Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, November 27, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    Maturila?, Novambar 27, 11Hf)
¡Elie f a l l i i (¿itll N e to » la,ïe of
V a b u s Iters*
Eut**** •!
asti utttU a t tho poBtofffrw
T elephone
tA "enta tl,
ii ,
Y tw s O m e t . S3.
A d v e r t a? .if i*
SM lv»-
N o tic e * . U « » l -»*’
? : C . 0 E T
R M, W< ■
* Y* i
C . J. B r a d le y
Coptic'» lin e n
< \ U llo p k lu * .
R. \ . T in i '
» A n lU o r a n d P o lU c J u d *
C E M cP h
Jr. C ity A tto r n e y .
W a lte r L T* •.
Vat M u rp h y . M. ir*h*! « tu l W a te r S ep t*
M. L. T h o m s o n
„ O r. r . M. H fU w r i i t h H e a lth O fficer.
T h e C o u m ¡1 moot« tin r e c u la r *e> *ion o n t h e first
M o it'lh y -n i:t *»f ■ '• e h m o n t h , a t 7 » o V io c k , in
. i i s j • ; .y N ew s
. _
a t u r d a y
, N
ovk m bk r
III ? Getting
iired by the post office depart*
ment for commenting adversely
upon the engagement of the
¡»resident and Mrs. Galt, and
then being promptly and empha­
tically reinstated by the president
himself, has made him a national
figure and is rapidly qualifying
him for stage life or the lecture
platform. And really, now, if
Mr. Wilson wants to marry Mrs.
Galt and the lady is willing.
a hose business is it? And if
Mr. Burkitt wants to exercise
the American right of free speech
in gentlemanly language, whose
business is that? Seems to us
the daily press has been making
a whale out of a tadpole. But
then again, th a t’s their business,
and they are experts in their
International Committee to At­
tempt Reconstruction.
M. D .t.nn oy, Librarian a t Univaraity
of Louvain, During a Viait to London
In Connaction With Propoaod Re­
building of Library Givaa Dataila of
Damage It la Hopad to Repair.
Loudon.—T h e ivcoustruction of tbe
fam ous lib rary o f I.ouvaln, destroyed
!n |ia rt by th e G erm ans, will be uu
d erta k e u by a u Interm itloual couuull-
lee o f d istin g u ish ed sa v an ts, a rtis ts
uml men o f le tte rs of allied an d n eu­
tra l countries. Viscount llryce ts a t
ib c bead o f tb e B ritish com m ittee.
M. D elunnoy, tb e librarian to tbe
U niversity of L ouvain, d u rin g a visit
lo lAindon In couuectlon w ith the pro
Jocted rebuilding of I tie library gave to
Commander of Historic Idle Army An­ th e Isimlon S ta n d a rd th e follow ing de­
tails o f th e loss It Is hoped to rep air:
nounces Candidacy.
"T h e u n iv ersity w as founded In 1423
and w as a v eritab le child of the re­
naissance. No less a celebrity than
W a s h i n g to n , N o v 2 4 .— J a c o b tv tbe g re a t E rasm u s him self m ade (wo
lu (he
iC x»*v, o f M a s s illo n , ( ) .. w h o »¡» ro u s e c u tire so jo u rns there.
d ay s of Ju s (u s L lpslus (1547-791 It
iu i . ii im g [’cniT .nl o f t h e A rm y
boasted 7.000 stu d e n ts and bad a world
*»;' th e l ' n ;. \**1 s t o r m e d W a s h
in u to n in ¡8 ‘. ) | p r e d i c te d h e re t o - 1
d . i r til it lie w o u ld lie till* n e x t
Wh en a peppery olii duck told
his wife she had no sense she
meekly plea(led guilty to the
ch arjfp am! p(jinted to him as the
S n: tor iron; Ohio.
uice of the ¡'act.
pr C t l l v o l û ' v * ;, DI'-
C Xe v - , id lie iv ' ii hi
ru n ns an
indepen le n t c a n d i d a t e t <» d e fe a t
•Si-IUllor B o rn e r, n e , a n d h is p i a t ­
form it.dud ti a plank providing
New York ha^ 940.000 school
ch ildren, a^cording to a news-
per paragriiph. Let ’er kee|> for n coelle» s m e tIm d to in c r e a s e
Ol¡n. All loe;il demands can be Ii** Nuti
su PpHed right: here at home.
I ■ X s c h e m e is to wipe Olll .ill
;> inker-’ credits and authorize the
Th_- best sh;rapnel which is bc- «•over; n.n.t In print a ;l the money
inj used in E' ro: e is warranted !i . ell.
