Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 23, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Oct. 4,1014
Salvili . . .
Dallas. . .
Falls City.
Bl’k R'«*k.
r ii i
" M
i * i
am. am.
7:00 9.46
H. 16 11.07
f i
] 6.36
ll. il
p in .
b l’k Rook
Fall» City. 9.30 1.25
Dallas. . . 1 0 . 1 0 2.00
Salem . . . 11.25 3.15
Saturday, October 28. 1018
A C . C liW K M . Aw HAT
Dorthy Davis
Baby Dorothy Davis, infant daugh­
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Davis,
born Aug. 9, 1914. died Oct. 20, 1916.
Funeral service# at the home of Car­
Thu best »how at tint Gem tonight rol iMvis, Oct. 21, conducted by E.
Young pig» for mile. Randolph A. LaDow.
Fold the Uttle hands ho waxen,
M o rn » Fowlu of Airlle w m in O’er the little pulaelcaa breast,
town Monday.
For your little girl is sleeping.
Mi»» Helen Trent »pent S a t u r ­ In death's long and drcamletw rest.
Pré»» the golden fringed eyelids
day at home.
Chat. Ilopkin» made a trip to O’er the sunny bright, blue eyes,
I)alla» Monday,
Eyes that closed on earth forever,
Ed Wilson of Salem wan in the Opened up in Paradise.
local Nows Homs
Vainly we question why it happened,
How it can be for the best,
Home nice apple» (or tale, 60o a
Asking why those feet so early,
bushel. G. W. Hudson.
On their journey needed rest,
Mi»» Maid« Sheppard »pent Sat­ But, though mother’s heart is aching,
With a dull, unceasing pain,
urday and Sunday in Dalian.
Though the light seems vanished,
Elder H A. Walter »pent the Never to come back again.
tatter purt of tho week at Salem.
But mother, would you wish to call
H. M. Webb and family left
Tueaday morning for California.
From her home of Light above—
J. C, Talbott lia» treated hi» Would you ask that God had left her,
store front to a uew coat of paiut. . Here to . cheer
, with her . . love,
Even with your love to guide her,
Mia. bertha blair of Portland in ]n the paths of good and right,
visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert Buell. Would site still have entered heaven,
The Ladies Art Club will meet With a love so pure and bright?
city tliu first of the week.
Candies, Tobaccos and Cigar», at
i i n■ i ' I.
"Even the News Admits It”
"M r. Ellison hus repaired the
dam and there is a notable im­
provement in the lights abouttown.
Even the News admits it.” —Polk
County Observer.
The above item, barring com­
ment, wus taken from last week’s
issue o f the News. Even the Ob­
server has come to realize that
when it sees a thing in the News
l>er-force it is true.
- —
♦ •
------- ---
Entertaining Her Brother
L. B. Murray, a brother o f Mrs.
J. C. Dye, is spending this week
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dye.
Mr. Murray’s home is at Falls
City, Oregon, and the brother
and sister had not seen each
other in twenty-six years. The
visiting brother’s coming was un­
known and the surprise resulting
therefrom was great indeed.
Mrs. Dye was down town when
her brother came and as luck
would have it he met her on the
street. He recognized Mrs. Dye
but she did not know him. Mr.
Murray inquired if he could ob­
tain a room for the righ t and
was told that there was not an
extra room in the house. Then
he disclosed his identity. It has
been a week never to be forgot­
ten by the longseperated brother
and sister and many memories
long past have been revived.
Mr. Murray will visit here until
next week, and will then go to
Oklahoma to visit before return­
ing to his home in O regon.— Isa­
bel (K ans.) Star.
Do you like to read good stories?
If so take advantage of our club-
I ing offer in this issue of the paper.
Read it. It is on page 8.
Cherry Grove Items
Walter West of Cherry Grove
has put up a new silo which is to
furnish feed for thirty cows.
» —
with Mrs. F. E. Driggs uext Tues­
Pioneer Passes to the Great Beyond
Mrs. Sears oi eastern Oregon is
Hathaway Yocum died at the
visiting bar mother, Mrs. Wilburn home o f his daughter, Mrs. H.
