Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 16, 1915, Image 1

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Indapendanoe Visitor Would
R tg u *
lata Spaad ot G as-W agons
Editor Monitor— Your corres­
pondent visiting your city last
week was surprised to find thut
it does not enforce a 16-mile
speed limit. Walking down on
the road to Salem, a mile out o f
vown, I was overtaken by a my-
torcocle speed fiend who scorched
by me within two feet going at
lit) miles an hour. Altho he hud
the whole w’ idth o f the road to
travel, I was on the side, he
looked back to see if he had
knocked me down.
Now then as u person has a
right to proctect himself Irom
"assault and battery” w e’ ll say
under the law. I claim I have
that same right on the road
against these ' ‘fiends” and shall
exercise it should occasion require
by shooting. It is against the
law to carry concealed weapons
so mine will be openly carried
for self protection on the high­
way. I shall take out a license
for carrying a gun and - hunt as
speed "fiends” are always in
Albert 0 . Yates.
I*. S. I jet every person exer­
cise his or her right for self pro­
tection and speed "fiends” will
soon be a thing o f the past.—
’to County Judge H. B. Beatie, of
Clackamas county, and paid no
attention to it in taking his cruise.
During the conversation be-1
tween Mr. Nease and lax Aoent
Marshall, in the form er’s office,
Judge Bee tie was secreted in an
adjoining room and witnessed
the whole transaction.
The cruise given Mr. Nease by
Mr. Marshall was many timesj
smaller than the one he eventu­
ally made, testifiedAMr. Nease.
The trial ended this afternoon, j
In rendering a decision, Judge! G o v e rn o r to A p p o in t M om bera of
Campbell ditl nut question the
H o m e sto a d C o m m issio n P ro vid e d F o r
by N o w A c t— W d l H a v a to In h a b it
value placed by Assessor Jack.
However, he compromised be ! • nd O s vo lo p N o w T e r r it o r y — L a n d ­
o w n e rs U n d e r S m a ll O b lig a tio n .
tween the county and private
cruises and the assessed valua-1 Hau Juan, Port» ItIco. —Governor Ya­
tion o f the Weyerhauser’s hold­ ger H preparing to appoint members o f
the homestead commission, provided
ings will be reduced somewhat, i for by an act of the last legislature of
Poor Men Abie lo Buy Farms
and Homos Cheap.
Sovan Units Concerned
Seven units were concerned in
controversy, contains 4240 acres.
The entire holding o f the timber
company in this county amount
to over 21,000 acres. The court
sustained the county cruise on
three oi these units and lowered
it on four. About 5J0.000.00f) feet
o f timber will be lopped o ff the
assessment rolls as a result.
The trial took two days. Dis­
trict Attorney Giloert L. Hedges
appeared for the county, and
Robert McGuire and
L. Star
for the plaintiffs.
Porto Itleo.
This <ouiuil**i»n will have to deal
with a homestead problem lo Inhabit
and develop a new territory.
It 1»
charged equally with developing the re
sources o f the people and the island.
The last legislature, however, appro
printed $10.000 for the purpose o f muk-
lug further surveys, aud government
surveyors are now at work near d a les
These lands are to be offered to Porto
«lea n laborers on easy terms In an ef
fort to establish them as small farmers
and land owners.
Although Porto Blco Is dependent
solely on agilcultufe. there are compar
ntlvely few small farmers In a mens
! If
N. S E L IG ’S
Unsuccessful Prospector
F A « L L S C I T Y D E P A R T M E N T S T O R E
Wm Gj¥0 |t yp>
New Westminster. B C. — Wilbur
Armstrong, a Washington prospector
in Taxes on Tim ber Lan d s
of seventy-two, plunged Into the niouu
>talns o f P itt range recently on bis
tenth trip In search o f Slumagh's mine,
l-'or ten yeers Armstrong has made thle
City. Or., Alleged pilgrimage every summer, bnt this, he
tactics o f the Weyerhauser Land says, will be the last If It proves as
company, the largest timber hold­ barren ns the others.
Armstrong 1» not the only man who
ing compuny in the world, a cor­ has headed search parties tn the at­
poration valued at close to$2.t)00. tempt to locate this hidden treasure,
000,000, to keep the assessed whose location Is asserted to he within
twenty miles o f the head o f Pitt lake,
valuation o f its holdings down, yet which has been discovered by but
were told in the Clakamas county one man. who Is now dead, since Slu-
circuit court by M. G. Neatje, magh. the Indian after whom It 1»
named, was hanged In the Jallyard at
timber cruiser o f Portland.
New Westminster In 1801.
Walter Jackson, the second discov­
Mr. Nease’s testimony was
erer. panned out thousands o f dollars’
given while on the stand in the worth o f gold In n few days whetr he
trial o f Weyerhauser Land com­ located It In 1001. Burying the main
pany vs. Clackamas county, on purt o f his treasure, he came out with
appeal from the board o f equal­ dust and nuggets to the value of $8,000.
Intending to return and utake claims at
ization o f this county. The board Ills leisure. But he fell sick and. being
refused to lower the valuation about to die, bethought him o f Andrew
Hall, who had grubstaked him at Oay-
placed by Assessor J. E. Jack tos many years before H e wrote to
upon 4210 acres o f the timber Hall and drew n chart. Hall, finding
company’ s holdings in Clackamas himself In need of money 1i\ the Yu­
kon, sold the letter and chart to a
cousin o f Armstrong, to whom the doc­
Several years ago Mr. Nease uments flnnlly camp.
