Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 16, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    Saturday, October 10 , 1916
H orn* Seeker
t AIL*. CIT V, »»)
No. 1 7 12 a c r e s adjoining
Good Printing Is Never An Expense
T is an investment
it brings direct returns in increasing business,
intrt ased prestige in your line o f trade, increased satisfaction that
you r
printing is helping to sell goods,
t.'heaj) printing is expensive
at any price, and in printing, cheapness is determined not by what
you pay for it. but by what you get for what you pay.
Printing produced here brings business— its appearance
gives you standing o f w orth— it is cheap only in price.
The Falls City News Printery
T h e H is t o r y of t h e W o r l d
Puttie 1», Who W e* Drowned Perten
Identified and Burned as O’Brien?
Poughkeepsie. N Y -Like u ghost
aged Audretr O’Brien ap|«:ired in St
l ’eter’s churih nt teas- At the earlier
mass prayers had been said for hiui.
and no one lioubtnl it was he who had
teen buried in St. FVtet s cemetery fob
lowing file tiudins o f his snp|v>sed body
in the Hudson river.
The dead tn.in was positively Identl
fioel bv t’ hlef o f Poltee McCabe as All
drew O'Brien, who liad not beeu seen
for several days. Others. Including Hr.
.1 M. Toucher, who knew O'Brien well,
were as i>osltlve as the chief.
The drowned man w as buried, though
not by the side o f O'Brien's wife.
When she died, meny rears ago. she
was placed in the plot o f her own fan»
A fter the excitement due to his ap-
neurance had subsided O'Brien «aid lie
had gone Into the country to wntrk on a
The body o f the roan buried as
O’Brien will be exhumed by Coroner
Seifridge and photographed for identl
F r o m t h e D a w n o f C r e a ti o n
The Great W ar
Is depicted in art, acient^and industry
and presented in wonderful colors
Drought and Food Needs of
Horses Hove Boon Causes.
C a t« Town, South Africa.—Ostriches
In South Africa are dying by scores be­
cause their food has been taken to feed
British cavalry horses. Besides the
withdrawal o f many thousands of tons
o f alfalfa, which Is the main food of
the ostriches during the winter, drought
has added to the scarcity of food.
It is estimated that the farms in
South Africa, which are the principal
sources of supply o f ostrich feathers,
have*lo*t 30 per cent o f their adult
birds. Among young birds the mortal­
ity has been still heavier
Formerly markets for the buying of
feathers were open dally In Cap" prov­
ince. but with the advent o f the war
there w a* a complete cessation o f trade
exchange It was*only at the end o f
June of this year that merchants re­
opened the markets. In the week end­
ing July 5 14,000 pounds were sold.
This waa considered a record week,
and It was Immediately followed by a
trade slump, which resulted In the clos­
ing o f the markets. They have since
been opened only a few days In each
week, and the sales have been sluggl h
Post Office Time Card
No. it. 36 acres near tow n. 15
in cultivation. Good 8-rooni house
Office hours: Daily, »'xc* pi Blin­
barn and henhouse. Roaring or­
da»’, H a.ni. P» 8.80 ji.m.
chard. Some gins! second-growth
M ud arrives, from
Hr. Tim e on part.
San Francisco
This wonderful Exposition closes Dec Ith
Don’ t Miss It
I^st you always look hack to 1915 with regret
S c e n ic S h a s ta R oute
Through the nomlnlnl Valle?» ol the U ll
Uinette. th« S*cr*m#ufo, the t'mpquA ami
the Hogue offer» exceptional diversion
L o w R o u n d T r ip F a r e s
Full particulars with copy of booklet "Wayaide
Notes, Shasta Route” or “ California and Its Two
World Expositions'* on application to nearest Agent.
Haleui 9.00 a.in , 5.15 p in.
Dallai, 9:00 A. M , 5:15 IV M.
Pint land A Eugene train PH,
11 :55 a. in.
No. 5. 1*10 acres in Lincoln Co.,
5 miles from ruilrond, on County
, road. Small cabin and ham ; I
acres in cultivation and HO more
can I k ' cultivated. 350 ¡{-year old
English walnut trees. Good spring
that would furnishs line w ater
power. School
mile, 8 month
term with contract for tw o more
years. This will make an ideal
stock and dairy ranch and can he
bought at a bargain. Terms.
No. R. Mill acres near town.
G old house and barn. Will sell
all or divide to suit buyer.
P a n a m a -P a c if ic E x p o s it io n
Enter* by Knothole. but After Meal le
Too Fat to Get Out.
Baltimore.— Scckes whh-h In the past
have feasted generous'y on real eggs in
the chicken coop of McGill Belt, who
has a farm near Sugar L oa f mountain.
