Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, November 27, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    Maturila/, November 27,
Pastu-ngi-r Train Schedule
KfTi«-tive Oct. 4.1914
i»i •
am. atu.
Salem . . . 7:00 9.45
I>ullu* . . . H.15 11.07
Falls City. H.50 11.11
h a ii
am. pm.
Bl’ k Rock
Falls City. 9.30 1.25
Dui las . . . 10.10 2.00
Salem . . . 11.25 8.16
Caudim, Tobaccos and Cigars, at
I, 11. W O N D E R L Y ’S
L m i I lUwt Hems
. ■'
Tin joker seems to have many
We wish to he criticised
(io t > Wonderly’s fur hot sand­ fairly. A good critic sees both the
good and I lie had. In fact many
fail to appreciate a good tiling
For Pal#— Fresh cow, G. W. when t h e y se.i it. Homo people
like to say a great deal about noth­
ing, so filling to see anything in
Bart Wondorly and O. K. Myron 1 I ho joker limy are hatislied— con­
wore at ’ Ilio Wonderly homestead j tinue lo spill • inpty air to keep
in the North Forks ol the Bih.tz from being lonesome. •H some of
last week.
our critic will try their hand at
writing for the paper they may
A “ canthook” crow left here be brought to a realization of the
Tuesday for the Big Luokiamute old adage thut it is easier to ciiti-
whore they will mnke a log drivi ci-o the evil than to correct.it.
(or tho Spaulding Lumber Com* *
The Laboratory supplies which
were received several weeks a gi
Mrs. Bert Mason ol Mini Jacinto, have been put into use by the
Calif., is here visiting her sister. Physics, Bi dugv and
geography classes. A number of
Mrs. P. C. Stratton.
ix|icnme.its have been tried and
Phillip (iottfreid who has been have been successful in bringing
confi ned to the homo with rheuma­ out the desired effects of chemical
tism for more than a month un­ optoatioim. This not only helps
hut al o makes the subjects much
able to ho down town Tuesday.
more interesting
There is also a
ease of relief maps o f is 11 the con­
The W. C. T. II., will meet at tinent« of t In-gl< be by which the
tho homo of Mrs. Jennie Cobb on exact deration of the laud can he
Tuesday Nov. 80. I t is desired plainly seen.
that all the members he present us
there is importuni business to be
lIL to ry is having strange effects
transacted. Everybody welcome.
on nine of the pupils in the in­
Complaint of much dumago by
high winds are reported from var­
ious parti of the Mtate, hut Full«
City is protected from the gales
and outside of a few rotten tele­
phone and electric light poles be­
ing blown down the damage is in­
significant. Mcral— Come tc Falls
Mrs. Jennie Snodgrass is spend­
ing a few weeks at home taking
Says Mr. and Mrs. Thompson;
D ear old Thanksgiving has past, care of her father, J. L. Elkins,
who is very ill.
A n d the roast turkey w e have
Thanksgiving has past,
eaten at last.
A s W . L. Barnhart with a big
W a s invited into the kitchen by
his w ife,
A s she knew he w as a good
To carve t h » turkey right in the
A t the table Miss Hammond began
to beg,
I f she might have the turkey’s
Then when the turkey w as passed
The leg of the turkey she certainly
A t twenty minutes till three
dinner w as through,
W e all eat so much that the dishes
we could hardly do,
Then for home w e all had to
A s the good old turkey w as from
For Next Year
'1 I ih best show at the (ioni tonight
this week.
Procure Your Fuel
Edited by Falla City Nigh School.
Thanksgiving 1« Past
To eat the turkev from the oven
red hot.
Try Chiropractic.
Petitions are being circulated
Du you lilc« to read good «tori««?
the legislature to repeal the
K a o take advantage of our clul-
Closing law.
I ing offer in this issue of the paper.
Head it. It is on page 4.
The way the candidates are
------- ------ » »
pitching their hats into the ring
Bills Allowed by the
it is believed that the city electon
City Council for October will he real interesting.