» '
to break into : ».t less than one
hu rdred and itwelve pieces. But
th at is notniing; the w ar scare
\vldeh the jing«_vs are trying to
Notice is hereby given that
W(iri: up in this country breaks the County Superintendent of
int o a great many more pieces oik County, Oregon, will hold the
wliene ver it con.es into contact t egular examinations of applicants
wi th common sense
• ir State Certificates at Dallas, as
Comencing Wednesday, Decem­
In these days you can’t make a
man out ot a JW
w L _ ,, ___
______ ber 15. 1915, at 9 o’clock a. m..
can yiv. mi;,, a n spectacle mem- a continuing until Saturday, 18,
bt c of socie \ out of a brainless 1**15, at 4 o clock d . m
Wednesday Forenoon
Idiot v. ho gapes around on street
corners and
ikes vulgar re­
Writing, U. S. History
marks about
try woman who
Wednesday Afternoon
passes. Fee
Beading, Physiol*
ate- should
5ylum« for
, M e th -
imbeciles, wh
ods in Arithmetic
nt it sev elt
engaged wit h characteristic ener-
gy in elevatiiiig the plane of public
discussion. His latest contribu-
tions to re ¡'ned language a:e:
“ Damn the n oilycoddles’’ and
“ To Hell wit:h the hyphen.” These
during his calmer
moments gi e
some idea of the
explosive po .* l :- o i iiis vocabulary
if he were t< > be ome excited.
Thursday Fo cnoon
Arithmetic, History of Educa­
tion, Psychology, Methods in Geo­
Thu-sday Afternoon
Grammar, Geograpy, American
Literature, Physic-», Methods in
L uiguage, Thesis for Primary
, .
».‘ftlhcate, ¡science of Education
r ..
r . i d i y ro ra n o o n
ta u t postm aster of the little vil- J “go vernmeut wards.”
Ooss All Kinds of W ork on His Plaoe
end Is Prosptring.
B attle ('reck , Mich.—A s an cia n ip lo
; of pluck am i energy consider M yron L.
Briggs. Mr Briggs, who bus uo legs,
docs practically every kind of farm
work and Is prospering
B riggs ts atiout forty live y ears old.
! stro n g and healthy, lie tilt* In*« up his
I three horse team uud cu ts Ids own
hay. w heat au d outs, then gees out am t
] cuts m ore for neighbors who have uo
llo can clim b up a ladder over the
tilgh crossbeam Intv th e liny mow and
throw dow n
m»1"' a " a y hay alm ost
as rapidly and a s well as any able-
bodied w orker, lie can hitch up his
team an d d riv e out Into th e ileid alone
and plow o r tmxrvw all duy. using
sca ts uu each Im plem ent, tie rides a
tw o borso c u ltiv ato r and cu ltiv ates
corn um l pututocs by a hand stick ut
tncbm eiit th a t operates tw o c u ltiv ato r
John Uhaiiihcrlain is working
l'or K. K 11 uhhafd.
ti co Hyers ol Black Rock wss in
thè city Kritlay.
Mrs. Wm. Finley visited in Dal­
las Wcdiiesday night.
Mr. uml M i n . IV J. Shcpherd are
«pii liuig a lew ilayH in Dori Intuì.
A batik ■ t dimier vvas servali at
thè ChrUlisn chinili Thauksgiv-
N Sclig a ni "ifc tclur.isd Irotn
a wsek's a'lindinice ni thè Fan
FrunciaCu fair, Thursil.iv.
Mr and Mrs. W. I». Power» of
Clurry Croie. Ore, are visitine
their p o i », A U. l’owers llus week.
Jus, | • 1 1 Mn'kulson.lhc reai ertaìe !
n ii’i infoi ms n« Ihal Ite has effect i
ed m verni real estate timiplets tlos
ivi ek.
(.iramima Coiirter is i nproving j
and i« «h|o tu he armind some.
Ihr many Ilic i d« i t i l i he gisti lo
Iciirn thV
Mr. B riggs lost both legs lu it street
car accident In G rand Itaplds utHiut
sixteen y ears ago
Exam ination! Plannad by Motitclair
Woman—Waga P ut at $25 a Month.
M outclalr. N. J — W ork an d wage«
for M outclalr houaehoUl aervanta uro
1!. !.. ('Iinpman, of thè Cliapman
to bo atuudardlzcd. It la proposed by
l’nrlor at Dilla«
tbo local U ouaew lvea’ league to have
a cen tral teatlu g «tailon, w hich will be wue in thè city Tiiwwlav preparlng j
conducted In co o p e ra tio n w ith the thè reinnina of \V S Bedient who
board of education.