Frederick countjr. have lately taken to
stealing h!s glnss eggs. A dozen o f
these artificial nest eggs were taken
before he was able to get on the trail
of the snakes.
The last snake to steal a glass egg
entered by w ay o f a knothole, but could
not depart by the same route because
the egg protruded so far that Its body
would not go throh'gh the hole. The
snake was captured, then opened, and
the egg taken out and placed back In
the nest.
Buy O rc h a rd Land
Kalla City on County road, Good i
7- room house, city w ater; l»arn
i and chicken park: young orchard I
in Imaring, «mull fruit. All fenced
Nolice to News Subscribers
H tiifdi acres m cultivation. No
A b l u i ' P t n o l l o ro » » m a r k o n t h is
WBste land. Tim e on part.
n o t in o m o o n o ( h o t y o u r o u b o o r lp -
t lo n to T h o N » w t h o o » a p ir o « ! o rn i
No. '■! MO acres mountain land,
n o o c lo Y la ln p
D o It n o w .
1 i n r le i out on County road. 26
acres in cultivation, 20 acres big
second-growth Hr. Good 5-rooni'
When you lose anything an ud
house, barn, outbuildings. Fruit,
in (ho Newa will put propio on tho
and berries; l • prune trees. A l­
lookout and probably rertore to
ls»), good team, wagon, harness
you loma valued article.
1 and some household gixnls.
give time on part.
No. 8. Tw o g.sal 8-r»«m houses
ami luts. some fru it trees with
one. These are among the moat
desirable residences in the city.
They are o f modern construction
and desirably located. Reason­
able terms on part i f desire»I. Will
sell one or loth.
Illaok Rock, 1:30 P. M.
Mail clou«** for:
Salem, 8.60 A M., I P. M. and 5
1*. M.
Dallas, 8:60 A. M. and 5 P. M.
Ktigomi A Portland tram 102,
I p. in.
Black Rock, 11 A. M
S unday O nly
Office hour»: 9:30 to 10:30 a.m:
Mail arrives from Saloni, 9:00
a. in.
Portland A' Ktigeuv train PH,
11:55 a. nn
Mad closes for Salem, 8:50 a. in.
Kuguue ,v Portland train 102, I
No. 9. 20 acres , miles from
town. Good Broom house and
outbuiltlings. 15 acres in cu ltiva­
tion; U acres in apples, 2J acres
in peaches, cherries, iiears and
strawberries. Plenty o f wood for
N«>. 10- Six lots 60x160, three
room house, hen house, some fruit
and strawberries. Cash andterms.
No. 11. 130 acre ranch, B0
acres in cultivation. 25 in timber
balance slashed. 12 acres in hops.
tkxH liou.se and hop house, barn
mated at $2,4410.000. It was bequeath
Dallas, i Ireg- i | i , (h toiler 11, 1915. and other outbuildings.
ed her. together with his home, by
There is nor. a hunted amount
No. 12. 17 acres. 10 in cultiva­
Harry Rlams o f Buffalo. v. |u> died
April 26. 1914.
j'>f school money availald" lorloai
tion, 5 room house, barn and
Rtams and Mrs. Smith, then M's*
n g purposes in Polk Cotiuly.
-we engaged to i *• married
chicken house. T w o springs,
The weddlr g was set for May 30 1914, I School money is loaned at R ,.
w ater piped to house, hot and cold
but Riams was then dying
j Principal may run i O years hy
w ater and hath. B acres in young
His will, which has Just been^ mode
keeping interest promptly paid,
public, leaves the bulk o f his estate to
orchard. 2 acres big second
a fief the first year, may he
his former sweetheart, but she i annot
growth fir. Spring affords w ater
get possession until she is twenty- paid off in . installments to suite
sufficient to irrigate onehalf o f
three, three years from now
i the borrower, borrower must fur-
the land. This land lays just out­
| Mill abstract showing clear title.
side o f the city limits o f Falls
' 12500.00 is the limit that tan he
City. A bargain. *
Jersey Pastor Thus Hopes to Win loaned to any one person, and not
Couples With Children.
¡ t o ’exceed] of the a-.sessed vjlu i-
No. 13. 12 acres 1| miles trom
Plainfield, N. J.—As a special Induo-
ment to parents with young children l lion of the land offered as seem tv town, all under fence and in culti­
All application- vation; 8-room house and barn.
to attend the First Presbyterian church ' will he loaned.
o f this city, the Rev. Hr. Charles E ' must bu made at the office of the
This place can lie sold one-third
Herring announced that be will have
toys In certain pews to amuse the Attorney, Waller I, I’ooze, Jr. in I cash, purchaser to assume mort­
youngsters while their elders take part Dallas.
