THE FALL8 CITY NEWS Su* urti «y, October 1(1, llMfi p ro fc o o to n a l C a r t e jia lla C ity SfemH l'IlVH Il'IAN L. WOOD * FOUR MONTHLY MAGAZINES SON. Publishers Rt>t«*rv»l » • b %** v ih I oibbb Btall i t tb# ptw tofflcv • t F ill# C ity. P M I Oregon, uo.Wr tb# A it o f (.V n jitM cvf M ir rb 9. 1179 Ä 7 4 2 i*hoD# s m orrtc iA L nim rcTOiT o r r e u s c it y THE FALLS CITY NEWS I)R. W. L. Holloway CHIROPRACTIC Wi ll b e a t f a l l * c i t y H o t .l MONDAY. W d NESPAt ami FRIDA Y Kerb W**k. One Year Only $I. 1 H » 110(11000 C a r t I? H. J. Origin, Mayor R M. Wouderly. Councilman at Larg* imrici Phillip Gottfreid H. C. Brown. C. J. Bradley. Councilman I. O. Singleton. C. L. Hopkins. R. A. Titus. C. B. MePberren. Auditor and Pollc* Judg Walter L. Too*e Jr.. City Attorney. Pat Murphy. Marshal and Water Supt. M. L. Thompson. Treasurer Dr. K. M Hrllwartb. Health Oilerr. TheCouncll meet* In regular eesslon on the flrst aud third Tuesday nights ol each month, at 7 * o'clock. In the oIBce ol th* Palls City News S a t u r d a y . O c t o r w 1C, 191S j f allô C it y Ib o tc l We have arranged to furnish the Woman’s World, Home Life. Farm and Home. Household, and the Fulls City News to paid in advance subscribers for only $1.18 the year. S a m p le R o o m s B e s t A o o o m m od o tto n a F. D ro a s e , P ro p rie to r These magazines are printed on h. d eliverin g me* safes from one end nf tbe cltv to the other Palm er wns born In Klemingaburg. K> . Jan 80, tOSS, ami fought all through the H r 11 n .ir I'n cle John, aa he 1» better known, m ine to C aldw ell county l»i 1R.SH H e Is snowy halted and »lig h tly heut. U. S. SUBMARINES ARE BUILT THE STRONGEST stood at nli times that l i t • * -els I eon Id hot l>e completed and dt '.'tried In that time, and the rensou g lve e nl- I w ays hit* been the engine* It Is ie- I lleved. however, that the snlunarlee engine* have lieen *o fa r perfeeted ! that from now on d elivery o f the boats j may he eonfldently expected within • the contract period Naval experta I concede that G erm any may have a «11 ! perlor submarine engine W h ile deeply regretting the lo»a o f the F-4. w ith Its crew o f tw en ty tw o , men. naval officer» take pride In the fact that that wua the only fatal accl ■lent to nn Am erican submarine, while sim ilar accident* have happened to 1 the submarine* o f the big European nation» on more than one occasion But submarine cruising 1* hazardous at best T h e »tructure o f a suhma rtne 1» necessarily delicate Any one o f m any th in g » m ight he responsible fo r w reck in g an underwater boat. Cow P refers P *a r Dist. Hood R iver, Ore. —E R eeve Claxton, an orchardlst on the west side has a i cow that ha* been expensive to keep rhl* summer Mr. Clnxton figure* that ! the cost o f the cow * feed. Including 1 fifty boxes o f d'AnJou pear*, has been | «bout $112.50 RECALLS OurUndersaa Craft Beat Those of Other Nations. W ashington.— W h a tever else m ay he aaid or the aubmarlne lori*»do boats o f the United Stnte*. naval experts f a ­ m iliar with this type o f cra ft are con fldent that the underw ater boats o f 110 other naUon are built on stronger lines. In fact, naval officers say that none o f tiie great w orld powers requires the construction o f submarines to resist anything like the great w ater pressure that la required o f Am erican suhma rlnes. Submarines built fo r the Am erican navy must have hull strength aufflclent to resist the pressure o f the ocean at a depth o f 300 feet. B efore these dell cate c ra ft are accepted they m ust have withstood pressure at a depth around 210 feet, which Is deemed sufficient, hut must be strong enough to go much lower. British and Germ an suhma rlnes are not required to stand pressure at 300 feet, the requirem ent usually running around 200 feet. German sub­ marines, ns a rule, are tested at a depth around 150 fe et and those o f the B rit­ ish navy sometimes at. a greater depth. O f all submarine defects those a f ­ fectin g the propelling engines have been most numerous and bothersome. T h e developm ent o f this t r y * o f en ­ gine has been v e ry gradual. ITntll very recently, however, engine trouble has been o f common occurrence in sub­ marines. and the w ork o f construction has been delayed m ore by engine tie fects probably than from all other de fecta combined. For exam ple, w h ile the contracts for submarines usually call fo r d elivery within tw o veers, it has liee*. umler- 1861 R. L C H APM AN Funeral Directot W o attood to all work promptly. Delta* sod Fall* City. Or Zhc O r e g o n C . W . M a t t h e w s , P r o p r ie t o r P b o b R 127 SCENES. P r*a c h *r, Ones Fiddler, Mads and L e tt Seven Fortune*. Shasta. C al.— S D. N ew blll, evangel- j 1 st. has Just been on a vlalt here to recall tbe scene* o f 1861. when he was j a gold miner " I mined some, but I fiddled more,” ( explained the preacher, " f o r tbe mtnera j liked my fiddling and paid w ell fo r It 1 at the dnneea. “ I came acroaa the plains with ox teams and made $1.200 on tbe w ay selling whisky. I wua in this old town fo r over a year, but I d on 't find any o f the old faces or buildings. “ I rem ember paying $1 fo r a mince pie, but I can't find even the she o f the bakery.” N ew b lll explained that he follow ed all the gold rushes, made seven fo r­ tunes anil lost them all Finally, tw e lv e years ago. when broke, he took to preaching. Zhc IT b a b e C H A 0 . M I X , 8»n.>r*tiB!Toi Beware of Ointment» for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense o f Hindi and completely derange the whole system when entering It through lh* mucous surface* Such article* should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physician*, s i the damage they will do la ten fold to the good you can poaalbly derive from them H aifa Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F J Cheney A Co , Toledo. O., contain# no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ face* of th* system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cur# be sure you get the genu­ ine It is taken Internally and made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Tes­ timonial* free. Rnld by Druggists. Price 7Sc per bottls. Home Made Candien HARRINGTON Them is a Jack (or every G and some one wants the orticl yon want to sell. Advertising the News bring* results. Try or Taka Bali a Family Pills for eoaatlpatlon. Extra copies ot The News a Correspondents wanted in every printed each week, and will be hr neighborhood in this Ruction ol the to any address desired, post.piii country. 1 for 5 cents per copy. %