\V. L. Toi.ze, Jr., salary
and recording deeds ...... 134.80
W. P. Lewis and tamily of Dal­
Electric Lights for Oct....... 41.50 las spent Thanksgiving iu Falls
M. I,. Thompson, salary
as Treasurer..................... 17.31
L. T. Murphy, salary,
Professor untl Mrs. Haley spent
Water Superintendent.... 80 00 the weeks end at Carlton, Oregon
L. T. Murphy, salary,
visiting an uncle.
Marshal .......................... 80.00
Hay for salt— Oat aud Vetch
J J. Mammons, surveying
garbage ground and
and Cheat hay at $12 per ton.
ineaaurlng'water in Ttal
W. F. Good, Phone 328.
20-27 4.
cr<ek and making two
m a p s ...................
F O R M A L E — Apples and English
Fulls City News, printing
wsluuts. Mee A. H. Benton, Fulls
and rent for O c t ............ 18.20
City, Ore., Phone 1561.
K. A. Titus, hauliii” garbage
C. K. M cPhem u , salary
Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, Ties,
for Oct.............................. 25.00
and other bakery goods, every day
W. I) Wood, time check............ 60
at the Falls City Bakery.
C J. Bradley, time check...
Oscar Hunter, time check
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harrington
W. I,. Russell, time check...
1.40 and baby were in the mountains
A s sure around the table w e all
Mr. Leather wood, lather of Mrs
Mheppard, who has been in south­
ern Oregon for sometime, returned
home Saturday.
Mr. Hayter, of Hayter’s Book-
stare and Mr. Finseth proprietor
of tho Bee Hive Store, Dallas were
viewing this cit.y Thanksgiving.
They called at the News office and
found the editor desecrating tho
“ VVilson-Wythecombe Day” put­
ting a new tympan on the office
towel. Mr. Hyater is an old news-
qmpeunati and is unable to pass an
office up when in hailing distance.
He cared for the Observer in its
infancy bringing it fiom a 9500 a
year proposition to a $15,000. A l­
though out of the newspaper game,
he says that he continues to write
editorials (in his mind) and en­
joys them as well as ever. Mr.
Finseth. the proprietor of the Bee
Hive Store and as its name ind­
icates is a busy one. Mr. Finseth
is looking forward to better times
in the future.
word can pass muster. From a
technical standpoint, his honor
undoubtedly ruled justly, but the
general public can regard no such
an “ Americanism” in any other
light than a plain “ cuss” word.
While the law thus justifies one in
say ing “ dam” providing lie must
give vent to his feelings, yet if lie
cares to be regarde I a* discreet it
would hardly be advisable for him
to use thi« word in his converrà-
lion. Pos.-ibly the American pub
lie may be educated to the point
when they can carnly view justice
from a legal standpoint, but at
piesent, tlicaverage citizen regards
such a decision as a joke.
The papers are read very atten­
tively anil current events are
brought lo class and discussed not
only from the standpoint given, but
the opposite side is bronght out in
a liberal way by our instructor
Professor Haley.
This teaches us
not to be prejudiced in matters ol
politics, so an ui.convertible Re­
publican ar.d a bald shelled Demo­
crat can really see tiie otiier side
of the situation.
Curreut events have been the
main issue for this class during
(lie past four weeks. We are not
intending to let politics die out hi
termediate grade*. A c e r t a i n the least during our future study,
teacher in connection with the re- but for a few months the oM Uui-
gilliiP history l e - s o l i told her clue' ted States History text will be
the it-cideut in which Mir Walter used.
Kulirgh spread his coat upon the
ground that his j in-e 11 might kelp
Kickers;— Yes, we have plenty
out of the mud. Now a certain t of them everywhere. A few months
little youngster wishing to show ugo we heard increasing complaints
his chivalry, when a fair duinself aliout poor lights, and W H O was
was in distress tried Sir Walter’ s to blame because the water was
stunt. I'ufortuualely for the little low and tliedam no good?
kuight. In' was seen by his fattier, that our most ‘ ‘efficient light man'
and was led home in disgrace aud lias succeeded in giving such good
severely punished. Now we grant service, we hear no word of praise.
that chivalry is all right but when Who is willing to join the High
a ten dollar oveicoat must be sac­ Mchooi students in tendering a vote
rificed, then chivalry must die.
of thanks to Mr. Ellison ?
