Rot tho Bott In th* World. THE BEST In Polk County FALLS CITY NEWS Laugh, and th« World Laugh* With You; Woo*, and You Weep Alon* KALLS f ITY OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1915 VOL. XII HAPPENINGS OF THE WEEK CHEMISTS REPLACE COOKS IN GERMANY Told by Exchanges, Reporters and Gleaned From Artificial tg^s and Laboratory Other Reliable Sources. M Ik Not) Offeied. No. 13. WHEN THE WAR T R U ST RO BS NO MORE D O N T YOU NEED [From S am Francisco Star] WARM BLANKETS Word come» from Washington that congress is to be asked to AND BED THINGS appropriate for national defen­ ses an increase o f about $1-50,000,- 000 more than was appropriated COMPENSATION FUND HIT PERPETRATE PRACTICAL JOKE ON CHURCHGOERS Auditor Tarboll, of Waahlngton, Pro* poset Cttaalrophe Provision. Wore Knocking on Back Doom of Prominoiit Citizens Asking for Olympia. Wash., Nov, 21. -A s Donations for ,‘Tramp” Social the result of the Ruvermdule mine Pull.-»«, Ur, Nov. 21 Sheriff disaster o f this week, with its toll John Orr uml Marshal U, I*. Chant' o f 81 victims, comprising the most porpetruted u joke Oil u number of serious accident in the four years that the Washington compensation prominent church people Friday act has been in effect, Auditor evening. A “ tramp noeial” me being lielil by the young people of Tarbell is proposing the amend­ the Christian church and purl < t ment o f the luw to provide for a the urogram win to leg “ bund “ catastrophe fund” to meet such out»" at the back i I ooim of citizen- accidents. of the tow n. Tho officer»- buurtl of From present estimates special the aftair nml with their depute- assessments to raise $75,000 to gathered in the whole bunch and $80,000 will lie necessary. took them to the coorthodHo, when a mock trial wan held in the circuit Bal Masque at Falls City court room with Altocuey W alter The hal masque given at W ag­ L. Too*«. Jr., acting as judge, i be ner’s hall, Fulls City, last night chief “ culprit," County Sup'-rin was largely attended, and proved lendent Henry Seymour, escap'd to he u pleasant social event. from officers after In- bid been Guild’s five-piece orchestra fur­ handcuffed, and wu- nut le aptur- nished music for the occasion, and .•d. the Falls City hotel the dinner at midnight. Prizes were given for Two Laws Needed the l>est costumer! dancers, and 1st An act making it unlaw­ also for the most comic character. ful for a belligerent ship to clear - Polk County Observer, Nov. 19. from an American port with The Observer scored another American passengers “ scoop” last week. It attempt­ 2nd. Making it unlawful for ed to “ go alone” but wobbled on any American ship carrying pass­ the gudgeon. The hal masque it engers to clear from an American minutely described as being large­ port if it carries ammunition, ly attended and proved to be a whether ready for use or only pleasant social event was unborn. partly manufactured The Guild’s five-piece orchestra These two laws would go far had not yet rosined their bows toward keeping us out o f conflict nor drawn forth sweet strains to with the belligerents W hy should set dainty heels a-tapping. The citizens be allowed to drag their best costumed dancers had not government into this unprecedent­ greeted admiring crowds, nor ed war. the comic ones tickled thefuany- W J BUY AN. boneof the crowd in the galler­ ies. In fact the Observer was just a week ahead o f the show. A call to tho unconverted, issued Thanksgiving halls “ usually” are by the Newberg Graphic: "There pulled o ff on Thanksgiving, and are a number o f young fellows according to Wilson and Wythe- about Newberg who are taking a combe Thanksgiving occured on course o f training in preparation November 25th instead o f N ov­ for a term in a state institution ember the 18th. Better adopt located at Salem, and some of Davey Crockett’s motto; “ Be them are far enough along to jus­ sure you are right, (g e t it from tify final examination and com­ the News) and then go ahead. mencement ” The Promoters Do Not Fight - The Philadelphia Inquirer says: “ The fact is that war is gener­ ally promulgated by those who have the most to gain and least to lose in the conflict, whose own skins are safe, and who are en­ abled to drag after them all of their followers by holding up a ‘sacred banner of patriotism’ which is often false. Economic pressure has had much to do with war, but ambition has had more.” tiuite right; and it might have added that the doctrine of frenz­ ied preparedness is promulgated by those who have most to gain by army and navy contracts. They also use the ‘sacred banner o f patriotism" to conceal the sor­ did pecuniary interests back of the oropaganda.—Commoner. “ The Doctor Knows” Every one has heard the story o f the little boy who, when asked how he knew a neighbor was go­ ing to die, responded: "Th e doctor said he could not live ‘til morning, and the doctor knows what kind o f medicine he gave him.” So these jingoes must think they know what kind o f diplomacy we are going to use when they say that we can not keep out of war. l.oi ilmi I!,, (I, i iimu cu»erniaent or­ ili I Suini:'1 unit Wcdnchduys are tbe only ilny. exempt from llie new re- alil' IloiiM on Hi" inn- of ujt-Ht- U' riuau n«w »papers p'it>ll»h w lu--1 u leu prepared liy llu- dormali fi'ilerul council con tt'ollltig tin- consumption of meut. The uiiiiouic e in eut >a lumie tbut meut »up pili » must In- ooii-erved. Tim schedule, a« toi «niibsl I,y Ceulel » Amsterdam C oitisi rfihtli-ui. 1» a* follows: Mom I : i v h ami Thuritday»: Itcstau mm» t tmll offer 1 uo meat. IUI i . fowl or disile* rootted In lard. Iiueoii or drip- pink. Tut*duj* and Fridays: Butchers »hull b< k ill l i e j run or cooked m>■at* Saturdays i'ork shall not I k - uolil. Thua fur no ic trietlon on tbe cook Ink of meat In (he home lias been placed by ibo federal council. fopli- > of Cermnn papers contain miuiu ii iptluu »»(tei i of ctiemlcnl food which the public is ¡liked to pur< bale Home of those appeal« follow: “Certain Sale — Ariiilctal omeleta, ar tlfleiul bullet, clicnilful honey mid mar mulaile. urtlll'lnl i "ITee mid milk In iiny ipnintilk'i I'm ketx made up ready for -ale at 10 to 20 pfennlue «2 mid 4 cental lillterstrn».se. tot “Chemti'iil fond lu (lie modern food. AM information uml receipts nt Wulli- uoii ' h , dm chemist engineer, t.'lmriotieu burg “KUI 1’owder.—To lepluce natural egg * ISucb packet Is e