Buell, 1J mile northwest o f Falls
Thursday morning at 6:00
J. S. H. Powell will «end some
at a ripe old age.
farm exhibits to the Lund Siiow ut
Yocum was born near
Springfield, 111., August 31, 1831
Mrs. Nila Gilbert of Omak, and was 84 years, one month and
Wash., is visiting relatives here 21 days old at the time o f his
this week.
death. He came to Oregon in
Carl Maberry of Dallas was 1850 and was married to Miss
transacting business here the first Mary Tharp in 1852. Six chil­
dren were born, four are still
of the week.
living: they are: Mrs. H. Buell
E. C. Kirkpatrick and I. F.
o f Falls C ity; • J. M. and E. T.
Yoakum of Dallas were in the city
Yocum o f Sherman County. Ore­
gon and W. A. Yocum o f BaUton.
The child of Fred Zuver. who His w ife died in 1889 and later
has been quite sick is reported to he was married to Mrs. H arring­
be improving.
ton who died two years ago.
The funeral will take place
O. P. Driggs has moved to Gas­
ton, Oregon where lu ha» a posi­ ; today in the Tharp family cem e­
tery Bellevue, Yamhill County.
tion in a store.
R. E.W ii . u am s , M. L. T hompson , W. F. N ichols ,
R. G.W hite .
Cashier Assistant Cashier
Bank of Falls City
F alls C ity , P olk C ounty . O regon
Does a General Banking Business.
Interest Paid on Time
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
Free Methodist Church
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
Preaching 11:00 A. M.
Class meeting 12:00 P. M.
Evening service 7:30.
H. A. W alter , Pastor
Directors Will Meet Soon and Elect
Active Officers.
M. E. Church
Sunday Services
Sunday School
Morning Service
Epworth League
Evening Service
10:00 A.
11:00 A.
6:30 P.
7:30 P.
Week-Day Services
Prayer Meeting, Thursday :30
P. M
Church Orchestra Practice Fri-
day 7 P. M.
Choir Practice, Friday 8 P M.
W. J. W arren , Pastor.
CLas. Hartung made a trip to
Corvallis Friday morning.
Mr. and Mr«. Fred Deultgen vis­
ited their daughter, Louise at the
Dallas hospital, Sunday.
Dallas. Or., Oct. 19.—The Polk
County Fair Association yester­
day elected the follow ing direc­
tors; C. C. Gardner, o f Bridge­
port, re-elected: Ralph Savery,
o f Salt Creek. L- L. Patterson,
o f Eola; A B. Muir, o f Dallas;
J. G. McIntosh, o f Independence,
and W. L. Soehren, o f Dallas.
The board will meet in a short
time and elect the officers o f the
association. H. L. Fenton, pres­
ident o f the association since its
organization three years ago and
to whose efforts the high stand­
ard o f efficiency attained during
the last exhibition is due, has de­
clined to serve further.
Mrs. Winnie Braden undoubt­
edly will De retained as secretary
and J E. French, the agricul­
tural and horticultural expert,
will again look after Polk Coun­
ty ’s exhibition along these lines
the coming year.
We now urge all our subscribers
to rei.ew their subscription to The
Lost While Hunting
News and get four magazines one
\ \ Wade, who in company year jor only jg cents extra.
Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, Pie«, with Charlie Coonrad went hunt- W RITE OR PHONE.
and other bakery goods, every day ing last week, got lost in the wood«,
at the tails City Bakery.
Mr. Wade spent two days and one
If you have a farm to rent ad­ Smoke Seen Issuing From Crater
M. L. Thompson and family and t night in the Sugar Loaf mountains
vertise it in the News. We have
of Mt. Hood by Residents of
C. J. Pugh went to Portland Fri- before he was found by Coonrad.
inquiries for farms for rent, but as
The Dalles
day. returning Sunday.
none have been advertised we are
Mrs. Harry Dempsey is visiting
We are offering you four maga- unable to direct them.
The Dalles, Oregon O ct 2 0 -
Mrs. O. Aurlaud. Mr. Dempsey zine» and the News one year tor
Groups o f citizens here this after­
ha« gone to eastern Oregon.
only 1118.
Score of Roseburg Autoists Taken noon, about 5 o’clock, watched for
Mrs. Edna Wickard and Kate
Harry and Arthur Starr cele- j
Roseburg, Or., Oct. 19.—To many minutes a circle o f smoke
Keith of Chanut«, Kans.. are the brated their 15th wedding nnui-|
speeding by autu driv­ which appeared to be issuing from
guest» of Mt. and Mrs. J. C. Tal­ versity at Dallas last Suud&y.
ers 20 arrests were made here the vicinity o f Mount Hood, 1000
The school will be closed W ed­ yesterday on charges o f violat­ feet below the summit.