A pplicants for
positions will be required to present died Momiav, for hnrisl.
them selves th ere um l undergo te s ts lu
Mi ('rocker received a eonsign-|
cooking, serving aud o th er household
meni of walont trees fronr thè Me-
accom plishm ents
To those w ho pass the te sts certlU- Minuville Nursery Ihrough their
cutes will be aw ard ed en titlin g them sgent. ('. I.. Hopkins, who will
to em ploym ent ut the ra te of $2.*> a
m onth w here one servuut Is em ployed assist in p'anting Ihetn.
Tho H ousew ives' league by a euuvass j
of th e women o f th e tow n has c*>u
Resi Esisto Real Estats.
eluded th a t th is is u fair wage. It Is I
If you ex pi et to sell or exchange
asserted th a t efficient help 1« available j
lu M ontclair, but because a system lias | «uv real estate within the next
not been m aintained In th e past m any
. . U | g l„ Now” is y o u r t i m e to
resid en ts bsvo giihe out of tow u tn -
search of serv an ts.
lint » » m e w ith o s Notv, so we can
get them in the hands of the thous-
' stuls o f prospective h o m e seekers
; i ight stray.
Mickalson, t h e I lr u l E s ta t e M a p ,
F a lls C il v , t) r e .
Office one door eeet of I*. O.
om*-» »mi p,
r»iu nty,
n». ut» in'« 1 linnc .loll
D R . W . L. H o llo w a y
Will bs s i r a i l s City Motel
\ » n a ra iU A Y
m o n o a y , w k i 'N kmua
A llt ru ooii«
li W erk.
£ii0tnc00 tlart>0
J a i l s C it y Ib o t c l
S e n t a le R i t m i
B e e t A e e e m m e M a tle n e
g . Oroogo, P ro p r ie to r
IIAHfKH Mil»**
G. L. H A W K I N S
D e l l ee , Ore gon
4T N K H A I. III H K iT o H
F untm l D irtctot
We attend le ell werk y iie p ily
P ellai and Palls City. Or
Thanksgiving Ball
The :nnn|ue ball given at the
Wagner Hall Thursday night w as
well attended, Quit* a n u m b e r o f
Dallas dancers wi re present. Hup*!
W ashington.—B ecause It show ed hos­ per wag served at Ihe Falls City
Winchester, Va., Will Get $1,-
500,000 From Outcast.
P h o t o by A m e r i c a n P r e s s Association
w ide rep u tatio n
At tb e d aw n of tbo
follow ing c e n tu ry It bud C ornelius J a n ­
sen us p rofessor an d rector
“ B efore tb e w a r tb e un iv ersity en­
joyed g re a t pro sp erity aud new In sti­
tutions. covering all branches of hu-
man know ledge, w ere springing Into
being T h ere w ere live facu lties—th e­
ology. law. philosophy and letters, sci­
ence uud m edicine
T be num ber of
stu d e n ts approached 3.000. T hey cam e
from all [»arts o f th e w orld and largely
from A m erica, bu t tbe m ajority w ere
B elgians
B efore bis etevatiou to tbe
arch b ish o p ric o f M alines C ardinal Mt-r-
d e r w as p rofessor of philosophy there.
“ As to th e lib rary Itself, It contained
l»r>0 m an u scrip ts, la-tween 800 nnd 1,000
in cunabula and m ore th an 230,000 vol­
umes. Among Its m ore notable con-.
te n ts w ere a little m an u scrip t from the
hand o f I bom as a Kompls, the cele-
United w ork o f A ndreas V esallus (1514-
'Hi, tb e fa th e r o f hutnaD anatom y,
given to th e u n iv ersity by C harles V..
ar,d ,uanv b eau tifu l m in iatu res an d edi
e a rlie st tim es.”
M. Delnnnoy w as a personal w itness
o f th e d e stru ctio n th a t overcam e tbe
fam ous city. H e Inspected th e ruins of
th e lib rary . N othing had been spared.
All th e volum es had disappeared. In
th e stre e ts of th e tow n and fa r aw ay
into tb e su rro u n d in g country tbe wind
bore a b o u t a t Its will tb e h alf con
sum ed pages of tb e precious volum es
an d th e scrap s of Irrep arab le pan b
T be tim e w orn boisertes en
cliene o f th e v enerable H alle au x D rops
w ere n o th in g bu t a flame.