Tiie seventh and eighth grade j Mumps are spreading rapidly
classes are receiving very thorough but they are not quite so contag­
instruction iu agriculture under
ious as the High School epidemic,
the supervision of Miss Mnedeker.
it was uot until Morris Melig was
1 hey have been making several
reproved by one in authority that
tests and experiments, among them
he remembered that ii was school
was deterining the different lengths
hours, as he was so intent ou tell­
id time it taxes for bacteria to
ing something of importance to a
w rk in milk under varying con­
blue-eyed, curly haired Sophie.
ditions of temperature. The fol­
lowing are a few of the tilings that
The pupils of the school are tak­
they are required to know con­ ing a great interest in music;
cerning dairy work; a goot ration : among the different branches being
for a cow.
The different food con- ' taken up are: vocal* in both tiie
stituents and the value of each High School and grades. Orchestra
The good and haiinful effects of work iuthe High Mchooi, and other
bacteria. Rules for securing clean pupils are taking private lessons on
various instrumentes
The manual training department
is attracting considerable attention
because of the character and thor­
oughness of its work. The classes
are made up of pupils from 7th
and 8tli grade and also a number
(ruin High Mchooi. The work is
very practical, since the student is
taught to draft plans for various
structures, cut lumber according to
specification, ami to make hills for
lumber ti be used in construction
The advanced class is taking up
iL a flin g o f modern houses. Very
useful nrticles have recently been
finished and others are (drawing)
iieuring completion. The follow­
ing are a few of the articles being
made, two cupboards for physics
and biology laboratory tables being
made by eighth grade. Picture
frames amiskird houses by seventh
grade. Some special work is also
being done bv Chester Hunter of
8th grade who is constructing a
table desk and Chris Horn and
Paul Sayre are drafting a plan for
a mahogany taburett and oue oak
piano stool.
Ynn Will N m N Saw«, A xis, W «4 fw a d Splitting H i
Wt carry a ecmplcta Hue cf the Teels that yea wM I
R. E.W il u a m 3, M. L. T hompson , W. F. N ichols ,
R.G.W hite ,
Cashier Assistant Cashier
Bank o f Fails City
F alls C it y , P olk C ounty . O regon
Does a General Banking Business.
Interest P aid on Time
Exch an ge sold on all points in the U n ite d States.
N o tary Public officially connected with the Bank.
N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G I V E N , That on Monday, the 6th day
of December 1915, in the city o f Falls City, Polk County, State of
Oregon, the A N N U A L G E N E R A L C IT Y E L E C T IO N will be held for
the purpose of electing the following officers; towit:
T H R E E C O U N C IL M E N .
Said E L E C T IO N will commence at Nine (9.00) o'clock in the
morning, of said Monday, the 6th day o f December, 1915, and will
run until six <6:00) o’clock in the evening o f said day, the polls being
closed, however, between the hours o f One (1:00) o’clock in the a fte r­
noon o f said dayluntil tw o (2:00) o’clock in the afternoon o f said day.
The City Council o f Falls City, Oregon, has appointed the fol­
lowing Judges and Clerks o f Election, and designated the following
place within the said city o f Falls City as polling place for said elec­
tion, towit:
J U D G E S O F E L E C T IO N :— E. G. W hite, Mrs. I. G. Singleton,
Mrs. W ill Hinshaw.
C L E R K S O F E L E C T IO N :— M ary Hammond, M rs. M ary
P O L L IN G P L A C E :—Council Chambers, (Office o f Falls City
N e w s ).
Dated at Falls City, Polk County, Oregon, this 27th day o f
Novem ber A . D. 1915.
C. E. M c P H E R R E N ,
Auditor and Police Judge
o f Falls City, Oregon.
Observation has caused us to
believe that the freebies have start­
ed street cleaning with Esther
Cleveland as leader.
Directors Sammons and Luude
visited school last
They seemed- very much pleased
with the conditions of the school.
