'1 Saturday, November 90, 1 196 THE FALLS CITY NEWS. Sl|f j Falla (Etty Nema D L. WOOD A ON. Publish' Kiit* r» U « * •»>'t»t<»l < i i m P a t ! at tho pOBtofftcr ■ t P ill« l'tty. I*»»lk OHiittf. Oregon, uinter ttw A it of O 'ttfm n of Nf%t< h 3, 1STP. Telephone Y W t O ffice . S3. Subscription Rates: One year. $1 00; six months. 50 cents; three months, 25 cents: single copy. 5 cts. Advertising Rates: Display, 15 cent* sn inch ; Business NotUv*. 5 cent* a line . For Sale. Rent. Exchange. Want an i Pay Entertainment No tires. 5 eta. a line. t ‘ar That was five months ago. ceed himself—and what man to the public. They would begin Meantime, there have been to rei.ow tin ir subscription to The doubts i t - h e must stand or fall to compare the balance with R e -, several acute incidents in govern­ New« and get four magazine« one upon the whole record o f the publican balances, and so a new | mental management which called party o f which he has been the method was hit upon, designed for all the skill and prudence in year for only 18 cents extra i most puissant and undisputed simply and solely to fool the council which a President could W HITE Oil PHONE. leader in modern times. people. It is now , and always has been, On the first o f October the a charcteristic o f the Democratic Treasury balance was announced party to promise all things to all to be some ♦128,000,000, and ac- men and then proceed, if success- j companying it was a brief state­ ful in deluding a sufficient num-j ment to the effect that the freas- ber o f voters, to carry out or re­ ury officials had changed their pudiate just so many o f their methods o f bookkeeping. For the promises as may seem to fit the first time in a hundred years the demands o f the occasions as they Treasury accounts were juggled may arise. You remember the to make a good showing. Me- solemn protestations o f good faith thods o f high finance had found that accompanied the platform their way into the management enunciated by the Democratic , o f the people’s money. Thisme- Convention o f 1912. Each plank thod was ingenious, if you please. was a sacred pledge intended to but even it could not stop the be redeemed to the letter. That process o f erosion. Within twen-j was what they said before the ty days the balance had fallen to election. What did they do after $116,000,000. a loss o f $12,000,000 even under this .new and enligh­ election? Let me onumerate a few of tened method. Under the old those pledges and leav« it to you time-honored method of keeping to be the judges o f the fact o f the public accounts this shows their redemption. Rigid econ­ that there is today a balance in omy in contradistinction to Re­ the Treasury o f not more than publican extravagance; ample about $20,000,000, and with the revenues for the support o f the continued loss o f something like Government; industrial prosper- $800,000 a day it is not difficult iy under a tariff law which pro­ to estimate when the United vided for ‘effective competition;’ States Treasury runs dry. The American people, gentle­ reduction in the cost o f living; free tolls for American ships in men, under this Administratiovi, the Panama Canal; the rehabili­ are riding hell-bent to bank­ tation o f the American merchant ruptcy and paying for the privil­ marine; strict enforcement and ege with a war tax. Their boast­ extension o f the Civil service; a ed prosperity ha3 not come. single Presidential term, and Want and misery have prevailed many other things. Merely to in the land. Some industries, it profc 00 Umal Carte P H Y S IC IA N F. M . H E L L W A K T H PHYSICIAN AND SUKtiKON t (Ilice one door t*a»t ol P, O. n in e e * m i . . r * n . t 'lt y , Heal,teure I »»Olle .Hilt Or. «»II U IIU n l'H A tT IC D H . W . L . H o llo w a y CHIROPRACTIC w ill be el Fella t u r Hotel M ONPAY. WKt'NKSPAY ene FH1PAY Atlrruoona kerb Week. £ U0tiu:00 d a r t o HOTEL jfaU ôC itçlbotcl S a m p l e Ro o m s ■ s e t A c c o mmo d a t i on s F. O ro ego , P ro p rie to r Il A lt i.kit MIIOIW M ONUM KNT« G . L. H A W K I N S MARBLE ANO GRANITE M ONUM ENTS Da l l a s , O r a « o n F U N K H A L DIHkCTOH I 'N O N S 1 S T Zhc Iffc a b o C H A *. M IX . K1< » M •President Wilson has designated Thursday. November 25,1915 as Thanksgiving Day Round trip tickets will be on sale at reduced rates on Nov. 24 and 25 between h II Southern Pacific stations in Oregon. Return limit Mon­ day, November 29th. Also between Oregon and Cal­ ifornia points. here is an Opportunity to visit your friends for a week end. A fat roast turkey and p u m p k i n pie awaits you. GO ! Iiifurinatinn « « to mien, etc., <■» be nbUlned from ne.ieat n(ent S O U T H E R N PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Home Made Candies. HARRINGTON There is a Jack for every Gi and some one wants the articl you want to sell. Advertising the News bring* result«. Try on Correspondents wanted in eve neighborhood in this section ol t country. Do you like to read good atorit If so take advantage of our clt king offer in this issue of the pap Reatl it. It is on page 8. Extra copice of The News i printed each week, and will be st to any address desired, poetpa i for 5 cents per copy.