Applicants must pay the gage now on the place, ( ’ an g i v e ,
tn the services.
ppiication fei of 1 of tbe amount you a bargain.
Church officials kept, watch of the
young married couples with children •applied for. with a minimum of
No. 14. 33J acres o f land, 21
who strolled hy the church on Sabbath $10.00, at the lime application h
afternoons, and as they all passed the made. The rules of the y u le Land acres plow land, 7 acre!} in timber
church without entering a reason w » i
balance pasture. 8-room house,
Restless children was tin- Hoard prohibit the creation of a
woodshed, chicken house; B acres
cause, and the toy Idea was then con “ waling list.' and it is simply n
on hard in bearing. Price
| question of ‘‘ first pome
W ill take one-half in Dal­
At Seventy-two Gete First Train Rio“.. I served".
residence property
Grass Valley. C al.-SIxty five years
and give time on one-fourth.
ago as s girl o f seven. Matilda Woods
i ame to this city with her parents,
Do you lik«' to read good stories?
No. 15. Six-room house, wood­
made her home in a log cabin. In thp
If so take advantage of our clul -
midst of pine trees, and when she
shed with about one acre land.
reaehed maturity w-as married to the hmg offer in this issue of the paper.
Price $900, $300 cash, balance on
township constable.
friends Read it.
It is on page ll.
time. North Main Street. One
brought her stories o f the outside world
John M ScoH, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oiegon
but their tales never moved her to wan
der away from her fireside. Now at the
age of seventy-two she has Just taken
her first ride on a railroad train and
will get her first glimpse of the ocean
Fhe hns gone to visit a daughter In
San Francisco.
(Jirl Inherits |2,400.000 After Marrying
Another Man.
The Womans World, Farm and
Punxsqtawney. Pa - Mrs. Fcpd Smith
Home Life, Household and
of tht* city, form erly Miss Maiy Had­
den |»as*?a!!en hrlr to a fortune exti- the News one year for tl.I8 .
p. m.
Effective May 13, 1915.
I na C. M niiklino , I'ortmai-lrr
Guard Your Children
Against Bowel Trouble
Many < hildrrn at an rarly age
bn omr constipated, and frequently
serious con-equenres result
bring able In realize his own con­
dition, a child's bowels should be
constantly watched, and a gentle
Dr. M iles' Laxative Tablets are
especially well adapted to women
Sisters of
Christian Charity, SJt Charles St ,
1 nzrrnr. Pa , who attend many
cases o f sickness say of them;
"Some time *(n we began ualng Hr
Miles' laxative Tablet* amt fln<t that
we Ilk* them very mu<-h. Their M UM
I* exrellent amV we are gtat.-ful tor
having been made acquainted with
We have had good reaulta in
every rare and the Blstera are very
much pteaaed "
The form and flavor of any medi­
cine is very important, no matter
who is to take it. The taste and
appearanre are especially important
when children arc concerned. All
parents know how hard it is to give
the average child "medicine," even
though the taste is partially dis­
In using Dr. M iles' L ax­
ative Tablets, however, this difh
eu!ty is overcome.
The shape of
the tablets, their appearance * and
candy-like taste at once appeal to
any child, with the result that they
are taken without objection
The rich chocolate flavor and
absence of other taste, make. Dr.
Miles' Laxative Tablets the ideal
remedy for children.
If the first box fails to benefit,
the price is returned.
Ask your
druggist. A box of Z 5 doses costs
only 25 cent
N ever sold in bulk.
M IL E »
E lk h a r t ,
In d .
Pain leaves almost
as if by magic when
you begin using "5-
Prr.ps,” the famouaold
remedy for Rheuma­
tism, Lumbago, Gout,
Sciatica, N eu ra lgia
and kindred troubles.
It goes right to the
spot, stops the aches
ami pains and maker»
life worth living Get
If you have a farm to lent ad­ 8- room house with 6 lots. Price
a bottle of ” 6 -Drops’’
today. a
A »
r i' w ith
vertise i t i n Ilio News. We have $1800; part time.
each bottle gives full
inquiries lor (arms tor rent, hut as • For farth er information, call on
d irectio n s for usr
l»on t delay. Demand
none have been advertised we are or w rite to
"5-Drops” Don't ac­
unable to direi t them.
cept anything cl-e in
D. I j . Wood,
plareofit Anydm g-
Falls City, Oreg. gist can supply you. If you live too tar
See our clubbing offer in this
from a drug rtore send One Dollar In
inson Rheimiati#Cure C o, Newark,
issiu— four p »pillar magazines for
| Get your butter wrappers print- Ohio, nnd a bottle of "o Dzops" will bo
only 18-cents.
4 .ct pr paid.
i ed at the New* office.