Free Methodist Church
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
Preaching 11:00 A. M.
Class meeting 12:00 P. M.
Evening service 7:30.
H. A. W alter , Pa3tor.
M. E Church
Sunday Services
The political
spirit of the
Sunday School
10:00 A. M.
Teacher’ s Training class is still
Morning Service
11:00 A. M.
kept alive by very worthy politic­
Epworth League
6:30 P. M.
ians who are daily “ loaded for
Evening Service
7:30 P. M.
Week-Day Services
Three young gentlemen of Dal­
Church Orchestra Practice Thurs­
las were seen wandering around day 7 P. M.
the school building Monday morn­
Choir Practice, Thursday 8 P.
ing looking very wistfully for two 1L
familiar faces.
Prayer Meeting, Friday 7:30 P.
Fifteen of the young meu of the M.
Opal Ward of the Filth grade
town and High School met in the
W. J. W arren , Pastor.
lurk the mumps.
High School office Monday evening
Tla "Buell of the sixth grade for the purpose of organizing a
room sprained her ankle.
cornet baud.
Mrs.'Charles Moyer visited the
The Orchestra entertined . the
school Wednesday afternoon.
High School with sevdfal selec­
Luella Ward was absent from tions at one o’clock Wednesday,
after which the regular vocal work
school on account of sickness.
was taken up.
Mildred Reynolds was absent
Mr. Bedient, janitor, is being
from school two days last week.
absent from duty for several days
The seventh and eighth grades
on account of the decease of his
are having contest work in spell-
father. Mr. McKown is taking
his place for the time being.
Osa Brown was compelled to quit
school for awhile on account of i l 1
Miss Mable Otte is quite ill.
Mr. Starr, one of the school di
Mrs. Sheppard was in Salem
rectors, visited the school Wednes­ Monday.
day afternoon.
Mrs. A. B. Allen catne in from
Mrs. Charles Moyer was elected
Portland Friday.
music teacher to take the place of
Miss Gertrnde Irwin.
Mrs. Stet Cook of Dallas is visit­
The Misses Shields aud Falland ing friends here.
expect to spend the Thanksgiving
vacation in Portland.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Pern
W. S. Bedient died at 11:00
o’clock Monday, November 22,
1915 at the borne of bis son. Harvey
Bedient, one mile north of Falls
City, aged 87 years. His death was
due to organic
heart affection.
The funeral services were held at
th6 Seventh Day Adventist Church
at 2:00 o'clock P. M. November
23, and interment in the Falls
City cemetery.
Mr. Bedient was horn at Lock
Port. New York, August 1. 1828
where he grew to manhood, then
removing to Wisconsin where he
was married to Nancy J. Brown iu
1863. T o tbia union six children
were born, five of whom are still
living. They are Harvey Bedient,
Falls City, Oregon, Mary B. Oman,
Gardeu Grove, Calif., Harriet Jef­
fers, Gainsville, Ga , aud William
aud Rolhe Bedient, Berlin, Wis.,
bis wife having been claimed by
death 32 years ago. H e had lived
in Oregon only a little more than
a year, having come here from
“ He is dead but bis actions lit*
etb, he is silent bnt his deeds
Miss Fay Wells, of the Willam ­ Lewis, Thursday, a boy.
ette University visited high school
- The reoent decision of Judge Wednesday afternoon.
Carrie Graham ia spending
Gantenbeiii of Portland, Ore. in a
Thanksgiving with her parents. "
Miss Whitman, our former En­
criminal suit in which he rules the
teacher, visited friends in
word “ damn” to be an “ American­
Chester Ward aud Luella Ward
Saturday and Sunday.
isin'' and uot profanity is attracting
visited in Dallas Thauksgiviug.
much comment. While we do uot
Miss Kennard intends to spend
feel worthy to criticise that able the wesk-end holidays in Alser to
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bennett spent
jurist yet as ordinary humans we visit her sister who is teaching Sunday visiting Mrs. Bennett's
Walter L. Tooae, Jr., Lawyer,
Dallas, Oregon.
do not quite ‘ ‘savve” why such a there.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris.