Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 23, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Saturday, Oetobar ¡¿8, 1915
Good Printing Is Never An Expense
T is an investment
it bringrs direct returns in increasing business,
increased prestige in your line o f trade, increased satisfaction that
your printing is helping to sell goods.
Cheap printing is expensive
at any price, and in printing, cheapness is determined not by what
you pay for it, but by what you get for what you pay.
Printing produced here brings business— its appearance
gives you standing o f worth— it is cheap only in price.
The Falls City News Printei
T h e H i s t o r y of t h e W o r l d
It ’* S la n d e r, V a p id W a r C h a t a n d P e r ­
so n a litie s, S a y * C o lla g e P a par.
Cambridge — Harvim l students are
«ccuaed o f being frivolous. If not worse.
In tbeir table talk by »be Harvard
crimson, every one o f the thousand
,rbo eat in Memorial ball belli» ineliid
od In the criticism The editorial pay»:
"One thousand turn m e each wasting
three hours a dav In lots llectunl dejec
tlon which might profitably l<e spent In
cultivating intelligent thought
"Women, the war. athletics aud per
-onalitles comprise the range o f sub
jects Among the first named virtue is
apparently unknown The weaker sex
•s subject to slandering remarks w hose
sole aim is to fill a gap In the conversa­
"W hen the talk watalers to the war
some one says. "I li-rpe those d---- d
---- get licked.’ and the subject is
Even on athletics, where the
interest is keenest desultory remarks
and blasphemies on Yale are the main
element. Intersj>ei ting everything are
biting iiersouallties. on another's pbva- I
lea! or mental qualities A tone o f a f I
fee ted cynicism crowns the whole.”
F ro m the D a w n o f C re atio n
The Great W ar
Is depicted in art. science anil industry
and presented in wonderful color-
P a n a m a -P a c if ic ’ E x p o s it io n
San Fiancisco
This wondei ful Exposition closes Dec 4th
Don’ t Miss It
Iaest you always look back to 1915 with regret
S c e n ic S h a s ta R oute
Through the wonderful Valley« o| the "'»I
th*- K«cram*iito the I’ nupqui» end
the Hogue
»'c e p tiou el diversion
Low R o u n d Trip Fares
B r id g e p o r t
P a ste r Behaves
B e A ttra c tio n .
W ill
Bridgeport. O onn— For the first time
in the history o f the state gfi 1 ushers
served in the Washington Prs k Metb
odist Episcopal church her?. T h e Rev
Everett A. Burns, the pastor, said the
girts will act in that capacity every
Sunday evening.
I hope that the young men who
might otherwise absent themselves
from services will attend, because of
the girl ushers,” he said T h e girls, all
from we!! to do famlllps. are Helen
Clinton. Mildred Curtis, Anna Rack
myer. Emma Smith. Ella Crabtree.
Irene Chapman and Clarice Bray. Mrs
Julia Griffin also is an usher.
Full particulars with copy o f booklet ’ ’ Wayside
Notes. Shasta Route” or "California and Its Two
World Expositions" on application to nearest Agent
lohn M Scott. Gsneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
No. 1 7 l-l a c r e s adjoining
Falls City on County road. Good
7-room house, city water; hum
and chicken park; young orchard
I in bearing, small fruit. All fenced
and 3} acres in cultivation. No
waste land. Time on purt.
A mark here indicateti that
No. 2 80 acres mountain bind.
your subscription ia delinquent.
1 miles out on County road. 25
Please call and fix it.
acres in cultivation, 20 acres big
second-growth fir. Good 5-room
house, barn, outbuildings. Fruit,
anti berries: 125 prune trees. Al­
Corrt-FpoiiileiitH «animi in every
so, good team, wagon, harness neighhorhiMHl in ihm auction nt tnn
and some household goods
Will country.
give time on part
I'osl Oflice Time Cird
No. 8. 85 acres near town. 15
in cultivation
Good 8-room house
office hoiif* Daily, excepl Sun­
barn and henhouse. Bearing or-
day, 8 a.tn. to ti.80 p in.
Some good second growth
fir. Time on part.
Hitleui 9.00 a.ui., 5:15 p m.
No. 5. 160 acres in Lincoln Co.,
Dalian, 9:00 A M., 6:45 I’. M.
6 miles from railroad, on County
Mail arrivili, from
road. Smnil cabin and barn; 4
acres in cultivation and fit) more
can la- cultivated. 850 3-yenr old
English walnut trees. Good spring
that would furnishs fine water
power. School } mile, 8 month
term with contract for two more
years. This will make an ideal
stock and dairy ranch and can be
bought at a bargain. Terms.
