Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 30, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    Saturday, Òntober ftO, 1015
Passenger Train Schedule
Effettive Oct. 4,1014
WMT*ouai>' Hill.
Salem . . . 7:00 ;t 45
Dal lus . . . 8.15 11.07
Kalla City. 8.50 11.11
Bl’ kRoek.
am. Pill.
Bl’ k Buck
F h II s City. n.:«i 1.25
'Dallas . . . lo.io 2.IH»
Salem , . . 11.25 8.15
1 7.45
A row*»». au » » t
Dr. P. C. PaHon.
Phone 56, or call Livtry Stable.
Falle City, Oregon
Candì'», Tobacco» and Cigar», at
Wnltpr L. Tooje, Jr., Lawyer,
Dalla», Oregon.
Get your butter wrapper» print­
ed at the Now» ottico.
(.•nod house for »ale in Kails
City, part time. Enquire at News
otti >.
See our clubbing offer in thin
issur— lour popular magazines tor
only 18-cenU.
FOR S A L K — Apples and English
walnuts. See A. II. Renton, Falls
City, Ore., I’ hone 1561.
Fresh Bread,Cukes,Cookies, Pies,
and other bakery goods, every day
at the Falls City Bakery.
The Womans World, Farm and
Home, Home Life, Household and
the News one year for $1.18.
When you lose anything an ad
in the News will put people on the
lookout and probably restore to
you some valued article.
Young pig» for sals.
Local News Hems
Fred Belcher of Portland was in
the city Friday and Saturday.
The bust show at th« Gem tonight,
Mr». Harry Dempsey is visiting
relative* in lti< krcal.
W. T. Grier and family were
over from Hals in for a few Jay*.
Susie Burnett of Salem is stay­
ing with her si»ter Mrs. Fred Dell-
The Jr. League will ha organised
Sunday afternoon at 4.
Lester Dodd is here from Cor­
Win. Finley made a Lusirie»»
vallis to atuy at home while hi»
trip to l*< rtlaml thi» week.
parents are at the Fair.
Mrs. Weaver of Salem visited |
The Ludiz» Aid of the Chri»lain
Mrs, Dorman over Sunday.
church bud mi all days meeting
Mrs. Shepherd and children re- i last week and did much work be­
turned from Salem Saturday.
sides having a very gook social
The Sewing club will meet at the | time.
home of Mis» Bertha Frink Tues­
The city council are having bi­
weekly a ud tri-weekly seances
Now is the time to buy that new heater you
Promised your wife, or maybe it was a cook
Btove or a range. We have them, all—Oregon-
made goods from the Portland Stove Works,
R. E. W illiam s , M. L. T hompson , W. F. N ichols ,
R. G. W hite ,
Mr. and Mrs. N. Selig will leave wrestling with the tax budget try ­
Cashier Assistant Cashier
next week for the Sun Francisco ing to whittle it down to the rue
of their revenue.
Mrs. I. G. Singleton »pent u
About twenty invited guest spent
couple of days with her mother,
F alls C it y , P olk C ounty . O regon
the evening at the home of Mr.
Mrs. DeWett in Monmouth.
and Mrs. D. I,. Wood, Friday
Does a General Banking Business.
Interest Paid on Time
Alex Courier and Boy Bussell night, October 22. Games were
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
went Wednesday into the moun­ pluyed and a very pleasant time
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
tains deer and hear hunting
wu» enjoyed, especially by the chil­
I have a lot of apple» left I will dren. A lunch wa* served at 11 ;00
take 25c a bushel for at the orchard. o'clock.
Free Methodist Church
appears about the spine or lumbar
G. W. Hudson.
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
'1 hat there is a Sunday Closing
region. Death follows the partial
Preach u.g 11:00 A. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Black o f Dal­ Law in Oregon is no longer doubt­
paralysis o f the spine unless pro­
Class meeting 12:00 P. M.
las t isited Mr». Black'» parent», ed by the most skeptical and we
per treatment is administered.
Evening service 7:30.
B. A. and Mrs. Titus this week.
understand that it will lie observed
H. A. W alter , Pastor.
A. H. Dodd and wife left thin in Falls City. Tboae who have
Bills Allowed by Council for Sept.
morning for the San Francisco bgeu in the habit of buying cigars
Walter L Tuozs, Jr., salary $27.50
M. E. Church
Fair. They will make the trip by on the Sabbath will have to buy a
Lacy Reece, time check......
Sunday Services
few extra "two-fers” and et ceteris
Sunday School
10:00 A M
There will lie a special Sunday Saturday night.
Morning Service
11:00 A. M. Wonderly & S od , time check
J. B. Gieay, traveling auditor for
School service Sunday morning at
Epworth League
6:30 P. M J. D. Moyer, time check
M. K. Sunday School. All parents the State Industrial Commission
1 60
Evening Service
7:30 P. M C. M. Horn, time check
was in the city Wednesday looking
Falla City News, printing
are invited.
Week-Day Services
after the business of the Commiss­
and r»nt for September... 16.50
O. Aurland left Tuesday for eas­
Church Orchtstra Practice Thurs­
ion. He »ays that there is some
L. T. Murphy, salary,
tern Oregon in the hopes that a
improvement in the lumber busi­ day 7 P. M.
water superintendent.... 30.00
dryer climate will be beneficial to
Choir Practice, Thursday 8 P.
ness on the Coast, more particular
L. T, Murphy, salary,
his asthma.
ly in Washington. He thinks that M.
and fees citv marshal.... 33.00
Mrs. J. C. Talbott, Mrs. Edna the squabble over rates causes'
Prayer Meeting, Friday 7:30 P. J. J. Sammons, surveying
Wickard and Miss Kate Kief of some disturbance in the markets.
water extension................ 20.00
Chanute, Kas., visited Dora Elkius
W. J. W arren , Pastor.
D. Treat, t ilin g ...................... 75
Joseph Mickalson. who recently
at Dallas Tuesday.
McPherren, salary
moved to Falls City to reside has
and expenses................... 26.25
Louise Deultgen, who recently concluded to put up a general real
Electric Light Co. city
underwent an operation for appen­ estate and exchange office iu the
lig h t s .....................
Dr. P. C. Patton, veterinary
dicitis at the Dallas hospital, tvas Alex Courter building west ol the
able to return Lome Monday.
Falls City News office. AH who surgeon and dentist, graduate, o f
Mrs. John Walker entertained have real estate, stocks, chattels, Dr. Smith’s College, Dayton, Ohio,
J. C. Talbott, haidware
at her home Friday night to a din­ or properties of any kind to sell, and registered practitioner in the
supplies............................ 10.35
ner, J. C. Talbott and wife, Bertha exchange, trade or rent will do State o f California, now at Falls
Frink, Mrs. Edna Wickard and well to list the same with him a»
City, Oregon, determines a specific
A Sermon on Noah
Miss Kate Kief of Chanute. Kane. he has had years of experience in I
cure for the following diagnosed
dis mornin’ Breddern,
For sale cheap— Good work horse i this business and is prepared to diseases common among horses in am took from de Holy Writ,
give the best of services on all lines
and one good 4-year old Jersey cow
this State and from which, statis­ wherein we read how Noah made
business connected with a thor­
to freshen soon. Also an almost
tics show only one case out of de Ark an’ fashioned it; he built
ough up-to-date real estate office.
new saddle. For particulars en­
twenty are ever cured in the en­ de Ark ob gopher wood, an’ used
quire of Joseph Mickalson, Falls Your patronage solicited. Oct. 28. tire United States.
a cubit rule, while all de knockers
Dr. Stratton has cured 378 se­ sat eroun' an’ cussed him fo ’ a
Bank o f Falls City
A dinner party was given at th e(
John Gilliam
home of Mis. M. I,. Thompson
Gilliam o f Oaksdale,
Saturday night to J. C. and Mrs.
at his home Oct. 23.
Talbott, Bertha K rink, W. A.
been stricken with
Sutherlin of
a month and
Salem, Mrs. Edna Wickard and
If you have a farm to rent ad­ Kate Kief of Chanute, Kas.
then took pneumonia which caus­
vertise it in tlie News. We have
ed his death.
Dr. J. G. Turner of Portland, the
inquiries for (arms tor rent, but as
John Gilliam was born in Polk
occulist was in the city Wednesday !
none have been advertised we are
county in 1860 and lived in this
on one of his regular trips and in |
unable to direct them.
county some twenty years o f his
speaking of the financial condition ,
youth and then went to Wash­
of the country »aid that there was
ington where he spent the rest of
Bootlegger In The Toils
considerable improvement within!
Louie Balbic, a Servian wasar- the last few week». He travels! his life. Mr. Gilliam was a noted
rainged in Squire Hubbard’s over considerable territory in wes-1 musician and during his youth
court Thursday morning on the tern Oregon and has an opportun­ played in the Dallas band about
35 years ago. While in Wash­
charge o f bootlegging. He en­ ity to judge conditions.