“T h e w orld Is fully conscious of the
g re a t ta sk th a t Is In cum bent on It—
th a t o f ren d erin g to one of the g reat
Wilson hv. L_. l .
cous act of the citizens should be e n te rs e f learn in g and tru e c u ltu re the
m eans to continue Its civilizing work.
t» «(--k some sequestered nook and T h e rnoro w orthily It accom plishes th at
Just why should George] Bur-j kick themselevs i»aek into a seper- ta sk tb e m ore will It show to fu tu re
k itt worry over his job as as.-»i.;-iHl road district and e r a s e to be g e n e ra tio n s I lie respect th a t Is due to
■e fence.”
on were present t»)1
t* murdered Pres­
According lo an opinion rend­
et Wilson was con-! ered by Walter F,. Tooxe, Jr. the
absence It was city council have nothing to do
was forced to de- with the » xpenditure of the road
ion to attend, yet ; funds. It ail Ji«-.-* with the coui.ty
j niotor 200 miles court. In other word«. Falls City
and her mother, is x ward of the county couit and
Mrs. Bollirii
I inspect a monu- muil gracefully acquiesee to (ne
er the graves of dirp *Hitioit of these funds as it may
some Confederate soldiers. This determine. This being the ease it
is'not the first time that President | ippeara to us that the tirst right*
Theory and Practice, Orthogra-
r»hy, Physical Geography, Eng
” £ p a rtie u la ri, rich m thaob.g.
for a foreign- ii-h Literature, Chemistry, His- icai w orks, in a u nique collection of
borii Citi
. hi.; sympathy tl
of Education
letters, docum ents and p am phlets It
preserved all th a t w as vital "bf the
untry to make
Friday Afternoon
g re a t religious co n tro versies of th e six-
hi.T f . y
to the land o f'
A ii
teen th nnd se v en teen th ceu tu rlea—con-
his ado:
is it not even
• . i Law, ( .e< )lQg. . Algebra, Iro rersle« w ith wbli-li tbe university
l i t. Childhood and w as in tim ately associated.
w o r s e fi
ican bom citi-
"T h e library also contained many
zen to
> engrossed in d» I üscence
beau tifu l specim ens from the celetirat
ii' the ar as
ed presses estab lish ed a t I.ouvaln Im­
Satu -ay Fore-oon
m ediately a fte r th e invention of p rin t­
to jeopai
jl:*allty of the
Geo netry, Botany, School Ad ing. T h e records of tbe university Itself
n? The mem- ■ inistration
w ere a priceless possession. Among
orie3 of ;
- h a better ex-1
them w as th e pnpal bull of 1425 a u ­
S.ituday Afternoon
th en tic a tin g Its foundation. T be II-
cuse thi
ship of mam-
il H i s t o r y , Bookkeeping,
b ra ry - wtllch Mai
ln" iln
in th e 4 an
m r.
’ ’
4 (*■ g
ff fe/irn
clent Cloth li M
d atin
from the
early fo u rteen th cen tu ry , to which
building bad been ndded a su p erb edl
Very truly yours,
’J he coi |
tor if the National1
Uce In th e sty le of the renaissance,
McKinley Bit ¡h place Memorial
conserved a p re c io u s' gallery of por­
Superintendent of Public Ins­ tr a its o f th e p ro fesso rs and doctors as
was laid a t tn» »ii last Saturday at |
fcoclnted w ith th e u n iversity from the
Nile;, O h i« Many prominent : truction, Polk Co. Ore.
men of the iu
do honor to tl
ident. Presiti.
spicuous by hi
stated th a t he
dine th ejn v i
he founc
with Mi ^
p itality to a stra n g e r from P e n n sy l­
vania w ho w as hated a t hom e the city
Brizes for the heat coitmv.es were
of W inchester. Va . sixty tw o miles
from W ashington and boasting of a ! a w a r d e d a« fo llo w s
population o f 7.000. will com e luto pos
Lady, Mrs. Alice Bell,
session of a legacy of $1,500.000. It Is
Gentleman, Gei. March,
the bequest of Jo h n H andley, air ec­
centric m illionaire of Scranton. Pa.,
Comic, Hoy McMurphy.
w ho d ied tw e n ty y ears ago
B ehind tbe legacy Is a story th a t
d ates back to th e civil w ar. w bcu the
people o f S cranton stoned H andley as
a C onfederate spy, dow n to th e duy a
NOTICE is hereby Riven by the '
few m onths ago w hen H an d ley 's e x ­ undersigned taxpayers of Road
ecutors inform ed W inchester th a t tt
District Number 21, in the County
w as heir to th e H undley fortune.