As Boy Asked For Game lo
* Pay.
W id o w W i n s L o n g L a w s u it , an d B ir d *
S e ll F o r $1.50.
Poe*; "alas. Ark.— A goose case has
finally been disposed o f In circuit court
IT. *?. «. Ledbetter, it widow, brought
—r •»
a replevin suit against a man named
El Paso. Tex.—Wert Love, who has Starr for three geese that she claimed
died at Warfa, started ns a cowlboy belonged to her. The trial In the jus
without even n borse that he could call lice o f tbe i>enco's court resulted l;i the
bis own and liecame millionaire ow ner] appeal to the circuit court. Eighteen
o f vast herds and a ranch that was a ■witnesses were In attendance.
domain In Itself
Mrs T.edbetter was awarded the
A resident o f West Texas since 1885. geese. Tbe total cost to the litigants
W ert Love « a s known to every cow
amounted to more than $100. beside
man from Fort Worth to El Paso. He the cost to the county The geese were
had his peculiar characteristics, aud marketed at 50 rents each
thrift was one o f them Rut while he
was frugal, he never allowed a genuine
Walter I,. Too i p , Jr.. I/i»wyer,
case o f distress to go unrelieved.
When otb*r cowboys were y lr s v jn g Dallas, Or> gon.
Portland «I’ Kugniu train 101,
11:55 a. tn.
Black Rock, 1:30 P. M
Mail closes for:
Salato, 8.50 A M.. 1 P. M and 5
P. M.
Dallas, 8:50 A. M. and 5 |\ M.
Eugene iV Portland tram 162,
1 p. m
Black Rock, 11 A. M
S i ’ npay O nly
No. 6. 153 acres near town.
Goad house and barn. Will sell
all or divide to suit buyer.
Office hour»: 9:80 to 10:80 a.ui
Mail arrive* from Salem, 9.00
a. m.
No. 8. Two good 8-room houses
Portland A Eugene tram 101,
and lots. some, fruit trees with
11:55 n. in.
one. These ni>? among the most
Mail cloaea lot Salem, 8:50 a in.
desirable residences in the city.
Eugene At Portland tiain 102, I
They are o f modern construction
p. in.
and desirably located. Reason­
Effective May 13, 1915.
able terms on part if desired Will
1 ha C. M kurlino , Postmaster
sell one or both.
No. 9. 20 acres J miles from
town. Good 6-mom house and
outbuildings. 15 acres in cultiva­
tion; 1} acres in apples. 21 acres
in peaches, cherries, pears and
strawberries. Plenty o f wood for
No. 10- Six lots 50x150. three
room house, hen house, some fruit
and strawberries. Cash and terms
No. 11. 130 acre ranch, 60
acres in cultivation, 25 in timber
balance slashed. 12 acres in hops.
Good house and hop house, harp
and other outbuildings.
their wages in gold bark In the eighth
rnrr until 1916
and riding to El Paso or San~".ntonlo
No. 12. 17 acres, 10 in cultiva­
to spend the money in riotous Mi lug • >r
Have you subscribed yet for Tbe
over the gaming table. Wert Love »a s Youth's Companion for 1916? Now
tion, 5 room house, barn and
putting his earnings Into m w -
house. T w o springs,
start was seven cows. At his death he is the time to do it, if you are not chicken
could not have counted all the < attlA In already a subscriber, for you will water piped to house, hot and cold
his herd If he had ridden hard for a get all the issues for the remain­
water and bath. 6 acres in young
HAS LONELY SUPPER AT 105. mouth at the task.
big second
His first work after coming west was ing weeks o f 1915 free from the orchard. 2 acres
for Jim Powell, a cousin, near Fort time your subscription with $2.00 growth fir. Spring affords water
C e n t e n a r ia n la S a id to B e the O a u g tfta r
Davis. He was n mere hoy and re
o f N a p o le o n '* C h e f.
is received.
sufficient to irrigate onehalf o f
celved but f25 a month and his board
Jeffersonville, Ind —Mrs Snsan Quin­
The fifty-two issues o f 1916 will the land. This land lays just out­
He refused to take any money except
lan. 105 years old. spent her birthday
that necessary to buy his clothes which be crowded with good reading for side o f the city limits o f Falls]
quietly at her borne with only her son.
were few, and asked to be paid In cows
voung and old. Reading that is City. A bargain.
