/ THE FALLS CITY NEWS Saturday, December 11, 1015 f --------------- -------------------------- T H E JOKER SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY J Passenger Train Schedule Effective Oct. 4,1014 Idi l»l I 117 «annoi)»« am. am. pm. Salem . . . 7;U0 ».46 4.00 Dallas. . . « i r , 11.02 6 30 F all»C ity. 8,50 11.36 1 «1.06 BPkRock 11:56 |M iti É le » i ■ R i s ■ i i* iva» i - ' u li i # am. pm. pm. Hl'k Rock 1.06 Falla City. #.30 1.26 6.10 Dallas. , . 10.10 2.00 0.40 Salem . . . 11.01 3.15 1 7.46 i a ia A. H liw n i. A llU T Edited by Falls City High School. Christmas Shopping Now Try Chirupructic, 1 he best show ut thu Gem tonight The monthly grades will lie put rtw I Monday and so if any of the Mrs. Sheppard is sick with the You will w ant many articles in our line fo r Mr and Mrs N. Selig we'«* in parents wish to see their children’s Christmas presents, w e w e have a nice line mumps. Poitlund visiting Un» week. grades may do so by visiting o f Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Stoves and Mr. B. Phillips is spending the school. Ranges that would make useful and suit­ Mis. W. F. Niello)» is visiting ^ week in Portland. able presents. Which dirtction north, south, east relatives in Salem this week. Mrs. Rob. Womlerly is in Black or west. Better ask Jim Bohle lie know» Wm Ellis of Dallas was trans­ | Rock nursing the sick. best. acting husiiiuHN in this city T hurs­ Dont forget to look (or thu date Where to find the horn-* of Lot- day. j of the High School Play. eta West. • Norman Robinson of the Second Wm Ellis, formerly anobi timer A tear, a sigh, a last go.xlby, ol tins city, was here on husincss Grade ha» moved to Oakdale. For the brave old fellow R. E. W illiam s , M. L . T hompson , W. F. N ichols , R .G . W hite , Thursday. Andrew Black ol the Third Grade Who should eat u doughnut President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier was absent one day last week. Made hy the Science Class of the Your sewing dons in your own Falls City High. Hybil Wilson returned to school home at a reasonable price. Phono Monday after a few days illness. Wednesday was a day that will 328 Fulls City. F alls C i t y , P olk C o cm ty . O regon Mrs. J. R. Moyer visited the be remembered for a long time by Does a General Banking Business. In terest Paid on T im e Third Grnd« room onu day last Professor Haley, because all the Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, i High School Students werepieseut Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the U nited States. and other bakery goods, every day week. at roll call. N otary Public officially connected w ith th e Bank. f t the Falls City Bakery. Liiflla Ward was absent from The Seventh grade are working school Thursday on account of Lester Keeney and W ill Hawk out a plan tor self government. sickness. of near Sweet Home moved to They ate peifcctiug an organiza­ George Harris und Wesley Ward Black Rock Thursday. tion by which they » i l l govern are ab-ent from the Fourth Grade their own room without the teacher ‘ in charge, leaving the teacher free Wm. Whyte, prominent mer­ this week. chant of Black Hock was in the Year! Courier got his thumb to attend to her woik. 'Ibis is the Pieces o f hand-painted China, 25cts to $2.00 city on business Thursday. thrown out of place while boxing first time in the Falls City school White Ivory Sets, the other day. that a room has declared itself Effanbee Unbreakable Dolls, 25 and 50cts. Dill has put down a new Mrs. Ticheiior has returned to capable of conducting it’s own af­ Colgates G ift Boxes, sidewalk in front of bis residence Fall» City after spending a few fairs, it also speaks highly for tie Pocket Knives, lOcts to $2.50 # that materially improves it. pupils. Mr. Haley has long beer, days in Portland. Razors, all kinds, planning to put the study rooms Vernon Murphy returned to under self government. Mrs. J. P. Do W ell of Monmouth Edison’s Phonographs and records, visited her daughter, Mrs, I. G. school Monday morning after a Boxes Stationery, 25cts to $3.50, The Teachers' Training clars de­ few days absence. Singleton, a few days this week. sires that the public to become Bibles, a good assortment, Why does Lister | es'-er a girl acquainted with the true state of Eastman’s Kodaks, $1.00 to $22.50, Mr. und Mr». W. T. Harris left by thu name of Ester because ho affairs attendent on the publica­ All kinds o f games, last Satureay for Oretown to visit likes to bother Chester. tion of the “ Joker” . We wish to Conklings Fountain Pens, their daughter, Mis. A. K. Myers. Chester Ward was thrown from entirely free the superintendent- Music rolls, a horse Saturday, and as a result and teachers as well, from any Mr. and Mrs. R. V. DeWitt spent Girls and Boys books, criticism that may have arisen as sprained his thumb. Saturday and Sunday at the home a regult of our paper. We, alone, Mr. and Mis. Sayre visited the Don’t fail to look over our Bargain Counter of Mrs. D eW iU ’s parents, Mr. und ate responsible for its contents and First. .Second Fifth and Eight