H andley’s will provided th a t for of Folk, State of Oregon, who are
tw en ty £ ears bis executors should a d ­
more than ten per cent, of the tax |
m in ister th e hulk of his estufe In such
a w ay th a t a t tb e end of th a t |>erlod payers of said District, that a j
they could hand It over to th e Virginia meeting of the resident taxpayers
city fo r tb e “education o f h er poor."
of said Road District will be held
In a se p a ra te bequest, banded over
to W inchester soon a fte r H undley's on Saturday, the 27th day of Nov­
death , tb e old m an left $250.U00 for tbe ember, in the year 1915, at the
erection and eq uipm ent of a public II
hour of 2 o’clock, P. M., of said
brary, w hich is now in use.
T be tow u will use tb e money to build day, at th“ Public School House in
w hat It aim s to inuke the model high School District No. (50 (Oakhurst) j
school o f tb e U nited S tates
© r e g o li
W . M a tth e w s, P ro p rie to r
P n om * 187
IT f c a b o
C H A M . M I X . P au R N ivn m
in said -Hoad District for the pur-j
pose of voting on the question of
BAKED 20,000,000 BUNS.
whether or not an additional tax
H*ad of Unfvsrsity of Notro Dam* sha'I lie levied by the resident tax­
Bakery Kept Careful Count.
payers of said district on all the
South Bend. In d .—B rother Wlllltn-
property in said district
ford, w ho estim ates th a t he has baked
approxim ately
20,000,000 b reak fast for road purposes, under the pro­
buns, has com pleted his fifteenth y ear visions of Section (>221 of Lord's
as tbe head o f th e bakery of the Uni
vcrslty o f N otre Dame. He has kept Oregon Laws as amended by
careful co u n t of th e various eatab les Chapter 31(5, General ¡»aws of
be lias prepared since he began. Tin- Oregon, 1913. At said meeting
b ro th er's fam ily Is about 1.500 while
the resident taxpayers of said
school Is in session.
By B rother W llllm ford's calculations district will by a majority vote of
be has m ixed 32.850 b arrels of flour such taxpayers levy such addit­
and m ade 042,500 live pound loaves of
bread. 16.423.000 cookies nnd alm ost ional tax (if any) as they may
20.000,000 buna for b reakfast.
deem advisable to improve the
roads of said district.
Witness our hands this 4th day
Drink Sode Water
November, 1915.
Uncle Abe Saw General Jackson and
Names: Barney Phillips, Mrs. K.
Talks Like History Book.
A tlanta, G a.—U ncle Abe C oulter of Mack, Chas. Hartung, H. Hardt,
L afay ette, Ga., Is going stro n g for bis
There ia a Jack for every Gill
M. L. Thompson, Thos. Valentine,
one hundred nnd tw elfth year. He w as
mime ono want« the articles
J. M. Valentine, Mrs. Anna Mehr-
born Ja n . 7, 1804, a t Jatqier. Tenn.
Ho rem em bers seeing G eneral A n­ ling, A. Brown, L. T. Murphy, R. you want to sell. Advertising in
drew Jackson nnd his arm y
He h h w
the Nows brings results. Try one.
the In d ian s corralled a t ’’Big S pring’ Van Denhosh, Geo. M. Tice, Ella
a t La F a y e tte tn 1837 and tells strn n g e DeWitt, J. J. Sammons, D. Toller,
stories of happenings when the section C. L. Hopkins, J. Lowe, W. A.
Monthly Salesday
w as occupied by Indians. To hear
is being made to in­
Uncle Abe talk Is like tu rn in g the
leaves o f history.
Lewis, J. C. Talbott, W. F. Nichols, augurate a salesday ou one Satur­
Albert Teal, E. E. ^ee, F. M. Hell- day of each month. The plan is
Murder Makes T rse Droop.
warth, E. G. White, R. A. Titus, to have live ttnek, farm imple­
Thom nsvllle, (A . —T h ere Is ail old
pine tree beside n public road In E. A. LaDow, J. D. Moyer, J. A. ments or in fact anything of value
T hom as county whose houghs all bend Young, A. Sampson, G. W. Brent- that people desire to dispose of,
tow ard th e ground T.egend has It th a t ner, R. M. Wonderly, N. A. Lunde, auctioned
off. The merchante
m any y ears ago ii man w as m urdered
or thie plan
under It, nnd since th a t tim e the lim bs E. S. Rich, Laura E. Grayum, S.
have ull grow n do w n w ard . T h e colored R. Skeels, B. W Brown, 0. H. aud make special prices for thie
folk a tta c h much slgnlflcanee to the Hudson, John Wagner.
day and draw large crowds to town.
story and w hen passing nlw nys drive
Date of first publication Novem­ It is worth trying aud every m e
as far ns possible on the opposite side
of tb e road.
should do something to boost ifc.
ber 6th, 1915.