Jackson's description of his Und.
was; employed by Clackamas
which Is In n creek In a canyon to
Vounty to make a cruise o f all its which there la no outlet except by an
underground channel, says In part:
timber lands,
“ In going upstream 1 found n place
Offerod Free Qruise.
where the bedrock was bare, and you
According to Mr. Nease’s test­ will hardly believe me when I tell you
the bedrock was yellow with gold. In
imony to day, George W. Marsh­ a few days 1 gathered thousands, and
all, tax agent o f the Weyerhauser there were thousands more In sight.”
B ig Lum be r Conoern Gel Reduction
Land company at the time Nease
made this cruise, offered him M U T E . T A L K S T O A N IM A LS .
free, a cruise o f all the timber
F a rm e r H a t Bssn U nable' to Spaak to
company’s holdings in Clackamas
F rie n d s F o r T w o Y e a rs .
county, and said the Weyerhaus­ Crane, Mo.—Physicians are puzzled
er company would fight him, if j by an ailment vvhlch strikes W. H.
j.Hilton dumb when he attempts to ad­
the county cruiser did not enter dress persons near him, but permits
the privat cruise as his own.
him to speak plainly to persons at a
Believing it to be the easiest distance or to animals.
Hilton Is a farmer and has suffered
way out o f it, as he testified, Mr. with the affliction since he had the
Nease agreed to accept this cruise, whooping cough two years ago. He
but immediately turned it over Is slxty-flve years old.
ure this Is due to the fact that much
land Is either held iq large tracts or Is
farmed to crops thut demand large
The laborers on these plantations and
elsewhere frequently live In houses
which they own. but which are built
on leased land. Agricultural workers
seldom own both house and land, and
It Is the exception rather than the rule
when they do any farming for them­
selves. They live largely on food 1m-
Isifted into the Island, chiefly rice and
beaus and codtlsb.
The new homestead law provides
that the government may sell to de­
serving laborers tracts o f land for
farming purposes not to exceed five
acres each or tracts for dwelling pur­
poses not to exceed 500 square meters,
the laborers to have from eleven to
thirteen years lo pay for the land,
which Is to be tax free until Anally
paid for.
In order (o be of assistance to the
most needy the law provides that no
one may become an applicant who
earns more than $500 a year or who Is
not married or who does not have a
family to support. The law also pro­
vides that for a period o f seven yenrs
(hose taking the small farms roust cul­
tivate them under the supervision of
the homestead commission.
So that the homesteader may become
the ultimate owner o f the land the law
provides that the homestead may not
he taken for debt and It may not be
transferred to another except under
regulations established by the commls
slon. I f a homesteader dies Ids heirs
may_asstinic the obligation o f Jiaylng
for the property ami obtain title Io~ It
when the property has been completely
paid for.
The on y obligation which the home­
steader takes upon himself Is that
within one year after he comes into
possession o f a five acre farm he must
build a shack o f a value of at least $50
and have at least one-third o f the land
under cultivation within two yearn.
From the third to the thirteenth yeas
he must pay to the government annu­
ally a sum equal to 10 per cent of the
assessed value o f the property, and be
must live upon It for at least a period
o f five years. Ih tjie event that these
conditions are not compiled with, the
property reverts to t ie government, to
be again disposed o f by the homestead
D s a f, T w is t s N eck, H s a rs .
Tm y. Kan.— Following an attack of
typhoid pneumoula. Frank High, a
young man o f this place, was tcftally
deaf for ten months, and his doctor
failed to help him. A few days ago
In a tussle with Zack Bailey. High's
neck got twisted, and Ms bearing
••ume back Iwstnotlr
R iche st M an Tells of Taking H i* F irs t
Job, S ix t y Years A g o.
Tarrytown. N. Y.—Sixty years ago
John f*. Rockefeller took his first job.
and when the old man's attention was
called to the fact It was evident that
he had been thinking o f the old days
and thnt first Job. for he had facts and
figures at his fingers' ends.
“ It was Sept. 2ti. 1835. that I went tn
work In Cleveland as an assistant book;
keeper," he said, "and 1 worked front
that date until Jan. I for $50. I w on­
der what the young men o f tods y
would say If they had to work that
time for the money 1 received.”
"And I suppose tllen you got a
raise?” a reporter asked.
“ Well, the rest speaks for Itself," he
Mr. Rockefeller appeared to take
much pleasure tn thinking o f the old
days and thnt first job. He gave the
reporter the Impression that nny young
man who wns willing to work and was
thrifty would get along In the world.
Section 537 Postal Laws and Reg­
Whover shall use or attempt to
use in payment of postage, any
canceled postage stamp, whether
the same has been used or not;
or shall remove, attempted to re­
move. or assist in removing, the
canceling or defacing marks from
any postage stamp, or the super­
scription from any stamped en­
velope, or postal card, that has
once been used in payment o f pos­
tage. with the intent to use the
same for a like purpose, or to sell
o r offer to sell the same, or shall
knowingly have in possession any
such postage stamp, stamped en­
velope, or postal card, with intent
to use the same, or shall knowing­
ly sell or offer to sell any such
postage stamp, stamped envelope,
•or postal card..or use or attempt
to use the same in payment o f pos­
tage; or whoever unlawfully and
willfully shall remove from any
mail matter any stamp attached
I thereto in payment o f postage;
or shall knowingly use or cause to
be used in payment o f postage,
any postage stamp, postal card, or
sta.mped envelope, issued in pur-
suai ice o f law, which has already
been used for a like purpose; shall,
if he be a person employed in the
posta 1 service, be fined .not more
than .iv e hundred dollars, or im­
prison ed not more than three years,
or both:; and if he be a person not
employ ed in the postal service,
shall b e fined not more than five
hundr» id dollars, or imprisoned not
more t ban one year, or both.