of Christmas things, at less than cost. Mrs. Chas. Hunter. any errors in English that may Grades Thursday Morning. occur from time to time are our Mr. Sammons one of the direc­ own products. We are not voicing A. C Fleming, the confectionery proprietor, has accepted a position tors of the school attended Ofliaer's Mr, Haley's views in any of our in a candy factory at Salem He im'etiug in Dallas Saturday. political discussing so if you have \ left Tuesday to assume his duties. Misses Snedeker and Rilnoui any criticism or praise to offer will attend teachers examinations please give it to those who merit District Attorney Sibley of Dal­ in Dnllas 15 16 17 and 18th. it. GIFTS 25-CENTS TO $100. las served notice Thursday on the The Parent Teachers’ Association Grant Buck nor was absent from confectioneries of this city to dis­ WATCHES, Best Am erican fo r women, men and boys, $1 school on Tuesday on the account held their regular momhlv meet­ pense with “ ouuch boards” am) to $50. ing on Tuesday evening Dec. 7. of the funeral of Oscar Calkins. DIAMONDS and gem-set Jew elry in rich designs. like gambling devices and avt id Many young people as well a- The Teachers Training class has RINGS, an immense variety fo r ladies, men and children, in prosecution. parents were in attendance, Mrs. Solid Gold, $1 and up. subscribed for the daily Oregonian Hopkins called the meeting to SILVERWARE for the table in latest patterns, spoons, ladlies, for the High School reading room. forks, butter and sugar sets, pie knives, fish Real Estate order and proceeded with the pro­ and salad forks—low prices. The Eight Grade and Teachers gram. The High School Orchestra Hurry up and list your proper­ SILVER NOVELTIES, S0UVENIER SPOONS and a hundred and ties with us. We handle all kinds Training Class are jvceiiing a entertained the audience with two one other useful articles at popular prices. weeks \£ork along the insurance of real estate und have a large list selections whnh were nicely ren­ Make your selections now. line. for sale or trade, call in. J. O. dered. Mrs. Singleton’s reading Mickalson, Falls City. Ore. The Manual Training Depait- was well received, as the applause Harold Attwood has the mumps. I; § J. C. T A LB O T T & CO. m Éa m â m m m Bank o f Falls City Candì'*», Tobacco» and Cigar», at L B f t o N D E K L Y ’H Free Methodist Church Sunday School 10:00 A. M. P m c b b g 11:00 A M Cla»» mauling 12:00 I*. M. Evening »orvice 7:30. II. A. W alter , Paator. Charles M. E. Church Sunday Sarvioaa Sunday School Morning Service Kp worth League Evening Service 10:00 11:00 6:30 7:30 A. M. A. M P. M P. M Woah-Day Sarvioaa Church Oiche»tra Practice Thurs- day 7 P. M. Choir Practice, Ihursday 8 P M. Prayer Meeting, Friday 7:30 P. M W. J. W akkkn , Pa»tor. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in thi« nllirn for the Week ending Nov. 2u. 1015. GENTLEMEN. Anderson, II. Bennett, Cl:«». K. Hell, John A. Cannon, Thurman Houston, E. H. I CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Obrien, Jessie Obrien, Fra ik Sportrtnan, William Theae letter» will I e »ent to the dead letter ollice Dec., 18, 1016 if not delivered before. In calling for the above, please »ay “ Adver­ tised,” giving date ot list. I ra C. M khkling , P. M. Oakdale Items. The Purent Tea:hera Association will meet Friday— Dec. 10th. Mr». Dennis fell and sprained her knee, Mr. Fount Murphy has purchas­ ed a new hound—dog. Mr. John Macomher has moved in his new house. Mr. Swaringer is cutting rails for Mr. Olson. Mr. Uruee Miller visited school Monday. Mr. Walburg was a Monmouth visitor Sunday. M. L. THOMPSON. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR EVERYBODY uient has finished the cabinets for A pnrty was given air the home the Biology and Physics labora­ of Charley Hunter, Saturday night tories. of last week. The evening was Ira Cox, Frances Norris, ami passed in card playing and dauc- Joseph Sayre was abesent from the iug. A lunch was served at 12 Second Grade a few days of last o’clock to the guests Those pres­ week. ent were; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ethel Sampson, and Beulah Davis, Mr. and Mrs, Andy Wurtz- Young spent Saturday and Sun­ berger, Mr. and Mrs. Frank De- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wett, Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Jones, Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. DeWett, Mr. Arthur Baldwin and Walter and Mrs Guy Lewis; Misses Elsie Kneehone, Mercie Sheppard: Mes­ Bowman have left for the hills sers Walter Bowman, Glen Fergu­ where they intend to gather Elk son, Dad Bell, Otto Kneehone, moss. They will send this to Port­ land and as it is near Christmas Pete Teal, Cecil Ouderkirk. they will receive a high price for it. CANDY PULLING Walter L. Tooie, Jr., Lawyer, A candy pulling and farewell Dallas, Oregon. tf. party was given to Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pugh and M. L. Thompson Fred Saxby last Thursday evening, were in Dallas on business Thurs­ Dec. 2. The evening was pleasant­ ly spent with games and music day. H. P. Bogart is confined to his while all kept busy with the tally home this week with erysipelas of The company departed near mid­ night wishing their host and hos­ the face. tess prosperity and happiness in \V. T. Grier and family of Salem their new home. Mr. Saxby is re­ spent Saturday and Sunday in turning to his old trade of mining Falls City. at Brisby, Arizona. Those present Mrs. J. C. Talbott returned from were; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lee, Mr. Albany Wednesday where she had and Mrs. Clarence Lee and son, been visiting her brother, F. W. Mr. ami Mrs. Ora Carey ami son>, Rhodabarger. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Frink, Mr. The train crew and passengers and Mrs. Wm. Good, Mr. and Mrs. of No. 1161, saw a tine buck in au Floyd Good aud children, Mr. ami ash thicket near Bridgeport, Thurs­ Mrs. Fred Saxby and children, day morning. Mrs. Chas. Hunter, Miss Ritta Neal Christie, who has been re­ Alderman, Mr. Rarey, Miss Mabie siding on Judge Teal’s ranch mov­ Hunter, Mr. McConnell, Andrew ed into the MoKowu property on Hunter, Mrs. Fred Zuver and E l­ don Frink. South Main street. LOCAL ITEMS Frank Heydon, a prominent rancher of Rock Creek was trans­ acting business iu this city Thurs­ day. C. F. Vick of Salem, a former resident of F a ll* C ity was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Vick has prop­ erty interests here that, call him to our city frequently. K. A. Sayer. who has been work­ ing in Idaho during the past three months returned home last Satur­ day. He left here after the mill shut down last summer in search of work and was employed until winter set in. Roliert Wonderly enumerated the school children last week and reports 831 of school age. Of this number 171 are boys and 163 girls. I which followed indicated. A piano solo hy Miss Vicie Benton was ap­ preciated. The speaker of the evening, Miss Rosa Parrot, En glish Instructor in the Oregon Not mat School gave an impromp­ tu talk before the lecture. She suggested that the child learn to read during his leisure time, and asserted that story telling was an essential feature of every teacher's work. She emphasized the need of parents keeping in touch with the children. Miss Parrot told the story of the “ Other Man,” in a de­ lightful manner, the stereoscopic views made the story strikingly vivid. PERSEY’S JEWELRY STORE, Falls City, Oregon. F. Belcher of Portland was in commencing Friday, Dece nber 17 and bolding o\er until Sunday town this week. night- The usual services will be Mrs. Himan of Salem was in the held during that time. A cordial fnvitatiou is extended to everyone city Thursday. to attend. Rev. W. N. Coffee of Mra. A. C. Powers was a Dallas Portland will be in charge. visitor Monday. W . A. W a l t e r , Pastor. Mrs. E. A. La Dow who has been The Parent-Teachers meeting sick is improving. Tuesday evening at the school building »~as well attended. Mrs There is to be a special meeting C. L. Hopkins, President, presided of the council tonight. and after a short program Miss Parrot of tl.e Monmouth Normal The snow Friday morning gave entertaiued the audience with au things a Christmas look. For Sale— 140 No. 1 young fam­ illustrated lecture or story which ily cow will freshen sometine soon, was highly enjoyed. G. D. Treat is building a barn at also; spanking good set of team the rear of his warehouse. harness $27.20 and a very service­ Mrs. Mary Miller was called to Dallas Wednesday on accouut of able wagon 120- A dance will he given at the the illness of her son-in-law, W il­ See J. O. Mickalsou. Wagner hall Saturday night. bur Lewis. Mr. Lewis was suffer­ ing with a decayed tooth and had Revival meetings will begin in it extracted; inflamajion set in Mrs. J. O. Chamberlain spent the M. E. Church on Sunday 19lh causing him much pain. Wednesday with her mother. December, Everybody welcome. Get right with God. Orchestra Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Shepherd are Mr. Dudley, "special edition practice at 7 p. m., and Choir artist” for the Salem Statesman spending a few day» in Salem. practice at 8 p. no., on Wednesday was interviewing the merchants of evening. Dr. Hellwarth was in Dallas on this city Thursday, endeavoring to induce them to take space in their professional business Thursday. SERVICES AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH New Year's Special Edition. Mrs. Cbap*n and daughter weie Mrs. Wheeler ol Monmouth will A. C. Powers, agent at the S. P. shopping in Dallas last Saturday. preach at the Christian church depot, will leave the 28rd of this Sunday morning at 11:00. Every month, with his chilren, Trevah Mrs. Chamberlain and Mrs. cnb cord tall v invited to attend. and Revah to spend the holidays Averil went to Bridgeport Friday. at his old home in Palouse. Wash. QUARTERLY MEETING George Brown and Linn Elders, garage men of Dallas were in the E. B. Armstrong of Salem was Quarterly meetjng will Le held city on busidess Thursday. at the Free Methodist church, in Falls City Thursday on business.