis, and a short
ba< k at hh> d is k .
time a fter he succeeded William Hen-
T o witness the ce re mony and to
T he W hite House conservatories j I Harrison ns president she died, the
give congratulations to the newly mar­
ried ones these persons, among other and several o f the private eonserva d' ath oi 1 tirrlng In the W hite Housir.
T he s<*( ond winter after tho death
kinsfolk, will be present: Miss Mar- torles of the city of Washington will
of Mr T y le r the president met Julia,
ll> datichter of a Gardiner who lived
on 1111 island In Long Island sound.
| p id'nt fell desperately In love
1 lb ■ vuiing woman and soon they
In hi • « iigagcil and wore married
n U IS
qu'ctly ' the Church of the Ascen­
sion In r-'ev York city.
T i n Cleveland Marriage.
Grover Cleveland did not marry un­
Into In life.
He married
1 Folsom, the daugh ter o f his
in r, whom he had known
when lie was a little girl at an age
when she had called him ‘‘Uncle
Mr Cleveland nnd Miss Fol-
uii v i " married In the Blue room at
1 the White House.
Fur 1 im" lim e It was thought that
Pi "«!■ ' nt Wilson would be married
! In the White House. For some reason
or other people look It for granted
that ''r s Oalt would prefer a cere­
mony ni the e xecutive mansion. From
the point of view of womnnklnd It
II * ningly Is a compelling thing to be
able to s; <*ak o f a White House wed-
illn t as one o f tho participants. Mrs.
Gait however, held to the thought that,
a v cman should ho married In her
o. a h *mo rstlier than In that of her
Hhe did not believe In
breaking the American home prece-
dent In such matters, a world's prece-
(But in fact
Washington generally
con "Ies th.it s'ie showed good taste
In her quick determination that her
own house should be the scene of the
'l bo wedding pf tho president o f the
United .States to Mrs. Galt will be In
d e t a i l s n d surroundings n most simple
ait tlr. It will bn I11 keeping with trn-
d * ial American simplicity In case*
"no dsre say It?— where tha
1 id»* 111 the groom have passed be*
H om s of Mrs. Galt, Wher* th s Csrs.nony Will
P erform ed.
) Olid the stage o f youth.
S a tu rd a y , D v c tm U r IS, 1HW»
profeoetonal Carte
F. M . H E L L W A R T H
O lfica olio d o u r c a s t o l P. 0 .
OttUtt i m i n i
'I t t i !
!U.alili MI O I hO||t> .Ito»
Fa ll » ‘ Ity,
Or igl il i
DR. W. L. Holloway
Will beat rail* i'll* Moot
Allftnuun* (Mb V „ t .
B uötikw Harte
G. L. H A W K I N S
D a lla s , O regon
Funam i D im etta
Wo •Hood 6 a all week promptly.
Dolio* a a d Fallo City. Or
C W. M i t t h a w l , P r o p r i e t o r
P * i » a 1ST
Zh c
lite b o
C H A I.
M IX . P
h u pn ibto r
Get your butter wrappers print­
ed at the News office.
China is a monarchy r Yuan Shi
Kai is King.
Europe is not enthused over th&to
Ford Peace movement; neither are
the American Munition plants.
The Berlin papers accuse Pres­
ident Wilson of having incited an
anti-German feeling in the United
States. *
Henry Ford of automobile and
“Peace” fame is mentioned as
candidate for President of the
United States.