Do you like to read good »lories?
If so take advantage of our club-
I ing offer in this issue of the paper.
Bead it. It is on page B.
tered a plea o f guilty and was
assessed a fine o f $50 and costs
amounting to $12.75. Having no
money to pay his fine he left
in company with Sheriff Orr,
handcuffed, for the Folk county
boarding house, where he will
have a rest o f 25 days.
Balbic was accused o f selling
the liquor at a dance near Joe
Gage’s on the 13th o f September,
during the hop picking season.
He was aware that there was a
warrant out for his arrest and
fled to Marion county where he
though that he was out of the
jurisdiction o f the Polk county
Balbic is said to have been en­
gaged in the illicit trafficof liquor
for some time.
ington he taught vocal music for
C. L. Starr of Portland, represen­ many years. While a member
tative fur the Cohb-Mitcbell lum­ o f the Christian church he was a
ber interests was in the city last j worker in evangelism. He was
Saturday investigating the street i accompanied in his travels as an
improvement assessments. He was j evangelist singer by his daughter
asked if there was any improve­ who is fully equal to himself in
ment in the lumber markets and singing.
his reply was to the effect, that as
Mr. Gilliam visited Polk county
it had not grown any worse for in March 1915. He also visited
some months it was his opinion his old home about four miles
that it was improving although from Falls City which he had not
there was little if any perceptible seen for over 30 years. He leaves
difference. He was als> asked ill a w ife and seven children who
there was any indications of the live in Washington. Tw o sisters
Falls City mill resuming operations also survive him. Mrs. Mary A.
soon and to this he said that he I Miller o f Falls City; Mrs. L. S.
really did not know, that he had ' Frink o f Newber. Three brothers
no intimation one way or the other i W. D. Gilliam o f near Dallas.
and also added: " I f I did I would­ E. E Gilliam o f Salem and N el­
n’t tell you.”
son Gilliam o f Washington.
vere cases o f this disease having
been called in most o f these cases
from 2 to 48 hours after animal
was down.
Dr. Stratton diagnoses this dis­
ease as follows and all those hav­
ing horses showing symptoms ac­
cordingly will do well to secure
his services:
When first taken out o f the
stable and put to work the animal
starts off lively; but before he has
gone far, he suddenly stops, and,
crouches, seems very distressed.
The sweat rolls off him in streams;
he blows and heaves at the flanks;
he caenot move for a few minutes.
He drops on his hind quarters;
can hardly draw them after him.
When made to move, he drops as
if his leg was was dislocated or
uroken. The pulse is very high,
from 60 to 80. In soms cases he
gets down, and cannot get up
again; but seldom is loss o f power
at first complete, or sensibilty en­
tirely lost. The urine is generally
very high colored, black or coffee
colored, which is a sure proof of
the trouble and it is always voided
with difficulty.
Following this the symptoms are
similar to those o f colic leaving the
animal in continual pain. Then
follows the almost complete loss
o f self control, especially of the
spine and sciatic nerve, leaving
him unable to arise and swelling
fool: de local ar.vil chorus, dey
jes’ sat eroun’ an’ spat terbaccer
juice upon his wood, and mocked
him je s ’ lak dat, an’ sez “ Wha-
foah yo’ makin’ dis hyah boat
foah on dry lan’ ? Y o ’-all a-think-
in’ maybe, dat yo’ -ll’s a sailah
But Noah paid no ’tenshun ‘ner
allowed he heard dem croaks, but
je s ’ minded his own business, lak
all good and proper folks; when
dey read de weddah fo ’ cast—
“ Mild; continnered warm an’
fa ir,” ole Noah went on buildin’ ,
an’ allowed He didn’ t care.
But one day de weddah shifted;
de barometer done fall, an' de
rain came down in torrents-rain-
ed fo ’ fo ’ ty days—dat’s all: an'
de knockers an’ de croakers
drowned je s ’ lak so many rats,
which was je s ’ what dey had
comin’ -rothin’ le f’ excep’ dey
hats’ .
A n ’ de moral ob dis story, Bred­
dern, hit am w rit quite plain, dat
whenevah knockers tell yo' dey
ain’t gwine ter be no rain, je s ’
go ahead lak Noah, an’ don’ t let
’em get yo’ goat, an' some day
you’ ll have lak Noah, de bigges’
show afloat.
G. O. Clement, formerly with the
Falls City Lumber Co., store of this
city was in town the first of the