Charles, sixty years old. a carpenter,
In 1889 he had 1£0 bead After the
with whom she lives, sharing the «u p ­ start it seemed easv to those who entertaining, b u t not “ wishy-
No. 13. 12 acres I f miles from
watched W ert Love, but they knew h» washy.” Reading that leaves you,
Mrs Quinlan has been raarrked three was working hard all the time
town, all under fence and in culti­
times. She was boro tn France. the
He always picked the best cattle when you lay the paper down,
daughter o f Franz Antoine, wlto is when he bought, and he always picked better informed, with keener as­ vation; 8-room house and barn.
said to have been cbef to the ‘Emperor the best range for them The result j
This place can be sold one-third
Napoleon. She came to this country was that he lost few cattle hy disease j pirations. with a broader outlook,
cash, purchaser to assume mort­
when twenty-six years old
Her last or drought He watched the markets | on life. The <Companion is a good
Can g iv e .
husband, who died several y^ars ago. and sold right and Invested the money . paper to tie to if you have a grow­ gage now on the place.
wa3 Patrick Quinlan, a cafe proprietor
you a bargain.
ing family- and for general read­
Tbe reaiilt was that when he died ’¿fjn
No. 14. 33} acres of la mi. 21
men were on hla payroll and bis estate ing, as Justice Brewer once said,
was worth more than $1,000,000 A no other is necessary.
acres plow land, 7 acres in timber
son nine years old will get most o f it
I f you wish to know more of the balance pasture. 8-room house,
and will probably be the rl< best hoy In
brilliant list of contributors, from woodshed, ohicken house; 6 acres
Notice to News Subscribers
our ex-Presidents down, who will young orchard in bearing. Price
write for the new volume in 1916, $4,300 Will take one half in Dal
and if you wish to know some­ las or Salem residence property
thing of the new stories for 1916, and give time on one-fourth.
let us send you free the Forecast |
No. 15. Six-room house, wood­
for 1916.
shed with about one acre land.
Every now subscriber who sends
Price $900, $300 cash, balance on
$2.90 for 1916 will receive, in ad­
time. North Main Street. One
dition to this year’s free issues,
The Companion Home Calendar 8-room house with 5 lots. Price
$ 1800 ; part time.
for 1916.
For further information, call on
Boston. Mass. .
or write to
New Subscriptions Received at this • •
D. L. Wood,
Falls City. Oreg.
Good house for sale in Falls j
City, part time. Enquire at News I Get your butter wrappers print
eil xt tli° News office.
Heart Dieeaae Almost
Fata] to Young Girl
" l l y » « u g h t.r , whan thirteen year#
eld, waa atrlekm with h*art Iroubls
8h* wa* an ba<1 wa had tn pi#.-. hsr
bod m a r a window
an ah» could *»•
h .r hrsalh
doctor aald. ’ Poor
alilld. aha I* Itk .ly
to fall d»ad any
tlm * ’
frl»n d
lold it * Dr M il.#’
H eart Remedy had
'«ired her father,
an I triad II. and
ah* began In Im
She took
a * r e « l many bet
ilea, but aha la
apared to me t o ­
day, a fat. may
cheeked *lrl. N o on* oan Im atlna Ih *
confidence I have In Dr Mllea’ H eart
Remedy ” A R C A N O N . W orth . Mo.
The unbounded confidence Mr.
Canon has in Dr. M ile»’ Heart Rem
edy is »hared by thousands of
other* who know it* value from
Many heart disorders
yield to treatment, if the treatment
i» right. If you are bothered with
short breath, fainting spells, swell­
ing o f feet or ankles, pains about
the heart and shoulder blades, pal
pitation, weak and hungry spells,
you should begin using Dr. Miles’
Heart Remedy at once. Profit by
the experience of others while you
Dr. M il?*' Heart Remedy la «old and
guaranteed by all druggists.
I'ain leaves almost
as if by magic when
ou begin using "5-
iropa," the famousold
remedy for Rheuma­
tism, Lumbago, Gout,
Sciatica, N eu ra lgia
and kindred troubles.
It goes right to the
spot, »top* the aches
and pains and makes
life worth living Get
a bottle of "6-Drops”
today A booklet wilh
each bottle gives full
d irectio n s for use
Don’t delay. Demand
"t> Drop« " Don't ac­
cept anything else in
place of it Any drug­
gist . an supply you. If you live too f ar
fr- m a drug store send One Dollar to
• inson Rheumatic Cure C o. Newark,
Ohio, and a boitlo of " o Dropa” v,i!| bo
,i.l prep ihl.