Thursday and Friday of ing the traffic ordinances In­
Fred J. Holman, County Treas­
It was smoke from the crater
urer of Dallas visited friends and next week ou account of the | cluded among those artested or a most peculiar atmospheric
relatives in the city, Saturday aud Teachers institute meeting.
were Mrs. Ida Fox, a soloist o f condition never before seen at
Mrs. C. L Barnhart left Thurs Sutherlin. and Rev. William Riley that point on the mountain. Be­
It is reported that the work on day morning for Independence Jeffry, pastor o f the local Metho- fore nightfall all the town was
the road to the cement quarry has wliere she will reside in the future, dist Episcopal Church. The ac- interested as the stories o f the
been suspended ou account of fail­ Mr. Barnhart is running a butcher cused people were fined $5 each, various groups o f witnesses be­
came noised about.
ure to get ties.
«hop there for the Dallas Meat Co.
FOR SALE— Apple» and English
walnuts. See A. II. Benton, Fall»
City, Ore., Phone 1516.
W. W. Ward and W. H. Estey
A reception was given at the Py
IMtlX M I m in CtUll
Sunday from a tisbing tliian Sisters lodge Wednesday
Miss Erma Dnllaiityne of Green
Isaac Rippen and Reuben Met-
v 1 1lr>, Pa., and her brother, Walter trip at Canoe Landing on the night. A social time in general calf, young Indians, went down
of Oak Grove, Oregon are visiting Siletz. They report a tine catch.
was had
Mrs. N. Selig, delegate to Falls City and got a gallon o f
their brother. H. 8. Ballantyne.
Clias. Moyer and family and to the Grand Lodge rendered her whiskey. At least that's what
Miss Geneva Sayer who is tracli Oscar Sampson and family who ¡report for the past year to the Robert R. Rankin, assistant fed-
eral attorney, says they did, and
ii g at Cherry Grove visited her have been residing in Dallas tem- lodge.
he is prosecuting the case before
parent» over Sunday. Mi«» Bal-
Jim Atwater of Airlle who was
Bean at Portland this week.
lentyne accompanied her home.
hurt recently in a runaway near
But that is not all; Rankin says
W. S. Hense and wife and Mrs. Airlie, died Tuesday of his iujuries.
the Indians took the "firew ater”
See our clubbing offer in this Slierrer aud E. Dow of near Tan­ Burial was made Thursday in the
back to the Siletz reservation with
issue— four popular magazines fori gent are visiting J. S. S. Powell Montgomery cemetery. He leaves
them, thereby breaking a federal
only 18-cents.
and family this week. They are a wife aud three daughters to |
law. The Indians are said to have
mourn his loss.
old neighbors of the Powells.
bought the liquor from a white
When you lose anything an ad
Dr. J. G. Turner, formerly of
Geo. W. Breutner and wife re- man, but not in a saloon.-P olk
in the News will put people on the
lookout and probably restore to the lirm of Lowe & Turner, eye turned from Portland Monday County Observei.
specialists of Portland will be in night. They took a spin up the
The weak point in the above
you some valued article.
Falls City, Wed. Oct. 27th at Fall« Columbia Highway. He says that case is, would tw o Indians have
that had any o f the whiskey left by
The Womans World. Farm and City Hotel. Headaches relieved, it is the finest piece of road
Home, Home Life, Household and cross eye straightened in children he ever saw and the scenery is the time they reached the Siletz
Examination free.
simply grand.
the News one year for $1.18.
Illinois Law Held Invalid Because
"C lass” Legislation
Monmouth. 111., Oct. 20.—Judge
L. E. Murphy, o f the W arren
County Court, in a decision today
held that the state law o f 1901
making hazing a misdemeanor,
was unconstitutional on the ground
that it was class legislation.
The decision was given in the
case o f ten Monmouth high schpol
boys who, it is charged, on May
25 last forced Miles King to swim
in a cold lake and perform other
acts. The boys were discharged,
but are still defendants in a civil
suit for damages brought by K in g